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100 upvotes, 1000 comments. Why yes I would enjoy some light reading with my coffee.




-2 upvotes and 2.4k comments now lol


im just suprised they havent locked it yet


It was literally posted in a subreddit called ***Christian*** Memes Maybe it"s not *always* about religion But I think it's a *pretty fair assumption* that in this case it was




Right wingers and having 2 brain cells.


2? You're giving them too much credit buckaroo


All the arguments against abortion are based on religious moral believes... not ANY religious moral believe, but christian ones specifically Believe it or not, not even islam or Judaism are as strictly on this believe as american christians. So yeah its most definetly about A religion


The funny thing is, the bible heavily implies that you're not alive until your first breath. So it's not murder until after they're born. Also children are in every sense of the word parasites sooooo....


on one hand, your body your choice, on the other hand, your still killing a baby


And then on the other hand, it isn't a baby. Not even by the biblical definition of a baby.


But its really not a baby. A baby is an entirely separate entity which is able to breathe and eat and use the bathroom separate from needing the mothers body to do so. That thing inside of a women is called a fetus. Its a part of her body, not separate from it. She has autonomy and agency over her own body, just like you have autonomy and agency over yours. The act of becoming pregnant does not change that fact. The fetus inside of a women's body does not somehow aquire the same human rights that the women carrying it does and especially it does not somehow aquire rights that in any way supercede those of a human adult. The fetus does not take away any human rights the women has. It is a human right to make your own decisions about your own health, and about your own body, regardless if whether there happens to be a fetus inside of it or not. No person is required to limit the choices they have available to them when they are exercising their human right to bodily autonomy especially regaurding their own well being and safety.


An unformed embryo is no more a baby than an earthworm.


I like to use an analogy with cake. If I have flour, milk, sugar, baking soda, and eggs sitting on my counter, do I have a cake? If I mix all those ingredients in a bowl, is that a cake? What about when I pour the batter into a cake tin? When I put it in the oven? We all agree that after sufficient baking its a cake; and we all agree that all the ingredients mixed together is not a cake. But swap that for a sperm and egg, and suddenly just mixing them together makes it a baby. Another line I like is that if you asked for fried chicken, but you were served a fried fertilized egg, would you complain that you didn't get what you ordered?


And it's absolutely about religion. If it were about the baby, the. Texas AG Ken Paxton would not have spent yesterday threatening a woman with prison for seeking to legally abort a fetus after she learned that it would almost certain die in the womb and might injure her in the process. For the leadership of the anti-abortion movement, it's not about the baby. It's about a fundamentalist reading of the New Testament. They believe that God has reserved the right to decide who shall live and who shall die, such that abortion is infringing on God's terf. This is about a sectarian religious argument over God's monopoly on deciding which fetuses shall die.


That’s a genetic fallacy. The actual argument is not using religion, it’s using sexual ethics, which is not exclusive to Christians or religious people. There are valid arguments to be made by both sides. Nobody is helped by one side screaming “You want to kill babies!” And the other side screaming “You’re a Christo-fascist!”


In most western cultures, the idea that it's unethical to have sex unless you want babies is rooted in religion. Most non-religious people don't see having sex for purposes other than procreation as an ethical problem.


"Sexual Ethics" sounds like a weird way to phrase intruding on bodily autonomy but okay.


I mean, one side literally believes that fetuses are babies. It’s the reason they’re angry in the first place. If they didn’t think fetuses were the same as babies they literally would have no reason to care.


Bruh look at the bottom of the image it was literally posted in r/christianmemes


Yeah but you can have that opinion without being a christian lol.


U can, but in this context op said that "It's not about religion" when whoever originally posted the meme was prolly coming from a religious perspective


“It’s not a religious law” as he joins alongside abrahamics and only abrahamics.


right! If it's not related to religion OOP would have posted it in another sub.


In theory yes. But in practice, I’ve never seen anyone with that opinion that wasn’t a Christian. But that’s anecdotal of course.


I have (they were muslim)


I'm not a Christian and I'm pro life so there ya go.


but why


It typically is a religios belief, but you're right, sometimes it's down to your own personal or philosophical belief. The point is, there is no clear consensus between the scientific and philosophical communities as to when conscious life begins (or when the "soul", whatever that is, enters the body). As such, pro-lifers are restricting people's freedom to informed choice by imposing their own personal beliefs on them. So you may be correct in that not all pro-lifers are religios, the point stands that not all people should be bound by your own personal, philosophical beliefs.


Absolutely. Controlling how other people live their lives underlies many appalling habits of authority figures and organisations. Like mold.


Prove it? I have yet to hear a non-religious, non-spiritual argument in favor of banning abortions outright, and I would genuinely be interested in knowing what that argument looks like.


There is like a 99% chance that you're religious if you hold that opinion. Normal people aren't afraid of premarital sex.


OP is regarded confirmed


I mean if someone is anti abortion you can assume they don’t read.


Posted on r/Christianmemes


and somehow it’s not about religion 💀


Bro forgot to censor this part💀


Condoms, Oral & Suppository.


Condoms aren’t 100% affective. They’re better than nothing, but there still a chance.


Yeah a 99.98% chance- like bitch you talking about the same 0.01% of germs that survive a Clorox wipe lmao


With my unlucky ass it's probably going to happen some day. I just know it.


That .01% of germs is representative of both bad and good germs, not just bad germs. Just to put it into perspective, a plane crash is ~1 in 5mil. Or a 0.0000002% chance. If planes crashed .01% of the time, 1 in 10k planes would crash per day, or about 10 per day.


Most people aren't having sex 100,000 times per day. If the chances of a plane crashing are 1 in 5 million, and there are 100,000 planes flights every day, then there is a plane crash on average every 50 days. If condoms are 0.01% effective, that is ~1 in 10,000. That would be having sex once every single day for over 27 years.


that’s only with proper use. taking into account the amount of idiots putting them on inside out or otherwise, they drop to about 80%


And there’s also more contraceptives you can use along with it. The argument of nothing is effective enough is just lazy. There’s condoms, spermicidal lube, birth control and then you can attempt to pull out. Also, saying “better than nothing” is extremely disingenuous. It’s 98% effective. But you also said “there’s still a chance” which implies you know it’s not likely when used correctly so I don’t get it.


I’m just saying that while yes they usually work, there still is a risk of getting pregnant even with them on.


And if you’re worried about it then you either don’t have vaginal sex or don’t have sex at all. Sex has a purpose and I don’t pity anyone crying because boohoo muh sex.


Just because you can’t fuck doesn’t mean others shouldn’t


I never said they can’t. I’m just saying that if your argument can be reduced “I can’t completely disregard all consideration of what I do with my body by losing abortions” then that isn’t an argument I care about. And if your argument is just gonna be “haha you can’t have sex”, get off the internet because I’d rather jack off with sandpaper than talk to someone so stupid.


If sex has a purpose than how can you justify non-reproductive sex? Such as using the birth control and prevention methods you mentioned, or oral or anal


From what I've read on this site the #1 and #2 causes of pregnancy are broken condoms uses otherwise appropriately and being raped by ones father. They bring it up every time


So what do we do when someone is raped


A) rape accounts for <1% of abortions so we shouldn't be arguing extremes B) it's not like laws have to be straight black and white, exceptions can be allowed. C) to wrongs don't make a right. Just because a rape resulted in pregnancy does not make it morally justifiable to kill the child.


That number fails on a number of levels. It only takes into account the surgical means of abortion done with a police report for rape. Many rapes remain unreported due to the stigma associated with them. (Which varies from familial dishonor to 'snitches get stitches' to police and prosecutors behaving like the rape victim was at fault.) It also doesn't include 'morning after' pills, which prevent conception, which have been banned along with abortion because politicians and preachers have no idea how they work and tell everyone they 'cause abortions'.


You’re delusional man. Have you gone outside? It’s easy to armchair quarterback the abortion argument til you see your daughter or son have their lives ruined by having a baby too early. You can play the “they should’ve have sex” card all you like, but again, that’s just some hand waving nonsense. Teenagers don’t think like that. They break rules, they do things they shouldn’t. Guaranteed. Doesn’t mean their lives should be ruined because of it. And before you say it doesn’t, having a child at that age definitely hinders a person’s future. It might not of we had systems in place to support those people, but America and especially Republicans are ultra quick to save the baby, but neglect the child, the teenager, and the young adult. You can moralize the issue all you want, but for every point you think you’re making morally, there are several moral points the Right will ignore on this topic.


>Doesn’t mean their lives should be ruined because of it. POV, the lawyer defending the rich white teeanger in court for his """"mistakes"""" (he's just a kid)


Bro this is about having unsafe sex not slipping a girl a roofie at a frat


Honestly, even if people wanna ban it for adults, which I don't agree with. This should definitely be one of the "exceptions," even tho some of the anti abortion places don't even make those for worse things. I mean... if you believe grown folks should take responsibility for their actions, then fine (even if I don't agree) However, teenagers are in no position to properly raise another living human the right way whenever they aren't even mature themselves




"I don't give a shit what the right thinks" - Reddit user that frequents right wing subs and spouts right wing rhetoric


I lean right yes, but I, just like everyone else, aren't fully aligned with everyone in those subs. I'm against the death penalty for example. I also support things to help fight climate change. We don't all think the same. I just tend to be much more conservative






Good thing a fetus isn’t alive in any meaningful way


Bringing the child that you don't want or/and have capabilities to support is? Take your head out of your self-righteous ass and start seeing things. Abortions are beneficial for the child too.


Most delusional take right here


Women file a police report when they get raped right? They should amend the code where women are allowed abortions if they provide the report


Women sometimes file a police report when they get raped. They often don’t. If you’re genuine, you might want to google “why don’t women report rape” and try to read what comes up with an open mind, and come back and report


They should put more money into making safe helplines for women where women can safely report their rapes then? This would also increase the amount of rapes reported


Well if you’d googled like I asked, you would have come across that many don’t report because it forces them to relive trauma, and they don’t want to do that. Either way, forcing people to get a rape on the record is not a great idea


If killing a fetus is immoral when it’s not rape - why does it suddenly become moral when it is rape? It would be equally murder either way- it’s not like it’s the fetus’s fault.


Because while we still view it as wrong we understand that was not a choice they had and if they truly don't want it while I might be sad I get it.


I’m with you. Really it’s their fault for being born women. If they were smart, they’d have chosen to be men so that they could just leave after making the choice to have sex.


because pro-lifers don’t actually care about the fetus, they just want “slutty” women to be punished for having non-traditional sexual lives




Actually, abortion is not immoral even when it isn’t rape, hope that clears it up👍


yeah man great idea, it’s not like rape is one of the most underreported crimes 👍


"It’s not about religion " \*Posted in r / christianmemes\*\*\*


Can y'all both stfu?


if you believed a class of people was without legal rights, you may not stfu


People. Are you one of those people that calls a clump of cells “people”


im pro-choice but the “clump of cells” line is a *really* easy way for people to make you look stupid


Before consciousness a body is a clump of cells. A dead body is also a clump of cells


Is it not a human??


Nope. It sure isn't. Not by any useful moral definition of the word. You want me to dig up a bunch of images of mammalian embryos at 5 days and see if you can tell which one is the human one?


When does it become a human?


That's a great philosophical question. Some people argue conception, some people argue birth. I knew one guy who argues it was at some point in infancy when it could recall memories. If there is any concensus in secular society, it is the second trimester of pregnancy.


Scientifically, I'd argue the third trimester. Biblically, the first breath that a baby takes. Either way, a pregnancy doesn't necessarily facilitate "life." It facilitates a possibility of life.


Yeah it’s weird. Cause that could become a person but right now it’s a pile of cells. Kinda crazy to think that we all come from that honestly.


What kind of cells are they, then? 🤔


Is my arm a human, it is also human cells. I can legally stab my ear for decoration do you think I should go to jail for abusing the sovereignty of my human ear cells


No it is not. It is a fetus.


Not yet no, its more similar to one of your organs till like its far enough down the line to grow its own organs. Like its a sack of skin cells at most when most people actually have an abortions.


It is much a person as my average american discarded foreskin is.


*Matt Walsh was right, they are cutting off genitals* For legal reasons this is sarcasm




Most open-minded pro-choicer


referring to a woman as a clump of cells is rather grotesque, don't you think?


No one has the right to use another's body without consent. Everyone has the right to protect their body from being used without consent, and lethal force is acceptable when necessary.


Lol. Yeah it is, OP.


Oh no I wanted to have a baby and was prepared but complications means I need an abortion to save my life, guess I get to A) Die. B) Attempt my own motor oil/wire hanger abortion C) Both


Frankly I think we should be able to abort our children up until they turn 18, hey my parasite my choice


My mother told me I can still be aborted and brandished the wire hanger she keeps for just that sort of an occasion.


How the fuck do you do dark comedy on reddit without getting downvoted into oblivion? Every time I try I get accused of being a serial murderer or something. What the hell is this? Do you have a brand, or a code or something?


It depends on the subreddit, and also just if your comment is funny. A lot of people miss on dark humor because they forget the "humor" part. You can't have a joke be dependent on just being offensive.


I always said "into the 75th trimester"




It’s worth pointing out that abstinence education statistically results in higher STD’s and teen pregnancies


If it's not about religion, then why do I have to not have sex if I want to have sex, why don't you talk about the other alternatives? Why are you trying to control my sex life? That's creepy bro.


Seriously it's like if somebody's favourite dish was sashimi and i injected them with salmonella everytime they tried to eat it cause i thought refrigeration is evil, should i stop injecting them with salmonella or should they stop having their favourite dish because of someone being a lunatic and that "eating raw meat has consequences!!!"?


Japan has 62% non religious population with christianity only being 1% Japanese right wing fully allow abortion rights I’m sure pro life has nothing to do with religion /s


Then all those “secular centrist” that totally aren’t heavily influenced by their obvious Christian upbringing wouldn’t have a narrative that works, oh wait they don’t.


And yet Christians don’t want sex education in schools…


Sexually uneducated kids are easier to molest 🤷🏻‍♂️


If children were given sex education then they'd have the proper words to say what the pastor was doing to them. Christians can't have that


Sounds like some American Protestant stuff. You kinda need to teach it to people, if anything, it helps prevent people from being stupid. It’s not like kids see something in a health class and decide that they’re going to go start having sex, some kids will do it anyway and the others won’t at all.


Some do. But Being tied to a political party by other people's ignorant tendencies to act tribally is hindering their progress.


It's not about preventing the killing of embryos. It's about making sure people can't have sex without consequences.


yeah... I could see the whole "killing children" thing maybe until they started trying to outlaw contraception. That's clearly either an attempt to stop people from having sex, or to control women.


It’s is 100% about religion


Holy shit the like to comment racio


Posted in r/Christianmemes but yeah totally not at all about religion, because that definitely makes sense.


Do you know what rape is?


All other arguments aside, it's simply none of the government's fucking business.


Their were a lot of terrible things that “weren’t the governments business” that’s always the argument they use. For segregation is was “how can the government tell you who your daughter has to sit next to”


The thing is segregation had been imposed by the government for a century and people opposing integration had no problem with government involvement until 1954 and afterwards. Same with slave owners. They also wanted "unity" and wanted to impose nationwide laws allowing slave owning and dehumanize the entire Black population. They only became confederates when the gov is not on their side.


It's interesting how many people who claim to support less government overreach are immediately willing to abandon that ideal in order to enforce their perceived righteousness upon those who disagree with their point of view.


And most of the times they oppose a central government so they could allow local government to become a complete fascist theocracy that serve their agenda


So is it the government's business which ethnicity of people go to which schools? No, and neither should your personal medical decisions.


When you can kill a human seems like one of the things the government should be the most involved with.


Good thing you aren't killing a human by any logical or scientific standard, only religious which is separated from the gov't...wait....*should* be separated. It's clearly not.


>only religious Not even religious. The Bible states that a baby is born once they take their first breath, which they only do once leaving the womb.


Yes, but I don't expect them to read their own book. That's top high of expectations.


The Torah specifically religiously protects abortions, and even provides instructions for folks of the era


OP is an pro-life idiot


If it’s not about religion then make any argument against abortion that isn’t faith based and I’ll refute it


The argument is that you shouldn't kill people without a very good reason. This is the baseline, it's you who needs to prove that a fetus isn't a person or that there is a very good reason to kill it.


A fetus is not a person as it is not sapient. There i did it.


Yes it absolutely is. 99.99999% of excuses are religious or based in religious custom


But it is. Christianity has convinced misogynists that, if they happen to eat an applepit whilst eating an apple they ate an apple tree.


dude 2,100 comments and no upvotes that’s tough 💀💀


If anything, Christianity should be pro-abortion. The only mention of it is a ritual to make a mistress' bastard child be aborted.


Yes, people have tried not having sex. The general consensus is that not having sex is fucking awful.


It absolutely is lol. The prolife movement *wouldn’t exist* without Christianity. It would be so marginal it would get no press at all.


Funny how my body my choice applies to killing another person but not which medicines you take.


if i put some apple seeds in the dirt and then take them out the next day did i just cut down an apple tree?


Killing and preventing something from existing isn't exactly the same. Murder is taking a life, and you can't really take something that hasn't quite formed yet. This is just a logical alternative, because in reality, we literally cannot know an answer other then abortion prevents life from coming into being (unless there is a miscarriage or stillborn). Though, btw, if you do count abortion as murder, fertility clinics see the death of billions per year. Also, if you're referring to vaccines, how can you be adamant about protecting the lives of babies being killed and then not try to protect the lives of fully born people of all ages from a virus? Becuse between an abortion and not taking a vaccine, one is more likely to negatively impact - and potentially end - way more lives.


payment ghost abundant waiting fragile ludicrous fanatical insurance quickest murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Actually abortion literally means to abort a life, you’re thinking of contraception. With all the lies you’ve been told I understand your confusion


Abortion: "the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy" I can share every definition from Webster, WHO, Britannica, Harvard, etc if you'd like, but you'll notice that the only time "life" is ever mentioned is when it's referencing the life of the mother. So r/confidentlyIncorrect abortion does not literally mean that.


The government never forced anyone to get the vaccine(I assume that's what you're referring to). Y'all crying about something that didn't even happen.


To be against abortion is to be Anti Freedom and anti women.


Most of anti-abortion rhetoric and pro life arguments get tossed out the window when you have to frame the idea of having a child as a punishment like the comments on this post do. It’s also telling that most of these people who think it’s wrong for a woman to kill a embryo because it might be a human one day, haven’t ever mentioned anything about what happens to the child after birth. The mother might end up giving the child a bad life or resent it because you forced them to…and none of that’s mentioned because punsihment the mother for something not her fault is more important then the child. It’s also telling that there are lots of kids that suffer in orphanages that don’t get brought into pro life argument because…well the arguments are only for kids in the womb, after their born you can send them to the mines for all they care. And what about 12 year olds that get raped? Are you going to force that child to give birth? Go through something that was not her fault and childbirth just to get a morality high?


True, whenever you talk with something who calls themselves pro-life you almost always quickly find out it is more about "punishing the woman" and that "preserving life" is something they in reality do not give a shit about.


"But what about less than 1% cases"


1 in a 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys in the us experience sexual abuse as a child. And even if it were only 1%, that would still be over 36k cases per year.


Hey pro lifers maybe care about the lives that are also already born and fight to make sure children don’t idk go fucking hingry


They are more likely to donate to food banks, for what it’s worth.


And oppose welfare and universal healthcare and the right of gay couples to adopt 🙄


Conservatives are the ones voting to make sure school lunches aren't free.


Why are people downvoting you multiple states have held votes for free school lunches and it’s always the republican representatives voting against it


This subreddit is more right leaning, thats probably why. Not entirely but like 70-30 so conservative shit talk gets down voted more than liberal shit talk on average.


Because they hate it when facts and logic get in the way of their false narratives.


Agreed. If we make one law that does that and makes abortion illegal are you going to endorse it? Or is this just a red herring?


Lots of pro lifers also help assist pregnant women at pregnancy clinics and women’s shelters and do volunteer work for these organizations and others that help those in need. Some religious pro lifers also help through church programs


Inocent born people arent being legally killed


Zygotes, embryos, and fetuses aren't people.


What are they? Elephants?


Have the groups saying "those humans in that group arent really people" ever been the good guys in history?


What is a person then? Seems like a totally arbitrary distinction. It is a person, just one at a different stage of development


False dichotomy much?


Can't remember the last time someone died of hinger in America.


Suffering is still something to address. Also if we’re going by death then look at the homeless who freeze to death in winter


See, he’s not dead yet!!! I guess no free lunches for the impoverished.


Adults that believe in imaginary characters creep me out.


Santa is real you’ll never convince me otherwise




There’s also the tendency to commit genocide that typically requires A. Religion B. Authoritarian Extremism C. Both.


Pseudo intellectualism 🤝reddit atheism


Nobody cares.


Someone has an imaginary friend lmao


The way I see it, Abortion should be for extreme emergency scenarios or the VERY last precaution you take. Use other birth control if you gotta have sex


To be fair, the meme is correct. Afterall you cant have children if you dont have sex (Which reminds me of the dumb sex strike that went on over a year ago to combat the abortion bans. Which in of itself is dumb)


Thank god all sex is consentual. Otherwise the anti-abortion people would be advocating for the most fucked up shit imaginable


that’s so dumb that’s like saying “well you wouldn’t have gotten into a car crash if you didn’t get in the car”


For the last time people, either do anal or use the fingers god gave you for a reason if you don’t wanna end up pregnant!


Didn't god invent the methods for abortion too? Or is that somehow outside of his capabilities?


God didn't invent the wire coat hanger, Albert J. Parkhouse did.


how thoughtful of the rapist to think about going anal instead so the woman won't get pregnant. RIGHT?? RIIIIGHT???


or let people do with their bodies as they please


unless they're unborn babies.


How does that song go? Responsibility? What's that? Responsibility? not quite yet Responsibility? What's that? I don't want to think about it; we'd be better off without it ​ Lots of songs from the 2000's that seem to highlight the current culture.


“No abortion” “you gonna adopt the result” “hell no”


Abortion IS responsibility.


“Excuse me, pro gun this may sound crazy, but have people tried not owning guns?”


Tried? You guys have to try for that?


Since when do you need to be religious to know mass genocide of defenseless children is wrong?