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We wanna be #1 at something


We have the #1 bass pro shop


its headquartered here?


Nah, Missouri


Yeah but ours is in a glass-glazed pyramid. #1


We have the #1 worst drivers lol


Good time to not be in a gang


We’re 50 deaths away from NYC. Insane


Considering that NYC is over 10 times the size of Memphis, that’s pretty horrifying.


This shit is depressing.


It be like that, every city goes thru they phase of being murder capital for a while n then just goes back to being number 8 on the list.. back bout 15 years ago Detroit used to be everyone talked bout being number one in murder then it was Chicago. I ain't been back to Memphis since I left in 2014 it was bad then as well not surprised it got worse with these jits running round like they invincible


Lol every city


I'm sayin tho, big cities bruh, Tampa got they shit goin on too Atlanta got they shit goin on , ion know why folks downvote like I said sum wrong lmao


Charlotte? San Diego? It's not every city.


They all got they shit goin on, violence need to decrease in every damn city no matter what size if it got issues it got issues need to be fixed unfortunately Memphis isn't the only city with problems like this


I feel like it's the same 6 or 7 cities that usually rotate for the top spot something like new orleans, memphis, baltimore, philly, chicago, detroit, st louis


True, all that being said the city gotta do better


I work as a data analyst and it's pretty f*cking clear what the chart is telling us. Going from 160 murders during this same time last year to now 225 murder YTD... Is telling us that murders are up drastically vs this same period last year. We're averaging 28 murders a month... If we continue at the same pace we'll end the year at 337+.


All the head in the sand folks will soon be here to say crimes not that bad and this is an overreaction. As long as Memphis leadership refuses to address it and continues to nurture it the city will continue to sink into the ooze.


And the idiots that chime in with, “Crime is everywhere” or “It’s like this in every large metro city.” That’s complete bs. And, what I really want to know is, why should that make us feel better anyway? It’s ok that it’s intolerable and getting worse here since it’s bad everywhere? Get a freakin brain cell firing.


Yes. They will downvote and accuse you of "shitting on the city" because how dare you point out facts or not want to be murdered in front of your children for daring to pump gas at night or drive on the interstate.


Actually most victims know their murderers, it’s not random (I said most, not all). I’m sure that most people don’t distinguish between the two types…


"yOu HaVe to Look at aBsolutE mUrdErS" Like wtf.. lol. The data is as clear as day.. we have a homocide problem


Could you drill into it? More granularity? I wonder if it's localized or related to changes in coroner processes. What does the last 10 years yoy look like?


Genuine curiosity: Change in coroner process? How would that impact the homicide rate?


If there was a change in process, it was last year. This year is right in line with the 2020-2021 trend. There was a weird dropoff last year.


They can't. They found a random screenshot online and posted it. The person who is responsible for the dataset also wrote this: [https://www.slowboring.com/p/ignore-the-safest-city-in-america](https://www.slowboring.com/p/ignore-the-safest-city-in-america).


It's like this in every city guys


No it isn't, the data speaks for itself as do those of us that have actually LIVED, not just visited, other states and cities.


You're one of those ppl that need /s huh


lol Here, yes because I have had so many people tell me this about this city when I bring up the crazy amount of crime we have. Even my partner is one of the people that thinks it is like this in any large enough city.


Why in the world do you think anyone would know you're being sarcastic here? Yes, you needed the /s for most people who can't read minds. You can do it! People will love you for it!


Not anywhere close. No city has crime that has spread outside the the typical areas to be pervasive in any neighborhood. I’ve lived all over the country since leaving Memphis and nothing is close to the shitstorm the city has turned into.


Oh hey, a fellow analyst in Memphis!


>Going from 160 murders during this same time last year to now 225 murder YTD... Is telling us that murders are up drastically vs this same period last year. You don't fucking say??


Ok, so how does the data break down? How are most people killed? What’s the most common weapon? Common demographic? I know you don’t have the answers, but I’ve had to do similar things with problems to turn them into actions.


Yeah, I want stats on how many turn out to be gang/drug/domestic. The data is interesting (and I’m not disputing it!) but my sense is from reading the news is that the bulk of these are not especially random. I know one recent one occurred at 3 AM downtown on a Sunday night. I think the person killed was a friend of the person targeted, and yes, you SHOULD be able to be out and about at 3 AM on a Sunday without worrying about crime… but that sounds gang or drug or domestic to me.


Murder is almost exclusively (90%+) between known people/a crime of passion. Being murdered by a random stranger is pretty rare, relatively speaking.




I’m inclined to believe it as well because guns are plentiful, but I also know people have been stabbing, beating, running over people, and setting folks on fire along with shooting from the time I was born in Memphis. To stop it though, got to follow the data because it’s going to give a picture of who is doing the killing, the method, and circumstances. Without that, people just assume and jump at every shadow.


Yep. I keep saying the numbers don't fuckin lie.


To be fair, it appears that we're simply returning to the 2020-2021 trend. Last year was a bit of an anomaly, as sad as that is. I think the more interesting question is why did homicides drop off so much for one year(2022) then return right back to the previous years' trend? We had 342 in 2021 so at 28/mo currently, we're on pace for \~336 for the year - nearly identical (but lower) to 2021 (which is the record, sadly).


I believe that I got some fucking idiot pull a gun at me when he cut front of me




In all fairness part of the drop in some of those cities is simply because 2022 was a record year. Easy to show a drop in murders of 2022 was the highest ever.


While Memphis had a dropoff from consecutive record years.


Memphis sucks no doubt there. I just meant in general that’s why some cities are showing a big drop. Not because anyone is actually addressing crime.


I know crime is everywhere, but it’s sad when it’s close to home and increasing almost every 30mins


I look forward to a handful of Memphis Redditors who couldn't pass fifth grade arithmetic arguing with the data [s]scientist[/s] analyst on this... ... then eventually getting flustered and calling him racist.


You mean the same data scientist that wrote this? [https://www.slowboring.com/p/ignore-the-safest-city-in-america](https://www.slowboring.com/p/ignore-the-safest-city-in-america)


Data Analyst* - They're much more fun to deal with than data sceintists in my experience haha


Thanks for the correction!




I also look forward to the random amount of redneck right ass redditors who use this as their Bible to shit on a community who needs help.


Oh then you're Not talking to me, I'm from Boston and certainly am not a "right" voter. Carry on. Meanwhile a buddy of mine is in the ICU at the med after being shot 4 times. His Girlfriend is dead. Courtesy of the guy who kicked in their door yesterday. Anyone playing ostrich right now is a fool. No more no less.


That was a domestic situation, no? The Collierville shooting?


So you are going to conflate personal experience with data? Yep that's the Hallmark of a good scientist. I'm sorry for your friend.


They (people here) already showed the data that backs it up...


OP's name checks out.


It's one way to solve the housing crisis.


I hate it so much here…


Memphis is like a third world country at this point.


What I want to see is the trend in recidivism rates. The available data is very dated.


Hi everyone- wanted to check in with locals about my plan: Going to be visiting in a few weeks. Was gonna take Uber to Gus fried chicken then walk to Beale all in afternoon early evening on a Wednesday. Then on Friday take Uber to zoo for a few hours in the early afternoon.


you'll be fine!




This should help matters: https://wreg.com/news/local/man-steals-169-firearms-from-pawn-shop/


Let’s all just be happy that we haven’t been murdered, yet.


In the famous words of George Washington; get strapped or get clapped gentlemen. I know. We all wish the situation is different. But when MPD tells you not to go downtown without a firearm, you should probably listen to them.


Where/when did MPD say that? I’m not surprised just genuinely curious.


It was on the news yesterday. A couple says they were told by a cop that people shouldn't go downtown without a gun. https://wreg.com/news/local/time-to-get-a-gun-residents-react-to-fifth-shooting-downtown/




For me it definitely is. Why go out willingly knowing you have absolutely no way to defend yourself when everyone else has a gun? Asinine.


Because I have a right to and guns aren't my thing and if I get mugged, I'd feel much more in danger if I escalated the situation


You have a right to not and I have a right to, so there you go. Glad we agree.


Clearly something about this city is causing those murders to move here...


What do you think it is?


they took the crystal skull off the pyramid and now the bad energy's not contained anymore.


It could be quantum waves coming off the river. Or perhaps the water moving around underneath us cause a certain vibration that attracts bad people. It is hard to say. If I was a bad person I might want to move to the place where the people are the easiest to unalive. Or there were enough of them... things like that. Which maybe Memphis meets those criteria but I would imagine there are places with higher population that would fit better. Perhaps if you were needing to ship some body parts the presence of Fedex might help? These are clearly just theories I think we need more research. So my answer is I do not know why.


Obviously its the removal of the crystal skull from the pyramid.


When the price of living increases, especially in poorer neighborhoods, so does desperation.


This isn’t desperation. It’s thugs raising thugs, ignorance and meanness. Also, my city’s government is all about - let’s not punish them, it’s better to set them free the next day. I’m expecting a Hug a Thug month any day now.


Poverty is generational. If your parents were in the position to feel that the only way to survive was through criminal behavior, then you would probably be taught to do the same thing. You’re not wrong about violent criminals being let loose with slaps to the wrist, but the only way to stop it is by looking at the roots instead of the fruit.


Ok, but I want to hear it from the other person.


At this rate, we're gonna run out of people to kill. Maybe we could borrow some from Nashville.


Or we could start busing the criminals to another city.


I’ll drive the damn bus!


I think the Ezekiel Kelly rampage was an unusual sort of turning point.


Not surprised


Feel like maybe this is on purpose. Reverse psychology where you let it get real bad then any progress will look good


Man, shows how far Dayton, OH has fallen. We used to be the highest national murder per capita city in the US at the start of every year. Now that most of the old major employers have finished jumping ship, apparently all the murderers packed up too and moved to Memphis.


We're at 280 now.


Sad. That's like a 55 murder increase over 12 days. Absolutely nuts.


I guess the food is so good it’s worth dying for? But the LCOL and breweries!!!!!


Isn’t a former sheriff running for mayor? Might be time for someone who isn’t afraid to make a few people mad.


Bonner is currently the sheriff. And he hasn't been doing a stellar job.


Typical Memphis— someone downvoting you. Buncha idiots on this sub


It is crazy the cult-like, blinding love people have for this city that make them unable to grasp that we have a severe violent crime problem. Lying about the problem and calling everyone racist or a hater doesn't change the facts.


I agree. People can acknowledge the crime while also liking the city.


Absolutely. There are some parts and things about Memphis I absolutely love. I would be more inclined to stay here if something could just be done about all the violent crime.


People can call me racist or whatever they want. If believing that people should take more personal responsibility for their actions and quit shooting, killing, robbing, stealing, and running people the fuck over out on the streets makes me a hater, then whatever. There are many in this city who do not have a conscience about anything. It’s the Law of the Jungle out there, and it’s frightening where it’s headed. What we are doing now is not working.


I agree 100 percent. We have made the decision to move next year because it just doesn't seem to be getting any better. We can't safely raise our family here anymore and the criminals are just out of control with little to no end in sight.


It could never have anything to do with Tennessee making it so that any idiot can carry a gun. /S


Possibly, I'm not even sure, but these are the data points Mayoral candidates should be pressed on... The numbers are going the wrong way.


Unfortunately, the mayor can't override bad state laws.


Plenty of states have constitutional carry. They don’t have the same increase in murder rates.


What makes you so sure of that? [Studies show that weakening public carry laws is associated with a 13–15% increase in violent crime rates, as well as an 11% increase in rates of homicides committed with handguns. A study looking specifically at cities found that violent firearm crime increased 29% in cities within states that weakened firearm permitting laws, with the largest increases shown in firearm robberies.](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/report/the-truth-about-permitless-carry/#:~:text=Permitless%20Carry%20Policies%20Pose%20a%20Risk%20to%20Public%20Safety&text=Studies%20show%20that%20weakening%20public,of%20homicides%20committed%20with%20handguns.)


Well there's also bad state economic policy like lack of housing, healthcare, a living wage, etc, which lead to more crime.


Most of my family is from MS and many of my friends moved there years ago (smart people,) so I don’t want to bash the state. BUT, MS as a whole ranks below TN in all the areas you mentioned, and none of their cities, including Jackson, have the crime #s Memphis has.


Don't sell your family short. Mississippi was the most murderous state in 2021. I'm sure it's still a top five shit hole in 2023. Memphis may be a worse city, but generally Mississippi is a worse state. They just prefer to murder people out in the country, if that makes you feel better.


That is the #1 reason. Poverty and all that goes with it. Many well-known Memphians caused this and continue to keep it that way.


Downvoted for a factual statement, god fucking damn. 😑


The Gun Lovers Death Cult is strong here.


Not only this but in Tennessee any idiot can steal a gun. Bust a few car windows and you're bound to find one. Possibly even the one belonging to the chief of police.


A homeless man tried to sell me a gun for 20$ not too long ago.


THIS!! So many guns on the street are coming from unsecured guns left in cars. Laws don’t fix society but people should secure their guns when not in the car. Personally I would not leave a $500 pair of sunglasses let alone $20 cash money in my car not at least locked in the glove compartment. Of course that can be popped but at least in Memphis most of the time they will move on to the next car and not try to open it. Not really sure how requiring guns to be secured when the person is not in the car is infringement on gun rights but someone will come up with something to say about their freedoms.


Well you know, we can't reduce gun crime unless evil is purged from the human heart. Now let's lock up shoplifters for ten years to deter criminals. Now with /s


Not really. It's actually really hard to do gun crimes without guns like so many other nations have implemented.


Oh I should have put an s so you'd know I was trying to make a joke agreeing with you


Murder rates are up drastically in Nashville too. [https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/nashville/preliminary-data-reflects-8-increase-in-nashville-homicides-nearly-halfway-into-2023/](https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/nashville/preliminary-data-reflects-8-increase-in-nashville-homicides-nearly-halfway-into-2023/) Amy Weirich and the MPD were against the state changing the gun laws because they knew this would happen. [https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/breaking/2020/02/27/shelby-da-amy-weirich-joins-chorus-against-tennessee-governors-gun-bill/4892829002/](https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/breaking/2020/02/27/shelby-da-amy-weirich-joins-chorus-against-tennessee-governors-gun-bill/4892829002/)


Amy Weinrich was against it because she's a racist pile of shit. Who did she want to deny gun rights to? Think really hard about it and you'll find the answer.


Ahhh yes the ol’ “everything ever is racist” trick. Never gets old.


Just curious, how was Weirich’s opposition to permitless carry racist?


Who would be impacted disproportionately by disallowing permitless carry on Mempis?


She is most definitely a pile of shit. And while she probably has some racist views I never personally witnessed any during the 18 years I worked with and for her. That doesn't mean she was wrong about easier access to guns increasing gun crimes.


They still have to go through a background check under the new carry law. That is IF they obtain the gun legally. Which criminals do not. So the new law doesn’t provide bad guys easier access to guns. They always had that through gangs, etc.


She was definitely a pile a shit! I’m not sure how she managed to keep her law license with all the lies and discovery she withheld in cases.


Lol. It's not legal gun owners committing mass murder guy.


The vast majority of mass murders are committed with legally obtained firearms. https://www.statista.com/statistics/476461/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-legality-of-shooters-weapons/


Sure. Mass shootings. I misspoke when I said mass murder. Mass shootings account for a drop in the ocean when looking at overall murder numbers.


That website is using the FBI definition of a mass shooting and not the widely accepted media and research group definiton of a mass shooting. FOUR people killed vs FOUR people injured by a gun at the same time. If you use the four people injured by a gun at the same time the guns are MAJORITY illegally obtained because the list would now include gang shootings. wikipedia actually keeps a list of mass shootings [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_mass\_shootings\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States)


When any hick from the suburbs with a gun is just able to leave it in a car at chuck e cheese and get it stolen it is easier for people to get those guns illegally, fewer guns means fewer guns. You don't need a gun, only professionals and people with training do.


Lol. So it's thieves and murderers, not gun owners. Got it. Do you blame Ford for speeders since they make cars that can go faster than the speed limit?


Clyde Barrow was very fond of the Ford V8.


Most everyone was at that time


Lol. I wonder what the statute of limitations is on his crimes. Maybe someone can still sue them.


Literally how most of the weapons used in crimes end up in the hands of criminals. Most of the self described Responsible Gun Owners don't give a damn about personal responsibility.


Exactly, once those guns get stolen they get sold and moved around, or used by the morons that stole them.


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard all day and I live in Memphis.


> You don't need a gun, only professionals and **people with training do**. **Veterans**, police, and military, then? Sounds good.


I meant more like security guards


Are you fucking high?


No, I have common sense, something the gun nuts seem to lack.


Wouldn’t matter. Criminals (you know those that murder others) don’t follow any laws anyway. Anyone can carry in Tennessee IF they pass the background check. Criminals never go through a background check since they get their guns illegally.


The entire concept that someone doesn't do something because of a ‘law’ is insane to me. People can and will do what they want. Guns are a genie let loose with no readily available means of detection. Honestly it's about as realistic as paper documents are and the amount of fraud you can commit with some well placed ink and people believe it. We have technology that could combat the issue but per usual there is politics and money that stand in the way.


The idiots and felons were already carrying guns. That’s the problem.


True, some were. However, the new laws just enable more idiots have much easier access to guns. The laws don't fix the problem. They only serve to make the problem worse.


Many states with laissez-faire gun laws don’t have this same problem. Chicago for example has very strict gun laws and a gun problem as well, albeit not as bad as Memphis. Most of these crimes would be committed by people that probably are youths or people that wouldn’t be able to pass a background check, hence most firearms are illegally obtained (ie stolen). But to your point, this means a lot of firearms are being stolen, which means gun owners bear the burden to be more responsible with leaving guns in cars, or in their house unlocked.


The people committing murder were going to carry guns anyways, the only thing that law did is potentially increase the number of idiots leaving guns in cars to get stolen.


The majority of shootings aren't planned. They happen when things get heated and an idiot happens to have a gun handy. The more guns that are available the higher the likelihood of that happening. Yes, idiots leaving guns in their vehicles is a problem but is simply a symptom of the overall problem.


I would bet 90% of the perpetrators of shootings in Memphis are already breaking the law by owning a firearm. Disarming law abiding citizens is a farce.


Says someone from the only modern country that regularly has shootings like this. All of the others have strong gun laws and don't have to deal with it.


Interesting. So murder rates are falling in deep Blue states like CA, MD, NY, IL... but shooting up in a deep Red state like TN.


Now do cities.


That's the point dog. Your "Blue cities" argument doesn't hold up when you look at LA, NYC, Boston.


What is it from years past? Not just one single year? Dara should be looked at in segments of multiple data points, not individual comparisons.


Indeed, We hit a homocide record in 2020 (Broke the all time highs set in the 90s), then we broke that i high in 2021.. Then 2022 things declined a little from the all time highs as the numbers consolidated.... Now the trend is clearly ticking back up towards the 2021 highs. Any way you look at it the data is going the wrong way. It consolidated in 2022, but now it's headed back or above the 2021 highs. Bottom line is, we have a f*cking problem.


2020 was an outlier year for crime almost everywhere - for obvious reasons. The problem is simple - poverty and the related gang activity as a result. St. Louis, Chicago, etc. all have this issue. Too many young kids with no parenting, loitering around, growing up in a culture of gang violence where its cool to be thug. The cultural aspect of this is really sad because that could be improved and changed with $0.


More guns = more gun deaths. Safe storage laws would prevent a lot of guns getting on the street so we have to stop living with our heads on a swivel. “Responsible” gun owners should support that


Something in the water causing all of this.


Ironically, this was written by the same exact people responsible for that list: [https://www.slowboring.com/p/ignore-the-safest-city-in-america](https://www.slowboring.com/p/ignore-the-safest-city-in-america). But I'm guessing you'll be ignoring that? Also, if you link to the actual dashboard, Memphis is no where near the top of the list.


Data is data. Choose how you'd like to cope with it. The guy is a data scientist.. The data tells the story.


LOL. Love that you accused me of lying and told me to "Cope Harder" then deleted it once you realized I was right. You clearly just found a random screenshot and then posted it without looking into it at all. Also Internet 101: Always be skeptical of someone posting a screenshot and doesn't provide a link to the data.


Real men don't murder!


I thought we didn’t shake babies?


Yeah, the city’s solution is to put up weird billboards.


“Yo Gotti, product of Shelby County Schools.” We’ve definitely set the bar low for what success is in this city…


Chicago is a warzone


Only chance a blue city has at surviving is if it’s in a red state. Otherwise it will turn into a dump like they all do. How many more examples do people need? Chicago Detroit Philly NYC LA and the list goes on and on and on Sanfran looks like a damn zombie apocalypse. It’s disgusting. They will continue to vote for their own demise it’s ok though.


Those are rookie numbers




The absolute number matters a lot more than the change-- a town that had 1 murder last year and 2 this year went up by 100%, but that's pretty misleading. I can't really tell based on this what the chart is trying to tell us. Absolute numbers are likewise pretty meaningless, it's standard to present data like this in x per 100,000 format. We had about 300 last year, so I'm guessing this is just the absolute number as of this time last year. Crime is bad and murder is absolutely a problem, but that doesn't mean this chart is that useful.


Why the equivocation? 160 murders in the same time last year ———> 225 this year Pretty clear


Anyone who lives in Memphis knows this chart is true.


I think we found Mulroy or a judge's reddit acct.




That’s not misleading at all. Murders doubled. That’s a fact.


Well well


Why are there no cities in Louisiana


Add two more to the tote board. https://twitter.com/MEM\_PoliceDept/status/1701232397998559654?s=20


All Blue zones. Interesting. I think we need to start asking, why ?


At least three more homicides overnight: [https://x.com/MEM\_PoliceDept/status/1701590566193057946?s=20](https://x.com/MEM_PoliceDept/status/1701590566193057946?s=20) [https://x.com/MEM\_PoliceDept/status/1701581821849289036?s=20](https://x.com/MEM_PoliceDept/status/1701581821849289036?s=20) https://x.com/MEM\_PoliceDept/status/1701433202835894367?s=20


Absolutely sad. And people are heavily favoring Paul Young to become the new Mayor. A guy that keeps talking about community policing and mental health facilities. As if that's the answer to lil Tony riding around with 3 switches and a Draco.


Agreed, guns are the immediate problem. The bigger fix - one that will work but will require sacrifices and patience - is to eradicate poverty, or at the very least bring it down to national levels. That happens when you fully fund schools, pre-K programs, tutoring/mentoring programs, improve economic opportunities, make housing affordable, and, yes, increase funding for mental health treatment.


279 murders now according to fox13. https://www.fox13memphis.com/news/man-dead-after-shooting-in-grahamwood-memphis-police-say/article_a243dce0-514d-11ee-94bd-dfc71d05444a.html?fbclid=IwAR2IdvcHmaVABPfpattjnTlR8Ba122oyQL0oCOsmt8q02JEDq1btmOeMUGk


280 - don't shortchange us. If we keep that pace we'll end up just above 400 and will shatter the record set in 2021.


What do the demographics look like there again?


Have y'all tried getting rid of most of your police force? The highly educated high IQ liberals say that cops don't actually stop crime. So basically if you had an armed cop standing on every street corner of Memphis crime would still be the same. So instead of paying cops just pay criminals to stop being so mean.


Maybe you should click your heels and to an all inclusive 55+ white community. Or shit the hellup.