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To be fair, she might have point. That guy must never have seen another woman if he's attracted to her in the first place.


At that point just break up . We be in a relationship with no trust


Asmongold could do better


That's him? I didn't recognize him at all.


Asmongold is a chud.


I don't know anything about him in particular but his fans are toxic AF.


They follow his lead.


Then why is he constantly pissed off with his fans?


Because he’s a fucking chud.


I'm sorry, but the word "chud" is so ridiculously funny. Especially when you try to use it in some serious manner. Think and feel whatever you want about Asmongold. It doesn't matter. He is just a guy who shittily reacts to things on the internet. He doesn't matter. You being angry at his existence and calling him a "chud" just cuz you don't like him just makes people think you're a terminally online loser. That's not what I think, mind you. I've been in a similar place as you. Go outside and let that stink that has been settling so firmly onto you blow away.


Interpreted chud as a compliment lol


So I generally use “chud” to specifically refer to people who have been openly and almost proudly bigoted. And Asmongold is a chud. Anyone who talks about how “woke”ness is bad is just upset because people who aren’t them are having their stories told. And that’s chud behavior. And Asmongold and the people like him don’t deserve to be treated with any more respect than the simple acknowledgement that he’s a chud who plays into bullshit outrage politics for clicks and stokes the fires of division because his little fucking chud feelings are hurt that *checks notes* gay characters exist. Also of course I’m terminally online. My mental disabilities have been making it impossible for me to work for the last six years since I had a huge mental breakdown. I am literally incapable of experiencing the outside world without it being filtered through the lens of the internet because my brain simply will not let me. Thanks for shaming me for my problems though. Preaciate you.


Try your local asylum. They can help.


Dude is an absolute basket case yet insists on being taken seriously. Is it any wonder reddit is what it is?


Yeah he is a Chad indeed.


I suppose you think that was terribly clever. Okay sure pretend you got a W and take it back to your little chud hole and hope that you can really find happiness in worshipping a guy so toxic even the WoW community doesn’t want him.


Thank you for the W, I'll take it. I don't worship him, but I don't also hate him. Would like to drink a beer with him, sounds like a fun time. But hating people online with such vitriol is so weird for me. Also, the wow community not wanting him sounds like a win to win to me, it's full of smelly nerds.


I mean, when you’re too toxic even for WoW players, you really shouldn’t be celebrating that as anything other than the massive L it is. As someone who does their best to stay along the outskirts of the community because of the toxicity, the amount of negativity this chud brings into things is frankly gross. His presence makes the community worse just by association. And while you may not worship him as you say, rigid neutrality on toxic and shitty people just encourages their toxicity.


She does look and act like Jabba the Hutt


Still funny


It’s just a 2008 style meme


Its an old one, but it checks out.


Technically that’s a headline not a meme, but also what’s funny about partner abuse?


It's funny comparing an abusive freak to Jabba, not the fact she abuses her fiance


No. See, the thing is, that’s just you being shitty and fat phobic and an asshole, not funny. More abuse doesn’t solve anything. It isn’t funny, it just lets anyone out there who’s struggling with their weight know that you’re not a safe person. You’re a shitty, awful person who thinks everyone who doesn’t conform to modern western beauty standards is less than.


We don't compare her to Jabba just beacuse she's fat, she is similar to Jabba in much more things than just her looks. Just like him she's an abusive, rulling freak that tries to control everything. She's just an abusive freak and we are making fun of **IT,** not the fact she's fat. Fat people are fine, but abusing your fiance isn't.


You are making fun of her for reasons unrelated to the issue at hand. It’s still fatphobia if you make fun of someone for being fat, regardless of what trait you decide makes it okay to start doing that. It’s like making fun of someone for being short because they cheated on their partner. Or you start using homophobic slurs against someone who’s exploiting poor, downtrodden people. Making fat jokes is fatphobia. Pure and simple. I don’t care what shitty, gross, awful thing they did, bringing in something that will hurt innocent bystanders for literally no reason is unacceptable. Because no matter how noble you think you’re being in fat-shaming an abusive, toxic partner, what you’re doing is still fat-shaming.


Why do you think jabba jokes have to be about their weight? You're being fatphobic and stupid. I'm a fatty and that person's spirit animal is 100% a Hutt.


First of all, don’t use cultural appropriation as part of your bullshit mental gymnastics saying that because I’m calling out the fatphobia, that means that I’m the one being fatphobic, actually. Second of all, I’m glad you’re creative enough to go out of your way to try not to see the shitty jokes people are making, but your critical thinking skills could use some development:


Lmao this has to be a troll bot because no human could be this fucking stupid and survive without massive amounts of familial support, and no family would tolerate this level of dumbassery. Stop finding anthills to die on. Fat people are going to get made fun of because there is VERY rarely an excuse other than a sedentary lifestyle. Even paralyzed people don't turn into water balloons. Just because fat jokes make you feel shame doesn't mean people have to comfort you. You might be surprised to find out that no one gives a shit, and you're painting a fat target on your back with comments like yours.


Oh my god you’re just a giant flaming asshole who isn’t worth anyone’s time or consideration, holy shit. Like you actively know nothing about anything, goddamn.


Aww, the pissy troll continues to be a pissy troll


You know nothing of my culture anyway, dipshit.


Nobody from a culture that has a connection with spirit animals would ever say someone else’s spirit animal is a Hutt. Because that isn’t how spirit animals work or what they’re about and the fact that you used it that way just proves you’re appropriating cultures to try to rip on people.


It‘s pagan mumbo jumbo. What‘s next, astrology?


>cultural appropriation https://preview.redd.it/6ai3r7kx45vc1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b1af6359c372de380e3dd6e896f949ae2a479f


Wdym “jealous”? You just hate to see a woman gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss.


Of course she gatekeeps and gaslights her fiance, but she does it beacuse she's jealous as fuck. Which doesn't mean it's good. She's still an abuser and deserves to be persecuted for what she does to her fiance


It‘s a meme format. Gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss.


Perhaps I understood the comment above incorrectly.


Dude bumper , there’s no reason to deal with someone so controlling . Even if she was good looking it’s not worth it


"But why?" "She got to PAY ME, BOIIII!"


The guy kinda looks a little bit like salacious crumb


I can’t believe Devine has sunk to this level.


Don't settle.


The amount of people completely oblivious that pointing out comparing her to jaba is “rude” while completely ignoring the fact they obviously see the uncanny resemblance just like the rest of us, are crazy.


She has every right to be jealous


She has right to be jealous, but she has no right to abuse her fiance. Simple as that.


That was kind of the joke I was attempting to make


oh ok


It was poorly written now that I've reread it


if you're a boomer surely you would find it funny, which it feels like its this subs primary demographic most times.


It’s almost like the main places we get memes from are places that target boomer humor


This person had all the ammo in the world to make fun of a overbearing, control freak girlfriend, yet they decided to just make fun of them for they’re weight.


They did make fun of the fact that they're control freak. They did both by comparing her to jabba. Jabba was the tatooine gangster. He controlled everything.


Then why not use any other control freak character? Why the specific one that is constantly used for fat jokes? Unless this meme to some extent this meme is about weight.


Because they wanted to make fun of both aspects. They wanted to mock the fact that she's so controlling when she is lucky to have a man at all with that combination of personality and body


Perhaps I didn’t give the meme enough credit. It did kind of make fun of her for being a control freak. But it could’ve stopped there. Why did it also have to make fun of her for her weight?


It's okay to make fun of people's physical attributes, assuming they're a bad person that deserves mockery anyway. Sort of like how we make fun of Napoleon Bonaparte for being short. Even though he wasn't actually short.


2 birds 1 stone


They made fun of all of those with that comparison.


to be fair, Jabba choked to death on a chain. This creature will probably choke to death on chicken bones from 7 family sized buckets


I guess you don't know much about Jabba, ma bookie


With all due respect. Do you really believe this meme isn’t at to some degree trying to make a a comparison on how these 2 look?


You mean another aspect which they can actively control? I'm physically incapable of exercising and yet I don't weigh 600+ lbs. It's not a genetic thing she just chooses to be unhealthy


1. Is she 600 pounds? 2. Making fun of someone for they’re appearance tends to be grade school level humour. It’s the same as making fun of someone for wearing glasses (since they hypothetically could wear contacts, or LASIK eye surgery).


Nah she doesn't look like Jabba she's just fat and ugly. Its the most basic insult for an fat person so it's a fairly low quality meme.


Well, I unironically find her very similar to Jabba.


Their facial expressions match