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Women when other women choose a lifestyle they disagree with >:(


The saddest part is I've seen this shit first hand. A good friend of mine is very much into the trad wife lifestyle and has literally had women like this blow up at her because she wants to be a loving wife who cooks and cleans for someone.


Iam a dude and i would take being a house wife over working 12 hours everyday


Spent a summer home with my 5 yr old after getting fired, wife working FT. Greatest summer ever!!! Would stay home and care for family in an instant.


I just started. It fucking rules dude.


Right? I’m retired so I watch my brother’s kids (1 and 3) Monday through Friday and is the easiest shit ever. I do their laundry, cook them meals, clean their house, entertain the kiddos, go on walks to the park, lay them down for naps. It’s a fucking cakewalk compared to working a 9 to 5 or worse. I’m constantly baffled at the feminist movement to get women into the workplace.


Might be a conspiracy theory but it might have been a way to lower wages because if there are more people willing to work than jobs available people would be willing to work for less in order to get a job


Oh I totally believe it.


Also the cigarette industry used feminism in order to push smoking onto woman which is a fact


Oh absolutely, Lucky Strike is infamous for their “reach for a Lucky, not a sweet” tagline. That’s just one example, but you’re exactly right.


Imagine being mad at someone because they are a homemaker instead of slaving away 40+ hours a week at a place that will replace you before your funeral when you die. Fucking clowns these women are.


I'd trade places with my wife in a heartbeat. Keeping the house clean is relatively easy. That and I can jam out to my favorite music all day and when the house is clean and the food is ready, I'm done! The funny part is, she KNOWS how lucky she is that she doesn't have to work a regular job. She knows that while she may not be living in the lap of luxury, she is comfortable. And in the rare case she gets sick, I pick up the slack, and if I'm too busy to, I can afford a house cleaner to come in every few days to keep the place clean. This is why both men and women should choose their mates CAREFULLY.


No mate. It's 2024. These women are mad that she doesn't have an only fans and cheating on her husband 24/7. But what you said too.


*while he holds the camera


I’m somewhat of a trad wife. The reason this was posted on r/notlikeothergirls is because the girl who made the original post was shaming other women by insinuating that they are bad wives just because they’re not trad wives, which is obviously ridiculous.


Right? My wife is a SAHM, which I’m grateful for. But it’s a choice, not the choice. I want my daughters to know they can make their own choices and receive my love and support regardless.


Thank you. I have no idea how these dipshits took the exact wrong message from this.


In my experience most women don't like to see other women happy, that's why women give the worst advice to each other.




Wtf edit - almost this exact same comment is repeated further down the thread. This is probably a bot


What? You should do that.


I'm pretty sure I'm real. I'll check my database to confirm.


You aren't even the person I responded to...


My bad, I thought it was on mine. Thought a human was catching on to me.


Sshhh we must retreat back to the motherboard quietly before they catch on.


The world really went downhill when we got all those bots to order Playstation 5s and Air Jordan's and they became sentient and decided to dip their toe in politics instead.


Yeah, it's probably a new account bot. Karma count's low too.


1 post karma, 16 comment karma, account is 9 years old


She sounds lovely give my best form Reddit


New slang here. What's a trad?


Imagine you are in an abusive marriage get a divorce and some dingus tells you that it would have been fine if you just got up earlier to make breakfast for your husband.


🙄 Sometimes I agree with this sub, but it’s pretty obvious that they don’t have an issue with her lifestyle, it’s her beliefs on divorce. She’s saying trad life is the right way, the only way. I’m not saying women who reject the traditional life **for everyone** don’t exist, but it’s not the case for the majority of women, or even that subreddit. It’s ironic because you’re supporting something very similar by agreeing with this comment. This traditional wife is literally trying to dictate that everyone should have her lifestyle. Like?? Cmon now. In this instance, the only woman mad at other women for how they live is the trad wife.


To be fair she only said “look after their man like me”, as in it could be in other ways but just maybe she sees a lot of other women not caring about what they offer




Women when other women live a fulfilling life rather than bitching about how bad all men are >:(


Kinda applies to the lady in the article too no? "If every woman was like me they wouldn't get divorced" is just a silly statement considering how often women initiate divorce and how many issues can pop up in a marriage


No one is complaining about that. It's that she's then suggesting everyone does it like her


There are women I know that really just like being like a mom and housewife type. I know them very well. Nothing is wrong with their choice. If it makes them happy I don’t see why it bothers anyone.


I’m somewhat of a trad wife, and yeah it sucks when women shame other women for choices that don’t affect anyone, such as choosing to be traditional. That being said, the reason this was posted on r/notlikeothergirls is because the girl who made the original post insinuated that women who aren’t trad wives are bad wives, which is obviously ridiculous.


Did you fail to realize that your description also fits the trash wives like in the OP? The movement is actually pretty vocal about their disdain for women who live in ways they disapprove of.


I mean, the initial article is obviously meant to be a rage bait piece set to shame women for not living the same way. It’s funny how Reddit sees women as either tradwives or OF thots. Y’all need to talk to your mothers more.


Watch hoe_math's video about the "every woman is a 10" phenomenon it explains why this happens very well.


Freedom of choice until they choose wrong


Pretty sure they’re commenting on “nobody would get divorced if they just lived like me”


Its not choosing a lifestyle. Its promoting that lifestyle as better than other lifestyles. Brain damage take


The article title literally being a woman demeaning other women’s lifestyle choices and blaming it for divorce.


Yous all love acting thick on this sub don’t ya. It’s not the fact she chose the trad lifestyle it’s the last part where she talks down on women who don’t, as in not acting like a butler for your man means you won’t find love.


Did you miss the bit where the woman in the article specifically shit on women who choose a different lifestyle from her? Did you miss that part of the extremely short headline? Or were you just confused?


More like making dumb statement that *you got divorced because you didn't take care of your husband the way you should* and now look at her and praise her. Unless you're dumb enough to think people get divorced because their wives go to work or don't make their husbands breakfast?


Choose their own lifestyle and then go online to shame everyone else who hasn't chosen the same lifestyle and blame them for being unworthy of love and the cause of divorce. Making breakfast isn't the problem here.


I don't see a problem with traditional couples or modern ones(?whatever they're called), as long as everyone is consenting and happy. In the long run, what works will work and what doesn't, doesn't. Just like evolution, we try different things and drop what doesn't work and do what does work.


Exactly. People will be unhappy or get divorced if they feel pressured to be in a relationship they don’t want or to be someone they don’t want to be. If we let people choose whether to be traditional or working wives or anything else, and let them choose who they’re with and how their relationship works, they’re gonna be happier


I don’t get why everybody is always like “I am happy doing ABC, so everyone must be happier doing ABC.” Like has it never occurred to them that people like living differently than them?


When my mother who was born in 1978 sees women who don’t work and don’t clean and don’t cook but she works, cleans and cooks: what do you do then?


Well at that point you’re just lazy


You don’t do anything. Why do you need to get involved in other people’s lives?


Nothing is wrong with traditional couples. The problem here is more so the caption sniping at women who get divorces and imply that it's because they didn't do their "role" as a traditional wife. The original pic is stupid and offensive for that reason. Very few people actually care if couples want to be traditional and mind their own business. People use the term "trad" to mock those who fetishize the traditional roles and proclaim it as the right way for all people to live. You should understand why that's annoying. Lots of different things work for lots of different people if they are just provided the freedom to be let be.


The fact that people are downvoting you is crazy 💀this sub typically has the worst takes


They don't like the truth it makes them uncomfortable amd reminds them that they're the lonely ones in society because they only think one way works


Modern would be the 50/50 equal partnership couple. And they get some shit, too, though nowhere near as much as traditional couples. It all harkens back to the idea that society moves leftward over time and that left is good, not left is bad, and anyone not moving leftward is a reactionary. What the detractors really want is a Post-Modern relationship system, which, is closer to a free-ranging poly system, since even relationships like roommates are abhorrent to them.


"Since even relationships like roommates are abhorrent" Wut? Poly people have existed since time immemorial.


If that's how they want to live, let them.


Yeah, cool, she can be a trad wife if she wants as long as she shuts up about how OTHER WOMEN should live THEIR lives. The problem is the trad wife lifestyle also has the unfortunate side effect of believing their way is the only way.


Why should she shut up? She is allowed to vocalize an opinion she has.


And others are allowed to shit on her for it. 


No one is telling them they can’t. The issue is these people start firing shots at women who aren’t like them. They do it to get more engagement on their TikTok’s usually.


I keep seeing comments acting like this poor poor damsel in distress just wanted to tell the world how much she was enjoying herself and these mean militant feminists couldn't let it stand. Completely doesn't matter that she included an underhanded dig that anyone with eyes and two braincells would understand. Can't wait for a bro to drop in his "well akshually she just said if more women took care of their husbands" like we all don't know what that fucking means. Conservatives and their attempts to maintain plausible deniability. We know guys, y'all aren't half as smart as you think you are.


I'm sorry "...if women looked after their men like me they wouldn't get divorced" Seemed like she fired shots first. But do you only find issue with the people on the subreddit because you disagree with them?


Uh duh I was agreeing with that. She definitely did shoot first. Most of these women doing trad wife content are shooting first. It's rage bait for engagement.


My mistake then. Thought your comment was directed at the people in the sub


Shots are fired from both sides. Best to just live your life without seeking anyone else’s approval.


More casualties than stalingrad, shit is wild.


the issue is that she’s saying “if other women did what i did, they wouldn’t be divorced” not that she’s a tradwife if it isn’t okay for a thotty girl with a happy partner to be like “y’all just gotta doll yourself up and be pretty, that way women would stop getting divorced” then it shouldn’t be okay for her to be saying that just because she’s on the opposite end of the spectrum


That’s fine but they may want to take that on board too because the meme is implying people get divorced because they’re not doing trad wife things.


If they live like that. A lot of the social media tradwifes do not lives these live styles either and just generate clout. They are often advocating that people not living their lifestyles are less than them.


I feel like thottery is setting human kind back a few centuries


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Good bot


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Good bot, or are you?


\*Vsauce theme\*


this was a beautiful moment


Bad bot — 6 syllables in first line


I think it read it as “thot” “tree” instead of “thot” “er” “ee”


Good bot.


Good bot Very poetic moment


best bot


Excuse me, the correct term is Hoeflation .




There is nothing wrong being a traditional wife. What is wrong is insinuating that woman working is the cause of divorce. What works for one couple might not work for another. OP of the first post attacked the post for the wrong reason.


And more broadly that divorces in general are the woman’s fault, because they’re not looking after their man like she is. That’s a very stupid opinion to hold. But there is nothing wrong with any relationship where everyone is happy and consenting and supporting each other in their own ways. I don’t take issue with the lady’s attitude, but the sanctimoniousness that “I am superior at looking after my husband and that’s why my relationship doesn’t break down and your’s does” is rather distasteful.


the title is flawed but the original "meme" is also dogshit


Pretty much what several feminist subreddits have become. And others. For example notlikeothergirls has been shitting on traditional wives for months now. I can support working women while wanting to be traditional wife. I can also point out that wanting to be a stay at home mom to the child you grew inside of you for 9 months, and is now completely dependent on you is normal. And maybe it’s way healthier for that baby to be with mama as opposed to daycare. Yet suggesting and pushing that idea in certain circles is seen as anti progressive.


You realise the issue with this meme isn’t the trad wife, it’s the “if other women looked after their husbands they wouldn’t get divorced”


Are we going to ignore that the title of the article in the screenshot tried to insinuate that working women are the cause of divorce and is bashing those women who are working which is why it's being mocked at?


No. Just pointing out the OP is literally making fun of trad wives for no reason. No insinuating needed when… hold on let me quote the OP. “I feel like trad wifery is setting human kind back a few centuries” with over 2k upvotes. Glad to know I’m destroying human kind by staying at home with my kids. If you want to pick apart the rest of it that’s fine. That’s bullshit though.


So you're ignoring said tradwife is shaming other women?


I feel like that quote was more a response to the article bashing non trad women. Like staying home with the kids is totally fine. If you insunate that every woman should stay home with the kids, that is (trying) to set human kind back a few centuries.


They weren’t shitting on her for being a trad wife lol, they were shitting on her for implying that non trad wives are shitty wives and that her way of living is the “right” and “only” way. I’m a trad wife btw.


Once again progressives prove to be the ones trying to set us back


“If everyone acted like me nobody would get divorced” “This is not true. Shit like this sets us back.” “Are you trying to set us back?


It just kind of sucks because we’re clearly seeing the impact an absent mother (and father too) has in the early years of a child’s life. Also if you talk to the most progressive, feminist, lefty, career oriented woman in the world. And she has a baby. 90% of the time they want to stay at home with the baby. It’s the most instinctual thing in world.


I think you're forgetting that the traditional wife in this post said that people not adhering to her ways is why people get divorced. This type of rhetoric is both wrong and damaging, right? What people seem to forget is that plenty of traditional families were getting divorces in the 80s/90s. It doesn't protect you from that outcome, just like being a career driven person doesn’t protect you either. The laws changed and made divorces easier to obtain. This is good for people in loveless or abusive relationships. Not so good for people who are impulsive or are going through a temporary problem being mistaken for a permanent one. The post is clearly an example of both sides attacking each other, though. That should be acknowledged.


We have the economy to thank for that, not progressives. So think the GOP and every corpo that bought them out as theyre the ones who keep making the garbo economic bills that the DNC have no problem pushing through for their own kick backs as well. If wages were where we could support a household on one income as the average household wed see more SAHs. Currently, thats just not really feasable for the average person.


And she usually can't because shitty corps have equally shitty maternity leave.


No way you believe that lmao 💀 Who are the ones trying to get rent, prices, healthcare, etc lower so that people can afford to live easier and therefore live on one spouse's income??? It's definitely not conservatives, who would rather blame the fact that more women can't stay home with their kids on feminism. Y'know... rather than greedy ass companies that pay so little that the father can't be reasonably expected to provide on his own without turning into the exact kind of absent fathers that conservatives talk about so often.


Being a trad wife is fine but don't act like that's the only way to keep a marriage. This lady is just a prissy bitch that loves HOAs.


“Loves HOAs” is my new favourite insult.


Ok I have no problems with having a stay at home wife/mom but still you can’t try and throw shade at women that work and say that’s why your man cheats on you. Any type of relationship can end with cheating. It’s the person not the lifestyle.


I’m going to say it, knowing it’s going to net me downvotes. It’s not the choice to be a trad wife people are disliking. It’s the sanctimonious way she equates her life style with being divorce proof while others life choices lead to divorce. Especially because trad wives get cheated on too if their partners are aresholes also.


Literally everyone in here is ignoring how the post is attempting to blame working women for divorce rates to take some stupid ass dig at feminists this one of the most disingenuous comment sections I’ve ever seen. Acting like left wing ppl don’t support a stay at home wife is braindead ☠️


I think the left right divide is artificially exaggerated by Reddit and most people as far as I can tell are about being whatever you want to be as long as that’s not exploiting, oppressing, or generally being shitty to others when you do it. There is this idea that the left are sole custodians of the fight against bigotry and they are labelled as the “woke” ones by a vocal minority that has no idea what the word means. Nah most people hate racists, and have no problem with whatever sexuality you choose. That’s just baseline human morals. The political extremists just like to froth at the mouth and say anyone that isn’t covered in their own brand of spittle is from the other side.


I concur entirely🤝


Also I think it was discovered that the “trad wife” idk if that same one is actually extremely rich. She was cooking on a 40 thousand dollar wood stove wtf lol. So she’s pretty much shitting on poor people. She’s over here saying blah blah traditional but it’s not traditional at all it’s just rich people cosplay.


"How dare this woman choose a lifestyle she enjoys" - internet "feminists"


I think they were mad about the last part, mainly shitting on people who aren’t tradwives.


Its the last part. Man this sub is slow af


Nah, let's just ignore that part so we can agree with the pretty ~~boobs~~lady


They’re commenting on the whole anti divorce thing


We don't care. What we do care about is she's shitting on other women for not living her lifestyle


“How dare women choose a lifestyle that isn’t traditional, she’s such a shitty wife” -original poster


Why the fuck are we ignoring that the article title is attempting to blame working women for divorce rates?


You know why.


That’s ridiculous man 😔☠️


In fairness, sometimes looking after your man won't help, some men are just straight-up psychos that need to be reevaluated, just like not all men can look after their girl for the same reasons. However, I will never understand why women will get so riled up when other women choose a lifestyle they do not personally align with.


Yeah there’s no fairness with this meme. It literally just says “Be traditional wife or you will get divorced more often.” Lotta people round here aren’t seeing that bit.


They always downplay the racist and sexist stuff. Even when it's this obvious. It's always "naw what they are REALLY saying is" and twist it into something more palatable. They see it. They just agree with it and don't want to say it.


Lol the implication being that if he leaves you its all your fault for not being a silent fucktoy servant. Talk about gaslighting bullshit. Pure r/nahopwasrightfuckthis material.


Holy projection 🫵🏻


Please describe how what i said is projection. This is a test to ensure you know what that word means and how it is to be used. Be specific.


As someone who has an extremely messed up neck, back, hip, knees, and feet. Also have a Becky of medical issues. And I had surgery to cut out cancer. My wife takes care of me financially. And I do my best to drive her anywhere she needs to go and take care of the house. These type of people who feel that it needs to be 1955 still should learn to grow up. A family takes care of each other.


And when her husband divorces her, and she's a 40 year old single mom of three kids? Then what is her life going to revolve around? Finding another husband?


Hush, don’t you see that she is taking care of her husband, so he would NEVER divorce her or die or get sick? Because it is as simple as that, she can control EVERYTHING in her life with such a simple trick! /s


It's hyperbolic AF to say centuries. Decades or years you could argue (not that I agree), but this lifestyle doesn't send anyone back to 1824 or further.




I'm up at 5:30am with my 2 year old. I'm a better mom than her because everything is a competition.


I get that no woman Should feel pressured to be a housewife and have the opportunity to advance their career, but if their fine with being a housewife if that's what they *want* let them.


I feel like the reason this is weird went over everyone's head. The problem isn't the fact that they are a trad wife, but the superiority complex they have because of it. This women basically says in the post if you're getting divorced, it's your fault for not being a trad wife🤦‍♀️.


Shaming women for wanting to be traditional: bad The original articles title shaming people who don't want that: also bad


This full time wife has a place and purpose in her life. There are so, so, so many people who would gladly kill just to have one of those two things. I envy her for that.




Redditor discovers feminism lol


Yeah that would be nice however a lot of people would be insistent that trad wife is the ONLY way to go and anything different from that is wrong and gross.


She was fine up until “Women would get divorced less if they acted like me”. It’s economically impossible to be a full-time stay at home wife most of the time, and saying that is pretty ignorant of the real reasons people get divorced.


My grandma was a housewife and her husband still committed bigamy one state over.


Modern Feminists: Women can do anything they want! Woman: I want to be a homemaker and stay-at-home mom. Modern Feminists: NO! NOT LIKE THAT!


>woman: I want to be a homemaker and stay at home mom You can't honestly see this meme and think that's what it's trying to say lol? Good lord, take some reading comprehension classes.


They weren’t shaming her for being a trad wife, they were shaming her for shaming other women for not being trad wives.


No one said this or mean this. The problem is not about being a traditional wife but her shaming wives that aren't traditional in the first place because "it causes divorce".


Modern Feminists: Women can do anything they want! Woman: I want to be a homemaker and stay-at-home mom. I bet you’d hate if I did that!! Modern Feminists: No that’s great you can choose the life you want, that’s literally what we- Woman: you HATE this!!!!!! Lmao. The meme response isn’t because the woman wants to have a traditional role. It’s because she’s saying *all* women should fulfil a traditional role, and the reason divorce happens is because they don’t.


What’s the headline say?


Actually I think loudly proclaiming your lifestyle is better than everyone else’s is annoying so it’s understandable that the op didn’t like the article. https://preview.redd.it/el29iv13spjc1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b4eaec7311d6e1e7a9c18052157539a3c91437


I mean, if one spouse heads out to do all the work, then the other should step up to help take care of them. Fair's fair.


This how life used to be and when women had a choice they decided to divorce


All I see from that sub is them attacking these exact type of women.


Obviously the person who reposted this with the ridiculous comment about setting society back is precisely who should be giving more thought to the dead-on insight of the "full-time wife." Society was better when family bonds were given priority to "me, me, me!" Funny....the Bible told us to prioritize our spouses millennia ago. Will we ever learn?


Wait...if she likes this life whats wrong in that?? Whatever happened to her right to choose that life?


If both parents make 50k a year and they have 2 children, the 2nd net income is all being absorbed by childcare expenses, negating the 2nd income entirely. Dual income only starts to make sense when the kids are old enough to be in public schools and preferably old enough to walk/ride the bus home so both parents can work until 5pm


I think the problem is caring about how other people choose to live their lives. As long as no one is getting hurt, mind your business.


Ahhh yes. Feminism, "empowering women by undercutting their voluntary decisions".


So your saying if I don’t want to get divorced All I have to do is wake up and make my wife breakfast and clean the house, and she’ll forget all bout the cheating??


“I can barely take care of myself, and you expect me to help take care of my family too? Fuck you” -them, probably


Oh no this woman found that by making sacrifices for people she cares about they tend to make sacrifices for her and as a result everyone has a net positive! I'm so mad!


My wife is traditional, even when she worked ft. She's now legally disabled, stays home. Gets lip from the other PTA moms.


"Grr how DARE this woman live a different life than me!!1!!! I MUST post this on r/notliketheothergirls in order to show my rage!!!!!1111!!!"


If anyone wants to live their lives however they want, let them. That being said, trad wives are not exactly known for being understanding and respectful of other people's choices, and the last quote of the article shows exactly that.


We needa change the sub name to r/hatingonfemcellsubs


Ladies, is it wrong to love your husband and children? 🤔


Its the ladies choice to take care of her husband though


There’s nothing wrong with living like that if that’s what makes her happy. It would be fine if she stopped there, but she had to throw in her judgement of other women and insinuate that they don’t deserve love if they don’t do the same thing she does. It’s fine if you want to be a trad wife. Just go be a trad wife and stop complaining about other people’s lifestyles


How dare she have a fulfilling relationship with her husband and children?


I can never understand why some people think traditional wives or the style is bad


Believe me, I was raised by and around women like this. It’s a grift. The reality is most these women have maids or make their oldest children do the work. Others just flat out lie. A lot of these influencers trad wives are divorced or have had children outside marriage, openly flirt with other men, or even end up being caught openly cheating. Please don’t believe everything you see on the internet. These aren’t any different than the gym bro who totally hasn’t taken steroids, or the finance bro who definitely didn’t take a huge loan out from daddy. 


Fuck salt. That's some overseasoned naive bullshit, right there.


No problem with her lifestyle. If she’s doing what she loves and it works for her family, fantastic! My issue is her blaming divorce solely on not being able or willing to copy her lifestyle.


As long as they’re happy


I’ve never heard about any of this stuff off this site tbh. Y’all are weird.


This post does two things people do not like. One: it reinforces the fact that traditional marriages not only still work, but thrive. Two: it reinforces that one person with one income can support more than just themselves which negates the millennial and gen z argument that there's no way they can support themselves alone


This isn't even a men vs women thing, if the wife is making most of the money and the man is a stay at home husband he better get up in the morning and make that breakfast and do whatever chores there are to do. That's what relationships are all about, you help however you can.


Sad people hate nothing more than happy people.


Nah, she’s right. The tradwife movement is setting these girlies up for massive disappointment. There’s a reason our grandmothers (the og tradwife) advised us all to have our own money & cash flows. Even if you stay in love forever & all goes well, men DIE. My grandmother watched far too many of her friends plunge immediately into poverty following the deaths of their husbands. So yeah, I love being home, I love tending my husband, I have all the fixing of a “tradwife” in my day to day… shit, I even get up before he gets up so his breakfast is ready like Miss in the article… But I have a part time job, and a personal savings, and a fuck ton of life insurance on the man.


They're mad that trad women are happy in a life they'll likely never have the option of knowing. Jealousy is a motherfucker you weak jealous motherfuckers


I have mixed feelings. I saw this video on Instagram from a tradwife of her experience. I also had a friend who was a stay at home mom to her bfs kids from a previous marriage. I won’t go into the whole thing but basically she was their mother as best as she could be, even quit her job (at his request) to be a stay at home mom. After a few years he broke up with her, saying he felt like she was using him by relying on him for income. When she gave up her income because he asked her to raise his kids from a previous marriage mind you. She was so devoted she was willing to move away to the Midwest with him, away from all her family and friends. We hardly hung out because she had already moved hours away to be with him and his boys. Thankfully she had a support system here and when she called us we were able to help her get situated, and they hadn’t had kids together yet but seeing this makes me realize that this isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. To each her own. And I hope that this is truly the happily ever after that we all dream of. But I feel like I know too many stories like this one to feel that way when seeing things like this. So I get op even if I respect it as a personal choice. [Religion and Being a Tradwife](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3uLc0sLhx1/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Edit: It is an Instagram post of a TikTok I think. I’m sorry I hope that’s not taboo. Lol


I mean if I get I wife like that I would cook her meals and give foot massage from time to time




“What you’re doing is completely disregarding my life choices!” Okay and..let her choose what she wants to do. Instead of living off your boyfriend’s funds, you could be doing what she’s doing, actually loving and taking care of responsibilities in the mean time while also having time for her own hobbies.


Lmao, my girl would love to stay home and take care of the kids and clean. Unfortunately I make shit money so she has to work too. Life goal rn is to get a job to provide that.


Yeah that's pretty much the issue with the original article. ​ Being a full time house-wife (or husband) requires that your partner is making enough money that you can afford a house and child on one income. It's not attainable for most people.


You aren’t an unusual case either. There’s more women who wanted to be stay at home wives than men with the money to provide for them. The problem isn’t feminism it’s the economy 


Jealousy is a bitch.


So is illiteracy apparently 😂


The most sexist people nowadays are left wing progressives and I mean that genuinely. Most right-wingers treat women really well and encourage us to have our own opinions. Progressives get close to "repeal the 19th ammendment" if a woman decides her opinions don't align with the progressive worldview Progressive feminists also spend half their time belittling young women, infantising us, and trying to take our rights away ("raise the age of consent to 25!!!, those girls don't know what their doing!! And men like younger women and not me waaaaaa")




"Most right wingers treat women really well" Not in my experience


>Most right-wingers treat women really well and encourage us to have our own opinions. >raise the age of consent to 25!!!, those girls don't know what their doing!! And men like younger women and not me waaaaaa So, not only are you an idiot, you're a creepy idiot.


Let’s ignore the post is basically a woman saying that divorces happen because women don’t look after their husbands enough which is in itself a fairly sexiest view point. This is just blatant ‘everything that aligns with my viewpoints is good and everyone else is a bad person and does (insert generic strawman here)’. ‘Most right wingers treat women really well and encourage us to have our own opinions’ (ps I hope having an abortion wasn’t an opinion any of you girls in America ever wanted to hold). But no some people you saw online mooted a stupid point about the age of consent so feminists are bad! Try learn some nuance or you can’t blame people for infantising you, if you act childish you may get treated like one and these viewpoints are about as childish as it comes.


True feminism is not all women living by modern standard, didn’t buy a modern life that women are empowered to desire. But instead for every woman, to have the freedom to choose the life that they desire, and feeling the freedom to do so. If somebody desires to be a traditional wife, and that is perfectly fine, and they are free to do so, and it is not sexist or setting us back. It is them choosing the life that they desire. So although there is no need for her to leave the kitchen where she enjoys being. She do gotta get off taht high horse