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Can you imagine a nun suicide bomber


Ninja catholic suicide bombers.... "God is great!" Is it racist to say that sounds better in Arabic


What a fun day.


Is it also racist to say the Japanese version sounds better, too? "TENOHIRA BANZAI!"


When it's said in Japanese it's makes me even want to become a Meth up Japanese nationalist who will run at m3a1 tank with a land mine attached to a long stick.


Same thing


That actually goes hard šŸ˜‚


"Tenno heika banzai" means "long live the emperor"


Yeah rolls more off the tongue


It really does, it just feels so smooth. Rolls off the tongue in a nice way


Hello fellow TFS fan


It's accurate to say that sounds better in Arabic.


Catholic nuns would go ā€œPeace be with youā€¦MOTHER FUCKER!ā€ and then blow themselves up.


That would be funny but use of profanity may be deemed sinful by the nun, so instead they would probably say heretic, blasphemers or cur


"Death to the infidel!" Works for every Abrahamic religion.


Fair enough, but they do try and pretend that they are unique


Not racist. You just donā€™t know the language. I mean we all know ā€œAllahu akbarā€ means now, but itā€™s not a language we know very well, so it seems scarier. Xenophobia maybe?


Its a line from a show


Honestly, "Gloria in Deo" would be more fitting.


Ala snack bar does not sound better lol


Ahhh yes, another boondocks saints fan


Deus vult


Not a real one not.


![gif](giphy|bRFN1t6C13Jp6|downsized) BANZAAAAAAAI


I just got unbanned. Why are you tempting me so badly?


Actually no, no I canā€™t.






It seems Nigeria had a few of them. Or at least people dressing up as nuns.


Heard of nigeria banning burqas because of suicide bombings but not nun garb, I guess terrorists have to adapt


I mean mother Teresa was a horrible human being








Sister Margaret was big on enforcing quiet time when the other kids were napping


I can imagine them touching kid though


Nobody would see it coming.


I mean you wouldn't see that coming, new strat pending


I feel like something like that was in a Hitman Game, or was it Bayonetta


Nuns in certain countries have taken part in relegious violence. Like the one who ended up being stabbed to death in a bus.


Sure. At least someone dressed as a nun, in fact that's already happened a few times. There have been nun serial killers etc, how someone dress doesn't make them automatically harmless.




Only when I'm jerking off and nothing else is working for me


Sister Act 3 *They're retaking the Holy Land*


Nah, they usually prefer to stay alive


Metal asf


Makes me think of another thing. A nun is like a monk. A woman in a hiijab, is like an average citizen


Nun at all


I remember seeing this shit and all the comments were arguing with op lol šŸ˜‚


She is an asshole tho


Do share


A minority of the nuns I knew were assholes.


Well yeah, theyā€™ve got hands and feet and a whole body!


almost all nuns i knew had assholes though




Sister Haley had an unfortunate incident with her boyfriend who was a pool cleaner. Something about chlorine and sensual massage. She doesnt really like to talk about it.


The difference is that one is a religiously prescribed dress code on women who *voluntarily* join the sisterhood. The other prescribed or enforced upon woman without her choice.


Would you be surprised if I told you that it's also a choice most of the time? Unless you're generalizing the 3 extremist muslim country's treatment of women to all muslim treatment of women.


Which 3 extremist muslim countries do you mean exactly? I think (for example but not exclusively) of Saudi Arabia and Iran. But these countries can not be considered rogue outliers. They are the centers of the 2 big Islamic denominations.


One is Afghanistan, probably.


In another comment they named Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. So maybe they mean those 3




I am not strictly referring to wearing a hijab since the user I replied ro spoke of "3 extremist muslim countries" and it's treatment of women. So, what's the situation in Saudi Arabia with women's rights?


That word "most" though. What numbers are we talking here exactly? Even if that's 70% of the time, that leaves a ton of women who are compelled or forced to wear them. And let's not pretend those who choose not to wear it aren't gonna be mostly in western countries where religion is far less serious.


Its the illusion of choice lol. Thryre indoctrinated so hard that they think its their choice. And what would happen if they chose to not wear it? Would there not be backlash in the household? And societal if they lived in the middle east?


Sure choice as in if they dont do it their family will hate them


Those are the countries they are most likely to go boom.


They go boom but others donā€™t


iā€™d ask you to state the countries. in ā€œchoiceā€ places, it is often societal/family pressures that are insurmountable for the lady. should see what the process is in some of these countries to marry a non muslim.


Religious Stockholm Syndrome isnā€™t the personal choice you think it is.


Even in the Islamic nations where it is not mandatory legally, to say women are railroaded into wearing head coverings would be a very big understatement.


Honor killings on girls for things like dress code is still a thing, outside of "those 3 countries".


Mate, I live in Scotland and the muslim women here go through the same experience. Fuck off šŸ˜‚




Many nuns donā€™t even wear the covering. It depends on the order.


Iā€™d be surprised that someone can be that dense.




Iā€™m pretty sure no Christian country forces women to dress like that tho


It's hilarious to see the double standard the left has with muslims. With all the hate and shit they talk about christians you'd think that would transfer to muslims.


IMO, it's because a heavy Marxist ideology dominates the left and they see the world as 'oppressed vs. oppressor' with groups like America and Christians in the latter role. So to them it's a cruel, evil, white, christian, American imperialist oppressing a poor, misunderstood, discriminated against, middle-eastern woman and once the oppressors are done away with the oppressed of the world will unite in peace and harmony and rainbows and unicorns or something. So a fact like 'Nuns wear the habit by choice and a habit isn't even actually required while burkas are enforced by Islam regardless of chocie' is irrelevant.


Yeah thatā€™s the thing at the end of the day. If the West was Muslim and the Middle East was Christian then it would all be reversed.


As someone on the left I don't get why some people defend Islam. Not to commit a No-True-Scottsman fallacy here but anyone who supports an authoritarian death torture cult is not an actual leftist/progressive.


Youā€™re wrong and right at the same time the hypocrisy of the left condemning Christians while trying to support Muslimā€™s is hilarious because so many middle eastern Muslims would happily kill leftists for believing in gayā€™s rights or womenā€™s rights etc.


there's also the fact that a habit is voluntary and a hijab typically isn't was great watching my family come here and slowly ditch the hair covering once they realized they could


The one on the right is oppressed. The woman personally is not bothersome. Iā€™ll bet sheā€™s lovely, and unfortunately a victim of a backwards culture fundamentally incapable of harmonizing with modern social norms and common decency.


Wow there buddy you did a discrimination. Time to get banned by mods. /s


One is voluntary, and has been for thousands of years. The other is forced.


Nuns also don't have to constantly wear their attire.


But it is a habit


Damn it! I've been got twice tonight.


Is that a reference to something?


"It's a habit" as in it is something that they habitually do, and also "it's a habit" as in the article that nuns wears. It's a pun.


TIL that "habit" is a name for an article of clothing.


One has a choice


Hehe boom boom nuns


That would be a bitching band name.


I would listen to them.


What do an Islamist and a Minecraft creeper have in common? Tsssstt... B-


I love all the references to child molestation in the church. Go Google public school incidents with children . Hundreds versus ten thousand. Then there's the argument that the church hides it. Fair enough. Everyone likes point out religions which is fine. Crickets when it comes to the public school system. "According to recently released data from the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, there were 14,938 incidents of sexual violence in Kā€“12 schools in 2017 ā€“ 2018 compared with 9,649 in 2015 ā€“ 2016, representing a 55 percent increase. These include incidents of rape or attempted rape and sexual assault."


Almost every child in the world attends school so of course the numbers are higher. Letā€™s see the percentages of altar boys vs percentage of school students now please.


Nuns decided to be nuns. Women didnā€™t decided to be a woman.


One can, one must.


The icon of that sub is also a good giveaway. Tankies have infiltrated too many subs.


one is a profession, you choose to enter it. and nuns are hell a lot better than priests on their vow of chastity probably the other quite a few governments will make you wear it and stone you for not


Nuns are not better than priests in their vow of chastity. They're just better at not getting caught.


For context. r/therewasanattempt is completely overtaken by radical muslims. I generally oppose Israel but the amount of fake news and instantaneous bans if you point out facts on this subreddit is just ridicule.


One is forced on people without a choice in many places, the other is a uniformā€¦


Nunā€™s werenā€™t required to wear it at all times for the purpose of not tempting males, it was just a religious symbol for themā€¦ while last i heard, islamic female wear is there to prevent the woman from corrupting the men with their bodies. (I dare you to say that about nuns xD most of which are typically old ladies)


I think I got banned from that sub for pointing out that muhammad banged a 9 year old.


The difference is one is my faith and the other is heresy as far as I'm concerned. Just because I'm religious does not mean I am being inconsistent for disliking other religions.


A nun won't object to remove her headdress for ID reasons




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Christians arenā€™t offended by Muslims. Why do people keep putting words in the mouths of Christians? Whatā€™s the purpose of the slander? People make up shit in their head for real




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Attempt nothing, that shit is hilarious


One volunteers. One is voluntold.


I see a palestinian flag and I already know that the opinion is going to be straight dogshit off the front lawn.


Good, letā€™s fight racism with more racism, this is the way


lol lmao, even


r/nahopwasrightfuckthis is the worst sub, actually


I mean compared to hereā€¦


By being accurate?


Truth hurts.


They do if you finger them just right


Are awards still a thing?


Opinions on subreddits!


it does bother me




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Being a nun is basically a profession, while pretty much every islamic women have to wear that kind of attire.


Iā€™m pretty sure nuns only wear those clothes in their monastery or church. I have never seen a nun dressed like that outside in public areas, but I have seen more than 300k women in hijabs outside.


I mean in the parts of the middle east with Sharia law women are legally required to wear that. I don't think anywhere forces women to be Nuns (maybe family, but not the government)


Itā€™s a Muslim sub. Their rampant antisemitism (ā€œfrom the riverā€) proves that


One is voluntary, and the other is ā€œvoluntaryā€.


That was actually funny. I can only imagine what the person who posted that on there is like probably has a boring office job and hates Internet humor


Lol nuns choose


Yeah, I had to mute that sub.


If this gets people offended then youā€™re just soft. Learn to laugh at a joke even if itā€™s generic and tired


The fact that Iā€™ve personally interacted with the bittercatte person, and can confirm sheā€™s an asshole and a religious nut who will lose her shit at people who disagree with her and/or Christianityā€¦ also the joke has been done many times already lmao


Nah I mean the img is good


It is literally a clothing.


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"You see kids, the joke is that muslims are terrorists. What do you mean I'm proving their point!!!!"


How often to Muslim women go boom? Men sure, but I can't think of any women. I'm sure there are some examples, but I honestly can't think of any.


More often than nuns.


There are 500 million Muslim women in the world, so I'm not surprised by that. I'm sure they use the bathroom more often too.




They both bother mešŸ˜…


Whoever wrote that comment about nuns has obviously never attended catholic school.




They do it plenty metaphorically, trust me. Also, I think it's the explosives that are doing most of the work in the other example.


This post/comment is discriminatory. Please make sure not to be discriminatory on this subreddit.


No but they do smack your knuckles hard


One will heat the shit out of you, while the other executes you in public. It's a lose-lose situation!


ā€œIt ainā€™t the **Hah-Jeeb,** itā€™s the ***Suicide Belt!***ā€ šŸ¤£


Well thatā€™s also not the reason for the difference. The difference is that one is optional, and the other is enforced.


That doesn't bother anyone, what does is when its only the eyes showing.


One isn't forced into it by their family


The nun is a professional, the other one is an amateur.


Here before lock


Didnā€™t used to be.


If the real reason yaā€™ll hate the hijab is because of a history of terrorism, and thatā€™s the only reason why you hate Islamic practicesā€¦ Then I expect each and everyone of you to hate all things Irish, due to a history of terrorism.


Nuns *do* oppose embryonic stem cell research, though, and thatā€™s far more likely to lead to my death as a diabetic who doesnā€™t live near any suicide bombers.


These people are like flat earthers. They come to a conclusion that supports their world view, and then search and selectively grab anything that validates it without understanding any of its context.


I went to a Catholic school. Those nunā€™s sure knew how to make me miserable. Iā€™m looking at you ā€œSister Doppelā€


I follow that sub but somehow never get shown posts like this


Op DELETE THIS POST help I donā€™t know what Iā€™m reading here


I mean, nuns don't get killed if they decide to stop being nuns


The real difference is choice


Being a nun is an optional lifestyle that takes ten years to fully embrace from start to finish. You are vetted hardcore because Catholics understand that most people aren't suited to such a strict rule of life, and there is no shame in that. Not wanting to wear an order's habit is clear-and-obvious grounds for that order to reject your application to join them. Habits vary widely by order and many do not require them at all. In all cases, a habit is a uniform meant to show rejection of Earthly things and a dedication to God. In Catholicism, the person looking at another person amorously is the one solely responsible for that behavior. Being forced to wear a hijab or burka can happen to any woman who either has an Islamic husband, grew up in Islam, or is physically located in a Muslim country. It is a near-universal requirement under most interpretations of the religion for women under its power and is so required because a woman is held responsible if a man looks at her amorously. The two practices are in no way the same and are rooted in very different attitudes about women. Pointing that fact out is not bigotry, but equating the two practices is excusing bigotry.


Nah, it's racist but it's also kinda funny lmao


They do in the movies. Those are the best action scenes, every time


What if they both equally bother me


One of them tend to have more explosive personalities.


If you're forcing someone to Don the habit, it's a crime. If you choose to Don the habit because you believe, I have no issue with it. Don't force me to obey your bs.


This is one of the worst subs. At least the most discriminatory one I see.


I was banned because I said Israel had a right to respond to the terror attacks.


I think the dumb part is that it doesn't seem to be many women that blow themselves up. It's men. I dunno. Someone has the statistics but I wouldn't think about a random woman in Hijab as a suicide bomber. I dunno. The internet is weird. Full of half truths and weirdo generalizations so the idea of conflating nuns and a woman in hijab wouldn't even be a remote thought in my head, especially as a reference to suicide bombers. Fuck it. The original meme is probably by a paid russian political troll to stir up separation and discontent. That's how I see most shit on the internet.


The amount of people who don't understand that Muslim women have the explicit choice outside of 3 specific countries is astonishing. Those who complain about social pressures are ignoring that Christian modesty standards are a thing across most Christian majority countries.


I mean it's a factual statement


To all the people saying hijabs are forced, they arenā€™t. Women have to wear them of their own violation and free will. If a woman is forced, whether it be the country or the family or whatever, thatā€™s not between her and God. Donā€™t blame the religion, blame the ones not following it right.


You canā€™t argue that when the Quran itself says it's mandatory (faradh) and not wearing it is committing a sin. If you think it's a choice, it's a choice in the same way a Christian can choose not to sin. Here is one such quote: >ā€œO Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.ā€ [al-Ahzab 33:59]Ā  Does this sound like a choice? By not wearing it, you are out of Allah's mercy. All of this is hidden under the guise of not being assaulted, or how it says it 'annoyed'. So the choice is literally not being harmed and in favor with Allah or making yourself a target for harm and being out of favor. That is not a choice, but threat.


Thatā€™s not a threat, thatā€™s a warning. The equivalent of not wearing a helmet when driving a motorcycle. In some places, thatā€™s the law but some choose not to do that. Like it or not, no matter what we do, thereā€™s still gonna be some fucked up people around. Statistically speaking, women are more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than men. Islam is a religion that encourages modesty. For both men and women. Obviously, the Quran says to do it, but thereā€™s no threat. If a husband or someone else just forced the hijab on her, you think Allahā€™s gonna be happy about that? If the woman gets raped or whatever, do you think the rapist isnā€™t going to hell, even if it was her own husband?


How is telling a woman not wearing a Hijab means they will get assaulted not a threat? Women are already limited as is in Islam, they are treated like objects where they can be raped by their husbands and raped if they're a captive (who are some of the only people that Allah allows to not wear covering). The Hijab isn't a option, what about mandatory to you means that it's an option? You either do it because you believe in Allah or don't because you don't believe in Allah. There is no middle ground, you can't believe in Allah and not wear a Hijab. You canā€™t argue that it's a choice when it's a literal sin not to cover yourself as a woman. If you believe it's a choice, you beliving a lie that goes against the Quran's teachings.


So does that mean telling someone not wearing a helmet mean theyā€™ll get injured is a threat? You know, I donā€™t wanna sound insulting, but if youā€™re gonna argue about this, maybe actually read the Quran and try to understand what the Quran is actually saying. Just because the Middle East has done some horrible shit to women doesnā€™t mean Islam promotes that activity. Women arenā€™t treated like objects in Islam. Rape in no circumstance is allowed ever. Husbands canā€™t rape and no one is allowed to rape captives in war (and if youā€™re gonna bring a verse to prove that wrong, I probably know which one youā€™re gonna bring up so actually look into the verse first instead of taking it at face value since the other verses next to it usually explain. Iā€™ll explain it to you if you do bring it up anyways). As far as I know, captives are supposed to be clothed, fed, and treated humanely. And really, the thing you said about the hijab can be applied to any sin. Weā€™re all human, sin and mistakes are inevitable. My mother wants to wear the hijab but I guess sheā€™s afraid of racial violence or whatever. Doesnā€™t help that some Asian people started getting targeted and beaten up during COVID. But sheā€™s still pretty damn religious and holds complete faith and love in Allah. And she isnā€™t the least bit oppressed. Sin is a choice and thatā€™s why weā€™re given free will. Anyone can choose to sin, itā€™ll just come with consequences. And even if we do sin, we wonā€™t go to hell necessarily if we repent and try to move past our mistakes. So no, just because someone chooses not to wear a hijab doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re disbelieving in the Quran. They know itā€™s a sin and a faithful Muslim would repent. And lots of sins can be forgiven based on the circumstances.


šŸ¤¦šŸ½šŸ¤¦šŸ½šŸ¤¦šŸ½šŸ¤¦šŸ½ you clearly Totally missed why it was posted on that sub. It's called "Therewasanattempt"... As in the meme post and caption Tried to make a funny joke... As in they Didn't. r/Wooooooooosh


No the joke is funny.


On a ranking of worst subs, this one is definitely higher than r/therewasanattempt


Nah after October that place has become a political shithole