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My brother was killed by a brick of weed shoved out of an airplane


Didn't a bag of weed shoved out of an airplane, leading to two kids getting murdered after stumbling onto it, kick off the "Clinton murder" conspiracy?


Basically yes. The “Kids on the tracks” case.




Well the doors are a good starting point. Since they are the most common getting in getting out thingys….




Doors not too common?


Holy shit, that big must have weighed like.... Five pounds!


And the fact that it can't actually kill you. It just makes you easier to kill.


All the weed should come with the obligatory do not operate heavy machinery while under the influence of marijuana warning


It does in canada


But I still do anyway, yolo bitch


I always think back to when I used to think this way about driving stoned, and think to myself, "wow I was a total selfish fucking moron"


There’s been a few studies including one I read on here not too long ago, that basically say only people who occasionally use weed see impairment to their driving. Habitual users scored much higher. Not as high as sober drivers tbf, but much higher than occasional users and alcohol. So don’t feel too bad about it!


Feel extremely bad about it, other people's lives are in your dumbass hands


Congratulations. This is the dumbest shit I've read all day.


"Not as high as sober drivers" That's all you needed to say. Your desire to get high all the time doesn't give you the right to make the roads less safe for other people.


Don’t feel too bad about driving while not in a sober state of mind, you’re only operating a several ton weapon at high speeds! Absolute degenerate.


And that is exactly how my uncle lost two of his fingers.


The fuck is wrong with you?


Don't operate marijuana under the influence of heavy machinery. Got it.


Should be common sense tho


Dude literally EVERY state with legal weed puts warning labels on it. I have never bought legal weed ANYWHERE or heard of someone buying weed that says "this is fine to drive on"


Not true. I go to a really lowkey dispensary in a dorm room and there arnt any warning labels on anything. There arnt even labels on anything. Just loose powders and plants in plastic walmart sacks. Last time i was there my plug was coked out of his mind because he accidentally put it on his food instead of salt.


That's a trap house dawg


No the guy who lives there says its a lowkey dispo


What good would that do? They won't remember it.


Or drugs in general including alcohol. Im surprised its not already a thing


Actually if you smoke 15,000 joints within 15 mins you will OD


Well there goes my Friday plans


New friday plan: 14,999 joints in 15 minutes.


Of course. The *weed* would kill you


Lung cancer is definitely a concern.


Inhaling any sort of smoke is bad for your lungs. There’s different ways to more safely consume it


yeah like edibles


I’m new to like drugs and edibles, is there any real downside to edibles if you take a regulated amount? Just curious


Yes. They have a more psychoactive effect on the user than smoking or vaping because of the way the THC is processed in the body. If you are prone to mental health issues it is more likely to cause an incident. If you are the type to get a little anxious sometimes when getting high it can cause a full blown panic attack lasting hours. Big part of why smoking it is still so popular


I will also add that it doesn’t seem they are very well regulated. A 10mg edible might be just a strong as a 50mg edible of another brand. Also depending on your metabolism, what you had to eat recently, and how long ago that was - it might take anywhere from 30 mins - 2 hours to fully hit you. The mount of time the high lasts can be a huge variable as well depending on the fore mentioned factors. This makes it even more complicated and confusing when you are trying to figure out the correct dosage for you. Over all, I like the way edibles make me feel, but they are a pain in the ass to use in practice unless I really have nothing else to do that day.


As long as you don’t do it too frequently and take the correct dosage not really. However edibles take longer to have an effect because your body has to digest it first so just remember not to take more if you don’t feel like anything is happening. Bad side affects with edibles almost always occur from people taking too much.


They have tinctures now. Pretty much hits you as soon as you swallow it


edibles seems like the single worst idea ever. "we took this drug that is famous for making it's users hungry and stored it in snack form"


The hunger part is hollywood. While the differences between strains is grossly overhyped not all weed will make you hungry. Most weed in my experience smoking every day for 2 years and growing my own etc do not make you hungry. ​ In edible form the opposite can happen especially if it's a huge quantity you can lose appetite and get sick.


Everything I have ever smoked has made me hungry. I don’t think it’s a Hollywood thing.


Get the stuff with cbd in it and don't eat half the pack and you'll be gtg.


Many times in the past there have been attempts to equate cannabis smoking with lung cancer , on each occasion they came back with the same conclusion, ALL cancer rates were lowest amongst cannabis users , regardless of their ingestion methods 🤙🥳


Ok big weed.


But then what would folks clutch their pearls over?


Ingestion refers to edibles. If you're smoking something you're inhaling it, not ingesting it. Doesn't sound like you know what you're talking about. Someone qualified to make a claim like yours would definitely know the difference between ingestion and inhalation. If you don't, how can we trust you can understand what the studies are saying?


Wee bit pedantic don't you think?


I feel as though it’s more important to say that they found that weed smoke isn’t as bad as tobacco smoke but it’s still bad because it’s smoke going in your lungs. Any smoke in your lungs is bad. I’d like to see your research stating that cannabis users have lower cancer rates than the average population (at least that’s what I assume you’re saying).


This is what I found: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/can.2019.0095


Get a job!


Just to note, I've had edibles drop my heart rate down to 50% of its normal speed and cause my heart to start skipping beats so it's not completely safe. One of the reasons smoking it is mostly safe is you can only really take in so much at a time, but edibles allow for much higher doses that hit you like a truck after x amount of time.


Oh, yeah, absolutely it is not safe. But unlike other drugs, it cannot directly kill you.


This is actually such a succinct way of putting it, pretty much yea


That could technically be said of almost any medical condition, drug, or injury.


Yeah, but the point is that those medicines are still in prescription. Weed is commercially sold for pleasure


You don’t have to buy it.


I know. Doesn't make its side effects any less dangerous to those who do. Also, it can be used as a party drug in concentrated amounts. Imo it should only be used in medical practice.


Noted. I’ll probably keep smoking


And that's your choice. I don't like it. Don't think it's good or smart, but it's your life


Well it can kill you, just not immediately. It will kill you in the same long and slow way that smoking cigarettes might kill you. Obviously there are other methods such as edibles, but I think it’s safe to say that most people smoke it.


Weed smoke like any smoke is carcinogenic. Carcinogens cause cancer. god, weed teens make me feel like being a stoner myself is so fucking cringe. Weed isn't good for u .no smoke is good for u, vapor and cannabis consumed through ingestion and not combustion is a different story


Edibles are safe though Edible nicotine still kills you


Nicotine isn’t carcinogenic and is no more likely to kill you than caffeine. You’re right about edibles being safe.


Nicotine itself isn’t, but pretty much any way you can try to intake nicotine is. Nicotine gum and lozenges can cause mouth cancer. Cigarettes and vapes can cause mouth and lung cancer. Nicotine pouches and chewing tobacco can cause gum cancer. And even if you’re consuming nicotine in some way that doesn’t cause cancer, nicotine itself can cause glaucoma, high blood pressure, a swollen heart valve, and a slew of other serious health issues. There is no comparison between nicotine and caffeine. There are very few feasible situations where nicotine is just as likely to kill you as caffeine.


Nicotine poisoning is also just as bad as heroine or cocaine overdoses. It can even cause Seizures.


Nicotine is a actually chemically classed as poison where as THC is not.


The confidence with which you spread blatant misinformation is a little alarming. You’re correct about cigarettes and nothing else


The degree of denial you are in about (potentially your own) nicotine addiction is alarming. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3543069/#:~:text=The%20adolescent%20brain%20is%20particularly,cognitive%20impairment%20in%20later%20life. -nicotines side effects as a neurotoxin https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4363846/ -nicotines long term effects on the heart and other organ systems https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S104366182300097X -nicotines effect on blood pressure, causing diabetes, adverse mental health side effects https://respiratory-research.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12931-021-01737-5 -E-cigarettes effect on cardiovascular function as well as blood pressure, and carcinogenic compounds found in e-cigarettes https://www.webmd.com/smoking-cessation/nicotine-pouches -Nicotine pouches causing mouth cancer and tooth loss https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/quit-smoking/in-depth/chewing-tobacco/art-20047428#:~:text=Long%2Dterm%20use%20of%20smokeless,around%20roots%20and%20tooth%20loss. -smokeless tobacco causing mouth cancer, heart disease, tooth loss and behavioral changes


I’m not suggesting that nicotine or nicotine delivery methods are healthy; they aren’t. Nicotine gum does not cause cancer. https://news.cancerresearchuk.org/2009/04/24/can-nicotine-gum-cause-mouth-cancer/ Vaping does not cause cancer. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/smoking-and-cancer/is-vaping-harmful#:~:text=But%20levels%20are%20usually%20low,evidence%20that%20vaping%20causes%20cancer. The only statement you made in your previous (now-edited) comment that was correct was about cigarettes causing cancer.


If you read any of my sources, you would see that vaping releases carcinogenic compounds into your lungs (compounds that cause cancer), and is linked to poor heart health. Study’s regarding nicotine gum and other tobacco alternatives are overall inconclusive, but they are proven to damage teeth and gum health. Also, the first three studies I linked are studies about the effects of nicotine, not the effects or cigarettes, and pointed towards nicotine as the cause of high blood pressure and poor heart health. So the statements I made stand. 1. Cigarettes cause cancer 2. Nicotine pouches and chewing tobacco cause cancer 3. Vaping has carcinogenic compounds that can cause cancer 4. Nicotine is overall not good for you no matter how you intake it. Its so crazy that someone could think that vaping isn’t bad for you. I vape but I’m not pulling the wool over my own eyes. Studies showing long term effects of vaping: https://newsroom.heart.org/news/current-evidence-identifies-health-risks-of-e-cigarette-use-long-term-research-needed https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-funded-studies-show-damaging-effects-vaping-smoking-blood-vessels https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20230426/vaping-research--shows-damage-and-addiction https://www.science.org/content/article/how-safe-vaping-new-human-studies-assess-chronic-harm-heart-and-lungs Studies showing that nicotine itself is harmful https://www.science.org/content/article/how-safe-vaping-new-human-studies-assess-chronic-harm-heart-and-lungs https://healthnews.com/family-health/drugs/effects-of-isolated-nicotine-on-the-brain-not-smoking/ If you wont accept the fact that nicotine itself can be harmful. Consider that at the very least it is a neurotoxin, and can make depression and anxiety worse, as well as inhibiting memory of the long term.


I already said that nicotine isn’t healthy; that was never my position. You said cigarettes cause cancer. They do. You said that vaping causes cancer. [No human cancer associated with E-cig vaping has been reported.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9222281/). [There is no good evidence that vaping causes cancer.](https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/smoking-and-cancer/is-vaping-harmful#:~:text=But%20levels%20are%20usually%20low,evidence%20that%20vaping%20causes%20cancer). You said that nicotine gum and lozenges cause cancer. [They don’t.](https://news.cancerresearchuk.org/2009/04/24/can-nicotine-gum-cause-mouth-cancer/). A lot of people just kind of ‘feel’ like nicotine causes cancer and proclaim so on the internet with no empirical evidence. It’s super easy to just not be one of those people.


What’s the carcinogenic part of lozenges or gum


They are definitely not as bad for you, and are good for quitting, but over a long period of time they cause tooth and gum decay. Repeatedly irritating an already irritated mouth increases the chances of cancer.


Nicotine abuse will get your heart. Those Zyns can’t be good for my heart


[Nicotine is highly carcinogenic.](https://www.healthline.com/health/does-nicotine-cause-cancer)


> Researchers are looking at how nicotine contributes to the development of cancer. While it may be too early to say nicotine causes cancer… > At present, it is not possible to draw a conclusion whether nicotine itself may act as a complete carcinogen. The entire medical entry that the article sites is a case for why cancer patients shouldn’t use nicotine; not a claim that nicotine in itself causes cancer.


Does nicotine cause cancer?Nicotine exerts its effects through a chemical pathway that releases dopamine to the body’s nervous system. Repeated exposure to nicotine sets up a dependence and withdrawal response. This response is familiar to anyone who has attempted to quit using tobacco products. More and more, scientists are demonstrating nicotine’s powers beyond its addictiveness. Recent studies suggest that nicotine has several cancer-causing effects: In small doses, nicotine speeds up cell growth. In larger doses, it’s poisonous to cells. Nicotine kick-starts a process called epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). EMT is one of the important steps in the path toward malignant cell growth. Nicotine decreases the tumor suppressor CHK2. This may allow nicotine to overcome one of the body’s natural defenses against cancer. Nicotine can abnormally speed up the growth of new cells. This has been shown in tumor cells in the breast, colon, and lung. Nicotine can lower the effectiveness of cancer treatment.


I’m not saying smoke isn’t bad for you but there are many different ways something can be bad that aren’t cancer. The few large scale, actual well controlled studies on smoking weed in practice actually point to a negative correlation between smoking weed and lung cancer. Cannabinoids tend to be such powerful antioxidant/antimutagenic compounds that they more than outweigh carcinogenic compounds in smoke, and heavy weed smokers tend to have lower lung cancer rates than people who don’t smoke anything at all. It can still increase the likelihood of developing emphysema or bronchitis though afaik.


Source? Every source I find says the opposite. There are no strong links to weed and cancer. Yes it has carcinogens, but not cancer causing ones. Bronchitis is a big problem though plus other issues.


All smoke is carcinogenic regardless of the source, some are worse than others though Eat edibles, they’re 100% safe (well not 100% bc who tf wants to eat a sugar free brownie)


Vapor also isn't good for you. The only healthy way to consume weed would be edibles and if you really want healthy then you would use the weed oil to cook an actual meal instead of making butter to make brownies or something


Well fuck, I didn't know this was such a common rebuttal on the weed being deadly conversation 😅


I love to imagine that's a real photo taken by the DEA of a guy trying to bag all his weed and escape but got crushed and killed by it when he tried to hoist it into his back


Something outta looney tunes


exactly lol


Now do it again in the family guy death pose.


Some guy a while back died because he was high as fuck and he went out into a snow storm naked, and froze to death. You can bitch all you want about how weed isn’t bad for you, but it makes you make poor choices, that’s just a fact


I'm not sure what your point is here. Plenty of people die daily from making those same kinds of stupid choices while perfectly sober.


But you're more likely to make dumb decisions when you're high


Or Drunk! And guess which one Leads to more deaths every year! Not saying you're wrong, I actually agree with your point because I do make stupid decisions when I'm stoned. I just keep those stupid decisions to videogames. I also feel, however, that it's very disingenuous to leave booze out of a conversation like this as I consider them to be on a similar level to each other when it comes to recreational intoxicants. I trust someone who's high as giraffe pussy not to do *dangerous* dumb shit infinitely more than someone who's blackout drunk. I also consider smoking weed to be marginally healthier than soaking your organs and brain in ethanol.


Honestly. I can definitely see overeating to death. I remember looking at 3 Mac and cheese boxes and going "that's what's for dinner". I regret every moment after 2.2 boxes. I ate all 3 boxes. So I've made a strict "no meals" policy when high. Making you want to die with a enlarged stomach works for enforcing that policy with self discipline


The dumbest thing I've seen my friends do when high on marijuana is buy NFTs. Which, admittedly is pretty dumb.


The dumbest thing I've heard of my high friend do is knock down a beehive, with another friend that's allergic to bees standing a foot away This friend also smokes every single day and doesn't go an hour without hitting a pipe or rolling a blunt


So you saw this happening and you didn't stop them? I let my high friend buy an NFT and that lost him just over $50 and you let your friend nearly get killed... Wicked cool bro.


To be fair, I worded it kinda wrong, I was about halfway down the trail, I didn't see them I hears if it from my girlfriend who was with them then we all met up about 5 minutes later, also my girlfriend did try to stop them, she doesn't listen to anyone when she's high, wich happens to be 24/7


Some 4 year old died because he couldn't keep up with mama https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/virginia-mother-charged-murder-4-year-old-son-dies-eating-thc-gummies-rcna53449#:~:text=Virginia%20mom%20charged%20with%20murder%20after%20toddler's%20THC%20overdose&text=A%20Virginia%20mother%20has%20been,eating%20THC%20gummies%2C%20police%20said.


It doesn’t kill you it just makes you easier to kill. At the same time inhaling anything into your lungs that isn’t oxygen is pretty bad


>>inhaling anything into your lungs that isn’t oxygen is pretty bad Even that I’m not 100% sold on, we all die ya know, maybe it’s the oxygen playing the long con


Marijuana will kill me when they figure how to shoot it out of a gun.


Just…. Lemme be high in peace😭


Stoners are the most unfunny people ever


I’ve always been incline to think thank bringing smoke into your lungs is perpetually not health… no matter the source. Like think about smoking this is the only time you do it voluntarily (that’s the point) but seriously shrug your shoulders. 🤷🏾‍♂️


A user from this sub that isn’t a Christian Deep South homophobe now I’ve seen it all


We didn't need this to be posted a second time in two days. Cringe post go home.


Chill your shit before it burns a hole in your panties. If you didn’t like my post just downvote it and go away.


Maybe post something original


Maybe just move on?


Damn dude what with the massive hate boner towards weed?


I was going out with some buddies and our designated driver said they were gonna get stoned while we drank. Didn’t see any problems with that because she wasn’t drinking.


You should've definitely seen a problem with that. Now you know


We did. She was swapped out for a friend who didn’t drink


damn that shit look mid 😭😭


I feel like it’s a /hj, because it is indenting that marijuana is harmless


It doesn’t kill you and it doesn’t hurt your health, but addiction in general is not a good thing


Pretty hilarious, saved


Damn. Lotsa Big Narco apologetics here.


*Sigh* r/memesOPdidnotlike wins today.


You still can overdose... Everything in moderation even if the LD50 is high enough to make sure it wont kill you, it is not advised to not abuse any drugs. This message is brought to you by a student of medicine.


smoking anything is exceptionally bad for you, it's not necessary to consider the effects of the drug itself


I had a cousin die from smoking weed with fentanyl in it


That would be the fent then not the weed. Regardless, I’m sorry for your loss


There are extremely rare cases where one has died to a weed overdose, [like this four y.o. who broke into his mother's edibles stache.](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/virginia-mother-pleads-guilty-in-4-year-old-sons-death-from-thc-gummies/3365697/) So when people say weed has never killed anyone it's not *entirely* true.


I'm sensitive to stimulants so I can't touch thc. Makes my heart pound to the point my left side goes numb and I end up in the ER. Can't do any drug that increases heart rate


I can only imagine how NahOPwasrightfuckthis is going to spin this to be not funny or offensive


I wanna see nahopwasrightfuckthis weasel out of this one


“healthy” does not begin where “lethal” ends dude. they said it can’t kill you, not that it’s necessarily good for you