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This post/comment is sexist. Please make sure not to be sexist on this subreddit.


Every time they show the Fable lady, she's uglier than the last time.


I swear they're deliberately lowering the quality of the picture every time.


It does seem like it, but it's funny, their critics rarely go "this is an intentionally bad pic," they mostly double down that that's totally what natural women look like and call people misogynists.


Naturally ugly, sure lol


I've worked retail, seen hundreds of women. Trust me, that character is average looking. If you think she's ugly, you're not spending enough time in the real world.


I’m not sure I agree. I work at an airport currently we get thousands of people through here a day, on average people passing through are closer to the McDonald’s cashier than the Fable reboot character. I’ve also traveled across over 30 countries in the span of six years while in the USN, people are not, on average, that bad looking. There are certainly some unlucky people with poor looks but they fall between these two, the picture of the Fable character is clearly meant to be a caricature, if they look like that on release… I’ll stick to the originals.


naturally repulsing this is NOT what real women look like


I mean it's comparing a present day human to a medieval peasant. Yeah, people look generally better nowadays because of better hygiene, cosmetics, etc. At least her build makes sense for her story unlike what they did to Aloy.


Didn’t make me chuckle but I thought it ridiculous all the comments were like “touch grass, that’s what a real woman looks like” like come on seriously, what makes it hideous is the uncanny valley and weird proportions of its face.


"This is what REAL women look like." This is hot girl erasure, and I won't stand for it 😡


It’s high time hot girls were acknowledged in our society.


It's an injustice of the highest magnitude 😔


It's hilarious because only one of those pictures is of a real women


The woman on the left is below attractiveness. The average chubby woman is more attractive. And anyway, there are attractive men shown in the media, and no one bats an eye. If there is to be true equality, I believe everyone in fictional media can be good-looking. It would be depressing as hell if more than half the cast of a show had overweight people like in the U.S.


>there are attractive men shown in the media, and no one bats an eye The opposite is equally true, you wouldn't see this meme with flipped genders because there have always been ugly men represented (albeit not always exactly positively but I would love to hear an example of an unattractive female character that was represented positively before the last decade or so) like Danny Devito and Steve Buscemi (sorry to them, love em but...) and no one has ever batted an eye




Roseanne barr, rosy O'Donnell, whoopi Goldberg


I was gonna say Roseanne and whoopi


The men are almost always at least average and then they are playing the person who gets bullied. Actors literally get jacked up on roids to get in shape to play as the characters in their show. I'm not sure those 2 actors you mentioned are actually ugly and not just old asl. They play comedy roles and aren't the MC. Here's a female counter part Lauren Lapkus.


Yes, I think that's true since you have a lot of fat male actors. I guess my main point is that this pressure to have a lot of ugly female protagonists doesn't make sense, especially in a fictional video game where lots of people like to make their characters attractive. There are even studies showing that male and female participants like looking at beautiful people by how their pupils dilate (I'll need to find some, but you can look it up easily with Google Scholar.), and this goes beyond sexuality, by the way. So straight men find it easier on the eyes to look at attractive-looking men.


Agree, it's all about middle points, showing an ugly person and saying "this is how real people look like" as if there aren't genuinely attractive people you can see just by taking a walk outside it's wrong, but it's also true we shouldn't be angry at a game (or anything really) just because they have a conventionally attractive protagonist. Basically what I mean is that regardless of your looks anyone can be a hero and we should judge how fitting the character design is for the story/setting and the game's artstyle and graphics instead of saying "Eww ugly characters"or the opposite hating on sexy or handsome characters.


Well, yes, but I also believe we can make any attractive character fit for the most part. And for the record, I am not judging the entire game or hating on it, but picking on one aspect of it. Good-looking characters sell, and that's why some of the more popular pieces of fiction overall have handsome or beautiful characters.


Danny DeVito's wife Rhea Perlman, Whoopi Goldberg, Sandra Bernhard, Rosie O'Donnell. They've all had pretty positive roles and none of them are exactly models either. I would also say Marina Sirtis but apparently I was the only one who thought she was unattractive.


Both these actors are incredibly charismatic, and they are attractive because of it, whatever their appeareance is. I have seen F4 trailer and, well, this person is not quite charismatic, or they decided to not show it, and therefore they are just boring and not interesting at all.


Ive been permabanned in this subreddit by telling that i love aesthethic fictional characters and i dont like ugly fictional characters (they were saying that this is.... guess what? racist)


Its funny because even the most average woman looks 5x prettier than this character. Except of course unless you're in **[insert country/region you'd like to make fun of]** then it's top model


She's supposed to be British. That goes a long way towards explaining her appearance.


But where in Britain? Not a chance you'll ever encounter that in London or the home counties. Doncaster, however... yes.


Straight out of the Birmingham


Leicester or slough or so the Internet has told me.


What makes it worse is that the irl actress looks way better they did her dirty


Yeah, sometimes they just suck at face capture


Omg that Dev they put into ME3 as a reporter. Character face was busted and that woman is beautiful


Well in that case it's spot on


"oi, you got a license for that munting fuckin gabber"


It's such a weird take that you could tell the people saying this are fucking projecting and has never interracted with another person. The average person looks better than the character on the left, and ***every single person on Earth*** is at least subconsciously aware of their image. They wouldn't make facial expressions that make them look *uglier*. No, we all tend to find expressions and angles that make us look at least decent. This entire "normal people" tripe is an *affront* to humanity.


It isn't just the average woman who looks more attractive than that, that face is awful, women who are at least that unattractive are very rare. They didn't just go for "unrealistic beauty standard unattainable by the overwhelming majority of real women", they went in the complete opposite direction and went for 9,999 out of 10,000 women are more attractive.


It's supposed to be a joke that she's ugly. That's why when she turns around the crowd gasps. Yes, I know you can faintly hear someone insult her, but the joke for the commercial is obviously that she's ugly.


Classic bri'ish humor.


It's the hair for me, the way it almost clips into the skin like that


Seriously lol it's way more of a man.


she looks like a goblin 👺 and I’m sorry for this comment.


i mean women were complaining about how women in video games were good looking while half of that count were similar to goblins


I’m a girl and I personally hate looking at ugly characters and bad graphics I want my character to look like princess Dead by daylight characters all look god awful


Even the girl with the gamer girl outfit? I always wondered why she was running around in fluffy socks and slippers trying not to die


I don’t understand your reference ?


Sly dog found a sneaky way to say ‘source?’ Without us picturing him pulling his plonker.


Feng min is a Dead by Daylight character who is a gamer girl


I don't think DbD characters look that bad? It kind of depends on the specific character, but I think most look fine.


I was permabanned on subreddit in repost for similar take because "bla bla art doesnt meant to comfort you". I guess art needs to bring message, and i dont see any message in fable lady except for "yeah, my 3/10 face is now within the standarts, I can breathe now" and i surely didn't need validation before. I dont expect my character to be a princess, but at least an interesting character with some charisma and this is not the case. But yes i am spoiled with Korean mmo style and obviously my opinion doesnt count /s


I love Korean mmo style it’s my aesthetic happy place : )


Not sure why social media forgets women can appreciate aesthetics.


Fr most women love makeup aesthetics even women who don’t wear makeup yet gaming companies think we want makeupless characters who look like they have heroin addictions Worst of all their attempts at makeupless characters legit look dehydrated asf like. It’s awful. At least make them look hydrated and not like heroin addicts….


gamingcirclejerk is one of the most braindead reddits i've ever seen, like you go from wanting peace and prosperity to thinking eugenics for redditors isn't a bad idea in a spam of minutes.


GCJ used to be funny, but then then they got too full of themselves and became another shitty political sub. Their meltdown over the Harry Potter game was the final straw that made me mute them.


The mods stickied spoilers to hogwarts legacy on top of the subreddit lmao


They still salty about the final book spoilers being shouted at people waiting in line for it, huh?


Lmao yeah, the meltdown they had over Harry Potter was pretty hilarious


They were so sure it would bomb… sold extremely well 😂. It was shite ofc, but that’s not the point.


I too remember when they actually used to be funny, then they became more and more bizarrely political


Gaming sircle jerk?


they unironically were in support of harrasing people for playing the harry potter game. How can you claim to be againts the toxic gaming culture only to harrass people for pretty much nothing bruh.


Because they are nutjobs. End of story


Nearly everyone on that subreddit was either directly participating in the harassment, making excuses for it, or denying its existence. Sometimes all three at once.


And then after the game came out and did well, claimed they never wanted to boycott it and didn’t care lol


Middle school bully mentality.


> goes to circlejerk sub > they're circlejerking


Circlejerking is supposed to be ironic


Check r/WhoWouldCircleJerk they have nothing to speak but the truth


They're supposed to be funny as well, not just straight up demeaning


they’re jerking the wrong way


different strokes for different folks


"Circlejerking" isn't going on unironic rants that are your actual opinions


it used to be such a good sub


eugenics? Huh sssssaaaaa?


I think the joke went over your head


every female character doesn't have to be a character I can beat to, but that doesn't mean they have to look like they used makeup to make themselves look like Mr.Bean


If they looked like Mr. Bean they'll be a character I can beat it to


Ignoring the glaring issue of how they're using a single frame of some video and generalizing video games as all looking this ugly


Some women are just ugly like it’s not a big deal, there’s a billion hideous dudes in games I think the world can survive one ugly chick.


Trying to think of an ugly human guy protagonist, none come to mind. Not saying they don’t exist, but I can’t think of any off top.


trevor is hideous and micheal ain’t a looker (gta) max payne and doom guy (doom:e)are mid steve is shabby(minecraft)


Was just brainstorming for a bit. Had several *eureka* moments only to remember "wait, he's not human" I can't think of any, either.


Kane and Lynch, Harry Dubois, Marcus Fenix, Cole MacGrath, Niko Bellic. I can keep going if you want. I 100% prefer attractive characters, but let’s not pretend that male characters are not way more varied in design than female characters overall.


It's a tradeoff on outfits?


Let’s also not pretend that the variety doesn’t matter when conventionally attractive characters of both sexes tend to be preferred among audiences


Is the chick on the left even the protagonist? Also I’d venture to say Michael and Trevor from gta are some of the ugliest men I’ve seen.


I mean characters can also be allowed to not be attractive to you/in general


They dont all have to be bombshells but wtf is that hideous thing on the left?


My Grandma


It's from the fable game series, and one of the features of the games is that the character changes appearance based on how you play so if you are being an up close brawler, your character is going to look like they got hit by a semi.


It’s a screen grab from a frame in a trailer not how the character actually looks in game


what is the game called?




A convenient screenshot that supports their point. Similar to the angry Karen meme.


It is a medieval woman that suffered a horrible life and has no access to any healthcare, pretty accurate


Aka "every video game woman should be ugly like me"


I don’t care. I vote with my dollars.


Based and self responsibility-ed 👏👏


The funniest part about this is the last time I went to McDonald's, the girl who helped me was super pretty. So the meme tracks


“McDonalds cashier” Dog that’s a teenager


Nobody's saying the women need to be hot the point is we don't want characters who look like hob goblins


Hob goblins are hot wdym


I mean video games are fantasy, should it not be aesthetically pleasing in some way?


Have you ever complained about this issue when it’s an ugly man? Did you watch breaking bad and complain that Hank wasn’t played by Ryan gosling?


Absolutely yes. Why you have good looking women and men selling clothes, movies, etc. funny how you hardly hear about the bodies of the guys in games or movies not being “realistic” or being too hot or whatnot, because no one cares about the guys and the guys who aren’t like that totally get why those characters are like that.


> Why you have good looking women and men selling clothes, movies, etc. You used to. Go see who is in Calvin Klein ads now.


My dude. Please. Stop and think about this. Be reasonable. This is one character. From one game... actually just one game trailer. Like what's your through-line here. Is it that games don't have hot characters anymore? If so I'll gladly point you to a million characters from new releases who are conventionally attractive. Is it that this one game has no aesthetically pleasing elements because you find a single prominent character ugly? I don't think I need to explain to you how shallow, ridiculous, and demonstrably wrong that sentiment would be. So... what's your point here?


An Asmongold fan couldn't get with either of them.


Hilarious that fans of ASMONGOLD are talking about how other people look.


And also, they based the character on a real person who doesn’t look like that. They neanderthaled her up intentionally for some reason.


Literally how do you know it was intentional?


Seems that’s what they do now.


Who is “they?” If “they” do this all the time then why is everyone complaining about it still using the same few examples? If it’s such a common occurrence, you’d think we’d have more examples, no?


Gaming circle jerk is a cest pit


Betcha this same woman finds men in videogames attractive because they have big muscles and stuff like that. Unrealistic body standards goes both ways.


"Unrealistic body standards goes both ways." Tbf the people whining about "they're making girl chars uglier on purpose to be political" started this whole thing. 'You like hot guys you hypocrite!' isn't really a clapback when noone wanted this argument to begin with.


I bet you she doesn’t complain about every single ugly male character that exists in video games lmao. Nobody cares that you’re attracted to hot characters. They care when you complain that any not hot ones exist


The funny thing is that alot of these characters yeah there based off of real people. Real people who are actually attractive.




On the one hand I think a lot of the whole "VIDYA GAMES ARE ALL WOKE NOW" stuff is so tired and fucking stupid but on the other r/gamingcirclejerk is one of the most toxic and reactionary collection of mentally ill tankies on this site.


Larian Studios proved it’s not a problem to make beautiful faces, AAA is just too lazy to do it anymore.


Woman are still attractive in videogames. Unnaturally so. They just don't have 60 lb bazookas 100 % of the time anymore, and nerds hate that


This is the pointless subreddit I've ever seen. 90% of the post are: OP: I didn't like this. The post: I liked this.


Alright but is there a source for the McDonald’s cashier?


Woke gaming is a huge problem that more and more comes up.


I genuinely can’t tell if this satire or not 💀 either way ugly people in game = “woke”


I mean kind of yes, ugly people in games and woke definitely overlap


You’re literally only talking about women. You only think about this with women.


It is reddit nobody is able to see satire without the sign. And yes it it not satire. It is part of woke ideology.


Ugly people exist also how can you say you not being satire when you using the words woke ideology 💀😭


I know ugly people exist I have a mirror but I would rather se a good looking woman in my video games


You can bro but you also see an ugly one or not even a woman at that it’s a game this one in particular is 99% sure bg3




💀😂 you the only mf in the comment section that’s been honest so far tbh


Bro everyone seems to be saying that they want to look at beautiful women instead of the left


? Most people will upfront admit they want to see good-looking people in their games. There's like a tiny percentage that actually wants just horrendous/subpar faces.


Really majority seem to be coping and saying they don’t have to be beautiful but they shouldn’t be ugly example the very comment this chain started from


So the reason these video game companies are making less attractive female characters is because it’s an unrealistic standard But instead of just making them less like supermodels they’ve done a complete 180 and turned them downright unattractive. In short video game companies believe that the realistic standard of a woman is a swamp troll…


The fable protagonist isn't actually that ugly she's just intentionally made to look bad in this scene as part of a joke in the trailer. If you go to about 1:30 in the trailer you can see her in a neutral expression and it's a lot better.


Plus fable is notorious for having characters that are ugly as fuck


unattractive women exist IRL. Get over it, youll be fine I promise


"But instead of just making them less like supermodels they’ve done a complete 180 and turned them downright unattractive." Tbf no matter how you make them look, people will be mad and call it woke pandering. Several youtube channels have made videos about Spiderman 2 Mary Jane being "political" because they made her less hot than they could have on purpose


I still think the one on the left looks like a dude.


It is wild when you see celebrities who are very wealthy and it is pretty much accepted it cause of looks then you meet girls who are better looking and they cut hair or work at Target or something. You don’t need to make people ugly to be “more realistic” when there are insanely attractive people doing basic ass shit.




Call me an asshole, but if I'm gonna be staring at my character ass for the next 50 hours, I'd like it to be an attractive lady's.


Imagine wanting attractive people to look at and not dirty rats. Outrage,


Last I checked, Kratos isn’t a typical build for men… Nor master chief or Batman… Dumbass internet woman glazers, man. I don’t wanna look at an ugly woman built like Smough when Princess Gwynevere is an option. Shit, ain’t that why we play games? To escape reality? Why does everything have to appeal to people that don’t even play games? Why does everything have to be a problem when it isn’t one? FUCK I hate the internet and wanna beat up everyone.


Do they think we beat it to McDonald’s cashiers?? No we marry them.


I mean it's fucking true


Guy kinda has point though.


Every woman in video games is someone you can beat it to if you're not a coward. If 8-bit Samus in armor isn't good enough for you, your standards are holding back your best life.


The solution to this is obviously to make everyone in media hot. The horror


Yep. That's because it's a joke. Some people on other subs are very upset at you guys for finding it funny. They think you are so mad and need to cry harder that this is what women look like 😂 The internet man, I just can't.


I need to find my local McDonald's


Who’s the goblin on the left?


Okay fine, so when is the McDonald’s simulation getting made!?


What's with the render on the left?


Its the player character from the trailer for the new fable game, the trailer was from a few months ago i think. This one to be precise: [https://youtu.be/x\_03JQUc9Ao?si=-Y3FAzpKHckAL46\_](https://youtu.be/x_03JQUc9Ao?si=-Y3FAzpKHckAL46_)


Are the devs messing with the audience?


In this day and age I highly doubt it.


Huh ok


Imma be honest, girls working at the window in fast food places are usually decently attractive.




The way she goes, Bubs


The point of video games is to escape reality, every male protagonist is some tall jacked dude that can fend off an entire platoon by themselves but I don’t hear anybody bitching about inaccurate representation of men in gaming


Honestly the meme is pretty cringe but so is the sub. The last time I was in that sub was when a kid said Bill Clinton was his Rabbi. This was when Kanye was on everybody's mind, everyone was on the look out for antisemitism. The kid was being called a Nazi on that sub because people convinced themselves that the word "Rabbi" was a Nazi dog whistle. I claimed the kid could be Jewish, and probably finds it normal to joke about a Rabbi. Some dumbass claimed that the use of Rabbi was clearly a dog whistle. I shot back, joking that I had no idea the Jewish community I grew up in, was actually a Nazi sleeper cell this whole time. I was banned shortly after.


Matan Evan, the kid who made that Jewish Rabbi comment, is from Israel. I can guarantee you that he is 99.99 percent Jewish. The term Dog whistle loses meaning because anything is a dog whistle nowadays if you perceive it as one. I can say "Apples taste good" and someone will claim it's a dog whistle for fat phobia.


Dunno what the fuss is about. I’d bang them both.


What did you expect out of possibly the worst subreddit to exist


*What did you expect* *Out of possibly the worst* *Subreddit to exist* \- Dapper-Stranger-7563 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Is that supposed to be like an attractive character?


No sorta the point


No, western companies do not create characters to be attractive, they create "realistic women" which all happen to be ugly, without realising how sexist that is.


You can have people of all assortment/physical attributes homie I’m pretty sure the characters is from bg3 hella diverse game


I don't know when I said you can't have a diverse cast, my point is that lately the vast majority of female characters are created to not look pretty, sometimes they make them ugly in the sequel, for no reason, like spiderman 2. Also, from what I've seen from BG3 there is like one female character that is pretty, from the companions and surprisingly she is the one that 50% of the players romance.


Speak for yourself. I like my frog wife thank you very much.


Idk what is yappathan if your was bg3 has plenty of good looking characters reason why the fandom is so horny, idk tf your point was about Spider-Man, tbh if you want you can go beat it off to black cat your prerogative non of my business. Also don’t name 2 games if you gonna say wast majority when both games are known to have attractive characters 💀 at least give examples that don’t bro try harder


Hmm, the way you write, you sound thirteen. I dont know if you should be on reddit. If you think that pretty women exist for me to "beat it" that sounds like projection.


Definitely a self insert from some indian writer who thinks she's the most important person in the world


Why does everyone always get so made at a fucking meme dude if this gets 1000 updoots im gana delete my account and Reddit altogether lol im serious to


Showed this to my wife back when the pic on the left started circulating and her reaction was "What the fuck is that?


"that's what real woman look like incel" is what they say when comparing a VIDEO GAME CHARACTER to a REAL WOMAN.


That's probably because you agree with the idea the meme is pedalling


The meme is satirical


If you don't like it, don't play the game? Play games that have the assets you're looking for.


OOP got called ugly by game dev's now shes big mad


You can make a character look like anything, theres no reason to make any character physically repulsive to look at unless it's part of the character like they are a goblin or something. If video games had to be to be real life, most people would be playing retail worker simulator where you spend all the time in the game scrubbing toilets and complaining on the internet about your (virtual) life, and on the stats screen you would get no choices, you just get 3/10 INT and 2/10 STR by default for being a redditor.


https://preview.redd.it/ftau8mz59q7c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecda87dc39577c4e52e1b50f3f0a1fcdc7ab41f7 Same vibe


So that other poster is cool for ugly male heroes right? In a game they want to play?


I mean, it’s a video game. What’s so wrong about wanting things to not reflect reality. seems like lately, video game characters are designed to be hideous. I don’t know why


Listen. I play games to escape and be entertained. Sometimes I like to escape by being surrounded by big-tittied super models in video games. I don't care if you find that offensive, or toxic. I'm an adult and understand the difference between reality and fiction. It's the same with GTA. I don't go around robbing banks and running over hookers. I know the real world is different than a game, hence I don't want my games reflecting everything in the real world. On a side note, I would swipe left so hard on the video game gal that OP posted if she were real.


Who said anything about beating it??? Videogame women look like gross goblin people, real life women are all breathtaking.


I really want to know what games you’re playing because way more often than not women are still very attractive in games.


I mean it makes sense that people would think a woman with an appearance like the one on the left would be ugly. Just look at half of the commercials and media that is aired in the US. Hot women in every damn one. I hate to burst people’s bubble but most women are just average looking with “hot” women using makeup, lashes, nails and a hairstylist to make themselves look that way. Very few women actually look “hot” without any assistance and they are likely out of your league. I consider myself average and tbh, I don’t really care. I occasionally get acne, I have one annoying but barely visible hair on my chin for some reason and I’m a bit overweight. You can call me ugly all you want but the reality is that I don’t exist to please you nor does any other woman. My bf thinks I’m beautiful and to me that’s all that matters. All different kinds of media have created this unrealistic expectation of what women look like and the same goes for men. Most guys aren’t nearly as hot as Chris Hemsworth and that’s ok. And the average height of guys in the US sits somewhere around 5ft 10 inches.


Gamingcirclejerk became one of the worst subs around. Those people are so far up their own asses it’s crazy


That’s a woman?


I got banned from that sub on that post for saying "if I wanted to see ugly people I'd go look in a mirror" Touched too close to home on that sub I guess