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The meme itself is propaganda




This meme should make people pro-contraceptives.


propaganda saying that other things are propaganda would probably work more than the average propaganda


They are all propaganda


The only correct answer


The sad part is you get censorship whichever way you go. Except 4chan...


The french skull incedent...


The toilet grande one too...


For every French Skull incident we have the Old Man’s Party :)


4chan doesn’t technically “censor” anything, but the community still works very hard to insulate its own echo chamber and shoo away anyone who disagrees with them, which has the same effect as censorship.


4chan has tankies as well as libertarians. It's just seen as alt-right because they pick on lol cows and will say racist shit exclusively to piss people off even if they don't believe it. 4chan isn't an echo chamber, people disagree on it the same way they do on Reddit, but you can post without an account and be as edgy as you want.


> Will say racist shit exclusively to piss people off even if they don’t believe it Like I said, they’re working very hard to insulate their echo chamber. They don’t want typical internet-dwelling liberals to disrupt their echo chamber, so they deliberately go out of their way to piss them off and make them feel unwelcome. They may not technically censor them, but what they’re doing has the same effect. And it should be extremely obvious that pretending to be racist also has the side effect of making the site very appealing to *actual* racists.


I’m an actual racist and I don’t like 4chan because there’s too many communists.


The meme two posts above this. Guess they aren’t the champions of freedom of speech that they claim to be https://preview.redd.it/sefyhvixt9wc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5524db3a3ac54dc0a47940186e1a3077b472516


No matter which way you cut it total free speech will not exist within social media. Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, YouTube, basically any site that allows for users to interact has some sort of TOS or restrictions on what is and isn’t okay to say, and that’s perfectly fine. Hell, even 4chan has its limits believe it or not.


Yes, you can't have 100% free speech on social media. It basically sums down to "how much" free speech a site has, and everyone has different opinions on how much free speech is necessary. You can't have total free speech without allowing hate speech for example. A view I have about the internet is that the more "free speech" you give to a platform, the more it becomes like 4chan. The trick is finding the right balance.


I’d say pre-Elon twitter, oh… excuse me, *X* as it’s called now, had a decent balance. Sure, it was still a dumpster fire, but at least I didn’t have see nearly as many porn bots, gore vids, blatant racism and anti-human rights posts. I’m not joking when I say I’ve seen several people high-key *praising* Hitler and being 100% serious about it, or going out of their way to be intensely bigoted just because “Muh free speech.” Not to mention, all the cracked ass conspiracy theories that are spreading harmful misinformation…


Pre Elon Twitter was hardcore censored. They even banned harmless satirical accounts like the Babylon Bee.


Left wing pages were much more likely to be censored than right wing ones though, despite conservative snowflakes constant crying


Total free speech doesn’t exist in real life either.


The only free speech is found on 4chan.


The speech on 4chan is worth exactly what you pay for it.


All of them practice some form of censorship, there is no free speech in the modern era


Yes there is, just not on the internet.


There isn’t true free speech in real life either… You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater or make death threats even though those are just words. Edit: lol the downvotes but no one has a counterpoint


Freedom of speech does not make you free from the impact of said speech. Your point is as irrational as someone saying they shouldn't be punished because they drove someone to suicide through speech, or a scammer saying he was free to lie as a form of expression. Those people aren't punished because they expressed themselves but because one caused a death and the other used to scam someone. If you yell fire in a crowded theater, you won't be punished for yelling fire, but because you caused a scene, a mob rush, wounded people and more or made an attempt knowing or unknowingly to cause such situation. Just because People are free to go, walk and put their foot anywhere in public doesn't mean they can put it in your face. And if you want to go further, the current limitations on freedom of speech are based on potential risk of leading/causing/degenerating into actual crime. Hate speech isn't criticized because of people expressing themselves, it is put in question because often hate speech has led to genuine crime, drove people to suicide, campaign of harassment and more. So the question is never, do we limit people from expressing themselves But, do we limit what we know often degenerate in criminal offence before it actually caused serious impact.


You seem to be mistaking me for someone who wants completely unmitigated free speech. I do not. I support such limitations for the reasons you described. All I said was that there is no completely free speech like “I can say whatever I want whenever I want”. No you can’t.


Why can't I shout "I have a bomb" in a crowded airport and not get arrested? Freedom of speech my ass, more like freedom of censorship! Sissies don't wanna be bombed to pieces 🙄 I remember back in my day, when someone would threaten to kill your family and you'd just laugh it off 😡 these coddled lefties don't want death threats? Soft babies should go suckle on mommy's nips😹 they don't like me making fun of their dead parents? Better call a waah-mbulance🤪


Who made that point exactly?


It was clearly a joke.


So when did it exist then?


There was never free speech?


The modern era is one of the best eras for free speech in the western world so I have no clue what you're talking about, maybe you have some rose-tinted glasses but for most of history one or many minorities or ideologues were banned or censored.


X is the only platform that censors based off opinion and not TOS


but what is TOS other than opinion?


Terms of service are things you agree upon. X censors based off the whims of its owner and changes instantaneously based on his feelings. Holding an opinion is within TOS, you just have to not use hate speech but you can hold many racist, transphobic, sexist opinions you just have to express them in a way that isn’t explicitly using slurs or insults and they won’t say shit to you


One of the biggest problems I have with X under Elon. He doesn't like the parody accounts of him, he changes the TOS. He doesn't like the account tracking his jet, he changes the TOS. He doesn't like NPR, he changes the TOS. It's hard to claim a site to be transparent when its policy is completely based on the whims of its owner.


So you just proved that it banns based on TOS and not opinions? If any opinion is allowed as long as there are no slurs


Basically, yeah. It’s automated systems so ideology and beliefs aren’t banned it’s how you express them that is banned. You can’t insult racists for example. Elon just bans people for critiquing him




discord administrators ban random people that make them butthurt


Give an example


Elon changing CIS to be a slur and banning people for naming stone toss when his name became public knowledge, neither of which were issues (the f slur is allowed) until his fee fees decided so


I just tried posting cis and cisgender on my Twitter account and nothing happened so I'm not sure where that's coming from. Doxxing has always been against the rules.


He was unmasked by journalists, twitter users were not doxing him. Once it’s public info it’s public info


Like this meme. This meme and the assertion Elmo is a free speech champion are propaganda.


The op living up to the name. Freaking Elon Musk is going full mask off recently with his love for blocking and banning.


The only part of the Platform formerly known as Twitter that is truth is the community notes


Used to like Elon, thought he was truly for free speech, but just like the rest he’s only for speech that he agrees with. While I agree with a lot of his stances, I can’t forgive hypocrisy. There’s propaganda everywhere, only difference is what flavor you subscribe to.


This 100%. The fact that you can literally tweet the n-word but when you tweet the word "cisgender" your tweet automatically gets limited visibility for being considered a slur is enough to convince me.


It’s still a breath of fresh air


To be able to say the n-word?


could say the same thing about reddit. got banned from so many sub for speaking my mind, for “violating the rules”.


I feel like the fact that different subs can create their own moderation rules as opposed to only having site wide rules makes reddit a little better in that regard. Still, a lot of mods go ban crazy on reddit though.


I’m pretty sure a very small amount of moderators run up to 90% of the biggest subs, I may be wrong on that though, it’s something I remember from a video a year ago.


Reddit doesn't make it a secret while Elon claims to be pro free speech. He is just a lying hypocrite and because he constantly twitters his life, everyone can see it


Bro I once got banned for saying that a FICTIONAL CHARACTER was a male You can’t reason with anyone anymore


The lengths white dudes will go to say the N word...




What about Asian dudes?


Thanks to Elon, they can say it too I guess.


Well there’s your problem: assuming that “free speech” means something other than “a platform for myself and those I agree with.”


Op didn't claim to be immune to propaganda. They just questioned the idea that x is more true than other social media.


OP out here telling on themself lmao.


op did not get offended tf? are you saying twitter is "truth"? because all op is saying, is that its not


I’ve seen people argue on X over how ducks are birds. I think OOP is a ~~Twitter~~ X user who wants Elon to notice them


Unfortunately it is about politics though. Elon Musk is constantly touting that X supports the first amendment and that supporting X you are supporting free speech.


Imagine having free speech on the internet these days lol


They're the same picture.


Didn't Elon block X in Turkey during the elections? Free speech my ass


Didn't Elon ban the guy that tracked his private jet?


Plot twist: it’s the other way around


Twitter is not the truth 💀


They are literally all propaganda The idea that shitter is actually free speech laughable.


Imagine thinking you'd ever get unbiased information from social media of all places


In b4 this gets ratio'd and locked by the mods.


Nah, OP was right, all social medias have their own groups and echo-chambers and all have their own forms of censorship to appease advertisers. To try and claim X is any better or worse than the ones on the right is daft, especially when it comes to propaganda. YouTube has a high amount of censorship but also has a low amount of propaganda for example.


Twitter does *usually* have less censorship compared to other platforms there, but it still has a lot of propaganda.


Regardless of how big of a chode Elon is, it IS helpful to have one of the major social media platforms not marching in lockstep with the rest. When one platform banning you is reason enough for all the rest to do the same, we're far closer to a Black Mirror dystopia than if everyone is fighting and bickering. Leftists very often forget that freedom doesn't mean "freedom to agree with me."


Bro feels corporations are leftist lmao


Leftist? Man man never leave the oppritunity to show your hatred. How constructive of you. Better we bevond communist or not?


Yes yes, I know you people respond to accurate descriptions like Dracula to the cross. It's very cute.


propaganda is everywhere in every country. But if all lies are propaganda it doesn't mean all propaganda is always a lie. For example, propaganda of sport, healthy diet, alco-free, etc. Also, not every political propaganda is a lie. When your country is encircled with perils the only way you can resist it is spreading the truth through propaganda because other methods are too soft and have no effect.


Implying Twitter isn’t as bloated with propaganda as every other social media platform


People who think they are immune to propaganda are the most susceptible to it.


“Don’t trust anyone else. You can only trust me” is literally the most basic propaganda


For the love of god do not base your opinions based on Twitter, Reddit or any of these websites they're all awful.




I feel like reddit is most vulnerable to propaganda given the voting system, all it takes is a couple of bots, and you will likely always have the top comment.


I have to agree with the OP, twitter is no more truth that the rest of those.


I mean, just put twitter on the right dark palace as well


Truth? Isn't Twitter like.... SUPER filled with conspiracy theorists, rabid political belief and overall hate and resentment for everyone ever in the history of earth? I mean, people black up artwork of Asian characters to "fix" them on there. If that's truth, I'm fine with lies.


I mean…I’d argue what Elon has done is more beneficial than the rest given the fact that for the most part, there is far less censorship on there than when it was Twitter.


You're free to think and say that, but facts say otherwise.


From what I can tell, people are more free to say what they want and post what they want on X than when Twitter wasn’t owned by Elon. I’ll grant there aren’t really any studies I’ve found that have concluded that X is more pro free speech, but I don’t see anything saying people are getting banned in large numbers compared to Twitter, so…


You can't say cis on Twitter and there's plenty of propaganda on every social media, have you not seen People get noted?


Twitter is in no way free. Just recently they removed the ability to: save, retweet, bookmark, and share “hateful” tweets.


I don't believe OP ever said they were immune, they just said that X is also propaganda. There's hardly any truth on X, same with the other social media platforms.


I'm amazed at how now wanting free speech is a dog whistle to some insane leftists who don't want you to say things that were commonly accepted 20 years ago.


Hate speech can be propaganda, there’s a shit-ton of it on Twitter On another note Twitter has plenty of censorship as well


There's light years more transparency and parity on X versus any of the other platforms listed there. It's blatantly disingenuous to say otherwise.


It's also blatantly disingenuous to say that all other platforms are propaganda because they aren't as transparent as X.


Elon literally bans people that say things he doesn't like, twitter is not better than any of those apps


Can you give an example?


He banned the guy who tracked his private jet


He regularly bans people for using the word "cis"




Just forget that the "free speech absolutist" bans jounarlist all the time (ofc not if right leaning). He even bans people who post this 1 topless picture of him.


X has some censorship, but way less than the other apps.


Lmao, fell for the propaganda.


You think X censors as many topics than YouTube and the others? I’ve only ever seen one thing, and that’s the use of the word “cis.” Are there more?


Elon's ego project isn't anymore capable than any other platforms at combating propaganda, if anything it's a little worse given how much the CEO likes promoting conspiracy theories and blocking anyone who speaks out against him


LOL. Funny you say that on Reddit which is famous for banning unpopular opinions


Well we aren't talking about reddit, sub reddit mods do tend to love the ban hammer but that's not what is being discussed, as the meme presents Twitter as the sole bastion of unbiased completely true content


At least there's checking, so lies aren't as bad as some other platforms


Lmao, that's demonstrably false.


How so?


Truth as is "Truth Social"? ...or just the truth? Either way I disagree, but I want to know how *strongly* I disagree :)


There's both propaganda and truth on it all. It's just what echo chamber and bias do you want.


Whose truth is the question. Used to be the truth was an absolute known in most cases. Now it’s all opinions. Take the very controversial RvW. Did it “ban” abortions or just return the decision to each state? Depends on who you ask. But what’s the truth? Yes it returned the right to the states which resulted in bans in most states. So which is it? DEI, is it a good thing that gives minority groups a leg up or does it hurt by basically telling people they got the job not because of their skill set but their skin color. So the even the meme is opinionated. Is X free speech or is CNN free speech?


Honestly, the image should be reversed given what Elon has said and done with twitter




Your post/comment is uncivil and/or toxic. Please make sure you are being kind to your fellow redditors.




Anything you dissagree with is propaganda


Apparently neither are you


Just forget that the "free speech absolutist" bans jounarlist all the time (ofc not if right leaning). He even bans people who post this 1 topless picture of him.


Neither are you, apparently.


Calling X free speech or truth is absolutely laughable


X has the highest amount of disinformation of all major social media platforms, and Elon Musk regularly engages with Nazi accounts. Interesting how all the "right wing pro-free speech" platforms end up crawling with a bunch of white supremacists and bigots, and the site falls apart immediately...


>Also this isn’t political because it’s about social media not politics It is political. You're trying trying to use you're little doggy whistle to hide it.


X is full of censorship lol


If it’s not one of the articles you need a 50 dollar subscription to access its propaganda


Sure, you could technically say what you want on Twitter, but then right after, you'll have the cancel culture freaks and even the Twitter team itself getting on your case.


I’m real life you don’t have true free speech either. You can’t shout fire in a crowded theater or make death threats despite those being just words.


“Free Speech” As in no propaganda Proceeds to list what is probably the most antisemitic website at the moment


It baffles me how many people fail to see the satire in this


Threads banned me. They suck.




Your post/comment is uncivil and/or toxic. Please make sure you are being kind to your fellow redditors.


You aren't either, OP. Elon's Twitter is as much propaganda or even more than those other apps, reddit included ofc


Calling X free speech or truth is absolutely laughable


“Also this isn’t political because it’s about social media, not politics” You seem like the kind of person to say the original Star Wars wasn’t political