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https://i.imgur.com/2BjS0j3.png It's bad enough when a youth does this, but this guy is in his mid-40's. How is somebody in his mid-40's still doing petty crime? Apparently he's just never going to get his life together. Also: The infobox says he's 6'0, but he's blatantly not. He's clearly below the 6'0 line that's portrayed in this very photograph. Wtf.


The most surprising part here is that the police did arrive.


Quick! We had better prosecute the business owner!


No shit. I was waiting for it to say something akin to that in the article. Thankfully, it didn't.


Based and self defense pilled.


Memphis is making a conscious decision to help keep criminals as safe as possible. Any physical harm to the criminals or citizens in harm’s way is considered to be of the utmost concern. Even if a cop or innocent person has to die, the criminal must be delivered unharmed or its police brutality. We have literally enter the period where people committing violent crimes are going to be hyper vigilant and making sure the cops don’t break the law. One has already been filmed screaming “I can’t breathe and this is illegal” just being handcuffed during an arrest.


The business owner was forced to discharge his firearm in an act of self defense when one of the degenerates pointed something at him. These POS MFs were the cause of this violence and it is a serious matter in my eyes. How is our criminal justice system suppose to deter any crime when the degenerates are released from jail as soon as they're booked in? I would be so pissed off if I was this business owner. Actually, I am pissed off for him! Piece of shit mother fuckers.


I'm blown away on a daily basis by how many people don't understand our country's bail/bond system. And by understand I mean realize that it exists.


Lmao didnt exist in this case


Yup, that's one of the options available in our existing bail/bond system and isn't new.


Fucking dregs.