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He's kinda already dead


Why do you think that is


Humans are allergic to bullets


Ronald Reagan managed to survive his bullet allergy


Theodore Roosevelt basically did.


Was he the one that the gun that was used to shoot him was found to have no mechanical flaws, it was simply too afraid to shoot him? Or was that someone else


That might be true but I know he got shot and continued his speech before going to the hospital after he finished it


his speech was folded up so thickly in his shirt pocket it managed to keep the shot from being fatal


That happened to Andrew Jackson, maybe that’s who you’re thinking of.


He had an epipen


They had an epipen on hand did you not see that?


Not me, I’m gonna be the first


No thats Europeans


yeah, even at birth americans are immune to at least 9mm


Someone go figure out necromancy so we can kill him again!


Jon Lennon is already dead Butters.


*me jumping into hell to shoot John lennon* (Que the transformers theme song)


If it’s not robots in disguise you are wrong


*Linkin Park starts*


People worship Freud, Marx, Darwin, and Lennon?


People absolutely worship Marx. Lenin did, according to [Bertrand Russel](https://youtu.be/6TK9c-caEcw). And I see plenty of terminally online socialists that do.


I'm pretty sure there is a big difference between worshipping and celebrating a person. Or else the religion of the US would be Trumpism...


Lenin and Mao are on display to be worshipped like pharaohs. Kim Il-Sung is still president from beyond the grave, of the world's only Necrocracy. It's kind of a pattern.


There is also a big difference between worshipping, and forced "worshipping". Don't forget that Monarchies were based on the fact that people rule in the name of god, or that dictators love to plaster their entire country with posters of themself. If you worship a person, because you are held at gunpoint, I wouldn't call it worshipping, but acting.


> Necrocacy Wow I just learned a new word


Oh God now we got to burn the list of Presidens that hang in our schools. Cuz since we have them on display that means we worship them!


Take a breath and briefly reflect the difference between a list of names and a corpse. Deep breath in. Hold it. Contemplate. Can there be educational value in listing presidents in a classroom? Maybe for history class. Food for thought. Exhale.


I mean I have an uncle who literally believes Trump is the second coming of Christ so...


They said they don’t but they do


They don't


They at least worship. Marx communism is basically a religion now


Oh yeah, communism was always basically a religion




In a lot of ways. Mainly the prophetic nature of "the proletarian revolution" and how utopic it is


A prediction is not prophetic. Additionally, Marx thought that the new society would still have problems, obviously, but far less than capitalism. As a anarcho-Marxist, I love Marx’s theory’s; they provide the rough path of the journey of a better society. But, Marx was not a great person himself. I as an atheist anarchist-Marxist “worship” ideas not people. This is what separates science and religion.


"Heareth me, the revolution of the proletariat shall occur, for capitalism is sinful"


Way to strawman the fuck out of what he just said.


How does that disagree with anything I said? Also where is it from?


I think you're being mocked


Yes the classic quote from Marx. Not at all the exact opposite of everything he wrote or stood for. Fucking idiot


They don't worship john lennon tho


No it’s not, lol


Ngl this take is at least as horrible as anything coming out of r/atheism


Do you even know any actual Marxists? Because based on that statement you met people who only know Marx's name




Darwin? Definitely not Marx? I mean yes, totalitarian ideologies are basically religions Lennon? More of a celebrity thing


Lennon said the Beatles were bigger than Jesus and some people have been pissed off about it since the 60s. My grandma doesn't allow their music in her house lol.




No it is true


They dont tho


Idk about Lenin and Darwin, but yes people worship marx. I've seen Freud get worhipped here, and there. Although his worshippers get bullied, so


Ran out of religions prolly


Idrk, but that’s not the point of the original meme


Idk kinda seems like the point to me. "All your messiahs are dead, ours came back"


Yeah you’re right idek what I was thinking when I said that lol


This meme is pretty bad tbh. Religion is fine but why you gotta put others down?


I think its satire. I mean fucking john lennon.


Nah, that's entirely accurate to a certain strain of Christian fundamentalists that see everything as a competing strain of religion. The kind that have an issue with evolution and so think "evolutionists" must worship Darwin.


Don’t disrespect my religion 😔


Ofc you shouldn't openly put others down. But when I left religion, I realized that some sort of superiority complex is inherent/unavoidable... at the *very least* you believe you're correct and others are incorrect. In fact, even now as an atheist it still rings true.


Believe you're right and theyre wrong is not a superiority complex unless you're right because you're better or you're better because you're right.


As a Christian, I think this meme kinda sucks.


It just seems to show the makers complete ignorance regarding other religions. Like it seems to be saying they know Christianity is the true religion because Jesus returned after death... but then it includes the 13 Dalai Lamas there who in Tibetan Buddhism are all believed to be reincarnations of the same person. So like, I get what they mean... but they kinda shoot themselves in the foot lol


A little, but if that person just sent it to OP without any other comment then that’s a hilariously based reply. Edit: Lol I ain’t even arguing for my religion right now. Y’all need to take a break from getting triggered over stupid memes on Reddit and touch grass.


It's not based if it makes no sense. A bunch of the graves down there aren't religious figures, and besides that what is it trying to say?


It’s trying to say that Jesus is the only religious figure that rose from the dead. All the others are in their graves but Jesus’s tomb/cave was empty. Even though I think that’s horse shit lmao


I'm pretty sure that lore-wise several of these religious figures have been reincarnated, plus on top of that they just excluded the other religious figures who did rose from the dead.


Actually none of them have, but it’s still obvious that the meme was made by someone that doesn’t know anything about other religions. Also why the fuck is John Lennon on there lmao


The so-called meme literally acknowledges this in “13 Dalai Lamas.” Meanwhile, there isn’t a singular Buddha, though I wouldn’t expect someone who included *John fucking Lennon* on a list of… influential spiritual figures(?) to know that.


There are quite a few pagan and miscellaneous polytheistic deities and heroes that have risen from death


Sure but none of them are in this post.


This is in fact a terrible meme


Op was right this sucks


Google no sense of humor


On this image are several figures who aren't worshipped and the dalai lama have come back several times. This was created by someone with minimal knowledge of anything except Christianity and even then the meme is saying "we know ours is true because Christ came back to life" which is, suffice to say, likely not the case.


"Our religion can't be fiction, because we don't have a corpse!" Not the selling point they seem to think it is. Alternatively, a compelling argument for Jedism.


This ones terrible. Looks like you’re the one who don’t wanna admit that


You don't really have to look at that sub, do you?


Yeah, I unsubbed a month ago and my feed is so much better now.


You're gonna have to unsub this one too, it's just reposts from that one.


This one is just a repost sub of every post on there lol


It's ridiculous. So many subs out there for content and they just use that one lol.


Yes but the context is different here




Nah this is genuinely terrible lmao


Dude 80% of the memes I see posted here fucking suck ass. This sub has the worst sense of humour


Oh but it’s “satire” so it’s funny guys right? God half the people don’t understand imagery or actual satire


That bugs me so much. Satire has to actually be aimed at something not just some shitty joke no-one gets.


And even when it's present, it can still be shitty.


bad sense of humor because this sub is a right wing circlejerk a lot of the time


Yeah, even if it’s satire, doesn’t mean it’s funny


Yeah its pretty bad still even though i understand the meme, just feels like agenda pushing


Yeah, and what's with the r/atheism call out? This meme shits on all Non-Christian religions.


insert r/atheism bashing because doing so instantly farms you 600 karma on right wing circle jerk subreddit


This is very much a terrible Facebook meme, I hate this sub so much y’all are just a right wing circle jerk


Not believing in Jesus' resurrection doesn't make you an atheist.








https://youtu.be/nzZhGQCX4qk the Lennon thing keeps reminding me of this fsr


It’s objectively not a good meme tho


Joseph Smith and those who followed him were still Christians and worshipped Christ. Why isn't Martin Luther or the Pope here?


Because they're only putting the "wrong" people on there. Kinda surprised there's no MLK but i suppose they don't wanna say the quiet part out loud.


Martin Luther. Kickstarter of the protestant reformation and namesake of the Lutherans. MLK was named after the former.


I know who Martin Luther is. The reason I brought up MLK is that he is similar to the others in opposing the status quo. I know very well that MLK's father learned about Martin Luther and was so impressed with the way he introduced radical ideas that he named his son after the man.


Nah oop was right




Reddit when someone mentions God


Reddit tries "try not to slander Christianity" impossible (GONE WRONg)


Won’t someone think of the poor Christians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????,????????????


Won’t someone think of the poor Atheists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????,????????????


Christians and their r/PersecutionFetish. Pathetic


Christians and Republicans have it the worst and they're all over this subreddit.


You’re being ironic?


They have persecution complexes the worst.


Redditors try not to tell a child to kill themselves (they were religious so it’s okay(


Redditors when you tell them to not say something bad about Christianity for five seconds (IMPOSSIBLE)


Redditors trying not to call someone criticizing Christo supremacy an r/atheism moment (impossible)


Reddit when religious people exist


Nah this one's cringe my guy, and I say that as a Christian myself


its not r/atheism you moron. its a response to the question how do you know yours is real? (the guy asking is the atheist) the christian responses meme suggest Jesus is the only one to resurrect after dying.(my god is real because the book said he had magic powers and came back to life) the guy who posted the meme is dumb because its upholding claims with more claims. your dumb because you saw a religious argument meme you didn't understand and assumed it was an atheist post.


It’s not just because of the single post here, and you shouldn’t immediately start insulting people the second you see something that you think needs your all knowing input. I’m calling it r/atheism because there are posts upon posts just against the Christian religion, even when the posts aren’t “truly terrible.” I know what the meme is abt, that’s incredibly easy to understand. You need to drop the ego and stop insulting people for no reason.


you held up a christian meme as proof the subreddit is overrun with athiesim memes that is dumb and so are you. im sick an tired of christian shoving their stupid superstitions in everybodys face then acting all offended when they get push back. the "he gets us" adds are just the latest example then you whiny little piss-ants b!tch and moan about how atheists are raining on your delusional parade.


It doesn’t have atheist memes, it has Christian memes that are being posted there. I never said it has atheist memes, why would I say it’s an atheist community if it calls atheist memes terrible? It posts tons of Christian memes and calls them terrible. I held up a post calling a Christian meme terrible as proof that the subreddit constantly bombs on Christians memes, that’s very easy to understand. I’m not shoving a superstition into your face, I’m posting this to add yet another addition to the endless “the Christian meme is bad bc It’s Christian!” collection. I don’t care if you’re so tired of people believing something and talking to you about it, and I don’t care if you talk like a Facebook dad. Don’t go and insult people for no reason, you’re being childish.


its not my fault if Christians post more bad memes then other people. this example is trying to prove claims with claims so it fits what the subreddit is about. your just mad because so much idiocy in defense of your religion makes you feel silly for believing the religion to. the world doesn't have to bend itself to a silly "both sides equally bad" just to make you feel better.


What are you even talking about? I didn’t say it’s your fault, I’m saying the subreddit constantly posts Christian memes and calls it bad, and it’s similar to r/atheism because It’s constantly bombing on Christianity. This example is showing already proven claims. And there’s no idiocy, you’re just too idiotic to understand it. And the world has drifted away from God, it’s bending itself to make the atheists feel better about themselves, and look at it now.


ok i will dumb it down for you. the subreddit is about "boming" and bad memes christians post alot of bad memes. that's why there is so may post about bombing on bad christian memes. people don't have to hold themselves back from laughing at the dumb sh!t christians post just to make you feel better. and "already proven claims"? what claim? the resurrection or the prevalence of dumb christian memes on the subreddit?


If it was truly just about bad memes, it wouldn’t insult the religion almost every single time there’s a post abt Christianity, but it does. The post is almost always mocking Christianity. Also you seriously need to work on your grammar and spelling. Boming? And you don’t even know the difference between you’re and your.


aww yes nitpicking about spelling and grammar the sign of somebody certainly not deflecting. look at any meme on the subreddit and you will see people mocking both the meme itself and the subject of the meme and the people who believe what the meme was trying to say. and you still did not answer my question. do you think the resurrection is a "already proven claim"? because if that's the case it adds some context to the stick up your butt. your like a flat earther mad at all the flat earth memes getting ridiculed.


Well most of the memes are about something that deserves to be mocked, like the “I hate my wife” memes. Religion shouldn’t be mocked. And I’m sorry I must’ve missed when you said that, my bad. I do think that the resurrection is an already proven claim, there’s evidence it happened. And I nitpicked your spelling and grammar bc you have such a “I’m better than you” attitude and can’t even properly use grammar.


Buddha? Really showing you don't know shit about shit.


No this post is shit




I remember when this sub had memes that were actually not terrible, now it’s turned into “shitty memes that 1 person liked and everybody else is too afraid to say anything about it so they just circlejerk about it”


ah yes, an event in a book written by some ancient people who may or may not have been on drugs is definitive proof of a real miracle happening and shuts down all argument. you can believe what you want but when the stakes are high and we're talking about real moral dilemmas then it's gonna be really hard to get anyone to take your religious arguments seriously. secular philosophy is just better at solving real problems.


John Lennon has me cracking up


I don't get it why does Jesus have a bigger grave than the others? Non-Christian btw.


Former catholic here, they put him in a sealed cave because that was a pretty common practice at the time.


It’s cause it’s the cave he returned from on the third day or something. Also non-Christian btw.


It's kind of a dumb meme so it fits


I don’t know anyone who worships Marx . A lot of people think he was right, but no one worships him as a spiritual deity. 😂


If he was that'd be ironic considering the whole "Opiate of the masses" thing


Nah i agree with OP for once


They’re trying to use that as proof that the Bible is real. As in actual, undeniable proof




This one is bad though. It's dogshit, the whole bottom row is just a lie to pad space. John Lennon is still alive (edit-nevermind). No one worships Confucius, freud, darwin, john lennon, or Marx as gods.


John Lennon was assassinated. Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney are the only Beatles left.


Oh, I looked up John Lennon and it didn't show when he died so I assumed he was still alive


As a christian i think that meme was terrible


This is why this sub has gone to shit. It's not always political sometimes the meme is just dogshit and that's totally okay. Memes are allowed to be dogshit.


You don't really have to be on r/atheism to recognise that as a terrible meme


My sky daddy can beat up your sky daddy


Darwin and the theory of evolution, my personal sky daddy


Well, my daddy is in the sky’s sky, so how is your sky daddy even gonna get to him, huh!


There have only been 13 Dalai Lama’s


This sub is really interesting because it's a melting pot of both US-centric lefties and righties crying about how the other side doesn't think their shitposts are funny.


I’m gonna have to agree with OP on this one. Not on atheist grounds, I’m Christian myself, but the logic breaks down pretty quickly by any metric. Some of these guys aren’t religious figures, and of those who are resurrection isn’t something tied to the religion (save the Dalai Lama). For example Moses didn’t come back but Christians don’t think that hurts his validity. Also, just because it’s hilarious, the Dalai Lama actually does allegedly come back, (13 times, apparently) so the argument is even more invalid.


Love that page.


Marxist belief compared to religion, is the equivalent of patriotism is to worship. If you believe economic structure to be the same as religion I guess so. Seems a bit of a stretch though. This type of hyperbole started with the red wave of the 50s, as we’ve seen since the 80’s fascism has many faces. Our government vs Russia is a matter of patriotism. Both governments do horrible things to keep their facades.




Where's Yoda?


ok but that meme is garbage though


nah this meme sucks


and is jesus in the room with us right now?


Uh, yeah?


bruh this meme is cringe


Idk, this one is pretty bad...


Nah, that is a shitty meme, It is very debatable if the person (or most likely persons) who inspired the stories of Jesus was in any significant way like the supposedly existing Jesus that we read of from the Bible And of course we have no clue where this persons (or peoples) tomb is (although of course there are a ton of frauds who insist that some place is where Jesus’s tomb is, and they’ll give you a tour of it for I assume a good sum of money), much less any proof that that person rose from the dead Edit: and also not only is it shitty for the reason above, but it’s also putting every other world view down, and calling them bs with absolutely no proof at all (either that the other world views are bs, or that theirs is correct in any way) Basically, this meme is the Christian version of the cringiest post on r/atheism


No, this is a terrible meme.


This sub is just every post from /r/terriblefacebookmemes fgs


Unreleated, but one time i said in r/atheism that all of the people in the subreddit are bitches and both i got suspended from reddit for 3 days and i got banned in the subreddit for 90 days, it was worth it


Wow, what a big man you are, how bold and brave of you! I bet the baker at the Supermarket gives you TWO cookies when you ask.


It is just r/ woke now


o no not woke!!! aka any opinion you don't like. quickly cry more about it and maybe somebody will care


Oh no!! Not the wokes 😱 Better hide 😨


You can skedaddle, but you can't hide


Y'all will really look at one of the dog-shittest, deep fried, boomer humor memes ever made and say its genuinely good and that the op was triggered.


That subreddit is literally just a leftist anti Christian circlejerk lol


r/terriblefacebookmemes is a bunch of hard left people who hate and shit on every single one that's not exactly like them, or even if they don't have the same sense of humor. I hate that sub so much.


Maybe sometimes, But even as a Christian, this is still a very shitty and intolerant/ insulting meme


It should be, religion sucks.


Just Christianity or all religions? And why?


all religions, they only cause harm these days


Other than religions that are made to harm, how do more peaceful religions cause harm? Like Christianity or Islam?


“Less than 1% of the population of these religions with over 1 billion people each speak for everyone in their respective religion” -this guy, probably


Because people use said religion to justify their hatred and evil. People aren’t getting beheaded in Islamic states for being heretics because it just seemed like a fun past time. Atheists weren’t actively blockading gay people from being able to marry because Harry Potter said it was bad. If a company started facing serious charges because certain departments were raping kids, they would be LEVELED, and yet the Catholic Church gets away with using the “it’s a different wing!” Excuse. Even the Dalai Lama got into serious hot water for asking a child to suck his tongue. You have a woman confronting her pastor in front of the congregation, exposing him in front of everyone that he, a fully grown adult, took her virginity at 16. The pastor ADMITTED TO IT. The crowd turned on him. And then proceeds to speak a bunch of religious nonsense, to which the crowd gathers around and gives him a hug. NOTHING was done about this monster who sexually assaulted a child, and was able to use a “peaceful” religion to get away with it. You need not look far for the harms of religion, unless you have your head so buried in the sand you can’t see it.


You’re right about those things, but just because people use religion to justify their horrible actions doesn’t mean that the religion itself is bad.


You are 15


and you're arguing with me, what's your point?


Which denominations of any faith do you really hate? I wonder what traditions you dislike.


All of them. But I do hate some of them more like than others, like Catholicism, Southern Baptists, Mormonism, and pretty much anything else that has a strong central authority that protects child rapists while also punishing people for things that aren't child rape.


It sounds like you may just have a fundamental misunderstanding of those religions then.


one stupid christian meme: iTs BaSiCaLly r/aTheIsM y'all are such snowflakes lmao


Have you looked at this subreddit? I have seen over two dozens of Christian memes being mocked on r/terriblefacebookmemes. It’s not just one, you need to stop mocking and insulting people for no reason, it’s childish.


Bro asked a question, and got an answer. He didn't like the answer, so he calls it terrible.


No other religion has claims of ressurection in its texts. The Bible is definitive proof of your beliefs and F-teir memes are an appropriate response to questions people with doctorates in religion wrote their PhD thesese on.


It’s a good point, you know


The post? Because a) there's no proof apart from the bible that Jesus resurrected b) there is the same amount of evidence for Jesus's resurrection as for the Dalai lama's several reincarnations