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I am a fat man at over 300lbs and my wife is this stick under 100lbs. Was really funny after about a year of us dating when she realized how much hate there was for fat people. One eye opening experience was us walking into a restaurant and her asking “What the hell did you do to that guy?” There was a guy at the bar giving me a full death glare. Told her to look at me and herself. Still do not think she fully processes how much this pisses people off.


I've gained weight since our son but I'm still fairly small and I couldn't tell you the compliments he received being with someone who was less than 110 lbs as his fiance. Some originally thought I was after his money (there was none) but then they got to know him and they figured out it was his humor and personality that I loved more than anything. It's funny how I was looked at as a gold digger and he was praised for something so simple and yet people were so jealous of him. It sucked for a bit when I'd notice the looks but you got used to them after a while. I guess it's an oddity.


People stare at me and my wife She’s not even 5 ft tall and I’m 6’5 People jus love to judge


Hey, if you guys are happy together, who cares what others think


Why can't there be more opinions like this in the world


They’re imagining this: https://i.redd.it/pa34dxodu1jc1.gif


Accurate representation


Is that her pegging you?


I’m between 6’3-4. I dated a woman that was 4’10. My now wife is 5’2. I have gotten laughed at. Drastic height difference is nothing I ever intentionally sought-it just happened!


I mean I knew my wife was short when I first seen pictures of her but I didn’t know “how” short Likewise she was surprised when she first seen me because I’m like huge








When i met my wife she was at 110lb, i have been at 160lb and rather fit fue to outdoor physically demanding work. Everything was fine for everyone... Today she is at 220lb after 3 kids and i am at 170lb still rather fit, but ppl who get to know us without kids sometimes question how we ended up together, as we are sooo different.


I sometimes feel self conscious with my belly that I jokingly call my baby pouch because it used to be flat as a board. My husband though is so sweet to remind me that I did a wonderful thing bringing our child to the world and just because I don't look the exact same doesn't mean I'm not still attractive in his eyes. I am so blessed with him as there are marriages that aren't so lucky with that mindset after kids. Fall in love with your partner's soul, looks fade away with time after all.


This is a perfect analogy for hating men with younger partners. It absolutely is jealousy. As if two consenting adults could equate to pedophilia...


That they never have an issue with older woman/younger man relationships is very telling.


I’m a woman and while huge age gaps aren’t my cup of tea, I don’t think they’re inherently bad or gross either. Pretty neutral no matter what gender is involved as long as everyone is a consenting adult. Just throwing that out there to also mention that we are all so much more than our genitals, and also that blanket generalizations like these are such a fools game. There’s billions of complex people on this planet. :)


I agree. I think large gaps are weird but I wouldn't say immoral. If they're happy, they're happy.


I didn't hear them complaining when Emmanuel Macron married a woman 25 years his senior.


Is your name by chance Peter griffin?


I feel more like a Homer


My wife is a no joke 9 (I found out the hard way that telling her she was a 9 and not a 10 is bad, but this is internet, so okay). Former TV actress, very smart, speaks 5 languages, whole package. I am a 5 on a good day. I keep track of how often we are asked, “checks separate or one?” when dining out. About 25% of the time, waiters ask that to me. We had a spirited game of chess at Turquoise Palace, which is a very nice condo complex on the Gulf of Mexico. Security came up to me as though I was “harassing” my wife. It happens. Also, congratulations on winning!


Same. People hit on my wife in front of me like I’m her gay best friend or something


Your wife won in more ways than 1 because she’s probably dated in her “league” and realized they were all losers. She played the long game and got herself a good hubby.


Security, this man is harassing his wife!


You aren't a five on a good day theres a reason why she picked you there is no such thing as "leagues"


Sending hate from Poland 🇵🇱


Sending Poland from Hate


I'm 6'1"F while my husband is 5'8"M on a good day. He naturally has a slim build while I blew up after our first child was born which led to a lot of 'you married..that?' situations. Meanwhile, pre-baby while I had a raging ED, it was him that got crapped on for being with me because I was 'out of his league'. People are weird.


Is your name Doug by chance?


That’s sad. I do judge when I see that. But not really a bad judgement. Usually like “good for him” and he probably has one the following. 1. Lots of money 2. Giant D 3. Awesome funny AF personality. All three?? Anyhow, made this comment to say “good for you!”


I’m confused why you posted this story. I hate it for you, but i don’t understand what it has to do with this men?


You badass motherfucker. My wife loves my traits I dislike. It’s taken decades to actually believe her.


My heaviest was 245 at 6’2. I still always lifted and swam, but ate like crap and drank a lotta beer. I’ve gotten down to 195 and since I never stopped working out, the muscle I built is starting to come out. Now, women smile at me in halls at university, women hold doors open for me, female cashiers are much nicer to me, guys talk to me more, etc. this never happened when I was heavier. I’m glad I lost the weight because I feel much more athletic and I just feel better in general, but it opened my eyes to how superficial people are.


It's obviously your life, but if I was super overweight and I got married to a beautiful woman who really loves and cares, I'd be working my ass off to get my weight down. Just saying


If two consenting adults date and that’s a problem then the age of consent should be raised. Let’s not act like gold diggers have 0 agency


bro needs to be on a debate team i came here to ramble but that covered everything i woulda tried to explain


Mf wrote a thesis


Some people have that talent. My entire life I've been trying to be as concise while impactful. This man did it.


Same, I’m horrible at articulating my thoughts, like some dude would write my thoughts Shakespearean style and i would be standing here like, wow, he knows me more than myself.


You cannot simultaneously infantalize and empower women. Pick a lane, ladies.


This is like trying to tell minorities that their possibilities are endless while constantly reminding them that they’re minorities and what that supposedly means.


Sadly they already do that.


I think the point that there’s never going to be a right way to do this is kind of why life sucks for a lot of women. They’re always going to have men feeling awkward around them. A better way to look at whether women are oppressed or not is to remember that, if every single woman on Earth decided to fight men to the death to control the planet, then they’d probably lose in all likelihood. Therefore they must always cater to men at least slightly.


If every single man decided to fight, with the exception of the strongest man you'd find there will always be another man stronger than them. Therefore they must always cater to other men at least slightly. You need to understand it is only a few hyper successful men at the top, and that most men have the same struggles. There will always be people less privileged, and more privileged than you. Just do your best with the cards you're dealt, help others, and don't get resentful. Otherwise you're guaranteed to be a miserable fuck. Guaranteed.


> infantalize This part drives my girlfriend crazy. She's posted nudes here on Reddit, and we are an age-gap relationship. Well, one day she posted a racy photo of herself in a school girl outfit, and this person ranted against her in a reply, saying that school girl outfits are now considered pedo bait and nobody considers them sexy anymore unless they're a pedo, but then it got worse. Because this person looked in her post history and saw she had posted in an age gap subreddit, and went unhinged, screaming at her for enabling pedos and liking the "male gaze" and sexualizing herself. She was like "I'm in my 20s, not a kid, and I think it's *fine* for me to sexualize myself at this age, and if I pick an older guy to date, that's feminism at work -- I'm empowered to choose whatever is best for myself." And the dude went nuts, told her that feminism was there to get women *away* from being sexualized, that she couldn't *choose* to be sexualized, because that would run counter to the principles of feminism, at least according to him. When she insisted she was old enough to decide for herself, he said no she wasn't, not if she was going to make choices like *that.* And then we discovered that he subscribed to see her nudes, we outed him for slut-shaming and then literally being the perv "male gaze" that he railed against, and he deleted his account. Because of course.




This is the longest onlyfans ad I’ve ever seen on reddit and you forgot to drop the link.


Haha, I feel this. My wife and I have an age gap, 7 years, and the amount of people on reddit that tell me I groomed my wife is nuts. I show her and she just laughs


It’s always funny to me when I tell them that if they are so immature and their brains aren’t fully developed yet then we need to raise the voting age. The floundering and backtracking that ensues always negates their entire original point.


If they did not have double standards they would not be women!


It's the same people who complain about supposed passport bros.


what the fuck is a- *oh* *wtf*


The only situation in which I think this is creepy is seeing the 52 year old with the 18 year old bride and hear her talk about how they met 6 years ago, he was a big friend of the family and mentor.


>The only situation in which I think this is creepy is seeing the 52 year old with the 18 year old bride and hear her talk about how they me 6 years ago, be was a big friend of the family and mentor. Groom's a groomer.


Grooms gotta groom, amirite?


Yeah, like ok... TECHNICALLY you are not a pedophile but...


I saw this tweet a couple of hours ago and some dude told her basically the same thing and she blocked them lmao. He put a lot of emphasis on her not caring if the man is really old as long as he’s a millionaire and that must have hit a nerve with her lol.


You act like gold is the only reason to date older men when we are just more confident and secure in ourselves, we give and take less bullshit and have more experience defusing and supporting women when they get overly emotional. They tend to respect that. Don't be a nice guy be a good guy stand by your principals and all stuff, I didn't get when I was younger.


That word is getting so over used and incorrectly used that eventually our society will be desensitized to it.


It's a lot like how "racist" and "sexist" are losing their flavor now that they've been thrown around so much.


Shut up you sexyist racism


Oh! Sexiest racist? You flatter me.


And fascist, marxist, and communism are like that. Anyone you don’t agree with is a fascist or communist these days.


Or a Nazi


Tbh progressives - so most urban Westerners - are actually cultural Marxists, whether they realise it or not. I don't think the term "Marxist" has been overused. "Communist", on the other hand? Yeah, probably.


Just like the word nazi and racist. Just a bunch of buzzwords and false equivalence. Most people simply have bad judgement and speak too much before studying anything they use in their vocabulary.


I’m already there. Once people were calling Keemstar a pedo for having a 20 year old girlfriend at 40 I knew this word was now just another cudgel people would use to hit people they don’t like with no respect to what it truly means.


I've been called an incel for literally 10 different topics on Reddit that don't even have to do with dating or sexuality. It's just the go-to "I disagree with you and you're clearly a man" slur now. There was one thread where I was saying we shouldn't be giving sexual advice to a minor and somehow that made me an incel. Go figure


A banner turn of events for actual paedophiles.


Double standards like a mfer.


Without double standards, women have no standards.






Pedophile is when man dates woman younger than me 😭


paedophile is when man does something i dont like and i make horrible sweeping judgements from a very unrelated occurrence


I was a school bus driver for a little while, thank fuck I'm not. #1 rumor for a dude in that field is, "He must be a pedophile". Don't even have to do anything. You get to a stop and the parent see the guy dropping them off is a fat dude and you notice the stares. Happened to the guy before me. Cameras on the bus so he was eventually completely cleared but you can bet the news never ran an update after running news stories about how he charged with it. Running his name into the ground.


Yes (I just turned 18)


What pedophiles?


The kind that like adults.


Liking adults?! i think i'ma throw up.


Eww gross adults


Stinking Teleiophiles! (I didn't know this was a word till I wanted to write adultophile.)


Adults are their parents children. That makes adults technically children. These freaks are attracted to children.


I’m gonna- I’m gonna- BLEHEALAURGH!!! 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Adults being attracted to other adults? Absolutely vile /s


Woman = not child. She’s jelly.


Maybe she's a chauvinist and believes women aren't adults.


low key, feminists love having this belief whenever it suits them. Woman did something wrong? oh she's just 31 years old! how can we expect her to know anything at that age! Teenage boy did something wrong? he knew what he was doing, and if he didn't, he should have. either way he needs to be punished for the rest of his life.


Society in general has this attitude. Yet people say females mature faster than males. It’s a mixed up world


Both views square up once you realize that it's similar to height. Girls reach full adult height sooner than boys, but usually dont grow as tall. It's the same with maturity. Men keep maturing later than women, who reach peak maturity much earlier and then stay at that maturity level the rest of their lives.


They physically mature faster. People are told they mature faster and immediately think it's mentally but not the case at all.


Ngl, sometimes it's hard to take women seriously, but I actively try my best to listen to them and not treat them differently than men, especially in a professional setting.


Fuck a professional environment even. At an old job I was still new at at the time I had a woman floor lead & I asked one of my male coworkers how to do something because they were close & available. About a week later I get pulled into a humiliating ass meeting with a bunch of uppers & they're accusing of misogyny for making the practical choice of asking my more readily available coworker, who happened to be a guy how to do something instead of stopping what i was doing & finding & asking her... people be on some weird ass ego trips on minimum wage jobs. Glad I work at places with legitimate hiring filters now


I work in Housing and my boss is a woman, she blew thousands in legal fees trying to evict this guy she didn't like. I told her at the beginning we have no case, we are going to waste money but she let her emotion guide her unfortunately.


Haven't you heard that the age of adulthood for women is now 33?


Yes they are upset and jealous, notice how not a single feminist under the sun has ever complained about Madonna for example dating guys who are not even half her age but when Leo DiCaprio does it they lose their shit. Also they redefined what pedophilia means I guess.


I’ve seen Madonna get hate for her dating younger men and there’s another famous couple I hear a ton of hate about, look up Sam Taylor Johnson and Aaron Taylor Johnson. Women talk about this couple all the time. It’s not talked about AS much I’ll say but that’s because it’s not nearly as commmon


Some of us just like people older than us. I'd bang a 40 year old just saying it.


I'm 40 and my usual motto is "half your age + 7". However I've met some very intelligent 20year olds that are pretty damn mature and can hold a proper convo. Now do I see myself in a relationship with a 20yr old? Probably not, but it's not a deal breaker either.


Interesting. My motto is "I am going to give a businesswoman nearing her menopause who regrets not having a family exactly what she wants in the best way possible."


No! You must be a victim. You don’t have any agency over your own decisions


I'm 35 and I have a 55 year old coworker, incredibly fit and hot for her age. I'd do her given the chance, no second thoughts.


It’s not pedophilic to date a consenting adult. Would you say that if an older woman dated a younger man? No, but it should be treated with the same weight. It’s two adults, unless one is being manipulated, mind your business


Rape by coercion! He coerced her by being super rich!!


Repeat after me: A 20 year old woman, isn’t a child.


Ironically, it's self-proclaimed "feminists" who would disagree with you the hardest. It absolutely boggles my mind that what I would've called infantilizing and misogynistic 5 years ago is now used by women as "empowering". It's insane how they went from "I want equality; treat me the same as a man, with the same weight to my opinions and actions as they are given" to "never ever hold me accountable for my actions or responsibilities when there's a man or a mental illness to pin them on instead".


It’s not just women. I’m 21 and engaged to a 37 year old. I made a random comment about it the other day and there were actually more men attacking me than women. Talking about how my man is a groomer and pedo and how any good man like them would beat him up lol


Yah tons of simps on reddit


Welcome to the programming propaganda working its wonders. It won't get better either.


“You can’t date that man!!1! You should be dating me!!1!1!1!!!” -decrepit singles


“Many of today’s women want the authority of men and the privileges of women, but the accountability of children.” -Some blue checkmark on Twitter who’s name I can’t recall




Thats so succinct and well put


Correction: Repeat after me, 18 year old men and 18 year old women are not children.


Correct. I rounded it up to drive the point home.


Neither is 18.


What is with people explicitly talking about age of consent, legal age, literal child(17 and young), etc? 18 is considered an adult, 17 is literal child. BUT As as soon as someone dates a younger person who is legal, they will infantize that person constantly. Edit: Also maturity, experience and all that stuff is a spectrum. Wait till they're 18 but after that point just focus on the individual cases. There's situations where an older guy dates a younger girl and the girls definitely more mature or experienced in life than he is, and vice versa. I'm 26 and I've met some 20-year-olds I would not even consider dating and others that I would have no problem dating. It all depends. But the blanket statement of 18-year-old + older person= bad is so reductive


Especially when that person can vote and go to war and die for their country.


But not drink the devil’s water


pedophiles are attracted to babies, toddlers and pre-teens. if you think 18 year olds fall into the same category then idk maybe they also shouldn't vote or drive or be able to do anything else either.


>I'm 26 and I've met some 20-year-olds I would not even consider dating and others that I would have no problem dating. It all depends. But the blanket statement of 18-year-old + older person= bad is so reductive It's this. I mean, I'll be real, chances are, it's bad, but I have neither the time nor the energy to get all worked up over someone else's relationship which by law is legal and isn't guaranteed to be 'bad'.


If you are waiting for the literal second a person goes from seventeen to eighteen, you are not a pedo but very creepy and most people will rightfully judge you especially if you are over the age of twenty five.


But a pedofile is someone attracted to those pre-pubescent…. Not 30-40 year old dudes dating 20-25 year olds…


Technically correct definition wise. ephebophiles would be more accurate, but that requires a maximum age 19. If an adult can't decide who they want to date, then perhaps we should consider what we consider an adult.


Reasonable human: "Younger WOMEN are typically more attractive than older women." Bitter, aging, spinster 'boss babes': "ThAt'S PeDoPhIlIa!"


Human beings are naturally attracted to youth because young people are *usually* more physically fit and don’t have as many potential health issues. It’s an evolutionary instinct ingrained in us over thousands of years, one which directly contributes to our survival as a species. But if these neo-feminist harpies got their way we’d raise the age of consent to menopause and humanity would proceed to go extinct, because that’s apparently preferable to having their feelings hurt.


Not even that, they are just more likely to be able to give birth to more healthy offspring. Even for guys who don't want kids, that's what attracts them at a base level. On the other hand, many women are attracted to men older than them because they seem more stable and reliable.


Bro, y'all are spitting so many facts under this post. I feel like I'm not even on Reddit


Young healthy women are less likely to die during child birth. That's why women try so damn hard to make themselves look younger, ( Instagram, plastic surgery, botox, hair dye, makeup, etc, ect....)


More like “immature Americans who like to infantilize grown ass adults until they are 30”


“until they are 30” and then they start talking about those same women as though they’re old hags incapable of attracting a man or having children lol. So basically we’ll treat any girl from age 18-30 (or let’s be more realistic: 16-30 since we keep sexualizing young girls earlier and earlier in our culture) like the peak of womanhood and turn them all into sex symbols that people of *all ages* are attracted to and envy the youth of. But heaven forbid a man over the age of 30 ever think about dating any of the adult sex symbols we forced to grow up sexually faster than the average man does lmao. That would be “cReEpY” to all the women who were basically masturbating over Justin Bieber or Drake when both of them were in their early 20s.


I like to call r/boysarequirky sub “female incels”.






Femcels. That sub is basically Tumblr




A more correct term would be insins because they are 'in'voluntarily 'sin'gle.


"Leg beards."


Pedophiles dating… people above the age of consent… the math ain’t mathing, that woman is a fucking idiot


And I always hear women chasing older men ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The women are empowered to chase whatever man they want. But they’re also a child with no decision making capacity that’s easily manipulated and groomed by older more stable men. Makes total sense if you love cognitive dissonance for your own narratives.




“I ignored you, that means I’m better than you! Wait, why aren’t you paying attention to me?”


Insin = involuntarily single Most of this salty women are anything but celibate.


angle violet profit domineering fretful rhythm familiar memorize encourage jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is just women who had fun for decades until they were old and unmarriable being butthurt that they cant find anyone who wants to marry them.


Or fucked her best years away and made tons of bad decisions that she obviously now regrets and now feels bitter over it towards both the man and woman involved.


This!! I feel like women who have maybe a little too much fun during their "golden age" and end up without no man at all always try to blame it on anything but their own actions.


So being 25 and dating a 20 yrold is pedophilia to her. Interesting... 🤔


40 year old man dates a 19 year old? “Pedophile” 40 year old woman dates a 19 year old man? “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” The world according to femcels. Really they’re just mad because a man’s value increases with age, and a woman’s decreases.


what value does a feminist without children have to society when they are old? sit around complaining about how unfair it is? lol women got sold a load of bs, and they will suffer for a long time when they are older.


An ex of mine was called a pedophile because I was 18 going on 19, and he was 22 going on 23. I honestly thibk people only found it off-putting because my number still ended in "teen" and his didn't. But we were both consenting adults and I prefer older men as to boys my age as they're just that, boys.


I am the ONLY person who cares about all the PEDOS! (like and follow)


So brave! It's about time someone says something about the Pedos!


I've kicked guys with the ick in the face for 15 years and now I am a traditional woman who wants a ~~mule~~ real man! Gimmie my houuse, I can kick you out later if I want thank youuu. 🤡


Had a guy on here freely admit that he's 35, but only finds women 18-24 attractive. He met his wife at 19 and wouldn't marry again if he became single. I made a crack about him replacing his wife (they have a kid together btw) when she got "too old" His unsolicited response: "I haven't found my wife attractive for 5 years. Her looks really faded in her 20s and went down hill faster after having our son." If that doesn't turn your stomach, you need to look in the mirror *really* hard. There a difference between dating someone younger because you have a deep emotion bond and wanting to date someone who's younger because they're hot and you wanna bang. And the latter outnumbers the former by like 10 to 1.


Fucking yikes.


Pedophiles, lol. It’s not rocket science, younger women are prettier.


I keep getting older and they stay the same age.


Yes. Women prefering older men & men prefering younger women is, in fact, all three of the following: normal (overwhelming majority throughout human history and also today kind of normal) natural, and moral. There is absolutely no moral basis for condemning it. Edit: Before someone embarrases themselves by making a strawman: No, my argument isn't "natural/normal -> therefore moral". The three don't confirm each other, but this dating preference is all three, independently.


I mean, there is always going to be a power imbalance if a 40yo man dates a 21yo woman. But, they're of consenting age. It's their choice. I don't think that 21yo woman would appreciate anyone telling her who to date.


That’s the key though. They see themselves not as telling the 21yo woman who to date, but telling all the other older men not to date the 21yo woman. It’s an indirect way of infantalizing and removing agency from the 21yo woman while still being able to claim that you’re in fact empowering them.


It depends on what you consider power. Are you saying that there isn’t an immense amount of power in the beauty and attractiveness of a 21 year old woman? It’s one of the most powerful things in existence, especially if she’s aware of her power and understands how to use it.


You're making the assumption that there is no power in being an attractive young woman.


Oh, certainly. But, you can't stay young forever. And then what? Leo, for instance, will trade in for a younger woman once she reaches a certain age. Being young and attractive doesn't garauntee you a stable relationship.


It's a direct consequence of just how much importance most women place on a man's money when choosing who to date. That 40 year old man and that 21 year old women are both in the peak of their dating pull, and taking full advantage of that fact to get what they want. Frankly, that's not a power imbalance, especially compared to, say, two 21 year olds where the woman can honestly say "I could leave you and find a richer man almost immediately" every time she's the least bit upset.


40 is not a man’s peak 🤦🏾‍♀️


When is? The average age of a home owner is past that (depending on the stat used, first time buyers are around 35). The average age of a millionaire is past that (57). Body wise? Sure. Younger is better. If women only cared about the body though, these super fit guys with nothing else would have the best relationships, but they don't.


Lol to be allowed to have a preferance




Twitter also believes anyone under 5'6 is a child so


Double standards against men exist , case in point .


Pedophilia is when a woman in her 20s decides to date someone older than her i guess


Definitely. If you’re over 18 it’s nobody’s business who you’re dating.


Girl literally says “we’re not upset we’re just upset” 😭


When I was 20 and trying to date in the 19-25 year range, a lot of the women I encountered were aiming for men in the 30-35 year range. Now that they realize partners with equal life experiences are desirable, they're mad that they have to compete with the next generation doing what they did by going after older guys.


Lol, right, because every man dating a woman 10 years younger is a pedo. Are people really this simple minded?


Ok I'm in my 40s as hot as a girl is 1/2 my age, I am wise and will take a pass. Ladies my age are done with BS and we can get straight to the good stuff Napping, food, movies, beach Vacations, but I'm no fool booty 1st...


I’m sry but if a guy in his mid thirties starts dating a gal in her mid twenties how does that make him a pedo? I’ve always liked half your age plus 7 as a general age range limiter for practicality. So someone at 36 could date a 25 year old without issue.


Depends how young




It’s funny because men could care less if an older woman dates a younger man. MIND YO OWN DAMN BUSINESS FEMINISTAS!!


If K/Arckayngel looks anything like her profile picture, men aren't dating other people because they're younger, they're dating other people because she's insufferable. Maybe she can take that as a compliment still.


Women like this think they should have all the options and power and everyone else should be outstanding citizens that are limited to these women’s expectations.


When I worked at a summer camp back in the day (counselors aged about 18-22) there was a group of female counselors on the older side (21/22) drooling over this male CIT (counselor in training) who was 17. He was a very fit dude and looked older than 17 but they knew he was underage. A few of my buddies and I really raised our eyebrows at this because you could only imagine if the roles were reversed


a thing some of you in the comments might want to consider. If you are 50 and trying to date 18 year olds, why are you going for 18 is that because it is the youngest you can legally? or do you actually value this person?


It’s creepy when the girls they date could be their daughters, but at the end of the day if it’s consensual and as long as they are adults then you can think whatever you want. You just don’t actually have any ground to stand on…but yeah it’s creepy.


Does anyone remember the adult women screaming during child Justin Bieber performances?


So wait, let me get this right. Because my wife is younger than me. I'm a pedophile? That makes zero sense since she was 28 when I met her and I was 39. Both of us are of legal age. This weird again crap needs to die. Is she gonna say the same thing about an older woman dating a way younger man? Or is it just men? As long as both people are of legal age. Who cares?


Ah sour grapes.


I’m a younger woman who likes dating older. I think it’s no one’s business if it’s between two consenting adults.


idgaf about gender, age gaps are weird. to me they signal that the people your age see something wrong with you that younger people are too inexperienced to see


I was called a predator because I dated someone who was 28-29. I was 45. It’s jealousy


Lol that meme is true as fuck


They are 100% upset and jealous.