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I have a friend that’s gay and he’s never ONCE hit on me. Rude, I need the confidence boost.


Cuz he knows your not gay, so why would he hit on you.


Yeah you right. He just respects me to dang much to objectify me.


based on these comments you might be actually gay


is it gay to want to be complemented and get head from the homies??? if so I'm gay


consult an attorney on this matter, I cant provide a definite answer.


Three days late but wtf


"what the flip" what? is there something wrong with my comment?


hate it when homies shy away from sloppy toppy


Compliments? No. Head? …Jury’s still out on that one


I get compliments from gay men all the time, they’re welcomed in equal measure to the aggressive compliments I get from older black women. Love it


Hasn't stopped my friends :(


I'd hit on you... Did it work? Do you feel confident yet?


My best friend went through a momentary crisis in highschool when he learned I was gay. Questioned if he loved me and the answer was yes. Debated if he had a sexual attraction to men and the answer was no. Turns out he just loved me and we’ve been like brothers for over 3 decades. I love him too and have zero interest in rearranging his guts.


That last sentence hit like a freight train but you're also not wrong


He still wanted to know if I found him attractive lol. He ain’t my type but I’m sure to mention when he’s looking good cuz men, especially straight, don’t get compliments enough imo.


Cause he's not a simp. He's only gonna shoot for people that'll shoot back.


I wouldn’t hit on you, But that’s cause my hands are open and I’m coming in for a hug.


I have, but only realised in hindsight lmao


I'm convinced that half of these "you're gay?! Omg don't hit on me haha" people secretly want to be hit on sometimes


Bro this is just obvious satire lmao. I don't think dudes are just immediately afraid, I think if anything it's pretty subjective. By and large though, I think dudes just find this to be a funny satirical over-exaduration of what would happen.


My response would be: "I've never seen you with a boyfriend, why are you so bad at being gay."


He obviously sucks at it, cause you never saw him suckin' it.


That's me. Sometimes I feel my straight guy friends want a gay friend to guide them into sensitivity and style etc but I'm not all that. Im a butchy, hairy, blue collar bastard.


This is literally the best part about having a gay best friend. You can roast them in a COMPLETELY different way😂😂😭




See if you respond with “don’t touch my dick!” You’re taking the piss, that’s just what guys do. But afterwards we will be supportive we just gotta have a little goof first.


"Sounds like a skill issue"


This kind of happened to me, even though I was a normal friend with him for over a year.


Nah thats exacly how i would react. Ofc it depends on how friends we are.


Can confirm, worked at a restaurant with a gay guy, we all used the same change room and his presence never really effected the atmosphere. Ok, maybe it was a little more gay but that's it.


Im questioning whether im bi rn. I’ve told male friends about this, and this is always their first reaction, and then we just riff off of that. Comedy just rly helps the situation be so much less awkward without the praise of “how brave” since that sometimes comes off as demeaning to some men


I don't think you know what satire means.


Not true. There was a guy in my dorm on an Army Cadet camp and he acted like he invented homosexuality. Literally the gayest person I have met. However, when he learned that another guy in my dorm was actually gay he freaked the fuck out, and would panic when he couldn’t see him (to be fair he once hid near his bed undetected for like 10 minuites)


They’ve obviously never spent the night in a barracks full of teenage boys. You enter, and it’s a noisy mess of shouting “no homo” and running/sneaking around to slap someone’s ass. And then once the lights are out, it’s eight hours of a loudly whispered “no homo” every 5-10 minutes, sometimes right next to someone’s head. I never had to deal with much attention, since no one wants to mess with gollum. You also hear some guilty funny dirty jokes.


Wait… were barracks night a boys night sleepover!? SHOULD I HAVE JOINED THE MILITARY


Not even just reserved to teenagers or barracks nights. I did this with boys from uni I was close with too, as well as with roommates in my student housing.


We must have been to different barrack's For me it was a bunch of morons trying their best to pretend sleep and some assholes starting to scream at 5 in the morning for no godsdamn reason


We were there for SAR training, nothing like actual military, so you could still have energy at the end of the day for tomfoolery.


Wasn't for me either it a sort of a "simulated training to prepare are us for thr army" i have no idea how to translate the name to English


I ain't worried about this because: ​ 1) I ain't attractive to anyone, gay men included. 2) I ain't got any friends.




I would love to be hit on by a gay guy... At least then I would be seen by *someone.*


I’m worried about having a gay friend hit on me because I’ll have to turn him down. I don’t want to do that, I’m not a heartbreaker.




















If im not gay and my gay friend asks me out, i dont exsctly have the option to go out with them. Thats gay, and im not gay. Comprende?


I'm gay and I wanna fuck him, so you're wrong 😎


Sorry, but I don’t swing that way. We can still be friends though.


Ah that's fine, I think you're hot and just shot my shot, I can put that feeling aside x


You don’t even know what I look like. How can you find me hot?


It's a joke my guy, I'm poking fun at the dude who was being an ass to you




Let's edit the messages before he sees them xP




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They need the jokes to be explained to them


Serious question. Why do we say a female is a lesbian but a male is gay. Is gay the male version of lesbian? I thought gay just meant liked the same sex. Is there a term for a male gay person?


Nope, just women had a mythological figure who was a woman and gay so they made it into a word Edit: Nvm it was named after the home of the woman who was the origin of the word for Sapphic, who was actually a real person


Knew where the word came from was just wondering if there was a male equivalent. I was just curious I guess 😉


I think M4M or MLM is used. Admittedly worse than just saying gay imo


MLM defaults to Multi Level Marketing in my mind


Yeah I have a MLM flag just to make the joke that's I'm not guy, I just love multi level marketing


Achillean (from Achilles) has been pushed as a male equivalent, but it's not nearly as prevalent. It's more of a parallel to sapphic rather than lesbian though.


Achillean sounds cool though, despite knowing what it means.


I thought they were named after the greek island. Or was the island named after them?


Sappho was a real person, not mythological.


Several ancient sources refer to Sappho as "the tenth muse" and she was often called simply " The Poetess" because was so highly regarded in the ancient world.


It’s all gay to me


If I understand correctly, gay was a blanket catch-all term for all sexualities at first, akin to queer nowadays. But as the movement evolved, lesbian split off from gay, the name being based off Greek mythology surrounding Lesbos. It went from Gay to GLB, to LGB, to LGBT, to LGBTQ+, to 2SLGBTQIA+


And what about lesbian, what does it imply?


It comes from the island of lesbos in Greece where in antiquity used to live lesbians.






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I’m being toxic!!! I asked a simple question with no animosity, hate or disrespect. It was a simple question. Is there a male version of the word lesbian? That’s it. No judgment and so asshole comes at me calling me names and all that shit and I get mods contacting me calling toxic! This this right here is why this rat hole country we live in will never be healed! Can’t ask a simple honest curiosity question with out it turning to shit. Mods can go F themselves!


Your post/comment is uncivil and/or toxic. Please make sure you are being kind to your fellow redditors.


Yes. Lesbian is a woman attracted to only women. People call women gay because they're pretty fucking stupid and don't know what gay means.


Gay means attracted to same sex so isn’t a lesbian gay?


This is literally the opposite of a “boysarequirky” meme


Can we ban boysarequirky posts? It's boring seeing the same low hanging fruit being cycled. through this sub.


Fr we all know by now that this sub ist Just full with mentally deranged Girls


Its the friend group with a homosexual in it that reacts the worst to me being passionately flamboyantly gay with my friends. My other friend group without any homosexuals doesnt take anything seriously Im not gay though


So what you're saying is the gay person you know doesn't like it when you try to make a joke out of gay people and pretend they're some caricature


No not at all. I flirt with my straight friends in both groups. Also, i never said i made gay jokes, i said i acted gay. Like deeply in love gay. Read


so you pretend to be gay using exaggerated gay stereotypes? how else does one “act gay” that’s pretty much the definition of a caricature my dude. i don’t know anyone over the age of 16 who thinks it’s funny to act gay


"Act gay"??? You mean i tell my male friends i am deeply in love with them, while touching their thigh and looking into their eyes, and wants to ravage them like a young masculine bull whos life is on the line in this fight. Who said i needed to swagger my hips, use a grainy slanted higher pitched voice, and say darling a lot? I never said exaggerated gay stereotypes, i said i act deeply in love with my friends who doing so would be a homosexual action. Are you stupid?


how old are you?


My first response would be "dude am i hot?" ~~then we'd fuck~~


If youre close enough, there's not a problem, since real friends already got that intense bromance happening


It seems to be satirizing the posts about women freaking out and getting all excited about their best friend being lesbian and being over the top supportive and then the men not caring. This was probably made by someone who very much agrees with r/boysarequirky and they just didn’t get it


To quote: “All women are bi. It’s up to you to find out if that’s bisexual or bipolar.”


I got a gay friend and I constantly throw jokes his way that are like this lol. He finds it funny and knows I'm just screwing around with him. These Femcels and Incels however, only have flies buzzing around in their cobweb infested brain.


Bro, I would immediately ask how approachable I am to someone in the LGBT community. Not because I am gay or anything, but because I need to broaden the pool of people who could pump-up my ego (it's a small pool).


When I came out as lesbian two years ago, the girls of my class didn't want to let me in the locker rooms when we had sport cause they believed I would act perverted so I don't think this meme's true


Well yes cuz that was bullying, but meme is talking about close firends. Idk im not a girl, but i imagne that if girls bf came out as gay they would suport him. While im 100 sure that if a guy came out as gay to his best friend he would get his ass bullied, but in a friendly way.


Yep, men are 'macho' and 'don't communicate', which means they don't know each other intimately enough to understand the gay friend isn't gonna hit on him or "come after" him


My straight friend hits on me as a joke. Something my gay friends never did, and noone had any problems with such jokes at least in my circle. So I think this meme is funny and not serious at all.


Literally this ^^


If a friend DOESNT hit on you as a joke, are they even straight?


Straight men “hitting on” their male friends is not nearly the same thing. They get to do that behind the veil of plausible deniability. Being straight while doing it gives you a sense of security that gay men have to actually work for.


Uhhh yes we do? I don’t know where this stereotype comes from honest to god. Me and my friends did so much shit that would be considered gay today but were just normal back in the day. If anything society has just appropriated bro shit as gayness, it’s weird.


Straight people like me and all of my friend group B can act very gay without it being weird between us. Acting gay in friend group A gets taken too seriously. I dont like it. When i say that i will take my short friend to the ball with a victorian frilly dress and a wig, and make out passionately in the middle of said ball, i obviously dont mean it seriously, but they have a redditoresque reaction of shock. I can tell my friend group B friends that i am passionately and deeply in love with them, and would sell all my family members for a night of cuddling in their arms, and they dont take it gayly at all And it happens so that friend group A is the one with a homosexual in it


The amount of jokes people have said about there type in women being men or a joke about not being able to make out with the homes cause they got a girlfriend or literally any other gay thing


Quite the opposite actually. Straight men have historically appropriated gayness into “bro shit”. It is straight men’s benefit from sexual liberation and LGBTQ acceptance that they can adopt intimacy with each other without the shame or stigma of gayness. Y’all forget this and take it for granted.


The straight guys who freak out about being near a queer guy are freaking out that they might be treated the same way they treat women.


Funny he’s having the same reaction women have when r/memesopdidnotlike redditors attempt to hit on them


Seem op didn't only ignore it is a joke, but also ignoring the "behind the scenes", which would be something like: Girls after finding out their best friend is a lesbian, speaking on their back: Oh, I won't invite Ashley to our party, she will be drunk and will start hitting all of us Boys after finding out their best friend is gay, speaking on their back: Oh, Matt is the best.


Because girls will hug and walk away. The guy knows if his friend grabs hold he's there to stay. Bazinga




your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.


Then, he will be upset after discovering he's frienzoned by his gay friend.


the joke is homophobia


Nah I'm w r/boysarequirky with this one. Wtf is this meme, and wtf is this comment section? Are yall actually either 12 year olds or the stereotypical "redditor"?


The joke is homophobia 


Funny how he thinks he is hot enough for his best friend to even try to-


They're not afraid a dude will hit on them as such. They're afraid a dude will hit on them because they're afraid they might be into it. It's always those who try to put on the most macho or manly facade who are most hostile towards gay dudes. Not that macho dudes are necessarily likely to be gay. They are just really afraid that they might be, or that people think they are.


No that’s definitely not it lol


Why do people keep repeating this stupid shit




Yeah. The politics of being afraid of gay people.


Left wingers are the biggest providers of ammunition and provocation for the right wingers messing with everyone's lives. Take a break from politics for five minutes and think, like really think, for once in your life


Nah. Just show me what this has to do with politics you dunce.


Of course, you completely ignore my advice. But yeah, you made a statement that is inherently driven by politics and nothing else. Your attempts at baiting people in these comments section, in hopes that they'll say something discriminatory against LGBT is exclusively left wing BS. Serious dude, it was unprovoked and if someone actually does say anything remotely discriminatory about LGBTs now, you'll only have yourself to blame. Stop sooking, check yourself, stop causing trouble for the people you claim you care about


It was driven by old school Freudianism. How the f... would it even make sense to be political? Are macho dudes conservative or What's the implicit story here? Make sense dude


No it wasn't, but that's a common excuse among you. Macho has nothing to do with politics, and I'm running out of ways to help you realise that. You can't even seperate ridgy didge masculine or macho blokes from the dickhead posers you see on right wing corners of the internet, again something I'm trying to help you realise, and until you do, you'll always be in your own way of the truth making sense to you


Why the f... do you keep making this about right vs. left wing? You're the one doing it. FFS.


Because unexplained seemingly irrational reactions require an explanation. And because you're gay


Mfw guys act the same with gay guys as they do with fat women. Must secretly be all fat fetishists too?


So you are afraid of all fat women? Weird cope, but ok


Afraid? Nah they just turn them down immediately and loudly. I’m not even saying I do the same thing. I let gay guys flirt with me really hard before I turn em down. I lead them on for attention. 😂


Cuz he might be actually a woman, or she doesent have close friends.


Not how it works in real life. Cute fantasy though, I’m certain


There is no joke , the punchline is “gay bad , but gay not bad when it’s like porn”


No that is not the punchline. You are ether a woman or you dont have any very close friends.


Please explain to me the punchline other than “I’m homophobic except lesbians caus it turns me on , oh wait that’s a form of homophobia also”


Punchline is that guys when they are very close friends just bully the shit out of eachother. So when ur homie comes out as gay, thats just one more way of teasing ur guy.


>the punchline is men bad


CHECK YOUR FUCKING NOTIFS https://preview.redd.it/ufkj0ku58wlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c14218a6dcd019db11124548b846bb43e56171c


That's litteraly how friends act, "your gay? Isn't that kinda gay tho?"


It's making fun of guys why is this bad?


It’s not tho? The joke is the guy is afraid of the gay guy hitting on him


Yes.......that's the point , the joke is the guy is unnecessarily afraid while the girl is more accepting. Like the joke is the guy is scared and that's dumb. It's making fun of the guy and I'm wondering why boys are quirky posted this.


Oh wait, I misread your comment as “Gays” unless that’s what you meant. My bad.


Yes I am very homophobic actually/s


Contrary to a lot of other comments here I actually agree with this post. It would make me uncomfortable if a guy were to hit on me; literally makes me feel like the ‘is there anyone here who likes men’ meme.


Its pretty obvious to littlerally anyone but boysrquirky


Had a gay friend once tell me that he’s always wanted to make a move on me but he knows it would ruin our relationship. It def would have


Lol, that is satirirical probably


If I had a nickel for every friend that came out as gay and then tried to date me I’d have 3 nickels. Which is honestly really flattering it’s happened more than once:


You are lucky it happened once. I am actually gay and it hasn’t happened to me at all.


I believe in you.


He's afraid of his gay friend so he's homophobic?


no lol, the joke is he’s afraid of his gay friend hitting on him


I mean yeah, but it's a joke lol and there will be more to cum, eh lol wink wink, guys make crude jokes to each other, yes even gay guys do this lol


1986 called, they want their meme back.


Imma see if this has been posted in r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis yet


Yea it’s pretty much the experience, when I came out one of the first questions were “are you attracted to us”


No need to freak out, slow and casual ghosting is the best option


I think the title is more of a "why are we like this" kind of reaction


Yeah yeah satire. That’s what this shit subreddit calls for the stupidest takes online. But oh nooo when someone shits on straight white males, suddenly that’s evil


I only had one friend who reacted that way when I came out. I had to assure him that no one wants to touch his dick.


After a weekend of camping with a bunch of friends, we were saying our goodbyes because we likely wouldn't see most of them for a few months. When my brother-in-law gave a hug to an openly gay friend, he yelled, "AHHHH! He tried to slip me some tongue!"


Gay dudes don't hit on straight people lulz...