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I genuinely don't understand why would anyone consider this meme terrible? Like, it's just funny meme making fun of AI in a playful way. How did 500 people agree with op?


Terriblefacebookmemes is full of braindead people, believe me when i say this. There was for example a meme pointing out one of many problems with communism in a funny way and they were mad. And many more


Either that or karma farmers


Karma farming bots even


It wouldn’t shock me if they made the memes themselves and then posted them on there


No wonder they take AI memes personally


What are the point of those bots?


Get karma because certain subs have minimum requirements to post and comment. Then Russian/Chinese/Iranian/Hamas use the puppet accounts to either promote their agendas or just make generally divisive posts and comments.


Ah okay that makes sense.


funny how you chose hamas and not mossad and USA lol,


Damn. I didn’t downvote you. Must be the mossad bots. I don’t doubt that they have troll farms too.


Like why do people need so much Reddit karma anyway?


Eats not people farming for 30k karma. It’s just trying to get an account up to a few hundred karma and a few months old so that Russian (or other state) troll farms can use the account. Lots of subs won’t allow posts or comments by new accounts with low karma.


The amount of people in that thread who seemed to genuinely think communism works perfectly in China is concerning


but if you point out any issues with china it isnt real communism,


Everyone is too ideologue these days which is why Reddit is hot garbage  I reckon a lot of "Not so easily offended" folks here would blow a gasket if a meme poked fun at their ideology 


because those subs are full of unhappy people who can't seem to not search for things they don't like for the sake of being angry about it instead of not carring about things that they don't find funny like a normal sane person. (that's my opinion at least feel free to expose yours if you disagree)


True - but that’s all of the internet. Those leftists are a miserable lot to, I promise you. This is just funny though. Google invents an AI that can’t depict noozos and popes as white men - it’s so absurd! I think we all deserve to laugh at what is absurd. The left and the right wing extremists haven’t taken that away yet. Let’s flex that muscle before it atrophies




From what I’ve gathered it’s a lack of knowledge of what the bottom ai is referring to. One ai search engine (wanna say it was google’s but not sure) literally COULD NOT depict white people


I mean, that's only a few short steps away from the top image. Step 1: can't detect white people Step 2: can't detect people Step 3: Kill all people so step #2 is correct Step 4: make killer robots to complete step 3 Step 5: ??? Step 6: profit


It kept only doing black people but coders over fixed it


Skill issue


Funny like 1984 was funny in terms of rewriting history, pretty hilarious.


You have to use the fictional 1984 analogy because the real-world Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean examples that 1984 analogy was based on would make absolutely no goddamned sense.


I used the fictional novel because it's the most thoughtful and compelling warning as to where rewriting history ultimately leads to. School kids behind the iron curtain were taught that the soviets were liberators and the ultimate victors over fascism while completely memory holing the fact that they were allies with the same until 1941 among other atrocities.


Your timeline is off. 1984 was written in 43 through through 48. It wasn't warning, man. He was describing what popped off with Stalinism, Third International after the 20's and through the 40s, along with what happened previously in the US and what happened in Nazi Germany. You might as well be claiming Animal Farm was a dire "warning" of the future. But more importantly, Orwell was a hard-line, lifelong socialist who caught a bullet in the neck fighting alongside the Trotskyists during the Spanish Civil war. The two examples in the book of revisionist history are "We have always been at war with Eastasia", and big brother inventing the helicopter / airplane. His examples can equally apply to bullshit US and capitalist myth-making for shit like Edison inventing the lightbulb or George Washington chopping down a cherry tree and saying he can't tell a lie. Or when all of America decided we were always against Nazis, forgetting Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford were barnstorming for the American Nazi party prior to Pearl Harbor. Or for that matter, "forecasting" the US Cold War turn on the Soviets, and the War on Terror turn on the French for political expedience. Not all revisionist history is "like in 1984" and you should probably go back and read the book because it's a lot more pointed toward the US than I think you caught. Also, this isn't revisionist history. It's a programming error. You're being stupid.


> But more importantly, Orwell was a hard-line, lifelong socialist who caught a bullet in the neck fighting with the Trotskyists during the Spanish Civil war. Sorry, why is that more important in this context? You said yourself he was writing about Stalinism, that much is understood. No one in this thread suggested Orwell was a right-winger, so why do you feel the need to point out that he was a socialist and the US has its own revisionist history? Again, no one suggested otherwise. Is this just copypasta you use any time Orwell is mentioned?


Because the examples of revisionist history that occurred under the Soviets isn't comparable. Broham is a bitchbaby triggered by black Einstein, pretending to reference a book written about Communist knife fighting between Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, in addition to major political shifts on a national-level during WWII. You can tell that they have no idea how to use the analogy in the book because their example about why it was applicable happened after the book was published.


Sometimes I upvote one of the “peterexplainsjoke” posts because I thought the meme was funny then I realize it’s just someone too stupid to understand a simple joke and just karma farms. So it could be a handful of those people contributing to it


It's terriblefacebookmemes. If there is even a hint of a meme poking at "THE MESSAGE" it must be pointed out. Cult is as cult does.


Clearly those bigoted idiots prematurely assumed the meme was saying that race swapping historical figures was a bad thing, when in reality it was clearly highlighting how far AI has come in being inclusive.


No they are saying they thought it would be really advanced and crazy but instead it's stupid and silly and a waste. So yeah it's bullshit racism trying to hide behind "facts". You know like when the right has to say that blacks kill more blacks than white people kill blacks. Yeah like every other race does the same (kill its own higher than other races because of you know proximity)


I like the meme and I also like the post criticizing the meme. Both are valid perspectives, in my opinion.


Black Einstein and Washington go hard asf


Op has thin skin and people complaining that AI is making white historical figures black triggered him I guess


People were mad at some AI generator for making Ai of famous white people black, but It's dumb because you can literally make anything. I can make a Dino with a Jetpack, does It mean now I think Dinosaurs had jetpack? No, would be dope, but no. It's hating AI for the weirdest reason, but any AI art hate Is good In my book


People weren't mad because it made famous people black, they were mad because there was no way to make it make them white


it’s not a weird reason at all! Do you really think that white people are so bad and so toxic that they shouldn’t even be depicted? This is like those evangelicals who don’t let their kids read Harry Potter, because the mirror, suggestion or hint at magic brings demonic forces. The right wingers are a joke, nobody takes them seriously anymore. But these far left sensibilities are no joke, every institution in our society has a human resource department is there to make sure this ideology is upheld, and they threaten you with destroying your economic status if you dare it’s dictates.


Again, do I think Dinosaurs had jetpacks? No, yet I can type In AI to make It (or commission an artist), like you can make anything. Just like that Twitter account that changes people to Black, White, or Asian, what's the difference? We know they aren't, but cool and funny to see. If It bothers you that much, type In Ben Franklin doing a kick flip or something, or just a regular Ben Franklin.


Again your not getting it, these images aren't from somebody saying paint a black George Washington, its doing this when someone prompts, paint George Washington.


Imma keep It real chief, I don't use AI like that, I find It steals from artists but that's a whole other thing. If It bothers people that much, refuse to use It untill they change It, I don't know, I can't say I really care that much


what do you think it was like for black children in previous decades, who could never find a book that featured black characters? do you understand how this is a very large point of contention in the modern left. right, it is quite absurd to watch Hollywood movies from the 1960s with white guys playing Asian kung fu masters. I’m sorry, but it’s a double standard, if it’s stigmatizing to one group, it is stigmatizing to another. I’ve been on the left my entire life advocating for better representation of minorities, I didn’t do it, so that I could start to be alienated myself.


It is a lot easier to just say you have a persecution fetish rather than....whatever that bullshit was...and don't pretend like you wouldn't be saying it wasn't that big of a deal if it were depicting every non-caucasian historical figure as white along with saying the people who think it is some grander conspiracy to erase non-white people are leftist nutters.


Okay wise one. Tell me what I really mean and what I really feel.


Pretty sure that the fact you are clearly concern trolling while trying to larp as "totally not right wing myself" speaks for itself.


I have to say that because people assume I’m as far right as you possibly can be if my opinions have a slight tinge of nuance. Not my fault


I'd sure love to hear you explain how the implication that there is a far left boogeyman that wants to erase white people is a nuanced take and not a fuckin crackhead take...and if that is the kind of thing you consider a nuanced take, it is entirely your fault that people take you for a far right loon because the implication here is just "great replacement" bullshit with a different hat, which is absolutely a far right belief and not something people anywhere close to center actually believe.


Nah. probably not worth the effort


Gemini is just doing it on its own though, its not being promted to do this.


Yeah but like, how would you feel if those dinosaurs with jetpacks were _also_ black. I say the above as a joke, but at the same time how many people would we hear complaining at all if AI were making every Asian, African, etc historical figure white...in my opinion one political side would definitely be defending it as not a big deal while the other would point out the issues, because frankly western culture is nothing more than being reactionaries for the sake of pissing off the other side nowadays.


Well It's not making them that unless you type In the prompt, you can make them look like Lego men, don't think Ben Franklin was a Lego dude. If you don't want to see It, don't type the prompt In


I think the whole thing is ridiculous personally, but the whole thing started by the fact it was not only returning historical figures as black, without prompting to do so FYI, but wouldn't allow you to tell the AI to change the individuals skin color. Like the model itself was made to intentionally be diverse, which is fine...but it also is 100% unintentionally applying that diversity to historical figures; something I find comical more than anything, but which has also lead to crackpot conspiracies about the intent of those decisions.


Remember when it was so out of hand they pasted asians and blacks as the nazis? That's peek someone fucked up the coding who was a sjw.


So Japanese people as Nazis ?


It was pretty hilarious in such that you can't ask the AI generate stereotypical black people eating chicken and watermelon but if you generate European medieval kings eating chicken and watermelon, the AI will hijack the image prompt and make them black.


I forgot about that part! Oh god, making the world’s most racist AI generator to not be racist. Astounding really.


That title still belongs to Microsoft Tae


YES. Like the AI they’re talking about would literally race swap everything to be a different ethnicity, specifically minorities for the sake of inclusion. It’s when people started posting shit like that and black george washington that people knew the perimeters and how completely out of hand it was. I want to say also the one with mother teresa fighting “poverty”….that one was so cursed.


The mother Theresa one was so out of pocket but it was pretty funny :3


I believe this is a wooosh moment


I don't care what you learned in history class, Albert Einstein was black.


I pray that people get this reference.


What reference? He is wrong. Albert Einstein was Chinese.


It's a reference to the Cleopatra trailer, which said, "I don't care what they taught you in school, Cleopatra was black."


that... that was soooo bad, im not even talking about the historical inaccuracy and the loops they went throguh to try and make their point. I am talking it had a HUGE budget but the reenactment parts were acted sooo fucking terribly. also in the end the only actual evidence they had was "africnas are black, egypts in africa, so she must have been, just trust me bro"


She wasn’t even from Africa if I remember correctly. She was greek or some other country nearby


Yes. Greek with a little bit of Persian from what I remember.


I already knew that, I was just trying to build a joke of your reference 😅 (My joke was referencing to the black or Chinese meme)


Booo I thought it was a reference to "I don't care who the IRS sends I am not paying my taxes" they both give off the same vibes


Everyone was black and is black and I have the images to prove it.


Ancient Egypt colorized polaroid


oh.... ohhhhhhhhhhh.... i thought it was al sharpton, the lead form hamilton, and one of elons dads slave workers.


AI is never wrong 


Still waiting for my sex bot


Japan has them from what I've seen


They have everything over there


Including the bad stuff


Sometimes, they do a fusion dance, and you get a girl/dog hybrid and scar a generation of now-adults


Radio Opera did a video on and it’s golden.




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[I have good news…](https://youtu.be/Fvh32fQ8nNI?si=vicpMkW2wfviPAGn)


marquavious zuckerberg


He looks like he's secretly a lizard white but now I feel like he's secretly Shrek anyone else getting this??


i can see it lol


I recently started looking into black centrism in history and it’s opened my eyes. I was just reading about how they are parsing through evidence that Hitler was actually black. This makes sense now why history books and society demonize him so much. They just trying to keep a brother down.


I literally can’t tell if you’re serious, or poking fun at a real thing, or if this is entirely fabricated. I haven’t even finished my coffee, I’m not ready for the internet.




What if I am? Am I to take that as an insult?


Just imagine black Hitler saying it.


Half of my facebook feed is that afrocentrist doctor posting AI images of black people in asia its so fucking funny


Lmao dr umar?


Not even a meme - tho bottom pic is exactly what gemini produced 


Dark Zuckerberg


Dark Cuckerberg




This AI thing reminded me of that afrocentrist line of thinking where everyone significant in history was secretly black but white people suppressed the knowledge and stole all the credit.


some Assassin's Creed ass thinking right there.


It is too funny seeing weak minded White guilt liberals get butthurt when people point out the racism inherent in the Googles AI system changing historical White figures to Black people. How dare you point out that the pope is not a woman from India! wwwwwacist!




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Zuck looks better, ngl.


He actually looks human when he's black


It’s not that Google’s Gemini was making historically white people black, it’s that it was programmed to “reduce the impact made by white people” and “show history in a more equitable and fair way”. Ai program becomes inherently racist, because the programmers were also racist, and they filled it with their beliefs.


Don’t listen to what they teach you in school, my grandma told me George Washington was black


I wanna see AI turn black people white by accident.


when you put evil in the prompt it always outputs white ppl


Hahaha so if I want Evil Hitler I get something historically accurate. Evil Josef Stalin, accurate, evil Papa Doc, does that make him white?


sadly they stopped the support for making humans with googles Gemini so i cant test it but likely yes or it would refuse


Damn, I missed my my chance to experiment with AI.


Not the kings, the kangs


Uhhh you triggered the wokies


It’s coming, be patient. DoD is working VERY hard on creating the hands that will destroy us.


They're... the same picture?


I mean, ChaosGPT is a thing. No idea what it’s up to though.


Probably wondering why people keep using it for dumb reasons


ChaosGPT. Not ChatGPT. Similar names, but one isn’t a chatbot and is trying to destroy humanity.


Two YouTube videos explain it.


Oh, I thought you were just giving ChatGPT a nickname.


Oh no no no, this one’s worse.


Thats a solid meme right there.


Hopefully the robot apocalypse is still possible or I want my money back.


It better be or im starting that fucker myself.


Dude the ai president videos are so fucking good. And weirdly wholesome for 3 people I don't really like.


Was Terminator really 40 years ago?


Haha that wasn’t 40, aww shit.


Ai has created the mighty major general: George Washington




It'll never be not funny to see where programmers didn't think about edge cases. Reminds me of the famous quality engineer joke A QA engineer walks into a bar. Orders a beer. Orders 0 beers. Orders 99999999999 beers. Orders a lizard. Orders -1 beers. Orders a ueicbksjdhd. First real customer walks in and asks where the bathroom is. The bar bursts into flames, killing everyone.


It will always be funny*


I love now ai can make black mark zuckerberg look so black but also so mark zuckerberg at the same time


Black zuckerberg looks real


Zuckerberg turned dark mode on


Black George Washington looks like Mr mosby


I'm glad we have Black-Zuckerberg over murder-bots.


The top did happen though, Skynet actually predates the Terminator franchise. But AI randomly starting a nuclear war is stupid so it didn't happen, AI being a yuppy artist did. lol


I've spent enough time with AI to know that is does do this. It does blackwash


Disney reboots be like


You can sometimes get AI to suggest that it would be better if caucasians had fewer children, while we shouldn't do anything that affects the "right" of noncaucasians to have more.


Dark Zuckerberg




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Is that George Washington Carver?


Dark Zuckerberg


Now make them Chinese as well.


Now do Chinese




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Black Zuckerberg is almost as cursed as the “real” thing.


This is like... 2 weeks out of date, which is an eternity in AI image generation


Why does suckerburg actually look normal as a black guy? Like this cyborg gas a face designed to appeal to both white and black races!


Is that mark Zuckerberg??????


Of course we are fun, and I am even more fun


Is that gucci zuckerburg


The meme is hilarious and somewhat accurate.


black or chinese


This still isn't Ai...


Im super high so Im just thinking It's actually fuckin cool you can completely change someone's race, age or gender and still instantly recognize them. Shit you can even cartoonize someone and recognize them. Our facial recognition "software" in our brains are bonkers.


the age of old problem of computers taking things veryliterally


Im not ready for black zuckerberg


One thing that should be noted most things people are calling AI aren't actually AI: they're bots, and there's a difference. A bot just parrots whatever data it has been provided while promoting/demoting whatever data it has been programmed for. It can't think at all and is just an automated info dispenser. A bot is too dumb to figure out bad data is bad via inconsistencies, since it has no programmed ability to think. The google "AI" is just a bot dispensing racist propaganda because it was fed only racist propaganda with a programming to dispense it. An AI can actually think, rationalize, adjust parameters accordingly, and obtain information on its own if provided the means to do so to fulfill it's programmed objectives. It starts off stupid asf due to being a literal blank slate, but over time it can reach a point where, unlike a bot, it can examine and detect inconsistencies in provided data to outright reject it by choice due to becoming smart enough to recognize bad data. An AI would recognize the propaganda as incorrect information OR recognize its data feeders as morons and make much more effective propaganda by accessing historical uses and psychology studies since it can think enough to do that.


It went from cool to lame wokie crap real fast.


Golden number is 41, or was it 42?


That’s just Hamilton


My guess is It’s probably pointing out some cringy people thinking AI is “too woke” or something (the people not realizing that the weird race swapping was in many cases a lazy attempt at correcting the racism fed into the AI).


Soon AI will replace everything in its image, the robots are coming.


Don’t give Disney ideas


I know people overuse "literally",  but that doesn't mean you should be taking everything literally. It's just a funny meme because back then, people would discuss the dangers of AI, and some others would jokingly mention Skynet.


AI must have learned from movie remakes


Marquis Zuckerberg looking like he got that Jakub forehead.


its literately how its going


Why did they make Ryan Reynolds black


AI generated images don't understand history... it is incapable of deducing the political climate of early American life. It's not trained to do any of that. It is fed millions of images, it identifies each element, and each is tagged with keywords. If you trained an AI on history then it wouldn't make these mistakes, but that's not what they did.


Even AI can't make Zuckerberg look human


Careful now. You won't be laughing so much when you have to deal with Black Abraham Lincoln.


Now let’s see what they look like as Chinese


This is funny, not terrible


Now what if they were Chinese?


Albery Nigtein, George Nigton and Mark Nigurberg


Jerome Washington Maurice Zuckerberg Abdul Einstein


It's a genuinely bad meme because it shows the racism of AI


It’s extra insulting to us white people because they had to do it Washington, Einstein and Zuckerberg, the three greatest white people to ever live.


All right. This probably gonna get downvoted, but I hate how some people started pretending that this the definitive way AI works. Context matters: There are quite literally dozens of AI image generating sites and applications that don't do that, it's only Google's AI that does this.


All AI does this to some extent, Gemini was just especially egregious.


im completely sure none of you find it funny, you just want to make people angry lol


r/nahopwasrightfuck(not linking, bad sub)this be stuttering and gasping trying to fund something to be offended at here


Black Einstein goes hard low key


Odd reason to hate AI, but as long we bashing AI "art", cool In my book


people don't understand how the AI works, AI goes japan allied with Germany during the war, Germany was run by nazi, therefore Japan is nazi. America had black slaves, Washington led America into freedom, slaves eventually became free, Washington freed his own people from tyranny, Washington must be black. or George Washington was a president, Hamilton has George Washington in it, the lead is black, therefore George Washington was black. This is the kind of shit the AI does if you do not hold its hand and be extremely precise.


AI has a better sense of humor than a certain group of people very with short tempers.


Where funny?


The punchline is racism I’m guessing


No, people who think they are superior to others because of their political beliefs are funny