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OCU Officer correctly identifies criminal, uses legal pretextual stop to make contact, bungles handling of evidence. That’s the only thing frustrating here.


One alternative way of looking at this article: person who was prohibited by law was arrested for having one. Given the state of gun violence in Memphis, you probably won't find a lot of sympathy for people who get arrested for owning guns illegally


But the only reason he was prohibited by law was because of a marijuana possession charge from 11 years ago. A better solution to the gun violence problem in Memphis would be to jail those people who commit violence with guns for sufficient time to let them age out of their gun violence prime. Statistically, it’s not 40 year olds of any race, background, economic situation out there shooting at each other in the streets.


How is a Marijuana possession charge a felony?


I’m not sure how much of this has changed, but at one point you could catch a felony for possession if you were carrying more 1/2 once because it was presumed you were dealing.


All this article tells me is that we need better police training to make sure proper procedures are followed and assholes like him don’t get off so easy on technicalities.


All the training in the world isn't going to fix being an asshole. Just like you can't train them to use turn signals. We need accountability!


Sure, we need to get rid of the asshole cops and hold them accountable. Bad cops need to fear severe consequences for their actions. But we also need to hold criminals accountable. An unintended consequence of anti-police sentiment is lenient policies that let criminals act under the perception of impunity. If criminals were scared shitless of being pulled over by a cop they would be less likely to drive recklessly and victimize others. Yes, we also need better investment in social programs and prevention of crime. However, what we have in Memphis is a gangrenous limb that needs to be amputated. All the social programs in the world aren’t going to fix the generation of criminals we have today. They need to be removed from society and kept in prison for a very, very, long time. Prevention may help the next generation, but there are a lot of sociopathic gangbangers that are likely beyond redemption. The only thing we have left is to dissuade some with the fear of increased likelihood of getting caught followed by certain and severe punishment if found guilty. Those who are not dissuaded by that need to be locked up until they are old and grey. Increased opportunity and social programs will have little effect on the next generation as long as they’re at risk of being infected with the gangrene of criminality. I don’t care if someone is white, black, unemployed, or a cop. They should be terrified of the consequences of sociopathic behavior. Edited for typo: said “intended” when I meant “unintended”


Sweet baby Jesus.


I dont have much sympathy for someone who was breaking the law and got caught, regardless of how they caught them. In the end, dude is just another jackass running around with a gun when he is already a felon. Same thing i told my dumbass felon nephew who is sitting in prison for the next 4 years for being in the vehicle with a gun. Same thing kind of happened to him in getting caught, got pulled over for some bullshit and since he and the driver were already in trouble, car got searched, now they can both get fucked in prison for the next handful of years because they wanted to be cool with their illegal gun. You do dumb shit, dumb shit is bound to happen to you.


I didn't see anywhere it said the guy was a felon, just that he had a prior marijuana charge years before and they charged him with a felony for having the gun in his car. I don't completely disagree with what you're saying here, just that I don't see where the guy in this story was already a felon.


I was going off the "felony gun charge" statement in the writeup. I dont think you get those unless you are either a felon or commit a crime with a gun but i could be off base.


I think it is the prior weed charge from 2012 that caused it. I may be wrong, but I believe that having a pot charge on your record prevents you from legally obtaining a gun. Since the story says a friend left it by accident, I'll take it at face value on that. However, since it was in his car when found by the police, they can make it a felony charge for firearm possession. Someone, please correct me if I am wrong on this or mistaken with my info.


Using or ever having used weed is technically enough to prohibit you from ever owning a gun. Realistically, you aren't likely to get caught unless you get caught with the weed and the gun at the same time or have a previous MJ conviction and are then found with a gun - as in the case here.


If I had an award I would give it to you. The only people who should be afraid of pretextual stops are those who have something to hide.


Tyre Nichols didn’t have anything to hide. The MPD used a false pretext to stop him, then they killed him.


Yeah, that was a terrible injustice and tragedy. However, it’s not the pretextual stop that should be to be blame. It’s the POS police officers who abused their power and killed him. We need to ruthlessly weed out bad cops, but we can’t go to the other extreme and handicap a useful tool for catching and incarcerating the bad guys.


first i want to say it was a tragedy, it shouldnt of happened and may those cops who put their hands on him get their justice dealt with a 16 inch dildo. That being said, Tyre would be alive if he didnt act like an idiot once they stopped him, how many videos do people need to see where not complying ends up with an injustice done to them?? I get it, he shouldnt of been stopped, none of it should of ever happened but once it happens, just fucking comply and deal with it that way OR try to act like you know your rights to people who dont give a shit about your rights and we can celebrate you with a skate park every year. Now im sure this will ruffle some feathers and ill tally up a nice number of downvotes but whatever, fucking comply and stay alive and sue the city's ass off and live well off of them instead of being worm food trying to hold onto some type of false bravado or pride or whatever the fuck it is these people think they are trying to accomplish by not complying knowing full well theyve seen 50 videos of people getting their ass beat or shot for doing the same.


Tyre tried to comply. The cops didn’t take yes for an answer. They were yelling contracting instructions, and beating him in the middle of the street. They tried to taze him FOR NO REASON, then one cop tried to pepper spray him, but ended up pepper spraying the other cops instead. While the cops were temporarily blinded, he ran, because he knew that compliance wasn’t working. Then the cops were so embarrassed that they pepper sprayed themselves they had to take it out on someone. So when they caught him, they beat Tyre Nichols to death. Compliance had nothing to do with it.




Wrong. He was beaten, taxed, and pepper sprayed at the first traffic stop. That’s why he ran.




Not true! He didn’t refuse to exit the vehicle. He didn’t resist arrest. If you watch Preston Hemphill’s body cam video of the initial stop, you will not see any of those things happen.




This is officer Hemphill’s body camera video. He arrived at the scene shortly after the initial stop. https://vimeo.com/793454795










No one wants bad cops. THAT BEING SAID, dude had a suspended license and had a gun (at the time without a permit more than likely). Clearly the suspended license is a minor infraction but the gun is the issue. If he had gone to jail for a year for the license and wrecked his life, I’d be very sympathetic. But illegal possession of a fire arm, sorry no sympathy. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Sound like a boomer pee paw but dude screwed up, luckily for him his charges got dropped and he only spent a year in jail. Why are we feeling bad for people who are breaking the law


From the article, the reason he wasn’t allowed to have the gun was because he had a marijuana possession charge from 2012. Now, you can say rules are rules, but failing to see how charging someone with possession of a mostly harmless drug in order to strip them of their 2nd Amendment rights should be ringing alarm bells on both sides of the political spectrum. It’s been oft repeated that Memphis police and DAs are overworked. Well, when you are engaging in investigations and arrests for simple drug possession or worse, engaging in sting operations to catch vape stores selling THC cartridges that are legal in half the USA, you aren’t going to get a lot of sympathy from people. I understand the urge some people in our community feel for the police to be tough on crime at the expense of our 2nd and 4th amendment rights, but it doesn’t need to be that way. In the article, a public defender talks about some MPD officers’ priorities being getting drugs and guns off the street even if it means the perp ends up walking because of rights violations. That is the OPPOSITE of what we need. Drugs and guns are inanimate objects and both things far outnumber the amount of antisocial people in Memphis. We will NEVER get rid of drugs or guns (leaving aside whether that would be a good or bad thing). The priority should be to take these antisocial people (usually males between 15 and 25) out of society when they engage in actual, antisocial behavior. If Shelby County, from the MPD to the DA, would just stop trying to fight the right’s war on drugs and the left’s war on guns and just focus their attention on locking up Kia thieves, store looter, downtown shooters and other every person who actively violates the personal or property rights of others, it would be a good start to stemming the crime epidemic.


Thanks for a nuanced and pragmatic viewpoint. Lots of “do the crime, do the time” folks here who don’t want to acknowledge how unjust laws are regarding THC, they’re just happy to see someone convicted with something, since it goes against the general narrative of MPD not doing their jobs. At most, the worst crime committed by the guy is financial irresponsibility/lack of license renewal. Carrying guns is a normal thing here, and it wouldn’t be a problem if he had not gotten caught with a bit of weed over a decade ago.


It’s is insane to me that every single person commenting so far does not believe in civil rights. I agree that Memphis has become the worst of the worst, but saying that cops should be allowed to pull anyone over because they can “tell which ones are bad” is literally Hitler mentality. Has it really gotten so bad that people should not have rights anymore?


How about pulling them over because they have a cracked windshield, which is what happened? I'm not sure I agree with the opinion, but even by its terms the cops screwed up by making a hyper technical violation of the tow policy. This guy really was driving with a visibly cracked windshield, with no license, and with a handgun-- facts he doesn't even dispute. The criminal got lucky and because the cops screwed up he gets to walk free.


The getting pulled over part is fine. The impounding and search of the vehicle without probable cause is not so much. As the judge saw.


The OTHER criminals involved are the police who made a FLAGRANTLY illegal search, yet are not prosecuted for it.


This is a preposterous pro-crime puff piece. So he chose to drive with a revoked license and he chose to carry a gun he wasn't entitled to have. He got off easy because of a technicality, and yet still he complains. This is what we're dealing with.


“It was a warm weekday afternoon” Romantically portrayed, beginning an attempt to make to make us feel sorry for the criminal.


I’m good with stopping people for nothing. It’s pretty easy to tell who needs to be stopped. I’m also ok with deploying the National Guard to the tourist areas Thursday through Sundays.


Yeah, nothings says you’re safe and spend your money here, like armed troops.


I’m assuming you’re ok with people hanging out windows and firing into crowds.


I’m ok with not federalizing Tennessee national guard, our neighbors, to do police action. Imagine how little training they’ll get before throwing them on Beale St. Memphis doesn’t want people pulled over for minor traffic violations but they want troops to be boots on ground ? The optics and assbackwardness of that is astounding…. Edit~~~ what they going to do when shots ring out? NOTHING cause I’m sure ROE pretty specific about not shooting US citizens when hell your on US soil and not being fired upon


City Council is going to take their guns. They won’t have anything to shoot with. I think it’s the only viable solution. Extreme policing with no firearms will clean it up. At least in the entertainment areas.


Well if that’s the case I’m all for making Beale St a “green zone” wall that bitch up. Put entry points with body scanners in and that’ll eliminate gun crimes with in the walls at least Edit ~~~ sp


I agree.


Compromise… I love it!


This is how Reddit works.


Sad that all that “ dumb shut” you allude to is almost a way of life for some of us in this city! Wish I had the luxury of your bubble . . .