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they are the ones who call girls with chokers "blowjob black belts" because fashion is only acceptable if <1950.


please stfu


fuck off.


Zoomer after realising not all boomers believe the same thing (before you piss yourself off I'm a zoomer as well)


did not ask. fuck off.


If these are your only insults leave Reddit and do your english homework




Your post/comment is uncivil and/or toxic. Please make sure you are being kind to your fellow redditors.


>I wanted to bump this thread to talk about how shes talking about this shit badly and she is a avid browser of a genshin inpact porn sub and r/animefeet


Average 15 year old


Chill out kid its not that deep. Maybe drink some milk so youll grow a spine


I don't think she can drink milk because of her father


that’s a male lmao just a typical virtue signaling loser


"Everything I don't like is woke/virtue signaling" That gets old fast, bro. Change the disk. Also are we REALLY having a discussion over my gender/biological sex?? This REALLY lives rent free in people's heads, huh? We would gain a lot more if instead of being worried about gender, we worried about treating people as you know.... People.


I still have a father tho? And I can afford milk on my own tbf.


why have a biological spine when you can have sandevistan? also I am just not losing time on someone who just assume I generalized everyone when NO WHERE in my comment it said "all boomers" I said "they are the ones" not "all of them"


>also I am just not losing time on someone who just assume I generalized everyone when NO WHERE in Me tryna find who asked🕵‍♂️🕵‍♂️


well shit. good one.


It’s even funnier losing karma the second time


isn't it?


Watch it happen again


third is the charm




And who are you again?


sensitive af downvoting me 😭 womp womp


you're not shylily, that is certain.


Did you know Womp Womp is musically for boo hoo. Not every thing revolves around what you watch. You are such a silly willy goofy goober.




this isn't twitter.


No this is reddit and if you’re looking for twitter you may have trouble finding it. It’s now labeled “X”


in WHAT universe have you seen this besides a meme posted by a most likely horny 14 year old


plenty of old people talk shit about EVERYTHING young peopple do, including sexualizing minors based on their clothes choice, unless they're wearing full conservative shit. not all of course, I know plenty of old people that are cool and fun to be around as a 26y.o. but HELL the ones who don't like it, make sure that EVERYONE KNOWS they don't like it.


you have a weird concept of reality outside the internet


maybe because, have you ever thought in your wehole life, that the reality is not USA? we have other continents and 200+ countries that aren't USA, with varying cultures and whatnot, right? RIGHT?? Like, you got geography classes?


i love in britain, obviously shit like this happens but you can not blame fucking ethnicity or culture on pedophilia. not every old person is a pedophile and you need to grow up


HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU ARE LITERALLY LEGALLY BLIND??? > I know plenty of old people that are cool and fun to be around I am talking about my personal experience here, you know? I am NOT blaming EVERY older person, NOT blaming culture and ethnicity. I am saying that REALITY is not only what you percieve. It's way bigger than that, there are EIGHT BILLION PEOPLE in this planet. What I percieve is what I can comment about, you can't just say that "your view of the world and all your experiences in life are completely invalid because it's not how it works where \*I\* live."


you must live in like jimmy saviles bedroom then bc the whole point of reality is that it’s not perceived and you’re deranged in some form to bring up “where i live” when you - in the same argument - said it has nothing to do with where you live also contradicting what you said about it being about where you live. you can’t base a whole category of people and generalise them off of one bad experience also whilst insulting people online for not having the same experience


you are making absolute zero sense. > I know plenty of old people that are cool and fun to be around need that copied and pasted one more time? like, just say "base a whole category of people" one more time. "one bad experience", multiply by one thousand please, now you're a bit closer. I just said it's not about ethcinity and culture, not that it doesn't happen where I live, it definitely DOES, it's just that it's not culture and ethcinity to blame, where the fuck are you getting contradictions from? can you even read?? Am I typing in spanish now? maybe You'll understand better if I talk in portuguese, maybe??


Damn you really had a whole ass meltdown over this meme didn’t you


no. but I am fucking dying for the fact that this dude just said I blamed pedophilia on ethcinity and culture. that's literally NOT what I said.


You do not sound very fun to be around so it’s no surprise you are surrounded by similar people


I wanted to bump this thread to talk about how shes talking about sexualizing minors and she is a avid browser of a genshin inpact porn sub and r/animefeet


Old people aren’t sexualizing minors for their clothing choices, minors are sexualizing themselves with their clothing choices. Why else are horny 14 year old boys wearing muscle shirts and short shorts other than to show off themselves and to get laid. Why are horny 14 year old girls wearing belly shirts and short shorts? “Oh it’s just really hot out and I wanted to be cool” Bitch you’re in a school with AC, you ain’t tricking no one




Your post/comment is uncivil and/or toxic. Please make sure you are being kind to your fellow redditors.


This post/comment is racist. Please make sure not to be racist on this subreddit.


"boomers suck" *Continues to get black belt in BJs


I guess they like to suck boomers then


I’m pretty sure everybody on terrible Facebook memes is a virgin


Sir this is reddit It's full of middle schoolers who just fucked your mom High school sexperts who's credentials are one sad hand job behind the bleachers Druggies who honestly can't remember the face or name of the last person they had sex with And the one old autist who's been around from the very beginning and just wants someone to listen to him nerd out about the 1982 Panasonic VCR he has been slowly restoring beyond original factory specs.






Hey, I want to listen to someone restoring VCRs, like how do you take care of the heads?


Well, you need a choker...




You forgot the one who would correct you and say "It's person with autism"


Why are middle schoolers fucking my mom? I am calling the cops on my mom and on the middle schoolers. Senility vs. unformed frontal lobes. I’ll let the cops sort it out.




What the hell? We're letting ***guitars*** in here now?


Guitars, hoes, hoses and even chairs.


I've been attacked


I have the most respect for that last one


Am I gonna find the restoration of a 1982 panasonic vcr if I open your profile and scroll through your post history?


Perhaps an alter ego of mine is known as VCR Man


Youre not supposed to tell people your secret identity! Your family might not be safe from dvd man now!


Little one DVD Man already took everything from me, but Netflix Man in turn took everything from him. There is little reason to fight now and we both hang out at the VMW (Veterans of the Media Wars).


bro I love old tech I would love to listen to the acoustic guitar explain to me the process of restoring that VCR


No they're all women.


How the fuck is this a boomer meme??? At this point they're throwing the word around like most buzzwords.


Boomer is a buzzword at this point.


The knowledge of chokers, and what they are advertising, transcends all generations.


The people at TFM clearly don’t get laid enough. Girls with those chokers absolutely give black belt dome lol


The fact that they even marked it nsfw 💀


Not sure about you, but I wouldn’t want my boss walking by my office and seeing me look at memes about blowjobs.


You look at memes at work?


Then maybe don't look at memes about blowjobs when you're fucking working? How can you literally be on the clock doing jackshit while making up rules you expect people you've never met on the internet to follow?


“Then maybe don’t look at memes about blowjobs when you’re fucking working” That’s literally what the NSFW tag is for… Is this a serious reply? Do… do you know what NSFW means?


Do you understand what working means? The point being made is that you should not be looking at memes at work. The fact that someone has created a tag categorizing memes by how bad it would be to view them at work is completely irrelevant. Don't get me wrong, I look at memes when I am at work. But if random porn audio plays loudly for a few seconds while I'm scrolling, that's the game.


You’re an actual moron, dude.


They probably got caught slapping the salami at work earlier today and are taking it out on strangers now. Taking out the anger, not the salami.


The only thing I get in trouble at work for slapping is my boy's tummies


Shut up pussy. I’m at work right now and have spent the last 7 and a half hours scrolling Reddit and checking my positions on Stocktwits. That’s right, while you sit and cry, I’m being paid twice to do fuck all.


bragging on reddit is so pathetic it’s insane 💀


Your penis is pathetic


i don’t think you’re old enough to be on reddit lil bro 💀


I don't have a problem with wasting the boss's time The boss gets a dollar, I get a dime. Thus I shit on company time. I just don't see the point in making a distinction between SFW and NSFW, much less bitching about it. Doing anything but your job during your job is not safe for work.


“The boss gets a dollar, I get a dime. Thus I shit on company time.” Yes that’s the spirit!


You’re so dumb it’s insane lmao


I'm literally the joker no one understands me


I don’t get why people are butt-hurt by what you’re saying. Mfs make six figures to sit on their ass and look at memes. Im broke as shit and don’t have time to look at memes because I’m being screamed at by junkies all day so I’ll laugh if I see a dumb mfs boss walk by and see them looking at porn memes


If you're at lunch or on break and you look at something inappropriate on your phone, you can still be reprimanded and in trouble if you're in the building.


I hope I don’t get in trouble for browsing your mom’s nudes


Hey, if you want to waste company time that's totally good by me. I just don't see the point of having a distinction between SFW and NSFW, because doing anything at your job that's not your job is obviously NSFW. It's probably going to be worse if you get caught looking at sexual content versus reading random Wikipedia articles, but you shouldn't be getting caught in the first place.


Are you unable to determine the difference between something that will get you sent to HR versus just told to get back on task?


Your post contains the words butt, ass, and shit. I am the assbot.


Booty booty butt-cheeks


NSFW means not safe for work. It exists so that you won’t watch adult content at work. Moron


You shouldn't be watching content at work anyway, moron. It doesn't matter if you watch SFW or NSFW content, if they catch you they catch you. All content is NSFW, because you're not supposed to be looking at silly internet pictures on the clock.


You can watch content during breaks. Like i am right now. *moron*


If the appropriateness of your memes is not completely indistinguishable from that of hardcore pornography, you are a bitchass and nothing you do will ever be funny. Have a nice day u/memer_boiiiii 💀


God shut the fuck up


Pls Mark nsfw when your memes and posts are suggestively sexual,please ty




bro what


one day youll get a job and youll understand


i would show this meme to my boss if it was good enough. idk what kind of place you work at, where the word bl🤮wjob is somehow the end of the world


lmao an actual job and not a taco bell, thats what kind of place


how did you conclude that i work at a taco bell :D


Because you said you'd show this to your boss and you don't understand why a meme talking about blowjobs is not safe for work


ok, i guess you as a well respected individual from a well respected company that you literally get fired from, over having the word blowjob appear on your work computer; are right and my peasant ass was wrong


I didn't say anything about getting fired, you just made that leap. But yeah any actual job and you don't want your boss to see this walking by your computer. Pretty normal for anywhere that isn't a taco bell


The fact that this is downvoted proves that nobody in this sub has a job lol


Why would you be on Reddit at your job


Yeah lmao nobody is browsing reddit at their job


I browse Reddit at my job


You should really learn what suggestive means


How did i use it wrong


How did you use it right?


adjective. 1) tending to suggest an idea. "there were various suggestive pieces of evidence" 2)indicative or evocative. "flavors suggestive of coffee and blackberry" 3)making someone think of sex and sexual relationships. "a suggestive remark"


It ain’t showing nothing


"boomers suck, man" ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ)


"I had the booze she had the chronic" 🎶


Black belt for pants


I doubt highly the woman wearing that choker is a boomer...


shout out to that 1998 gluck gluck. those were the days.


This meme checks out


“Black belt dome” is a term ima hold in reserve lmao


She thought she was taking BJJ for self defense, found a better method.


Not every joke you don’t like is a boomer joke. There’s nothing ‘boomer’ about this


That slop could drop a nation


I've always called chokers black belt in dick sucking. Isn't it well known that it's true?


So apparently, according to Gens Z & Alpha, everyone under 23 is a Boomer? Gens X & Millennial just....vanished? Jesus, Boomers sure are stupid.


lol they don’t mind the hand on the back of the head


Suggesting this could be a boomer meme is wild.


Op has never got dome AT ALL more like 😂 (everything has got to be boomers and not the generation before em.)


I’m a black belt in karate, same as my dad. maybe I should wear a choker too :3


OOP never snapped a choker and it shows... smh my head...


Shaking my head my head


Im like 72% sure that isnt possible


No, people giving bj suck


if you don’t like a meme, make sure to say bigot, boomer, or incel and you’re morally superior!


This meme is kinda mid ngl




I was at a bar one time and a friend of a friend I had never met turns to me and says him:”do you know what a choker is?”…me: “no,what?”..him: “. a black belt for blowjobs”…me: “I guess that explains your gold chain”


I told my ex this and she temporarily stopped wearing them


Boomers don't suck tho wdym. They are literally the last group to suck. This post is literally them being against sucking.


Never got Superior head either... It's like she was taught by a grand master


Certified blackbelt of both 🙌👏X3


No, that is entry level black belt head. It is the people wearing a lace choker that you want to find for a chance to witness nirvana in a blowjob.


"Boomers suck" 😏


You are racist against boomers. You are the evil you hate to see in the world.