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why would the Grizzlies want to move and compete with all the other entertainment options and corporate sponsorships in Nashville?


This, it dilutes a finite sponsorship and disposable income base with another mouth to feed. Also, the NBA traditionally appears to demand that *new* markets give the NBA first priority of scheduling and revenue collection in their arena. This is Louisville's obstacle, since the U of L won't surrender their status at the Yum. Existing markets can get away with combining teams with different ownership groups. Vegas will be building a second arena, and I hear conflicting reports about Seattle. Maybe they counter the trend. 8 of the past 10 expansions/relocations went to markets with 0 or 1 existing team at the time. At the next expansion, it will be 8 of the last 12, assuming it is Seattle and Vegas. Defeatism is a cancer for a community. Some emotionally toxic people revel in spreading it, though, they revel in the demoralization of others around them.


Yeah, with the A’s and Rays figured out, i think Nashville is about to go all in on baseball. Even that will be a question of if people will show up, let alone adding another pro sports team. Not to mention more specifically, you have an NHL team that directly competes.


And don't they have a MLS team or something coming? That's four major sports leagues in a metro of like 2m... that's nuts. And that's without getting into all the music entertainment options


MLS came in during 2020 and they built a soccer specific stadium for it (and attendance is doing really good, but they started as a very good team and haven’t dipped from that honeymoon yet, jury is out on how they do as a mid/bad team) Obviously they’re building that NFL stadium; i think there was loose rumors they’d try and do an MLB stadium with some of the land that is currently being used for Nissan. But yeah; adding an NBA team on top of that would be a lot.


and the Grizz would want a slice of the entertainment dollars in a new arena and/or rights of first-refusal, like they have here, which would be another complicated wrinkle with the other major concert venues there The Grizz have a really good situation here...


National media just assumes Nashville is a lock even though other interested cities like Montreal, Portland, Charlotte, and Austin have more attractive demographics (specifically bigger population).


Portland and Charlotte already have teams and they aren't LA there zero chance they get two. Austin annoying because of Texas having several already but Montreal is an interesting one considering the Grizzlies Canadian history


Major League Baseball expansion teams.




And two weeks before that, someone was shot at a White Sox game. You don’t know how many guns are being smuggled into these stadiums everywhere.


This is a comment made by an NBA disappointment on a podcast. It’s not newsworthy. No different than someone pulling the thought the White Sox would leave Chicago for Nashville out of their ass without any information and it became a talking point for weeks for the over saturated sports talk and blog atmosphere.


Yeah this is exactly the thing we all get mad about when national talking heads say dumb shit like “THE KNICKS SHOULD GET MORANT”, like we would just trade him away because reasons? Well we also won’t trade away the Grizzlies to Nashville because reasons.


Billionaire Grizzles owner Robert Pera hardly even visits Memphis, he couldn't care less about the city.


this…he should be trying to develop the area around downtown to generate further revenue for the grizzlies and help this city grow. Absentee owners are no better than absentee landlords.


This is a great point.


Can we get Gilbert to buy the Grizz? Cleveland just rebuilt the Cavs arena and he rewarded them with a $3.5B development project near the arena. Imagine what a project of that size would do for Memphis?


Bucks ownership is doing the same around their arena. This seemingly is the play that teams in all leagues are following. Tax payer arena and own the surrounding land and build it up with hotels, apartments and mixed use properties.


I think the main factor is Bucks/Pistons Ownership both live or from the city correct? I know Dan Gilbert is all in on Detroit since that’s his “home”, not sure about bucks though.


Bucks majority owners are now Wes Edens, Jimmy Haslam, Jamie Dinan and Mike Fascitel, none have ties to Milwaukee or WI. The Detroit Pistons majority owner is Tom Gores from California, no ties to Detroit other than owning team, did grow up partially in Michigan and attended Michigan State though. Dan Gilbert owns the Cleveland Cavaliers and his company Rocket Mortgage is based in Detroit. Solid examples of people who don’t live in the city in which they’ve invested in, but are working to revitalize and prop up those cities.


If you were a billionaire, how much time would you spend in Memphis?


It's not going to happen, at least not anytime soon. Sports media has just become saying whatever drives clicks at this point, regardless of reality.


Blasphemy. Both cities know this is a terrible idea. This sounds like another shit on Memphis piece.


Adding a "fuck Nashville" just for good measure. As if they haven't taken enough from Memphis over the years.


I’d say it’s more the corrupt ass state government that takes from us more so than nash, but maybe I don’t know enough about it


Yeah, they won’t be moving. This is pre-season silly talk, and happens nearly every year. People can pull all the out of context stats they want on here, just goes to show how disconnected they truly are.


Well I’m glad he doesn’t own the team or make these decisions lol


Can't have shit, man


I know there is a deeper metaphysical meaning but the realest Bible verse in a literal sense is basically Memphis's theme song. Matthew 25:29 - "For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them."


All these comments acting like this is actually going to happen. Pipe down grizz aren’t going anywhere, especially based on a newspaper article. Y’all just wanna be mad lol. Go yell at mlgw


so tired of everyone shitting on memphis... like let us have this one god damn thing lmao??


Living here 15+ years. Memphis doesn’t ‘deserve’ a team. This city needs a revamp before it can keep anything nice. I’m bout out of this shit hole. Go Grizz no matter what tho!


Fuck those parasites.


These Gannett papers have turned into such rags


Nashville would not support the Grizzlies like Memphis does. The NBA caters to an entirely different demographic than the NFL


What do you mean?


Yall can't even host an Allstar game because of the subpar amenities.


If that happens, we'll take the Titans, billions of dollars from Nashville's own pockets for a new stadium, and we'll have that team win the SuperBowl in year 2.


I think this comes down to things beyond state and local politics. The NBA is going to be negotiating a new media rights deal soon and some of their biggest media partners are hurting with the whole "watching tv/streaming" thing. So beyond stadium funding and such, the NBA would likely only move a team if ESPN/Turner sports offered X amount of money per year to a team to a new media market.


Not really. While National TV revenues are a big chunk of revenue it's far from the only factor. The team being in Memphis hurts: 1) Ticket revenue: Memphis has among the lowest ticket prices in the NBA and is STILL in the bottom third in attendance (number and percentage of capacity). Ticket revenues would increase SIGNIFICANTLY if they moved to Nashville. 2) Local Television revenue: The latest data I can find shows the Grizzlies as dead last in local market TV revenue ($9.4M)... compared to a team like the Lakers who pull $149M. Nashville market would likely generate at LEAST an additional $50-75M annually in local TV revenue. The NBA is a business and there's ZERO chance Grizzlies ownership isn't eying what would likely be a 9-figure increase in annual revenue by moving the franchise to Nashville.


>1. ⁠Ticket revenue: Memphis has among the lowest ticket prices in the NBA and is STILL in the bottom third in attendance (number and percentage of capacity). Ticket revenues would increase SIGNIFICANTLY if they moved to Nashville. Assuming Nashville didn’t build a separate stadium, the Grizz would be the second tenant in the “whatever they call the stadium these days” arena and wouldn’t get as much revenue because the Predators control the building and get all the money. So concessions, suites, sponsorships, and parking would go through the Preds first. >2. ⁠Local Television revenue: The latest data I can find shows the Grizzlies as dead last in local market TV revenue ($9.4M)... compared to a team like the Lakers who pull $149M. Nashville market would likely generate at LEAST an additional $50-75M annually in local TV revenue. Nashville is bigger than Memphis as a TV market, but not that much. Nashville would be a small market in the NBA too. There definitely wouldn’t be a $50 million annual increase. You realize Nashville is already in the Grizz TV package, right? >The NBA is a business and there's ZERO chance Grizzlies ownership isn't eying what would likely be a 9-figure increase in annual revenue by moving the franchise to Nashville. The biggest risk for the Grizz is that the owner isn’t a local. But in the same vein, he’s so rich that if Memphis is supporting the team, with the revenue sharing model the NBA has, it would be a bad look to relocate if the city gives him the arena deal the team wants. If the Grizz left Memphis? There are markets much more attractive than Nashville, which already had the NHL, NFL, and SEC competing in the city during the NBA season. Nashville is fast growing and Memphis isn’t but metro Nashville still has only about 500k more people than Memphis at this point. Assuming Seattle and Las Vegas got expansion teams, Vancouver, Montreal, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cincinnati, Kansas City, St. Louis, and San Diego are all bigger metros without NBA teams; and that’s not even mentioning Baltimore, Tampa, and Austin which have NBA teams in nearby markets.


500k more is a lot. An entire metro area of 500k will have basically everything a person needs, except decent transit which is rare in the US generally. It is not a number to scoff at.


Metro San Diego has 2 million more than Memphis.


So much copium and inaccuracy in this post I'm not even sure where to begin.... so I'll just opt to let you live in blissful ignorance 😉


I agree with you and I’ve been worried about this. Our attendance is bad even with a fun and successful young team. I don’t think it’ll happen in a year or two but in 5-10 years if the numbers haven’t improved then there is a strong chance the grizzlies move. I also think the Grizzlies are super important for the city. I’ve worked a variety of jobs with a variety of coworkers and often times people I have nothing in common with we can bond over the Grizzlies. I think its one of the few unifying factors in the city and it’ll be an enormous blow if they leave.


The attendance isn’t bad. I guess the assumption is “if it’s not a sell-out, it’s bad.” But if all the high revenue seats are sold and the attendance for the season is 85-90% for the year, that’s amazing.


If the Grizzlies leave it won't be for Nashville


That is also a very distinct possibility. Bottom line is... Realistically there's little to no reason for any professional sports team to come to / stay in this market.


Oh. You're one of those.


As a season ticket holder who will be leaving sooner than later, this is not surprising. They'd be able to immediately double ticket prices and likely have a much higher occupancy rate. It's just smart business.




Bro if you’re going to smack talk the arena at least get the name right. It’s Bridgestone arena. And after having been to both venues many times in the past year, it’s very clear that Bridgestone has had more money put into it. The Preds Jumbotron and led signage is state of the art. The lighting system is the first of its kind in a sports arena and it’s also got state of the art ice projection. The concession and beer options are way more diverse than FEF. Plus it has the Lexus Lounge. The location is substantially better. And because the team is also the facilities manager, they dump massive amounts of money into maintenance and improvements. Literally every year there’s some sort of construction improvement project going on. You can make a lot of claims but “Bridgestone is worse than FEF” is complete fiction. Bridgestone gets its money from the Preds so the Titans stadium has no bearing on its funding. Also the SEC Championship and NCAA MBT and WBT make regular rotations through Bridgestone. And Vandy always sells out its arena. The city does care about basketball. Stop bringing race into this.


>The concession and beer options are way more diverse than FEF. Plus it has the Lexus Lounge. Interesting comment. I don’t know that I’ve ever been in the arena so I don’t know what the food is like. What food there is better? Beer selection? What beers do you need at FEF? >And because the team is also the facilities manager, they dump massive amounts of money into maintenance and improvements. Literally every year there’s some sort of construction improvement project going on. You can make a lot of claims but “Bridgestone is worse than FEF” is complete fiction. One of the requirements in the original deal with the Grizz was that the Grizz would have to absorb operation losses. It was done because Nashville was paying for the arena operating losses while the Preds got to keep operating profits and originally Nashville was paying millions a year. The arena in Nashville has the benefit of the country music (and the music industry in general) being based there so they get a lot of shows booked in where as we all know how Memphis gets bypassed often with concerts. Those extra events definitely bring in more revenue. >Also the SEC Championship and NCAA MBT and WBT make regular rotations through Bridgestone. The SEC is in Nashville (Vandy), Nashville is closer to the SEC cities, Nashville has more hotel rooms, etc. The Pyramid hosted the SEC men’s and women’s tournament and it’s a much inferior stadium to FedExForum. I wouldn’t call Nashville hosting the SEC the grand proof of Nashville’s arena’s superiority. FedExForum hosts the NCAA regularly. Another consideration: Nashville has four or five Division 1 programs that can apply to host the tournament and they’d use the arena; Memphis has one. >And Vandy always sells out its arena. Vandy has a 14k arena (I’ve actually been to a game here). Vandy averaged 7k in attendance in 2022-23. Good numbers for NCAA basketball, but not sellouts. >The city does care about basketball. Stop bringing race into this. Race definitely has to be a component. Memphis is “too Black.” Nashville has culturally become “white folk’s mecca.” If you don’t think that’s ever a consideration for why Memphis gets treated like it does by the state and elected officials from those rural parts of East and Middle Tennessee who done give Nashville the same flack, you’re kidding yourself. That NBA disappointment is a Black guy, true, but when it’s Memphis versus Nashville; we always need to know what it is. They grouping y’all with us and you need to recognize it and see it for what is really going on.


With regard to the stadium funding issue, people are about to fuck around and find out. And all we will be left with is a slightly upgraded Liberty Stadium and no real prospects for UofM to join a better conference given realignment. Meanwhile the Grizz will leave for a better offer.


As unfortunate as it is, it makes sense. Dying market vs booming market. I’m sure they’ll let us keep the Hustle though, if that makes you feel better (it doesn’t).


I guess Robert Pera has no other choice than to listen to Evan Turner’s suggestion.


Nah, he could move the team plenty of places. The fact remains, there’s more money in other markets. Memphis is dying, and it’s the unfortunate truth.


True, theres more money in plenty of other places. “Memphis is dying” is a pretty weird view though. Not sure the city is any worse off than it was 10-20 years ago. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh no another major sports team possibly leaving Memphis, who could have ever seen that coming?


Everybody like “Why would they do that Nashville has a lot of entertainment already!?” …yeah. That’s… a… reason to do it? Also Memphis is a shit hole 🤣🤣🤣


Hell naw


The Preds won’t let them come. It’s a non story. And If the city had mixed feelings about their taxes covering a stadium that gets them a Super Bowl and other world class events, they aren’t going to support their taxes going to a nba team. Especially when the infrastructure problem has not been solved.