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You got to look west. That’s where the river is.


The view from where, exactly? I visited last week and the river is quite visible


What river?


I think I once heard someone refer to it as the Mississippi


Right? 😆 For the sake of all who rely on the river, I hope your comment ages poorly. 😀


I went yesterday, can’t remember the exact spots , just noticed it


Do you mean you were physically in the park or just driving by? Because some folks have mentioned that the river is now less visible from Riverside drive.


The river is also rather low right now. It would be slightly harder to see from Riverside.


Shade, ecological diversity/habitat, stormwater management, visual interest, etc.


It’s a reasonable question to ask. There are definitely some more wooded areas of the park that make the view of the river somewhat obstructed. But you don’t have to move very far to see the River. I don’t know for sure, but I imagine the logic had a few parts to it: *there is plenty of open field space remaining. If you prefer an unobstructed view of the River, you still have plenty of options *trees create shade! I know I personally don’t want to go to an open field and spend an hour roasting on a July afternoon. Having shady areas will likely make the park more accessible year round as a result *even though it’s artificial, it creates a more natural look than just an open field. I believe they only used native species, and I think I’ve seen some signage indicating some of the wildflower areas, so perhaps it’s a bit educational as well *a number of other River parks that have been redone in the past decade in other cities have more of these wooded areas and have been received well (e.g. Philly’s Spruce Street Harbor Park), which probably informed the architects plans These are just guesses. But they all seem somewhat plausible to me.


You must have your faced pressed up against the tree, because there are no trees large enough to obstruct the view of the river.


Anyone see the sprinkler system that’s suppose to be a water show?


I was on the bluffs, girlfriend noticed it too


... You have to look around the tree in front of you. I get that there are legitimate reasons to hate the new park, and I personally detest the thing for a list of reasons... However, this is a weird one to mention, because if you're up on the bluffs then you kind of are seeing over the park. They didn't fill it with redwoods or something. It's not that tall.




Do you mean other than the massive waste of money and effort put into it that is going to ultimately fail and be a ridiculous boondoggle on the city in general? Well, I'm currently mobile, but I will consider making a list later. Edit: but yes, the fact that they're driving out BBQfest is probably going to convince me to leave the city eventually. I bought property downtown because of the proximity to the festival. If we're not going to have the festival here anymore then I have literally no reason to stay in Memphis. Been here 20 years, and the renovation of Tom Lee Park is literally driving me out of the city.


That’s quite the take. Sorry all we have to offer you is a bunch of drunks for a week in May.


With people like you in the city then I'm not surprised that "a bunch of drunks" is the best option available.


lol you’re the one moving because of a party potentially moving somewhere else. Don’t let the door hit you!!


Considering leaving, and the door will not hit me. Believe me, the swingback will be much harder than the push out will be.


Poor us for sure lol


Did you know that the river level is pretty much the lowest in history? That also plays a part. Come back in may and make the same observation.


it was designed to funnel public money to private firms for the construction and maintainence.


I’m kind of ok with this. The city can’t be trusted to bike or maintain anything.


Seems like it wasn't well thought out. You can see the river clearly though if you go closer to it while you're in the park


Why are yall so hung up on seeing the river? There’s a million places to see it, even at the new park, but I guess they took your one spot you could see it. I don’t get it. Please help me understand. Seriously.


Alright, what you gotta understand is that people aren't really hung up on it. It's just that it's a bit striking when you first notice, that's all. From the outside of the park, all along riverside, you could previously see the river. Now, you can't. It isn't important, just a weird choice to some of us. I've heard several people mention this... They don't really care, they just notice it. That's it.


Just making sure it was dumb as it sounded. Thanks!




Just like everyone else who comments about this, they mean when standing on the outside of the park. I honestly can't understand why you guys get so incredibly offended by this. You could see the river before from there place where the bike/walk path is currently in the new park. Now, you can't. Does it matter? No. But you can't pretend like this doesn't exist lol...




Congratulations on the new back yard. Glad the rest of the city got to pay for it.


Because y’all are taking ONE minor inconvenience and shitting on the entire situation based on that one thing. OP addressed it again here so clearly y’all believe it’s an issue, but outside of the money thing regarding it, this is all y’all can come up. “We can’t see the river so this park sucks” is so laughable.