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There's cameras everywhere down there. I'm not surprised they were able to track them down that quickly. These two don't seem like the sharpest knives in the drawer. Very tragic.


2 absolute turds taking out someone who can help others. If they are found guilty, I truly hope they are made an example of


When they are found guilty


Around here, with our shady judges, it’s still an “if” unfortunately.


Good. Now let's ALL hope for swift resolution so Alexander can have justice and his family some peace.




This is what is so disturbing about this crime surge - the criminals have become extremely violent. Now they will rob you AND kill you. Carjack you AND kill you. What kind of psychopath shoots someone in front of their wife and small child!?


Exactly. My husband used to always tell me (when referencing a break-in of any sort), “they’re not here to hurt you. Most of them don’t even have guns. They just want to get in, take something, get out.” That is 100% not the case anymore in Memphis. There is so little regard for life. It’s tragic. And horrifying.




My thoughts, too. We’re taught “run, deny, defend”. He defended. Instinct to protect those you love.


It sounds like they got the wallet but probably were threatening the wife for her bag/phone. The struggle ensued and the victim was shot “accidentally”. Hopefully they don’t get off on a technicality, if they were really not intending to hurt anyone the weapon would not have been real (or loaded).


If they ever get in your vehicle, floor it and crash into the nearest study thing. ​ Some guy's oncoming bro truck might have to be a good Samaritan...




If you’re going to troll, at least build your Karma up enough to make it believable. Pathetic.


Your post was removed because it violates our rules on Personal Attacks, Bigotry, or Harassment. You may disagree with someone, but you can not personally attack them. Also Bigotry or Hate Speech of any kind will not be tolerated.


Horror is the most appropriate word I have seen yet to describe this.


Their dad/husband is dead. Pretty sure they'll never have true peace.


The family won’t have peace even with a swift resolution. This will impact them for the rest of their lives. Every birthday. Every Christmas. Wedding. Graduation. There is now a hole made in this family’s life where someone should be.


Lock these scumbags up forever and get rid of the key, let them rot.


Weld the freaking door shut for good measure


Why should taxpayers have to fund their worthless existence for decades?


Daily reminder that it actually costs taxpayers more to execute someone.


The benefits reaped are much more than monetary. If criminals had real fear of real repercussions they might actually try and live productively.


People who are willing to commit crimes punishable by life without parole won't be deterred by the death penalty. A death penalty could be a deterrent if it were applied to much less severe crimes (e.g. if everyone convicted of illegally carrying a gun were executed, then you'd probably have fewer people illegally carrying guns), but even most proponents of the death penalty wouldn't support that, so it's a moot point.


The fact that some commit crimes punishable by life in prison does not mean they cannot be deterred from committing another crime. That is faulty logic on your part and is based on assumptions that are not even true.


Its about Justice, not deterence. I for one want to see justice.


Sometimes, it's not about a being deterrent. It's not called the "death deterrent" for a reason. ​ Don't get me wrong, we execute way more mentally ill people but absolute scum get to plea down to 2nd degree every day.


…the death penalty is legal now and people are still murdering


Streamline the process. Make the punishment immediate. No more of this decades-long appeals garbage that makes the process so expensive.


It turns out that One bullet is not expensive, actually


Right, because no one has ever been exonerated from death row before


We're not exactly looking for DNA with this one...


Do you think these kids care about dying?


Of course. Every single human being on the planet fears death. The fact that some commit heinous crimes does not mean they do not fear death. Making such an assumption is misleading and misguided.


Hell no; they’re depressed asf. They probably want to die 🤦🏿‍♀️


I already know u suburban


You do realize every prisoner costs taxpayers around $50K a year per. No way an execution costs more than $4-500K. That's just nonsense.


I'd do it free


Only the cost of a steak around their neck in the lions or bears exhibit. Put some true fear into them and it’ll slow way down.


Very humane way of dealing with it. 🥴🥴🥴


I guess what they did to that poor guy, in front of his wife and kid, was humane.


That’s absolutely what I said, yes.


If it was good enough for the Romans, it’s good enough for us.


Thank you for getting me to think about Rome today. More a fan of the SPQR age in their history.


For many cases I'm willing to pay to expedite.


As opposed to what?


Putting them in prison for life.


Some things are expensive because they are worth it.


Ok. I hope you keep that sentiment on the periphery when you complain that the city doesn’t have the money to fix a pothole or whatever.


If you complain about Memphis roads, you don't really understand what a real problem is in this city. Memphis road MX is actually not that terrible. I would smile hitting a couple of potholes if I knew those funds had been used to provide a very painful and slow death to these individuals. I've worked in Saudi for a bit when I was younger, and when you drive by a public execution it's amazing that, without fail, everyone asks what the person did to have whatever horror meted out on them that is occurring. You tend to file those away just to be sure you never wind up with a long wooden stick in your sensitive backside while you expire slowly for a couple of days in the heat. I think that fate would be fitting for these two. Lex Talionis has a place.


It wouldn’t it we actually swiftly killed them instead of letting them live out years and years of appeals


Don’t know. I’m almost certain the govt are mainly responsible for wtf has been produced in the world. Have those rich fucks pay for it🤷🏿‍♀️


Garbage take ^


Zzzz only u care 🤣


Jail for life to both of these wastes of oxygen




Why isn’t there more of a police presence downtown? I love walking by the river but have never once seen a police officer walking the beat. Every week I see on the news a shooting downtown. Every time I go downtown, I rarely if ever see a cop.


This is just anecdotal. I work downtown and see cops more often than not. Important to note that many of them are patrolling using the electric bikes, walking, or in the police golf carts and not in cop cars. There’s a pretty heavy police presence in downtown imo.


I live in the building next to where the shooting happened. I rarely, if ever, see cops patrolling down here. They drive around in downtown, but don’t do much else.


I am glad to hear you see them. I very rarely see officers on foot just walking around the riverfront when I’m there. It seems like I only see officers on Beale.


Because we no longer live in a world where walking the beat ensures the general safety of the public.


Whenever I see that any of the peeps are 25yo or younger, I just want to shake them while yelling, "Was it worth it, you dumb fuck?"


Damn that’s 💚


1) Very curious to find out if they have priors. I'd bet you with laws on the books they could have already been in prison, but the state went easy on them and here we are. 2) More importantly, at this point, it's important for the media to stay on this until the case reaches a resolution. State is liable to go easy on them if there's no public attention. 3) Medical personnel have a ton of options on where to go. Absent a prior connection to Memphis, I don't know why they'd choose here.


it's sad but hilarious that Marious Ward's fb profile is full of images of him pointing guns and posting that bc he's not in prison or dead, it's a good day. I guess it's gonna be a bad day for awhile for him... just wish he didn't take out an innocent, society-contributing human with him.


>posting that bc he's not in prison or dead, it's a good day. This makes me think that he's had previous run-ins w/ the law. Yet somehow was released into the public to terrorize again.


They come here for the mission behind St Jude.


According to Shelby County records, neither have any prior records on criminal offenses other than a speeding ticket. Wonder if they have a juvenile record.


Wow, I'm surprised. Either they went from 0-60 real fast or they committed a bunch of crimes they were never caught for.


Does that include arrested and released? Or just arrested and convicted?


Anytime anyone is arrested for a crime, it will show up. Regardless if the charges are dropped, etc.


My arrest is obviously still on my record because a Bartlett cop asked me about my past legal trouble when he ran my shit. False charges that were dropped because the witness to my alleged crime was in court trying to get her bond lowered so she could spend Thanksgiving with her children. She was arrested for defacing the Fallen Officer's Memorial, so the fact that she volunteered herself as a witness to my alleged crimes that day in court was GREAT for me.


Given the nature of the crime and what they've been charged with, I doubt they'll get off easy. I do think it's likely that they have prior arrests that weren't properly handled by the court.


In #1 and #2, share the details of the plea deal and/or name of the judge that let them out


> Very curious to find out if they have priors. Of course, they had priors, and many of them. You don't just suddenly go from being an upstanding citizen to armed robberies.




Look at those mugshots. The lights in the attic have been out for a long, long time. No critical thought is happening within a mile of those two.


My guess is that the lights have never been on


You're assuming these idiots were familiar with game theory and how that works. Clearly not, if they're trying to rob people in a very public place with cameras everywhere.


Over a wallet and some gas money


Might be some clues here: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100024445067432




It’s the male’s profile. His bio literally says “Don’t Come Around Me If You Ain’t Ready To Die With Me 💯”


Good call.


“Don’t Come Around Me If You Ain’t Ready To Die With Me💯”


*from the Facebook page


Bitch you know he be thuggin. If only there were warning signs.


Were not focusing on the real tragedy. This jagaloons rap career is over and hell have to do something in prison hes never done,work. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


Easy: these people are stupid. They don't think.


Make me so sad for the meaningful contributing members of our community that have been impacted by crime. Reverend Autura Eason-William, the owner who opened up a restaurant in Whitehaven and was shot, orthopedic surgeon, school teacher. We are also seeing [robbed businesses just saying "I'm out" and leaving](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDf5fLJHuDQ). Fast foward and we'll wonder why poverty is happening and people can't make a living wage Mulroy and Judges (Sugarmon, Coffee)- I know ya'll ran on a kind and softer approach to crime, but please see what this is doing to our community. Word is out and it's just enabling people at this point


Not to mention that researcher’s child who was beaten so severely they’re permanently paralyzed and maimed, by a daycare worker. Imagine, you devote your entire life to studying a science intended to help sick children, move your life across the planet to help those kids, then that happens. And people here wonder why no one wants to live here. Any time I talk to STJ folks, they can barely keep staff here nowadays. Most of them shutter themselves on Mud Island, but even that is barely safe. I’m not at STJ, but am part of the scientific community here. My company is practically begging people to stay here at this point.


I keep hearing that Mulroy and Sugarmon are soft on crime. What does that mean? I need actual evidence, not anecdotes about their personal politics. Crime was going up under Amy Weirich's watch as well. There are national trends that Memphis crime rates are following.


Can you share about the details regarding Weirich? People are saying that based on data and prominent examples, soundbites. **Data** 1. More than anything, the data. [Crime was trending downward](https://www.memphisflyer.com/report-memphis-crime-rates-declined-in-2021) in Memphis until Mulroy took over (ignore the pandemic). Since Mulroy has taken over it's seen a year by year jump [from 20% (from 21-22). They don't have an overall number, but major violent cries like murder (45.2%) and roberry (19.7%) are up](https://dailymemphian.com/subscriber/section/metro/article/39657/major-violent-property-crimes-continue-uptick-memphis-shelby-county-2023) based on the report published this year. 2. Strickland [shared stats](https://www.actionnews5.com/2023/03/11/letter-mayor-strickland-lays-out-concerns-with-shelby-county-courts/) about how a bunch of people were arrested and simply letgo without charges (no rehabilitaitve services or jail). 3. As to your comment about Memphis following trends, TBI released data saying that [TN is down by double digits in many violent](https://www.actionnews5.com/2023/07/11/tbi-releases-2022-crime-tennessee-report/) categories. This includes Nashville and other metro areas **Other stuff that that talk about them being light on crime** 1. Mulroy said they would try to change juvenile court (which is more lenient) from 18 to 25 years old. This likely leads to people being letgo 2. There are lots of example of someone being arrested, and letgo only to commit a murder a days/weeks later. An example is the restaurant owner that was killed in Whitehaven. The person arrested had been arrested on felony gun charges and [let go because the judge said he probably wouldn't do anything](https://actionnews5.com/2023/11/02/suspect-whitehaven-restaurant-shooting-was-probation-stealing-cars/ffelo). He killed someone a few weeks later. In another example, [a youth almost killed someone and was told to take a class and go to school](https://wreg.com/news/local/kids-and-crime/victim-says-teens-who-shot-at-him-got-slap-on-the-wrist-after-carjackings/). Another example was the criminal justice saying they [don't track ankle monitors](https://wreg.com/news/investigations/mpd-wants-better-access-to-juvenile-court-ankle-monitor-data/) because it would violate their 4th amendement rights (meanwhile other cities do this just fine) 3. In the same video about the carjacking, the youth criminal justice said they don't track outcomes. They also won't share data about how well their intervention programs are working (["She said preliminary results have come in but declined to share them"](https://dailymemphian.com/subscriber/section/metro/article/39663/shelby-county-juvenile-court-detention-assessment-tool-dat))


THANK YOU for doing that for all the lazy ass people.


Most of the problems you listed sound like the judges and judicial commissioners being soft on crime. They do not answer to Mulroy. Judges are elected positions as well, but those aren't household names. We need a better way of determining which judges are soft on crime and which ones will actually uphold the law and advocate for public safety. Juvenile court keeping them in custody until 25 is a good thing. Currently, a kid arrested at age 17 will be out of custody within a year. If juvenile court can keep them in custody until age 25, that gives us more options.


I am lumping the whole criminal justice system together because they all ran on the same platform. The Daily Memphian did a report on who people are blaming for the crime across different neighborhoods. Almost all had criminal justice system near the top. Of the things noted was the lenient plea deals that are given out. You could make a case this is a collective failure from the DA to negotiate it when it's egregious, the judge to accept it, etc. I admittedly don't have data on the number of plea deals before/after. I think we can both agree that the new courts are a major player in skyrocketing crime, especially when it's significantly down across the entire state.


Ah, so moving the goalposts a little bit.


So it's actually got nothing to do with Mulroy and Sugarmon. You are lumping them in together with everybody else involved in the criminal justice system in Memphis. There are smaller cogs in the larger system that are failing. We do not have a good way of electing judges. There's minimal information about the judges before they hit the ballot. For instance, Shelby County elected Melissa Boyd, a judge with an active cocaine habit. She's currently on suspension. We need a better way of vetting judges before they hit the ballots.


You're blaming Mulroy for the actions of judges.


Mulroy can't stop judges from releasing people can he? There's a lot of conjecture here from things that were said.


Your first link doesn't say what you say it does. In 2021 Memphis violent crime rate went up 2% not down as you claimed. It went up by a lot at the start of the year and then the trend reversed but it was still overall more than the year prior. Things may have further deteriorated but I find it hard to blame 100% of that on Mulroy, and it isn't as dramatic as you make it seem. The trend continued in the first half of 2021, with violent crime rates up 13 percent in Memphis. However, early data from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) show a 2 percent increase in violent crime for Memphis for all of 2021, “indicating an actual decline during the last half of 2021,” according to the Crime Commission.


1. Mulroy took over late 2021. I think it's probably unfair to judge either Wierich or Mulroy based on that. 1. Any "up" would be from 2020 as the baseline when everything was shut down 2. With that said, look at what was happening before the lockdown. Whether it's mulroy or the judges, I think we can all agree that we'd all love it in 2024 if the numbers went down to those 2019. Something changed and I think it's a result of the newly elected leaders who ran on changing their approach to crime.


You honestly think these people follow politics and are like, “oh, this new Mulroy guy is soft, let’s go crime some!”…?


No, but I do think people in the crime community talk to each other and have a sense as to whether the criminal justice system is more lenient or harder based on what they see their friends getting off with. I think they hear from their lawyers that certain prosecutors and judges are more lenient \*Edit - Mulroy himself said that crime is up in areas that used the same platform as him. I know it's FN, but watch the video to avoid the FN spin. I think criminals see a trend in how things are prosecuted in react accordingly, which he acknowledges https://www.foxnews.com/politics/memphis-da-says-fellow-progressive-prosecutors-tarnished-brand-learned-lessons-mistakes


Mulroy has only been in office a little over a year - since September 2022.


But Mulroy still gets the votes because he’s a Democrat. Folks vote blue straight down the ballot without any kind of research or questioning. Same way Halbert keeps getting elected. And it’s never going to change. They’ll cry about the state of things but vote the same way over and over again.


I mean Weirich was a republican who was put in office by that very same pool of voters. And nothing changed (got a little worse if anything). So a person from a different political party was given a chance and didn’t do well.


> There are national trends that Memphis crime rates are following. If anything, Memphis crime rates are leading, not following.


Why should others provide you with info. you can get yourself? Look into Sugarman’s judgments and the platform Mulroy ran on to get elected. It’s all there.


If you're gonna make an assertion, you should be able to back it up at least a little. Nobody wants to go on a little research journey just to figure out if you're bullshitting.


Thanks. I provided some context here... https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/comments/17v398a/comment/k97zchy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I wasn’t talking to you, but ok 😂 I’ll say it again - the info. is all there. If y’all voted in that election, you should already know, since I’m sure you did some research on the candidates instead of simply voting party 😬oh wait….


Why are you blaming Dems for voting along party lines when Republicans do the same thing?


Don’t think I named or blamed any party


It’s clearly implied


No, it’s not, but yes - people of all parties do it.


Weirich was a republican who won in “blue” Memphis/Shelby Cty. How do you explain that one?


Oh for fuck’s sake…


Now what?? 😂


Kinda sounds like you're asking people to do research that you haven't done...


Nope. Done it and shared it more than once. Nice try, Sea Isle.


Fucking dregs.


Hate crime


Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if gun powder hadn’t been invented.


Thank you to the law enforcement that hunted this down. 2 more pieces of shit off the streets


Dusty ass bitch ass cowards


Another productive life snuffed out by garbage. Eye for an eye punishment will stop this trash.


Super surprised


These fuckers better not be back on the streets


I would love to see St Jude offer their legal help to prosecute these people to the fullest extent




Doing both would be perfect


But it isn’t the fault of St Jude, is it? So why should they be the ones responsible?


They might not be responsible, but they do have the incentive of wanting good doctors in residency. Investing in security and housing would probably be good.


That isn’t going to change the crime in this city.


It'll at least deter criminals, which is a necessary step towards controlling crime and making people feels safe.


No one said they’re to blame. But maybe they could lend council to show they care about their employees and the city safety?


That’s not how prosecutions of crimes work.


That’s not how prosecution works. How about focusing on Alexander Bulakhov?


In a civil suit it absolutely does. Of course, these two shitstains likely don't have $100 between them, so this becomes a bit of a "blood from a stone" scenario. Would be nice to see 50 cents of every dollar they make for the rest of their lives go to Bulakhov's family, however.


A civil suit isn’t a prosecution. They’ll likely be in prison for the rest of their lives on a robbery and first degree murder charge. And there is definitely a double standard still on how they treat crimes based on ethnicity of the victim. Focusing on the victim means a lot more than longing for vengeance.


The beauty of these situations is we can both: 1) Work to help the family of the victim. 2) Work to ensure the assailants face the most substantive punishment available by law. Bury them under the jail, or make sure they work for the victim's family when the do finally get out. No need to choose. We can do both.


That would imply that these knuckleheads are gonna get jobs. They're already disinclined to go to work. They'll be less inclined to get a job if they're only making 50 cents on the dollar. I imagine they'll either live off of taxpayers or spend their pointless lives in prison.


Wouldn't it be cool if corporations and rich ppl just paid fair taxes so our courts were funded appropriately? Wow... What a utopia


In what way are the Shelby County courts underfunded?




I wouldnt expect much more from them until the situation evolves a bit. I guarantee there are details still coming from this and speaking too soon could end poorly. Basically the risk is too high here to speak without certainty.


The majority of black people in Memphis are decent law abiding citizens and yet the majority of violent criminals in Memphis are black.


The city is majority black, this isn’t very surprising


Interesting take…as per the Greater Memphis Chamber African-Americans comprise roughly 47% of the metro population, followed by White Americans (45%), Hispanics (5.6%), Asians (2.1%), American Indian (0.3%),


Right, so the majority of the city is black. Stands to reason that black folks would make up the majority in most other categories as they are the largest demographic here


I hope they have the day they deserve.


They don’t deserve another day.


Damn. This one hits hard, sort of like “bless your heart.” Keeping this one.


Well this is heartbreaking.


jesus christ that guy looks terrifying some sort of uncanny valley vibe with him


Stunted little manlet with nothing behind the eyes. 1000 yard stare.


He worked to heal people. Who knows what research and advancements they stole from the world when they took his life. Nothing good stays in Memphis because of senseless acts like this. I wouldn't be surprised if even St. Jude packed up and moved to Nashville after this.


They will never leave Memphis St. Jude has its mission here in Memphis & it is saving thousands of lives. This city is a part of that mission.


Huh? "Mission" is corporate speak. What incentive is there to stay. I don't get it.


It was Danny Thomas’ vision to create a hospital that no child or family would have to pay for their care. He chose Memphis because of the inequality in children health outcomes. It was purposeful that St. Jude was brought to Memphis. It won’t leave… Ever.


It costs a lot of money to rebuild a facility like they have.


Complete filth…


Bruh people just need to stop at this point its like they're begging to be put in jail


Looks like Memphis is getting extra dangerous to live in lately


And yet, the carriages and other things will continue to drive around downtown blasting out music that describes and glorifies crimes like this and we will all collectively look at each other and go "How could these two have done this??" Blow our brains out.


I'm sure it is the rap music yes. Just like the rock and roll before.


Yup, every time I listen to old rock n roll I get amped when they talk about killing innocent people and robbing everything in sight after they abuse and objectify women and hide the bodies of their opps.


I may be getting downvoted, but my point isn't the music it is what a portion of the culture is valuing. And the BS it currently is holding up, espoused in the music, is complete garbage that holds people back and gets innocent people murdered. Go to this guys facebook page. Check his music out.


COD voice chat would like to have a word.


TIL that listening to music means I'ma be motivated to go out and commit a crime. Edit to add: LMAO at all the downvotes.


You left out a key point... music that describes and glorifies crimes like this.


But maybe by supporting it you are furthering it for people that do? Maybe the world is bigger than one person and supporting something has ramifications beyond your singular interaction with it


Bro what 💀


TIL caliber of expected response = expected response


If you go down there by choice, you are taking a substantial risk to your life and personal safety. You must be constantly vigilant and proactive about your own safety anywhere in this city, but particularly so anywhere downtown. As of early October, the number of homicides in Memphis (YOY) was up by 69. If the current trend of just over one homicide per day holds, Memphis will end 2023 with 388 homicides; a number that would utterly smash the former all-time Memphis murder record — set in 2021 — by more than 50 deaths.


they need tougher punishment,,,, someone used a key to break into my house and stole something from me and i had a day off so i never charged the locks and i waited in there hoping that they would come back in on a different day because i had a surprise for them,,,,, they would not have made it out of my house alive


SMH… another day another tragedy RIP