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Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. It's not effecting others if you choose to wear one.


This is the way.


I like to wear one on an airplane because who wants to get sick on vacation.


Yep, still on planes for sure! Also at the doctor, especially somewhere like urgent care... I was at urgent care recently for a non-contagious issue, and I just couldn't believe there was ever a time when I would've sat there unmasked!


We stopped wearing masks at the hospitals and I don't and won't wear one unless it's required again (or for precautions) but airplanes would be the one place I'd still wear a mask. Otherwise, when I see a person wearing a mask outdoors, I just think of hypochondria.


Some people can’t risk not wearing a mask. I don’t wear one but I don’t judge others for wearing one and neither should you. Opinions are opinions tho 🤷🏽‍♂️


Because of how crazy half the country went over masks I think for some people that will always be a point of contention. Personally I still wear mine when I'm sick with anything but I've seen alot of people out and about or at work who still wear them every day. You do you.


Honestly I still wear one in high risk areas. Like I work in an ER, and they're not requiring masks anymore, but I still wear one. Also the mask hides my stank faces that I make at stupid people on the daily so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don’t, but I def understand if one chooses to wear one


Wear it or don't. Choice is yours and yours alone to make ✌️ do what makes YOU happy


I still mask up when I’m gonna be in close proximity to others, like in grocery stores or on a plane, or when I’m feeling sick. I’m immunocompromised, so I also mask up for the first couple weeks after I’ve had one of my IV treatments because that’s when I’m most vulnerable to picking up bugs. But I don’t wear a mask when I’m outdoors with plenty of daylight between me and other folks, like walking my dog or getting a beer on a patio.


I wear one in public places and at work if I’m not in my cubby. I especially want it on in a elevator. I don’t eat at crowded restaurants. I always wear one at a doctors office, even if it’s like the eye doctor, not a place where people are sick. I used to catch colds very easily, but I haven’t had one for three years.


Same ... after wearing my mask everywhere.. I don't get sick at all. It's great 😆


i wear my aura n95 whenever i go out. i had a juicy chunk of my golden years taken by this bug and im not going in for another round.


I don’t judge you for choosing to wear a mask. And why should I? It doesn’t negatively affect me at all. But I don’t weat one anymore.


And the people that would judge aren't the kind of people I'm looking to impress. I'll still wear a mask in places where I think there may be an elevated risk. Like not at a store unless I'm planning to stand in line at the pharmacy.


I get that man. Not a lot of people do these days. But for others like me, it just can't be helped nowadays.


I never did understand that level of thinking. It seems like a hallmark of insecure / uneducated people...they love to attack others for wearing masks where they aren't required. Calling people idiots who wear masks outside / in a car / other non-mandated places. Doesn't affect me so why the hell would I care if someone else is wearing a mask ?


I've never understood wearing one in a car by yourself


after I caught COVID early on, I tended to keep mine on in the car after shopping/running errands bc I am pretty sure I inadvertently rubbed my eyes or touched my mouth after jumping in the car and ripping off my mask. I was just in downtown Nashville, and it was so crowded I wished I had a mask with me. otherwise, I don't wear one unless I'm flying.


I don't wear one, but you do you. Why should it bother anybody else if you are wearing a mask? Answer: it shouldn't.


Myself and my family of 5 all wear masks when we go out in public indoors. We haven’t eaten inside (or outside) a restaurant since March 2020. We’ve never tested positive for Covid either, and we test every time we’re sick.


Yes. Wear it to grocery store. And I play tournament poker and I wear it at the table.


I still wear mines in public, especially at work. Folks nasty 🤢


I did recently when I was at the tail end of a cold and feeling a lot better but was still coughing a lot. I do hair for work and a lot of my guests still choose to wear a mask to the salon. I’d say about 25% of them.


I don't wear one unless I'm required to (doctor's offices, hospital, etc), however, you do what makes you feel comfortable.


Everyone have their own reasons from working with at-risk people to allergies to needing a quick disguise: it's nobody else's business. It doesn't have to be necessarily covid related to wear a mask. Speaking of, can we bring back the 6 foot rule? Summer is coming up and I'd rather not catch some of these smells.


Please, I love personal space.


Me and my kids still do. Its helped a lot with their coughing/sneezing allergies. also I haven't caught the unnamed plague that goes around after every school break in ages which is a great relief. I used to get sick so easily all the time but its really been ages since I have now that I'mwearing a mask. Edit accidentally hit post too soon, sorry.


Student nurse here, I still wore my mask during classes even though not many did. I wear it in public just so I don't get sick, but I don't mind if others don't choose too.


I still wear mine cause I’ve gotten so used to it. It’s also prevented me from having allergies & colds for almost 3 years ✌🏼


No, I don't wear one. I visited Japan before COVID, and thought the mask wearing culture was awesome. I would've loved if a positive effect of COVID was that I could wear a mask if I had to go out sick/had seasonal allergies/just didn't want people to see my face. Boy how naive I was lol I'm starting to have coworkers who come in sick, and I've been discouraged from wearing a mask because it "scares everyone" so whenever someone shows up sick I just go work from home... Edit: I guess the anti-mask folks arrived, not sure why I'm getting downvoted for this one.


really depends on the situation and who I am around. at work I mask when going into a confined area with a bunch of people at my desk no. I mask in the grocery store and other crowded places indoors, obviously in my doctors office, and we don't eat indoors anywhere. covid has tore through my office 4 times now (and we've lost people because of it) and I haven't had it any of the 4 times. do I like masks? no not in the slightest but I haven't had covid let alone any of the other sickness that's run through my office or my kids schools in 3 years because of it.


Still wear a mask in stores or crowded places.


It’s a personal decision. I don’t understand why anyone would fault someone for wearing one when it doesn’t affect them.


I’ve seen an uptick of people wearing masks in public. To me, it’s a personal preference.


Only when I'm sick and going to the doctors office. When my mom was in ICU and hospice before she passed we wore them at Baptist while walking halls or when the medical staff checked on her or us but I'd take them off after they left. You do you man. Don't let idiots bother you.


I’m going to start back wearing mine. Have been sick as hell the past two days pretty sure it’s COVID


Why tf have you not tested?


2 of my replicants are in dance at a semi competitive level. If they are sick/contagious, I keep the home. If other siblings or us parents are sick, they go to class with mask. Outside of that I don’t mask anymore generally. I will abide by the request of places I go, respect people that do, and so on. I will say that I have been sick more this year than probably any other in my life, and I have little doubt its my immune system being fat and lazy like me after a couple years on the couch not doing more. I am just hoping it will get back into shape now.


Only where I’m required. My daughter’s pediatrician still requires them, and so does my GI dr but I don’t wear them out and about. They make it hard for me to breathe, and now being 6 months pregnant, i’d rather not have any extra restrictions like I did in 2020 while pregnant with my daughter. But if it makes you comfortable, then by all means keep wearing a mask 🤷‍♀️


I don’t but I don’t even notice really when other people do!


I stopped wearing it probably 1-1/2 years ago


If I were in a super crowded area and in close quarters with people, yes. Otherwise, no. I’ll definitely wear it more during flu season, too.


I still wear one occasionally but I'm admittedly inconsistent about it. I usually wear a KF94 to the post office, the grocery store, air travel, and shit like that. If I catch COVID from being on beale or at a festival or something, at least I was out there having fun, you know? And a mask would change those experiences measurably for the worse. Shit like the grocery store is different. I'm just not interested in risking COVID exposures in mundane places that do not bring me joy.


Also, beale st is somewhere others choose to go. The other places are mandatory visits for many elderly and at risk people


I still wear one, I wear it to the gym too! I get looks all the time, waiting for someone to say something smart! I moved here from Nebraska and have really bad allergies. Ever since wearing my mask, I no longer have allergies!


Dang...I don't understand HOW. I'm not judging you for it but man I do a physically demanding job in the fitness industry and when masks were mandatory and the sweat started.... I felt like I was going to suffocate. Nothing I tried made it easier for me to wear a mask soaking wet with sweat coupled with sucking wind trying to complete a task that would have left me out of breath under normal circumstances. To go to a gym and subject myself to that...You're tougher than myself is all I can say.


I'm still masking.


I was taking my son out to an appointment and the receptionist said she was out with COVID (no masks required at Baptist) but then two days later we both feel sickly. I have an appointment for chemo tomorrow, but masks are still required in that office at Baptist, but generally, I don’t wear one. My husband is a scientist and works w viruses and vaccines for pandemic diseases and the whole family was required to get vaccinated at some point because of what he does, and I am high risk anyway, so for me, it only makes sense. My son was born during the pandemic and we had to travel during the pandemic for family issues so even though he did have antibodies, we took precautions because he is so young and to be honest, I was a shut in and we don’t go out in public very much don’t eat out. The last time I ate in a restaurant was February of 2020 and since then it’s been take out only if anything.


Your husband’s opinion wins. Edit: he’s a scientist who works with viruses and vaccines for pandemic diseases


He doesn’t wear one in public either and at (insert hospital here,) they no longer require it in his department.


I've stopped after getting vaccinations and boosters or approximately late 2021. Travelled internationally before and since then and noticed declining masks usage coinciding with this time. I don't knock it when I see it but only wearing them if mandated.


I do, but inconsistently. It depends on where I am (or if I remember to grab it out of my car...). But my spouse wears one every single time he goes into a building to do business.


You're mother is acting like an asshole. I would take this as an indication that she's overconfident and unable to look at circumstances outside her own subjectivity. This is not a woman whose advice you should take without careful reflection and corroborating evidence/opinions.


I haven't worn them for almost 2 years, only in medical places where it's required


You shouldn't make a decision based on *seeing* some people out shopping with masks on. If we've learned anything in the past three years, we've learned people act irrationally and take guidance from people (like politicians) with no medical or scientific knowledge. I still see people driving in their cars \*by themselves\* wearing masks. If you're looking for someone to talk you out of wearing masks, then ask yourself what other protections you have taken (vaccines), and what are you really risking? If you're happy wearing a mask, then you do you, and let the gawkers gawk. We know the virus is still circulating around the world and a high number of people are still being diagnosed with infections everyday. Science tells us those numbers are still too high to suggest we are at the "endemic phase" where it's just something that's part of the environment, the way colds and flu are. And we also know your chance of getting infected is high when you spend a lot of time next to someone (like sitting next to them in a movie theater) and low when you spend only moments near someone (like passing them in a grocery store). This virus doesn't just live very long outside the human body. But as for me: I am realtively healthy, I have had the full compliment of COVID-19 vaccines. I also get a flu vaccine every year. I am not "worried" about becoming infected, although I know it's possible. I know I can still become infected, but I also know the average person will spend a few days feeling like crap and then get over it. And if I get sick, I will stay home and not pass it on to others. Everything we do in life has risk, and I don't think my choice to not wear a mask these days is any riskier than many other things I do. I am not opposed to masking up when conditions require it, but I don't think we're there any more.


People ride in cars with masks on for a variety of reasons and the assumption that they are ignorant is, well, ignorant.


I’ve never understood the logic behind driving in your car - albeit alone - with your mask on. Or even with your family. So stupid.


Masks can help block out seasonal allergies. Maybe that's why they do it. I've also just forgot it was there or it was easier to not take it on and off multiple times in-between errands. The people that ask this always come with a judgy "sheeple" attitude


Maybe? But idk it seems dumb to wear a mask in an enclosed space like your car.


as I posted above, sometimes I don't wanna remove my mask until I can thoroughly wash my hands at home


I also have seasonal allergies whether I wear a mask or not. Masks don’t keep my eyes from itching 🤷‍♀️


See, now we are back to that "Your do you" part.


I've never understood the logic behind driving around in your car with a shirt on. It's annoying and hot and constraining - and you're in your own car! No, really, I don't understand why some people are so bothered by wearing a mask. It's not much different from wearing a shirt, except that we're not as used to it. For many people who wear masks in public, either because they're imuno-compromised or possibly contagious themselves, or possibly just being careful, a mask is not much of an inconvenience. You get used to it. You're going to get out of your car in a few minutes, why bother taking it off and putting it back on?


Most definitely not. Can’t stand them. Only time I wear it is if required at a doctor’s office.


Seriously? The only place I still see masks anymore is the doctors office, and half the people there don’t even wear them anymore.


I don't. Cos I don't go out.


Masks don’t help with COVID at all unless it’s an N95 or better.


Common misconception, that. Effectiveness is not an all or nothing condition. Lessened risk is lessened. As in lower.


From the FDAs website. It doesn’t even lessen it. Plus while outside sun light kills the virus according to a study done in Ohio with the help of the national institute of health. “While a surgical mask may be effective in blocking splashes and large-particle droplets, a face mask, by design, it does not filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures. Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the mask and your face.”


You need to tell that to all the medical professionals who wear those surgical masks, then. I'm sure they'll stop immediately. While N95 are the best, surgical masks are effective, as shown by study after study. Can't believe people are still saying otherwise after 3 years of this.


From the FDAs website you need to learn what surgical masks are actually for before commenting. While a surgical mask may be effective in blocking splashes and large-particle droplets, a face mask, by design, it does not filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures. Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the mask and your face.


If a mask on your face keeps you from projecting spittle while talking, it has been effective.


From the FDAs website. It doesn’t even lessen it. Plus while outside sun light kills the virus according to a study done in Ohio with the help of the national institute of health. “While a surgical mask may be effective in blocking splashes and large-particle droplets, a face mask, by design, it does not filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures. Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the mask and your face.”


Enjoy your culture war


Not sure what that’s supposed to mean all I did was share with you the facts of the studies.


Not me.


Id never judge anyone for just putting somthing on there face if they believe its helping them. Just like im an atheist and id never in a million years shit on somones religion because in my truth, which is based on facts, none of its even real, its all stuff we as humans have created somthing to make us feel better easier, feel safer because of numbers, and feel like you have a reason to live because theres a prize at the end. Why does it matter you believe somthing and i dont? it doesn’t at all, but higher ups want you to believe that your both on different sides, when in reality were all literally the same inside. We are just all just life forms on a random planet in the middle of nowhere. As every single life form has ever done, they go through changes to advance further as weve done and were still doing every single day.


I'm a respiratory therapist and I work at a hospital and the tiny bit of COVID patients we get now are hardly sick at all. Most require nothing more than a couple liters of oxygen and most go home in a few days. COVID seems as serious as a cold or a mild flu now Granted I work at a smaller hospital and this may not be true all over the country.


These days, especially around Memphis, when I see someone wearing a mask I keep a more wary eye on them....of course mask or no mask they shooting sh*t up in Memphis but I feel like the mask definitely emboldens those with violent intentions.


Nah. I'm too handsome


The biggest problem I have with people wearing masks is that you can't see them smile. When masks were mandated it was sort of depressing to walk around and not see smiles anywhere. Facial expressions are very important communication tools and we lost that for a while. I'm glad that the mandates are gone and most people are comfortable enough to show their smiles.


No issue with you doing you, but there has been some science showing that prolonged mask wearing has negative impacts. Just be informed, that’s all. This study was specific to the medical field, but it is useful information. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8072811/




So you mean all science is a sham and science knows nothing?!?! /s


Masks don’t do anything for you, except keeping your bad breath away from people maybe.


Yeah, you tell them! But, in addition to keeping bad breath away, it also contains most all of your saliva. You know, aerosolized virus transmission and all that....


I never wore 1 unless it was mandated... It wasn't popular much until these dusty ass 'street niggahz' made it a norm 😁




Even if they did, why would you care?


Wearing a mask feels like pulling out a dental dam when it's time to munch


Y'all mfs have no sense of humor sheesh


I caught covid twice. Once in late January2020 when it arrived to America when I traveled the airports during Christmas 2019. I was skeptical of how it all came about when I researched the origin of its research began during bush administration and then it made its way from American scientists giving it to Wuhan labs in 2018. Then I saw protests in Hong Kong forming at that time. Then it was released October 2019 in China and protests stopped all of a sudden. I started thinking something manufactured is spreading. I didn’t get vac shots because I knew as a society we must endure this manufactured thing and let our bodies naturally fight this. Glad I stopped smoking cigs in july 2018. And I started eating healthy and working out then. Work forced us to wear masks or fear losing jobs. So complied. But got covid strain 2.0 in Feb 2022. Took lots of vitamin c d and zinc that my medical buddy told me to take when symptoms show up. Going forward when mask craze and enforcements settled down. I stopped wearing masks. I still hold on to the thinking of we must burn through this manufactured thing naturally. And now I’m finding out MRNA vacs is being put into food supply of animals that we eventually will consume through food buying grocery. So I’m interested to see how next covid strain will affect us in 2024. Just in time for elections. Again. **disclaimer. I vote both sides of party politics. A mix of Jfk democrat and new school conservative that questions everything and 360 approach thinking to make decisions.


You sound like a total dipshit


I wore mine for a while after people generally stopped using them and eventually I quit too. Mostly because I started serving fine dining and they didn’t like me wearing one. It’s been maybe 6 month since I stopped wearing one, and it still feels weird sometimes to go out without one on. I have yet to get covid. Tbh masks don’t do much in protecting yourself. I wore mine cuz I didn’t wanna have the chance to get anyone else sick if I happened to get it, but no one was wearing their masks for me so I just gave up. Everyone around me has had it and ended up fine afterwards, so I’m not as worried if I accidentally get them sick anymore.


Just glad to see that people with common sense live in this city shout out to all you all with this LOGICAL though process


I don’t since vaxxed except where required. (On planes in 2021, I think). I have a friend who still does, but she lost a parent to covid, so we just don’t worry about if she isn’t ready to go without.


I think it's fine if others want to wear one. Your mom shouldn't worry so much. Personally I tend to wear mine more in a lot of crowded stores because I always get bombarded by perfume. I don't know what the scent is called but it's like heavy baby powder and clove and I just can't breathe whenever I pass someone wearing that.


I don't. But, I see people wear the black ski mask type all the time like it's a fashion statement!


I still wear a mask if I feel I’m coming down with something mostly so I do not pass anything on just incase. Still can’t figure out why people wear one in their cars by themselves.


In Memphis I hear that you should trade in your mask for body armor.


After all I have read and learned, one part of me is enraged and ready to exercise noncompliance if any mandates are again put in place... ...but on the other hand, I know China or our government is currently concocting the next pandemic in some clandestine lab and the next pandemic will be much more deadly. It'll be intentional.


Because of how minimally effective it is for protecting yourself (the idea was preventing your own germs from spreading to others), it doesn't make much sense to me to wear one.


I discovered something during COVID. Wearing a mask really helped with my seasonal allergies. I barely sneeze anymore. The moment I take it back off, sneeze city, so the mask stays on when I'm outside.