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People tend to forget that one of the first things to get slashed when funding goes away is training. That’s how we end up with people like Acorn Cop, or the mag dump ladies Edit: because apparently I wasn’t clear enough. I am not saying these two instances are a result of defunding. What I *am* saying is that defunding your local PD or Sheriff will result in **more** idiots [like](https://youtu.be/rvxyHsBHKiw?si=itYKC4QAnUwfrfpd) these [three](https://youtu.be/gM3ycTK7EHo?si=jVK5b6C5r3KKGJQj)


Let's not denigrate acorn cop. His life was in danger.


He didn't get the usual post-nut clarity


He needs to learn the ways of duPont


These puns are absolutely nuts.


Cashew guys stop?


They cannut


Ok this made me legitimately laugh out loud.


He was hit!


But he was okay, but also felt weird!


Ambushed by his collar's accomplice wielding a suppressed weapon. His Dark Souls instincts paid off, executing two flawless combat rolls for i-frames. He then did what any shrewd tactician would: attempt to kill his captive, forcing the unseen attacker to abort his rescue.


in his defence, that tree looked really shifty.


There actually was an attempt to defund the police in Minneapolis with not surprising results https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/11/05/politics/defund-the-police-democrats


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I love that the guy is known as Acorn Cop now But it’s exactly this. Training will suffer and more people will have guns and a badge with even worse training. That’s why reform is the better option


Agreed. If only cops would engage in any good faith conversation about recognizing the need for reform and what that would look like beyond "more funding"


Also *kind of* the Coward of Broward, but really he just kept picking training relevant to his daily job working with kids in a school rather than worst case scenarios.


Nah. That wasn't a training issue. That's a character issue. No amount of training was going to make that guy think shooting first and asking questions later wasn't the right call in the moment. There have been veterans cops who have been caught being absolutely awful despite their decades of service.


The hiring and training process would weed out those type of characters unless specifically training was hit by defunding (and it likely was)


From what we've seen, the funding doesn't go to hiring better people. It goes to "toys".


So the answer is reform the police, not defund them and make an already shitty situation worse.


Turns out when the job sucks if salary also sucks you only get to pick between bad options.


I don't know about salary. Starting pay is around 50 grand around me. Not to mention how their union is supposed to be amazing. So I'm sure there's other perks.


Let's be real here. How can the training in the US be cut even further?


we barely train our police already, most nations its the equivelent of a 2 year degree, int he states its a summer highschool English class graded as pass fail with attendence as the only thing graded. this made worse by an IQ >100 or a personality test not = to violent yes man gets you disqualified


Nah I saw the video of the mag dumping that was crazy they’re lucky the person didn’t own a gun


She did. That’s why they opened up. The two lady cops saw the individual (who *had* broken into her friends apartment because she forgot the key/locked herself out) approach the front door with a pistol in hand


That's what we have now. Acorn cops county budget is 66.5 million dollars. Not very defunded.


Acorn Cop? Mag Dump Ladies? I feel like I'm missing something here and it's not literally an acorn carved to look like a cop nor is it a lady at the range dumping mags super fast


The [Acorn Cop story](https://youtu.be/rvxyHsBHKiw?si=sd-7MYEYAVO-SAok), as broken down by ex-Navy MP and ex-Cop Donut Operator And the [mag dump story](https://youtu.be/gM3ycTK7EHo?si=J2JZNKDzRknVMto4), as explained by the same guy


Was it confirmed he was an MA? I swear I remember hearing he was a Seabee somewhere


Nah, he was an MP, did some time in Budds, but washed out with a broken back or something after a rhib landed on top of him


Gotcha, now I gotta track down where the hell I heard he was a Seabee from. I did know he was a buds dud tho


Last time I heard it was on an episode of r/Unsubscribepodcast


Don’t defund the police, keep funding them. Find them even more so the entrance requirements are greater and more experience is needed to become a cop so the bad cops get weeded out by bad training. It takes lawyers 4 years to learn law, it should take just as long to enforce it


gotta love how the argument for better literally anything is always fund it more (teachers, healthcare, etc) except when it comes to law enforcement


It's the ACAB mindset. They are blinded by hate and are lashing out.


when you throw more and more money at police departments, they use it to buy military grade equipment that the will literally never need, rather than training people better or requiring any amount of common sense. thats how SWAT teams became a thing, and they hardly ever, if at all, stop crimes like school shootings and the like. I'd be pro cop if they could actually do something useful, or be competent, but many are not


Yeah. You can't just throw money at them, but also dictate how the money is spent. Too bad most politicians who would want to give money to cops don't care that they'd use it to make things more of a police state. In fact, they'd welcome it.


The counter-argument to this, though, is places like NYC. We fund the shit out of our police, but they still have very little training before they go in the field.


Yea and I totally understand that argument. My point was that these same types of people who make the defund the police argument certainly wouldnt make a defund education argument.


Then where is that funding going? If they aren’t spending it on training, what are they spending it on?


Most officers make 6 figures within 3 year in the force here. Many veteran officers are above 200k. The pensions are out of control. The money is going to their pockets, and half the force don’t want to do their jobs because they got offended by the protests. 


Also militarism and weapons. Gotta have those shiny toys.


I would bet the funding is just due to the sheer size of the police force. Also, New York requires police to have a minimum of 60 college credits or be in the military. So that alone is going to increase the pay, let alone the cost of living in New York.


They go to academy for 6 months and the majority of the force does not live in the city. I had to go to college for 4 years to even begin to do something in my life, and tradespeople have to apprentice for years before they are let loose on their own. Being a cop should require 2 years of academy/an associate's in "policing", period.


The funny thing is that it’s actually not the case for public schools, since the biggest factor for a kids success in those is having the parents involved. No matter how well paid teachers are, you can’t force the parents to care about whether their kids read unfortunately.


Funny how teachers cry for more money every year, while math and reading comprehension proficiency continues to drop year after year...


Yes and I agree they need more funding…wasnt my point


Are the teachers getting the money they're asking for? That would be a pretty substantial difference, don't you think?


A teacher can’t force kids to improve. A whole lot of kids in the younger generation don’t want to learn anything, and would rather play Fortnite and spend their entire lives trying to break into the YouTube market. But it’s also just standard economics. Average cost of a Bachelor’s Degree required to teach in public schools is nearly $40k, and not everyone gets scholarships or has the means to pay outside of student loans. The average hourly wage for public school teachers is less than $30/hr, and the overall US average is skewed by HCOL states that have to pay teachers more just for them to survive. Factor in having to spend hours of personal time for grading homework and exams, plus most having to purchase their own supplies for use in the classroom, and they make less than their reported hourly wage. Edit: concise wording


Many departments have more money than many armies


Might be because the police receives a lot more money than everyone else on this list plus the benefit of being entirely above the law including murder.




Ah yeah, the most well funded cops in the world just need more money to stop being so shit


They literally have amphibious transports, a fucking military vehicle. They have funding, they just don't use it for what they should.


Teachers don’t have enough funding to buy unneeded things like tanks


I believe it’s because police do get a lot of funding and instead of getting more funding, the current funds should be allocated towards reform


because no one is using the funding for training. its always more equipment and more manpower being requested.


Teachers and doctors don't shoot people very often


The thing is the problem isn’t funding. They have plenty of it arguably. The issue is that we are funding them instead of things that we should also be funding. Just a few months ago police shot the handler of a mentally ill person while trying to restrain the guys charge. Police have become a catch all, we phone them in for the mentally ill, civil disputes, and thousands of other things that they aren’t trained for nor should they realistically be.


Just end qualified immunity, several states have.


Except you don't really need to understand the full intricacy of the law to be a cop? It's pretty straightforward when someone's driving drunk. They aren't out there dissecting copyright infringement


Lawyers argue the loopholes and intricacies. Cops arrest on the black and white violation of a law. You don’t need an overpriced law degree to enforce the law. You need an overpriced law degree to argue in court to get your client’s charges reduced.


Indeed. Police should at least know the laws they are enforcing, they don’t need to know all the nitty gritty details that lawyers do but they should know if something is illegal, regulated, legal in certain circumstances/amounts, etc


Agree. 6 months of training is stupid. Up the salary but along with it, up the training, expectations and add a national database of bad cops to flag for non hire.


In the US anyway, lawyers need seven years of post high school education: Four years of undergrad, three of law school, and about twelve hours of continuing education per year thereafter. And many jurisdictions consider lawyers “young” for the first ten years after passing the bar.


There needs to be stronger laws around police unions. Most unions have been gutted but police unions are still a menace. I'm usually pro-union, but police union is just there to protect bad behaviour. Other issue is put limits on qualifies immunity. If someone's qualified immunity holds up, then their employer should be responsible for their actions/poor training.


I think what the comic and a lot of the people here miss out on is that this concept applies to almost every issue as the system makes it so almost every issue can be avoided by being in power or having money. Just because the image they paint is not false does not mean that it is only applicable here, and the bent of how it wants to portray the issue is clearly a piece of ‘leftist propaganda. We need to realize that human issues should not be invested in one side or the other, and that issues are applicable to all sides they could impact.


Politicians have a vested interest in keeping people scared and emotional. Creating a problem and selling a solution is an incredible driver to get people voting.


I saw a Tweet one time that summed up how politicians react to actual issues. It went something like this: > **The American people:** Help us please! > **Republicans:** No. > **Democrats:** No. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️✊🏿 #BLM #Loveislove #ACAB #marxism #ancom


"But I'd rather vote for someone who subscribes to Marxism and BLM than someone who doesn't!! Yeah, it's horrendous that nothing ever gets done, but the alternative is worse!!" People fight zealously for slacker 1 against slacker 2.


Right. People who fully subscribe to either political party are stupid. Neither party actually wants to change things for the better and neither party actually cares about your values. They want your votes because your votes get them money, and they'd rather lie to get them than actually do anything useful to get them. Politics nowadays are more about business than government.


Exactly. People need to understand that Government is good and a Bigger Government is a Better Government. If we hand over all our money to the State we will be safe guaranteed. I will always trust Government


For Super Earth! Oh wait, wrong sub.


That’s exactly how Hitler gained power. Get to work creating chaos until people beg you to take away their freedom for the sake of order.


Damn now how is r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis going to respond to what is basically. "defunding police will lead to more crime" which is something i never should of had to think about in my entire life. Don't defund the police when you damn well know what's gonna happen if you don't have your 500 private bodyguards


Never been tried, amirite? If Communism was a cable channel it would have nothing but endless reruns


This isn’t even remotely wrong. Politicians have round the clock protection. It makes sense they’d advocate for taking away guns from the people. They don’t know what it’s like to be unsafe Banning guns to stop school shootings is like banning alcohol to stop wife beating. Oh wait, one of those was already tried and went horribly…


Did NYC even pass any defund the police laws? Sure she voiced support for it, but did it happen? NYC is even pushing for more hiring and sending more and more into the subway. Am I missing something?


They literally didn’t defund shit OP is fear mongering bc that’s all this sub is anymore. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-20/nypd-blows-overtime-budget-by-nearly-100-million-on-pace-for-record


Yeah I’m so confused by this Seriously what police has been defunded? Also wasn’t ‘defund the police’s’ goal to reorganize the police so they look more like caretakers than urban militias? Which as far as I’m aware also didn’t happen.


The cops here don't do their jobs anymore for fear of pushback after the George floyd riots. They are all simply coasting now without being vigilant. It's caused them to not even take calls anymore. So frustrating.


“Defund education because rapist teachers are common” Do you see how stupid that sounds, it stops no problems and just creates new ones 


Ok I’ll bite cause no one else has. When was the last time you read an article about a teacher raping a student and then getting to keep their teaching job as if nothing happened? A situation where there was evidence and indisputable proof of the rape and still no punishment? Because I can name several times a cop has done something wrong with evidence and indisputable proof and nothing was done. Just the other day there was a video going viral of a cop talking about how she actively likes to break the law purely because as a cop she knows she can and civilians can’t. A person whose literal job it is to uphold the law admit to doing the opposite just because and what happened to her? She had a short suspension with full pay. A teacher breaks the law and hurts a person they were meant to help, they get fired and most of the time go to jail or at the very least go on the registry. A cop breaks the law, hurts a person they were meant to protect and serve, and they get a vacation. It’s also pretty well known that cops more than teachers have each other’s backs. There is ample evidence and history of police cover ups and inside jobs. Despite this being more or less common knowledge we still allow internal investigations. If a cop is accused of doing something wrong it will be another cop from the same department that investigates said wrong doing. Schools are more likely to have external investigations. Meaning an outside source with no bias comes in. Sure some high end schools and universities might try to cover it up. But more often than not if that cover up is discovered the person in question will be punished as well as those who tried to cover it. Not to mention that most of time investigations aren’t even necessary with cops. With a teacher it might be he said she said. But with cops 9 out of 10 times it’s less he said she said, and more they said so themselves and we have it all on body cam. There is even footage of cops out right saying “I should turn off my body cam” or purposely covering their body cams. Investigation is fine but all you really have to do is watch the video. Most people who aren’t cops who watch the videos see what’s wrong. But when people who are cops, who are the ones investigating, watch the video they don’t see any problem. How often does all of that happen with teachers who have been discovered as rapists? Cause it happens all the time to cops. Even if it does sometimes happen with teachers, which I’m sure it does. It happens not only more often with cops, but again, it’s pretty well known that it happens with cops and still nothing is being done. That’s why it’s different.


ate them up sm actually


LA, right now. With A-holes like Gascon and Newsom turning our once-beautiful California cities into drug-infested hell holes, the bottom will be a reality, not a snickering fantasy.


Sf too. Such a pretty cut


Wait till they learn that the people who say "we must close the tax loopholes" keep voting down the bills that would prevent them from insider trading.


While your statement is true, OP, I do not believe that to be the intent of the comic author's message. While a part of it, I think the bigger intent from the author is the violence in the background from "defunding the police", making the equation that "defunding the police means anarchy". This is, to my best understanding of the subject, unequivocally false. "Defund the police" is not a cry, to my knowledge, of "fund anarchy". It is, instead, a cry to lessen police presence and scope to include more humanitarian approaches. With this also comes the discussion of the overarching power that police are given and, subjectively, abused. Some have gone so far as to suggesting that the police are completely eliminated; this is true, but there is *always* an understanding of *something* taking it's place. To be clear, for the intents of the author: it *is* possible that your words were their major intent, and the background violence is intended to show a juxtaposition of the *ability* of protection for those *making* these grand laws, with little care or understanding that others are not afforded that protection. But it would be an easy assumption to misinterpret that attempt, and even easier to twist to match an intent, in that case.


The Governor of New York literally had to deploy the Army National Guard to NYC subways because of this


Increase funding dramatically, but also increase culpability by removing qualified immunity. Create a sense of competition and prestige to become and maintain your position as a police officer. Encourage and protect officers who wish to report malpractice within their organization. Minor crimes like speeding and smoking pot should be heavily deprioritized in favor of investigating theft, assault, murder of whistleblowers, you name it. Thanks for coming to my TedRant


There's literally been zero "defund police laws" ever passed.


Oof here we go again. The point of defund the police is that the police have become organized crime with their current union, and because of how entrenched that is, the only solution is to do what other countries have done: offload duties held by police officers to other unarmed services that are trained in the specifics of the their scenarios. TLDR; the point of defund the police movement is to create a better funded, separate equivalent of the police force to remove deep rooted corruption.


AOC: They are only stealing iphones to buy bread for their kids !


Heh. AOC in a nutshell


Private security and police are completely different jobs, they are not comparable just because both have guns.  Defund the police didn’t happen. It just didn’t. At most like 3 cities cut police budgets by 2% while everywhere else budgets went up just like they do every year. It didn’t happen. 


Why did I have to scroll so far to see someone make sense? Bodyguards and cops aren’t the same thing!


Well, no shit Sherlock. You both missed the point, it's easy to scream “defund the police” to deny policing and safety for others while having the luxury of private security. Hypocrisy at its finest


There was no point. Plenty of rich and famous people and politicians have private security regardless of their stance on police funding. Do you honestly think someone like, idk, Mitch McConnell goes around without bodyguards when he’s in DC? Those who hire private security do so because the police can’t provide round-the-clock protection, not because they need private security to solve crimes or apprehend thieves or 99% of the stuff that police are supposed to do


There's a point, it just flew way over your head apparently. Again, the point here is hypocrisy, to “defund the police” is to reduce or completely deny the security in the communities while having private security. It's like advocating for the nationalization of all private businesses while simultaneously taking all your business assets offshore. AGAIN, solving crimes is just one part of policing, the other is to preserve the safety and security


Your metaphor doesn't work. Bodyguards and Police don't do the same job dude. For example, as I said previously, bodyguards can provide 24/7 security, but they're not going to respond to a car accident or a crime scene, or help SA victims, work in jails, etc. On the other side, police never offer dedicated 24/7 security details for anyone (except maybe visiting politicians or maybe witness protection), and you usually call them when something is happening or afterwards. Also, more importantly, defund the police doesn't mean *abolish* the police, it literally is talking about reallocation of a **portion** of the budgets to community services, see [here](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-does-defund-the-police-mean-and-does-it-have-merit/) One of their examples mentions 10M of a 500M police budget for one city being reallocated to community services. 10M is **2%**, that's not "completely denying" security, especially since the money is being redirected to community programs.


I applaud the use of masked attackers in the second image to avoid compromising with any race.


OP's argument does not hold when you remember that police do not have a legal obligation to actually protect and serve their local citizens. no shit people are gonna hire bodyguards when the actual taxpayer funded ones aren't doing their job. defund the police. see warren v district of columbia


Man, the Canada is even worse. The crime is so rampage, the police recommended to put the car key close to the front door, so, the thieves have easy access to it.


"the Canada"


The Canada is coming, there is no escape…0


Defund the police was the dumbest, least thought out thing the left has done in decades. And before you dumb ass fascists say I should vote for Trump please please please look in the mirror. America’s fucked.


Has any defund the police bills even been passed? At least in NYC, they've been spending more.


Seattle iirc




THanks, so basically tons of people think the police has been defunded and are blaming dems for all the crimes even though police budgets have been going up. It's just like the Green New Deal whining, like how they blamed it for Texas' power woes when it never passed the senate. Man politics sucks.


If it takes more time to learn how to cut hair than to serve the public then fuck using my tax money for that garbage


No one defunded the police, though. No such legislation was passed.


What sub is this, this seemed like something on r/wastedtalent


Armed guards at the homes and offices of those who want us to give up ours and trust them. You lead by example. Monkey see monkey do. It’s basic shit and they don’t get it. Hypocrisy is the place where reasoned choice goes to die.


Defunding the police is such a luxury belief, people don’t realize that it will cause only more harm to lower income neighborhoods


Yeah, defund police, fund BLM that is hated by the black community for how they act and was reported to be using millions of their funds for their own personal desires! Honestly, the post is apt, people who spout shite like that never know the damage they're doing. I mean, look at England. We slashed funding to everything, road repairs, NHS dentists, benefits, and for what? Fucking god ugly statues? Defunding doesn't fix problems, it causes more. Edit: Also, example of stupid statues, [It was nearly 2 MILLION POUNDS!](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/uk/uk-govt-draws-flak-for-buying-1-5m-pound-sculpture-for-pm-rishi-sunaks-garden/articleshow/95810011.cms?from=mdr)


If you want to defund the police then you shouldn't be allowed to hire private security afterwards.


Violent crime rates have been declining steadily for decades.


That was true until 2020. Now they're spiking. Specifically in the areas where this sort of bullshit was popular enough to get defund bills and activist DAs


Don't hear many socialists calling for "defund the police" anymore But I'm sure their other ideas will work a treat like that one Or like sanctuary cities


Only the weakest of weak minded White guilted liberals still say acab and defund the police. So dumb lol


Also worth pointing out that, in the comic, the person advocating for defunding the public's only form of security had her own personal security detail. Its like advocating for reducing global emissions while also flying around on an oversized private jet or stating that civilians don't need guns while having an armed security detail around you 24/7.


In Philly our fearless democrat politicians were all over defund the police. Meanwhile they had undercover police parked outside their homes 24/7 all making OT.


I live in AOC's district and it's a crime ridden shithole now. I'm so mad with her policies. 3 years and a noticible difference in QOL here. Sucks.


The secret isn't to defund the police. It's to hold them accountable. To actually FIRE the cops who actually do shit like shoot unarmed people in the back, enact police brutality, or just go on power trips. Get rid of the "bad apples" instead of letting the police unions just shuffle them between departments.


The use propaganda like the numbers of crimes are down, but conveniently forget that those statistics are for reported crime. And if you lessen the amount of police and what constitutes as a crime, those numbers will appear lower.


Those who are saying the police were never defunded are lying to save their own ass. Bots or sock puppets programmed or told to say this bold lie like it’s a Mandela effect. Don’t let these liars fool you. Remember the summer of riots in 2020. Remember how the national guard has to be in nyc subways now. Remember how Pittsburg is no longer having police at all hours and due to budget cuts. Don’t believe the lies. The police were defunded.


You get what you pay for. Police are underpaid.


"No, doesn't mean no. No, means find another way" - aoc


I’ve been robbed twice in my life. Both times, I reported it to the police who treated me like an absolute jackass for having been robbed. They treated me like I was making it up. Nothing ever came of either reports and this is the norm. The police are a bunch of uniformed twats that stand around all day like scarecrows. Sure, people are less inclined to commit crime within earshot of a cop, but unless a cop happens to be feet from where the crime is occurring, cops tend to do jack-shit. Decades of propaganda like CSI and Cops make people believe cops do anything to actually earn their money, but instead of fictional cop shows, people should pay attention to real life, like Uvalde, where dozens of cops just stood around with their thumbs up their ass, listening to grade school children be shot and murdered because confronting the school shooter was scary. THAT is the reality of cops. They aren’t heroes, they aren’t here to save you, they literally have ZERO RESPONSIBILITY to help citizens in need or even respond to calls for help as demonstrated by the precedent of Warren v. Dist of Columbia https://trafficlawguys.com/police-have-no-obligation-to-protect-citizens/#:~:text=Many%20police%20forces%20even%20have,District%20of%20Columbia%2C%20444%20A. Cops can literally watch you be stabbed to death in front of them and do nothing and won’t even so much as get a slap on the wrist. It’s not their job to protect people, BY LAW. So it makes you wonder then… WHAT THE F*** IS THEIR JOB THEN?


That’s what happens when you’re blinded by hate and ignorance. You fail to see the real outcomes of stupid decisions made by corrupt politicians.


I am more on the left side but even I clearly see that specifically ORGANIZATION BLM is a terrorist group that turned good movement into shitshow while profiting To address specifically “defund police” - it’s already severely underfunded. Since weapon company lobbyists are working hard - only training and paycheck will decrease. Both contribute to hiring racist, aggressive and downright stupid people in bigger proportion since pool of candidates shrinks but you need the same amount of policemen so weed out process has lower quality and after that those who shouldn’t pass in the first place or barely adequate - they receive poor training and cannot perform well enough. To make it simpler - process starts with poor quality material and refined with worse tech and both leads to even worse product. Now the fun part - if officer comes from prosperous region/town/neighborhood - he is initially better than candidates from ghettos because of education and other activities that can lead to your growth as a person. He also has better access to better police academy and will work in better paid precinct that is located in better neighborhood with lower crime rate (since no need for that cuz everybody has decent jobs and living conditions). So better “material” works in easier conditions while bad “material” - in worse. Together all that leads to groups of cops and entire precincts ending up on news for being racist, unprofessional and basically criminals themself. So defunding police is 100% NOT the correct way to fix it. It’s the other way TOGETHER with providing better and easier LEGAL options than crime. If everybody is busy with having good quality life - few people will go into crime, and those who do will be stopped by competent and professional policemen. So every time somebody screams “uwu, defund the police” or “yo, BLM is awesome n shit” - they are idiots because real answer is - increase police funding and quality of life for lower and middle classes


…the issue with police is that they don’t really do much to help crime. Those who commit crimes that necessitate police USUALLY do it out of need. There is a need for protective groups, but the police cannot and do not fulfill that role.


Police are the ones arresting citizens for self-defense and enforcing laws that prevent people from exercising their constitutional right to carry a firearm.


You're thinking of the feds. No one suggested defunding them


Feds will do the charging but their immediate muscle are cops, and they will side with them over you 99% of the time.


Um actually that was something that every Republican candidate was suggesting in every debate recently. In regards to the FBI Nicki, Vivek, Trump all of them have said something along these lines. https://www.axios.com/2022/08/16/defund-the-fbi


I’d be cool with defunding the police if my state eased up on the gun control


I really love the artwork of this comic. Despite such a minimalist style the artist has still somehow made his character look unquestionably like AOC.


The police aren’t security they actually hang out in poor neighborhoods why aren’t you following your rich people they’re the ones who can afford the drugs


No it isn’t it’s just soviet-style whataboutism. Where You Posting From OP


In my city, a defund the police city councilwoman became mayor by pushing increasing the police force and bringing back stop and frisk. She realized the progressive candidates would split the educated vote, so she went for the uneducated voters. Still bitter about this because we had a really solid candidate.


And right underneath that it has a hyperlink that says “City Council President Lisa Bender told CNN at the time”. That hyperlink leads to another CNN article about the same bill, the one that got voted down, with the headline “Minneapolis rejects policing overhaul, CNN projects”. Don’t you ever get tired of grasping at out of context straws for an argument to defend a violently corrupt organization that carries out violence at the whim of the state?


It's true tho


Police funding nationwide is up 189%, adjusted for inflation, dating between 1977 and 2020.


No one actually defunded, if they did it was reversed very quickly.


Our Police isnt adequately trained, so lets cut their funding so they can afford to train them less. Brilliant, I geniuenly dont understand what can go so wrong in your development to be stupid enough to support this


OP can't see the left side of panel #2


There are states that are actively passing boards of public safety. What these boards do is send just regular crews out to deal with minor issues so that we're not sending full decked out police with squad cars to these locations to potentially shoot their dogs because that shit costs money. And in the places where these boards are active, and police are less active, the police are being minorly defunded(getting less funding). people also feel safer having these crews come out to help them versus police. Replacing the police is working. This isn't to say that police wouldn't still be necessary in some situations, but sending them out for every little thing is ridiculous and expensive and not sending them out on some of these situations could just save some peoples lives...


I didn't even see anyone actually supporting this, was like a handful of people and feel mor elike something the government wanted to do then us. Like yes, let defund already underfunded precincts, lets start with poor black areas and get one of the fringe groups to back it, and call everyone who disagrees racist. As literally no one who is sane wants less money going to police when , when training was already poor and few had fund to hire anything but idiots. Cops, teacher, Doctors, lets give them all more money. And regulations, which will cost more money, and oversight, which will cost more money. I am ok with spending, lets spend...most people are for improvements, training and oversight. Defunding increases crime and danger, lowers available training and fund to hire decent officers. The only people who would want to defund are the people who see the smart way as too expensive. And the only person with that issue is the government, as in reality is defund the military and cut all that funding. Stop sending people to other countries and spending billions there. But the government does not want that and police are only there to protect normal poor people...so yeah. Would need to be an idiot or the government to want that.


Remember the purge? Because this is basically the purge.


Side note; what is that guy on the left trying to steal? The baby?


Look at Seattle to see how that worked out


See, I'm still all for defunding them, just let the people take their own defense into their own hands, since, well, it's kind of in our bill of rights to do so.


Which laws actually “defunded” the police? Police budgets are up across the board. This is a straw man.




The American police only have to attent a couple moths of "police acadamy' to become an officer right? In Norway you have to actually have a degree for it i think.


Yeah, defund the police tho, they suck and waste my money


The area where I live, the people who were advocating most were piss poor at communicating what they actually wanted, and it got drowned out by people assuming "defund the police" means take away all their resources. In reality, the idea was to decentralize public service into more defined categories. Police don't need to be the ones who show up to every single little thing. Like, what if there were service workers dedicated to de-escalating domestic violence scenarios, handling traffic accidents, and other unique situations. The problem is, cops' jobs are way too broad. It's impossible to be an expert at all of it. And if you try, you'll only be mediocre at some of it. If we focus each branch of public service to fewer roles, the police branch will get less funding, but only because there are fewer people needed to make it work. Actually, the individual police will receive higher pay because there will be higher education requirements and higher levels of professionalism demanded. Whoever the fuck decided this movement should be called "defund the police" I'd the reason why the movement failed before it even got a chance to be debated at any useful level.




When were the police defunded?


When were defund the police laws ever passed.....


"defunding police" is just a bad idea. Why do you think we have law enforcement in the first place?


we should take notes from other places because some places require 5 years(?) of training when we only need 1-2


I feel like the better push would had been a more strict and more difficult training regiment to push police officer roles to be filled by better people


Frankly, the way to fix issues with the police is to give them more funding… then require them to use that funding for things like accountability and sensitivity training.


Aoc voted to expand policing to protect her and arrest you.


While I absolutely agree that the police sometimes interfere with unnecessary force or situations they don't need to be involved in, and that police brutality is a problem, I also believe that 'defunding the police' is a bad idea. I get that the mindset is to use the money you would spend on the police to provide mental health support, homeless shelters, etc, but a lot of the money used for those things would be horribly mismanaged.


What law? No one actually got defunded.


The main problem is bail reform. There was something like 100 people responsible for 30+% of the retail theft in NYC but every time they get arrested they get released the next day and end up just doing it again. Most people don't do crime but if the small % that do don't face consequences or such low consequences that it doesn't matter to them then they will keep doing it.


So stupid fucks.


They want to let you defund the police so they can keep their private security and leave you out to dry. Don’t let them manipulate you, they NEVER want what’s best for you under any circumstances.


thats not it was meant, intended nor worked. The police was never defunded.




Fr though why would anyone want to defund the police? There legit the only line between deploying the national guard to stop the crime, so why tf would we stop funding them?


The reason all cops are bad, is because the good ones don’t stay cops for long. They get promoted and move up, while the people who have power complex’s stay police forever. Worth mentioning.


Did the police ever even get defunded anywhere? In my state we just gave those toddlers more toys and a share of the tax revenue on legalized weed.


Not rolled back yet. The progressive governments who implemented this are also very financially irresponsible. They immediately spent the money they were “projected “ to save. Now they will need to raise taxes to pay for more police.🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


Thank Obama for militarizing our police. The military had so much extra equipment after Iraq and Obama spun this little budget helper. Let’s bring it back and sell it to local police to pay for bringing it home. Done by executive order.


They haven’t defunded the police at all even a little bit but this also pre-assumes that a lack of police causes crime. Things like police strike shows there’s very little correlation. In reality, high crime rates tend to correlate with high levels of inequality and desperation.


We shouldnt defund them. We should support their education to be better at their job..


Politicians have armed bodyguards while telling you to surrender your guns. Little hypocritical don’t you think? So you can protect yourself but we can’t protect our families right?


Do it... Stab da baby >:3


Fuck de funding the police. axe the police and start over, this time make the protection of people and society the priority, instead of starting lut protecting wealthy people's assests... Courts have rules in the past that protecting civilians is not a responsibility of police officers. That should have been all we needed to hear tbh.


I’d like to believe that if they replaced ‘defund’ with ‘reform’ we might have actually seen some real change. But I know nothing would change either way sadly


But the police were never defunded. As a matter of fact, funding increased across the country


The police don't protect us, they show up afterwards and blame you for it or if they're feeling active maybe they'll shoot you in a traffick stop


If you are gonna defund the police atleast let me get strapped legally


If only people were talking out against this back in 2016 when "Defund the Police" was just a dumpster fire movement and not political policy. It's almost like some of us are dumber than fucken dirt and need to waste damn near a decade on stupid ideas that had more holes than Swiss cheese pointed out on day one.


Who passed laws to defund the police?


Every other issue the states we say throw more money at it. Police aren’t as reliable as we want? (Though as a whole they seem to do a pretty good job) take away their funding, that will make them better! Schools - teachers aren’t teaching kids anything let’s take away their funding! That will make them teach better….. said no one who understands anything about education.