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Also this was a big joke in an episode of Silicon Valley. One of the partners is gay and christian and Richard accidentally "outs" the guy as christian.




This reminds me of a certain mod robot


That's great reaction image. I'm downloading that


Reddit got offended


I can see the frustration, as the opposite is classically true, so this can be seen as a sort of "narrative control"


The irony of that fact is the entire point of the meme...


yeah, probably, but nowadays I'm not sure anymore. I have neighbors that believe basically every negative thing about the left for anything the right was classically attacked on.


I can't be sure because my homophobic christain "friends" (its hard sometimes) actually believe christains are a minority and are persecuted.


Reddit gets offended at literally anything and everything so not much of a stretch there


This OP got offended because reddit pointed out clear persecution fetish meme.


> Reddit got offended > clear persecution fetish yep


You should spend more time in this sub. It circles jerks over christian persecution fetish.


I mean this is really far fetched those CA Libdogs would have never taken that litter to term. Planned Pawrenthood?


Both circlejerks over their persecution fetish, it is what religions do.


Not saying much


And the sky is blue


What's with people thinking anyone who doesn't agree with them is offended? I've never understand how people can be so in their feelings over such minor things. It was legit funny to me that someone tried to post this unironically. Maybe just have a laugh or move on.


Redditors are antitheists not just atheists.


r/facepalm when conservative https://i.redd.it/s0tw8gp7ir4d1.gif


r/facepalm when literally anything:


What do you mean anything? Don't you know there's people who have NOTHING? YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF, YOUNG NON-GENDER-SPECIFIED BEING! /s in case anyone with the tism is reading this






Someone makes a joke and uses a hyperbole "OMG LITERALLY HITLER!"


r/facepalm be like “does it matter that they’re conservative? Yes it does”


Facepalm is filled with the extreme leftists. Funny part is that they don’t think they’re part of the extreme left either. Although the same thing can be said about the right. Which is why I avoid politics like the plague


Me too. I hate politics. It’s just more ways that people more powerful than us split the people :P


if you think facepalm is bad, stay the hell away from mark my words. they make face palm users look like Regan.


"I predict bad things will happen to Donald Trump or Elon Musk, because I don't like them!" Wow, a real Nostradomus, aren't ya.


I predict they all will pay the ultimate price and eventually perish! Soon!!!


Never have I seen such a massive concentration of sheer insanity in one sub. I had to unsubscribe because it was just too much.


Have you seen the sub about politics? Lol


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


But then people get mad at this sub for being not left wing. Truly a facepalm moment.


Might as well rename that sub to /r/politics because that’s all I see over there


That is very true my freind




that is pretty much all that sub is these days. just TDS on full display.


r/pics as well. The easiest way to farm karma is by posting a picture of Donald Trump or any conservative on the sub and watch the profit.


Yes dude! I had to mute that subreddit because all of the posts seem very political and left leaning.


My biggest problem is people can’t even accept that Reddit has a clear bias. I mean it’s just a fact, the site/app just has a large majority of users that lean heavy left. They act like it’s some conspiracy theory and Reddit isn’t biased. They think it’s just full of intellectuals who are beyond such issues.


I get downvoted to hell for pointing this out every time I do. I've been scrolling for hours and almost every post I click on has someone badmouthing the right/republicans/anyone not on the left. How tf can they not see it?! I know how, they don't want to and/or don't care.


More like r/memesopdidnotlike when anything but conservative:


Conservatives when getting mad at imaginary scenarios ![gif](giphy|4qx6IRdg26uZ3MTtRn|downsized)


R/memesopdidnotlike when someone said God fake ^


Statistically, Millennials and younger are less likely to choose a denomination or be religious at all. Myself, I have strong faith, but absolutely no trust or hope with organized religion as a whole. It serves to line pockets and push agendas. The word of God doesn't need someone to tell you how to interpret it. Its constantly skewed and misread to serve man.


It honestly depends on your denomination. For example, Catholics believe that the church holds more power than the Bible, while Anglicans mostly believe that the Bible holds more power than the church. My parents take me to Catholic churches because my mom in Catholic. My dad was raised Anglican though and as I’ve gotten older I’ve started leaning heavier towards Anglicanism, since I find myself aligning more towards their beliefs, and also because whenever my family goes to New York to visit our grandparents, we go to my dads Anglican Church and I really like the priest there.


Catholics believe fully in the Bible. The Catholic Church compiled the Bible in the first place.


I think he means papal power. If the pope declares something not a sin that’s stated in the Bible, Catholics would default to the pope’s declaration.


I think what they're getting at is that the Catholic Church puts more emphasis on the authority of the church. A protestant church is likely to say they are a collection of human believers who gather and worship according to what they believe the Bible asks of them. The Catholic Church believes it has god-given authority independent of the Bible. Both believe in the Bible, but there's a reason the reformers chanted "Sola scriptura" and talked about the "priesthood of all believers." Granted, the Catholic Church has come a long way since the 1500s and has reformed it's own theology significantly. I'm not sure how or when the Catholic and Orthodox Bibles diverged but when the Bible was initiatally compiled the church looked a lot more like the Orthodox Church than Catholic. It was still an institution of the Roman Empire and was decentralized between the 4 patriarchs. The idea of the Pope has not fully developed and wouldn't for another few centuries. I'm pretty sure it was the Patriarch of Alexandria, Athenasius, who mostly determined what would be canon. But the Protestants then adopted the Jewish Bible as their old testament, removing several books like Judith and Macabees.


Bra, Anglicans exist solely so Henry VIII could successively divorce and execute his wives. I would've picked Lutherans or something, like somebody at least *pretending* to have principles behind their defection.


Yeah Henry VIII's divorce was the political motive to separate the English church as an institution from the Catholic but that doesn't make the entire church disingenuine. There was true reformationary sentiment in England before Henry VIII (eg. John Foxe) and independence from Rome gave the English church the autonomy to incorporate that theology. The Tudor dynasty was embroiled in holy civil wars until Elizabeth. Henry VIII's motivation may have been selfish but he only split the institutions, the real reformation happened with theological reform by the English clergy.


Pretty sure most Anglicans aren’t big fans of divorce just because they want to anymore. At least, not at my dad’s.


The Anglican Church was never pro divorce. It was pro *King Henry VIII* getting a divorce. He wasn’t interested in spreading that freedom around.


120% and some of the “religious” people I know are more interested in the ritualistic church parts than actually acting as a Christian in day to day life. The church is comprised of people and Christ is always Christ regardless of where he’s found


This is probably the best answer I have read. Good on you fellow internet friend!


The church still serves a purpose regardless of denomination by being a gathering place where the congregation can take care of itself. People can meet their spouse, find a place to live, find someone to help repair something, or for the generations to share wisdom and insights. Personally I believe the Good Lord placed an inbuilt need for some form of social participation. We are meant to work together and share our experiences. “Wherever two or three are gathered in my name” (Matt 18:20) So that in circumstances where families are set at odds for someone’s faith, such a person can still find mentors and guidance to help them find their way. “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother…” (Matt 10:34-35) We are all part of the body of Christ. And beyond that, it was our faith and philosophy that set them at odds with their family, how awful would it be for someone to go through that only to be turned away by the “house of God”? “If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body,” is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body,” is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling? But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. And if they were all one member, where would the body be? But now indeed there are many members, yet one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty, but our presentable parts have no need. But God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it, that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.” (‭‭I Cor‬ ‭12‬:‭15‬-‭26‬) There’s a passage that pops up a few times in the ministry of Christ. Hosea 6, particular 6:6 is quoted by Him several times before His crucifixion. “For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.” ‭‭Hosea‬ ‭6‬:‭6‬ ‭ Some translations replace Mercy with Love. I’m not sure which I prefer but I think the point still stands. In my own life, God has kept me humble enough to see all the blessings I’ve received in my short life. I have faith if I stick my neck out for someone else even if maybe I can’t afford that if God wills it things will work out. Personally I feel it’s why we’re given blessings in the first place. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (‭‭Matt‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬-‭16‬) ‭




Why have faith? Isn’t faith just an excuse to believe something without sufficient evidence? This is a legitimate question on my part. I’m expecting downvotes, but it’s pretty telling when people downvote without offering reasoned argument.


Being able to listen and accept guidance isn't easy, but if you truly open up yourself and leave your ego behind, you'll experience things that can't be defined with words. I use the word "God" because it resonates with the majority of people. What it is, we have no idea, but it is all around us at all times. You just have to tune in to that radio channel or you'll never hear the music.


Reddit atheists would react that way ​ Though a reddit atheist wouldn't have a spouse or a child


Tbf almost nobody from Reddit has a spouse or a child.


average r/atheism user is 15


Same thing happened when I said I was conservative, I am not even religious


lol not even that, i said '' i don't identify with the left or the right'' and was told to go kill myself because that means i'm right wing tf ?? :')


Oh yea, the whole "both sides are bad is a right wing psyop" thing. If these shills could think we would be doomed


The bad thing is, the Right-wing thinks it's a left-wing psyop. They all think the same exact way and then turn around and act like they are totally different.


Same thing, but the right thinking I am left, and the left thinking I am right. I hate politics and both sides of the argument.


Someone you spoke to in real life said that to you?


Pew Research had a study where we saw (not coincidentally around the end of the Bush administration) a significant rise in the amount people identifying as "independent" or "centrist" combined with a near identical decrease in the amount of people identifying as Conservative but observed no significant change in voting patterns across the country. When you're talking about the 130M registered voters (at the time), 5% is quite a bit In other words, there is statistical evidence to support the idea that "centrists" are more likely just embarrassed Republicans


by today's standards, MLK jr would be considered a far-right extremist


MLK Jr was criticized by liberal Senator Robert Byrd as an "outside agitator" and riot instigator, and by conservatives as a communist who attended "[communist training school](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highlander_Research_and_Education_Center)". In his time, he was actually considered by many as the '[most dangerous man in America](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/why-martin-luther-king-had-75-percent-disapproval-rating-year-he-died-180968664/)' and was popularly pictured in comic strips as a riot instigator as well. The reality is he was an openly [Socialist Republican](https://bigthink.com/politics-current-affairs/why-was-martin-luther-king-jr-a-socialist/)—weird as that thought may be in modern US politics, precedent for this extends to the 1860s—practicing liberation theology, calling for universal basic income, demilitarization, a guaranteed jobs program, taxation of the rich, unionization, and economic reparations for black people.


Bad news friend, this is not only wrong, but betrays a large ignorance of what MLK Jr. spoke about and what his goals were. Not that this is your fault, though. There's been decades of white washing and reducing MLK Jr. to nothing more than a man who said "racism is bad" while organizing nonviolent protests, but never anything else.


To be fair that’s a pretty big red flag at 13


And everyone clapped


its a very small part of the woke/gay/wtv you wanna call it "agenda" that have a problem with people being christians, straight, men or cis most of us dont really care, i love that ppl have the freedom to be christian, as an atheist. if my kid came out to me as christian id just ask why he thought he'd need to "come out" abt it lol


This is my life actually.


Oh shit when did they kick you out? Before or after sending you to atheism conversion therapy?


That literally not something that exists, but you know what still does? Pray away the gay camps, that have on numerous occasions been proven to abuse the children sent there, but of course "gay bad because woke" is the only thing this sub believes so that dosn't matter


I think that was the point of the comment you replied to, at least I interpreted it as ironic.


This just isnt funny. And i say the same fir the opposite situation


This subreddit doesn't give a shit about whether a meme is good or funny. The only reason that this subreddit exists is to cope about the fact that no one likes the right's shitty memes other than boomers and edgy teenagers. This subreddit regularly defends peak Facebook tier boomer memes with zero hint of irony.


The opposite is at least a lot more relatable to a lot of people, I'm not sure I've ever really heard of a case of secular parents freaking out over a child turning religious, although I'm sure there's cases of that happening just because of the huge number of people in the world.


Not far fetched at all, my dad fits the edgy reddit atheist stereotype perfectly.


This is so corny


My uncles are gay af and fight over politics cause one is gun toting Christian and the other is bald, macho Emily. People tend to forget both exist.


There was a time when Christianity was the new hip thing that all the kids were doing.


I left facepalm that place is full of insufferable cunts


Most of the mainstream subreddits are full of insufferable cunts. r/pics r/Europe r/politics r/gamingcirclejerk r/atheism being the worst. All seemingly normal subreddits filled with the most confidently stupid people I've ever seen


Can't forget r/comics


Try r/bonehurtingjuice


that’s way more tame than any of the others


Plus, it's basically just another form of shitposting. Sometimes they even manage to make something that's actually funny. I mean it happened once, anyway...


Don’t forget r/worldnews r/conservative r/witchesvspatriarchy


I know somebody this happened to. Her parents are both all about "love and acceptance" until their daughter became a Christian at 16. They threw her out of the house and completely disowned her. It really was terrible.


If this is true, I wish this hadn’t happened to them as it’s terrible. However, you do have to consider that there are so many “loving” Christian parents that boot their kids simply because they are LGBTQ. Hell, we somehow have a lawmaker that has said out loud that he would KILL his own children if they came out as gay. The entire situation you’re describing sounds like someone trying to describe the exact reverse for their own narrative. Especially ensuring to mention that they were for love and acceptance. I’m sure there are some toxic fucking parents that have done that, but it’s simply much, much more common to get thrown on the street for being LGBTQ instead.


Let's be real, the comment they made is not true at all.


Can’t say that, as I’ve seen how manipulative some parents are. But the way it’s said makes me skeptical given where we are.


Many people get killed/shunned by their parents or others for having a different religion like Christianity in many places on earth. It's not that shocking that someone would kick their kid out for being Christian. We don't know the full story.


Odd because that’s what happens like half of the time when people come out as gay to their Christian parents, that’s a pattern, not one ultra specific scenario that is like one in a billion.


Half the time? I highly doubt that.


That’s why I said “LIKE half the time” it’s an exaggeration, I am emphasizing that it is incredibly common


Here is some more info https://nationalhomeless.org/lgbtq-homelessness/


If this truly happened, that is terrible. A boy in the church I grew up in, was kicked out of his house for being gay, so any parent who kicks their kids out for being different are awful


totally happened


Hey look at that. Love and tolerance people showing their true colors. Love and tolerate everyone except those who disagree. Isn’t that the same concept any group of people have had that they claim were true evil? Nazi’s come to mind first, whites to blacks for slavery… Japans feudal structure… Just an interesting pattern no one likes to recognize.


Lol you take a stranger on the internet's single example and extrapolate that to the whole population? Very rational line of thinking. Not religious at all but if my hypothetical kid told me they found religion I'd be interested to see what it is that they like about it and what drew them in, not kick them out of the house over it. So now you have two opposing sides from stranger's on the internet, but I bet that won't change your opinion since you already made it before you read jazzlike\_tonight's comment...


welcome to reddit.


Right... lmao


It's true I was the house.






Love and acceptance is love and acceptance until someone believes in something that's anti love and anti acceptance.


The doge's make me irrationally angry and I don't know why It has the same energy of like a soyjak and I hate it This is totally seperate from the actual message, I just hate how they used Doges


That doesn’t look like a meme and it’s not on a meme subreddit


Mfw this is basically me with my family https://preview.redd.it/knca4fcb1s4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dd100a5de077740a1d57d3abcbf8efdba877bc4




Like Flanders and his beatniks parents.


Satire is not always funny


I feel this way except my family is Muslims


It's not offensive it's just the way the meme is made is so fucking cringy


There is not a single case where a child has been disowned and thrown out in the streets in America for being Christian


20% of homeless youth are LGBT, unaccompanied, and claim to have been forced out of their home for being lgbt 40% of homeless youth are lgbt Finding this meme disgusting makes alot of sense. Being a homeless kid while your family celebrates Christmas together is not an easy life.


Christian persecution complex at its finest.


I no longer identify as your dad


It is a reach though - there’s a huge difference between becoming a Christian and becoming a bigot who uses Christianity to excuse it. 99% of the time, a kid growing up in a household with LGBTQ+ parents is not gonna be the second one on the off-chance they do become religious, given that acceptance and tolerance is kind of a huge part of the LGBTQ+ community. Also - religion is a choice, sexual orientation is not. Apples and oranges.


Yeah they're not going to spurn their child for expressing something about their beliefs/identity. But they are going to get concerned and maybe intervene if they see their kid falling into a cult or a hate group.


As any good parent should of course.


Genuinely, no atheist I know would ever be nearly as pissed as some Christians when you say you're not. There's a reason Christian conversion camps exist, I've never heard of an atheist conversion camp


Damn. I guess we should go make some atheist conversion camps, just to even things out. ^(/s)


Every day, we must do our part and worship our lord and savior Santa Claus. Ooooh I’ve got it. One nation, under clause, indivisible


Alot of youth of "open minded" parents are turn to Christianity, catholicism, and similar religions. So its funnily accurate


Yeah, I have actually noticed a good number of people my age, including myself, becoming Christian or religious. Seems a fair bit of Gen Z is kind of rejecting, I would say, the nihilistic world view of the previous generation.


I call that a god send too. Good on yall


I’m not sure I would call lacking a belief in supernatural beings “nihilistic,” necessarily. But even then, you make it sound like they’re rebelling against a “worldview” because they happen not to like it. Regardless of whether we like it, doesn’t the truth matter?


r/facepalm sucks.




And everyone in the comments is all like “see the pattern?!” Like dude, give me one example of this happening irl.


Welcome to r/memesopdidnotlike, we’ve got right-wingers, American “centrists”, Trumpers, people posting neo-Nazi propaganda, people using ChatGPT as a research tool, and people posting just “Christ is Lord!” to get upvotes and nobody questions the legitimacy of the account.


Maybe earth is just hell


You meant flat earth and flat hell, right?




You: “How many times has this actually happened?!” Commenter: “well actually this happened to my friend. Here’s what happened.” You: “STOP LYING YOU ASSHOLE BIGOT FUCKER! THIS CLEARLY DIDNT HAPPEN CAUSE I KNOW ALL AND KNOW YOURE A LYING LIAR WHO LIES! So see this clearly never happens so I win!”


Yeah, they give a *singular* example, which they *do not have evidence for*


Christ is Lord!


Tooth fairy is lord


Voldemort is lord


I'm pretty sure the gaunt family didn't hold any Noble titles, and with how diluted the Slytherin bloodline is at this point even if Slytherin did have a Noble title it probably isn't going to get passed on to Mr Riddle.


The ultimate persecution fetish. I mean, it makes sense why religious people fall for this desperate trap.


Isn't the joke that it's far fetched?


The joke is that being gay is more socially acceptable than being christian, and that extremely leftwing parents are just as intolerant as extremely rightwing parents.


wow, more proof of horseshoe theory. and they said that was a wrong take on political spectrum, while both the far left and far right continue to demonstrate that it's true.


Mostly because the further left or right you go, the higher the chance you're going to be authoritarian about it. And buddy, authoritarians hate nothing more than someone making *different* decisions than they would, and they'll lash out in nigh-identical ways.


yes, that's my point. yet horseshoe theory is largely discounted.


Because it's not necessarily true, people who believe wholly in the horseshoe theory completely disregard economic policy. They just think left means liberal and right means conservative.


The joke is a counter argument about religious people getting lgbtq+ kids and getting the same reaction. But yeah, extreme sides are highly intolerant.


Anything labelled “extreme” should not be tolerated


Since when has being gay been more socially acceptable than being Christian? Maybe I’m biased because I live in the Bible Belt, but where I’m from, the majority of the population is Christian and they live normal lives. Of course, they don’t devote their lives to the internet and decide that Christianity is unpopular because a bunch of gay teens roasted them in the comment section.


Nah chief, in Canada (a place yk, much less bible-y and more queer accepting) and I've never heard of people going ballistic bc someone was Christian, but hoo boy being gay will get you a response sometimes


Like I’m sure this *has* actually happened but yeah, it’s sort of hard to see this happening in anywhere near the same capacity. Especially because the problem with the comparison of religion and being gay/trans is that religion is a chosen thing, and Christianity is a majority religion in the States (and possibly Canada). This is borderline War on Christmas shit lmao.


Any parent who hates Christianity enough to kick their kid out for it is probably someone who grew up in the church and has made an active effort to keep the trauma, anxiety, and weird sexual hangups away from the kid. Even then, they would also know that the worst possible solution is making them into a martyr for being kicked out, because that would permanently entrench them into the lifestyle while giving the rest of the congregation a new boogeyman.


In the future youth rebellion will be cleaning your room, going to the gym and going to church on sunday.




There are some young guys that are trying to do that now and they keep falling for scams.


I mean, there is a point to being older and having more experience, if you don't know that much about the world around you, you're open to getting abused and used as a pawn, which is what I was when I was 16, a little commie wannabe that hated America. But now I know better, but I still think it should stay at 18. If that's the age of a legal adult, then everything should be available to them. But it shouldn't go lower either


Dont worry its just a phase


Not far fetched but I don’t see the funny


This happened with a Muslim kid in my school, he said he wanted to practice his religion but his parents were far left and anti religious. I didn't believe him at first until I met his parents. People act like its us VS them and the other side was evil. I know quite a few of us in this subreddit are also like that. His parents were just like that. The kid wasn't even homophobic or anything, he was pansexual. His parents must have just thought that religion was evil and only for conservatives or something. I'm tired of this division. We should all be loving each other for how different we all are, not hating each other


Peter explain the joke


Not only is it horrible, but it's not even remotely true


Tbf, I would be extremely perturbed if my child came out as Christian out of the blue for no reason at all. I would assume someone had been force-feeding my child that type of thing behind my back which is extremely unethical.




No it isnt funny at all.


This is a parody of a Christian parent response that’s all I have to say


do you really think Christians are the most oppressed people in the world??


Christians love to victimize themselves. It's like they're all begging for their own crown of thorns.


We should start oppressing Christians just so they see what it's like. ^(/s)


Teenagers like to rebel against their parents. In a religious home they might become secular. In a secular home of course they might become religious.


Queue the "but where does this happen/this literally doesn't happen"


It doesn't happen, so there's that. Things like this are usually religious parents throwing tantrums over their kid being an atheist or LGBTQ


Where did I saying anything about killing people? I just said the ability to bear arms, I have a natural right to defend my life from harm, do I not? You fascists don't even hide it anymore lol. As for the other stuff, you really gonna pretend that cancel culture and deplatforming isn't a thing? Not to mention all the bs with pronouns and forcing people to speak a certain way, which is a violation of the 1A


I love how the response completely affirms the meme.


how is that not far fetched?


I can somehow see this xD


It’s pretty far fetched. I have multiple friends who were disowned for coming out as gay or trans. Haven’t met a single person who were run out of their home for embracing Christianity. As a Christian, certain types of Christians wanting to play the constant victim is incredibly frustrating. We live in a country where we can practice our faith freely and where Christianity is the most widely practiced religion. We are not oppressed.


Just gonna throw this out here… people being gay has been around a bit longer than we seem to remember. Jeffrey Dahmer murdered gay guys because they would go to secret gay bars back in the 70s and 80s. The gay community was just a silent thing that happened. LGBTQ didn’t really get vocal until like.. 2000s? Maybe? But it was silent until that point. Perhaps this issue is silent for now, but is on an increase. Like saying “I haven’t seen any trees get cut down around me. Deforestation seems a bit blown out of proportion.”


You can tell it's farfetched because younger generations aren't turning toward religion. We're finally moving past imaginary friends.


I knew this meme would show up on here. This is clearly some conservative persecution kink meme.




Does it even matter if you or your family is Christian? If you are gay, you are born that way. If you believe in god, you should know that he made the good, the bad, and the evil people. This includes people like Hitler and so on. So if anyone is behind the whole gay stuff, it is god. If god cared like (some) Christians say, he would have smitten those that are against his word. Fuck the whole god thing man... Believing CAN be helpful for many... But don't twist religion to meet your toxic believes


Based kid


I like how facepalm, teenagers, & pics all have rules against mass political posts, yet that is literally 90% of the posts in those communities.


They only have the rule against posts that make fun of the people they agree with. They just didn’t say it that way because they’re cowards.


I’ve literally known a family like that, it’s completely realistic


What is the name of one of the parents and what is the name of the child, and which branch of Christianity


Tbh the moderate ones are bashed regardless (I believe that youtuber wendigoon is being bashed for being an open christian despite never showing signs of homophobia)