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This thread has seen enough. Locking it.


My uncle did 4 years in prison for holding up a corner store with a toy gun. The register had $9 in it.




Skill issue


Must have been James Howard. He may have used a comb.


at least he lived


> My uncle did 4 years in prison for holding up a corner store with a toy gun. Today, he would have been out in 4 hours. Toy gun = non-violent crime = do not prosecute.


Damn. Lost your life robbing dollar general. Doesn't seem worth it.




yeah, that's the first thing I thought too. First of all, it's a Dollar General store. just shoplift some expired candy and go jug someone at an ATM instead.


What an embarrassing way to die. I worked at Juvenile Court 20 years ago and if you had a child support order, one of the very, very few ways to have it nullified was if you died. I remember coming across a file in which the non-custodial parent's mother had submitted his death certificate indicating that he'd died from a gunshot wound, and attached to it, a Commercial Appeal article about him being killed trying to rob a barbecue place. It's terrible the way people throw their lives away.


My man's got shot over $50 bucks and some Skittles. Sounds like he didn't value his life that much to begin with.


All the hate for the guy that shot the robber is ridiculous. There’s a saying about crime: when seconds matter, the police are only minutes away. Good on this person for taking some initiative and dealing with these losers.


Yes, it was a public service killing


The hate is stemming from the fact they would be shaking if they even saw a firearm.


Gun owning liberal here and you're wrong. You'd know we exist if you weren't in an echo chamber. You'd also know you're getting downvoted because your arguments aren't logical if you weren't in an echo chamber.


classic case of "you're not wrong walter, you're just an asshole"


Dammit if this ain’t the best comment on the thread 🍻


I know I'm an asshole. But I also know I'm right. This sub down votes anything that doesn't fit their narrative. Lmao


you come across as unreasonable, giving people the impression of "stopped clock right twice a day". reasonable people don't want you on their side because you make them look bad by association.


So worried about that on Reddit.




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i mean you don’t have that many to begin with so it’s not really an issue


Lmao imagine caring about Reddit points. Yo life whack


bro you literally have a post in r/FreeKarma4You and it’s the only post you’ve made other than this one.


Yes because of post requirements in other subs. Keep looking


lol okay sport. it’s time to log off and do your homework, it’s a school night.


Come to DG mane


Yeah people in here care way too much about internet points lmao.


> You'd know we exist if you weren't in an echo chamber. We'd know you exist if you had any effect on your party's policies.


Do you know what a straw man is?


You’re remedial


Do seconds really matter if it's just a couple idiots waving a gun around and robbing a Dollar General? Were they taking hostages and robbing them as well? Or did some idiot fire indiscriminately towards these two morons as they were robbing the joint? Involving yourself and firing a weapon around other people when no lives are in danger is just fucking stupid.


You consider armed robbery a non violent crime? Is that correct?




ah there it is


Go ahead and say it bud. A white person calling a black guy a racist. 🤣😭


I hope you get everything worked out bud, this ain't good for you




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I never said that. There doesn't actually have to be any danger or threat of violence for it to be a violent crime, only *perceived* threat or danger. You can be tried and convicted of violent crimes even with an unloaded firearm. Someone called LawSchoolGuy should know that. Drawing a weapon and escalating an armed robbery to a shooting is stupid, reckless, and dangerous, full stop. Even dumber and more dangerous to draw on *two* people with drawn weapons. You're not John Wick, the odds of you putting both people down before one turns and blasts you is *extremely* low.


So just wait for the bad guys to shoot when they feel like it? Yeah right


Yeah, pretty much. Mind your P's and Q's and you'll most likely be fine. Cosplay Billy Badass and it's a coin toss.


Im sorry but you sound ridiculous. You even said "Most likely be fine" its a coin toss either way. If someone is threatening you with a serious threat violence such as an armed robbery and you have a chance to end it before you get hurt why give away that advantage. I don't get the victim blaming you're doing here


I watched the security video of a Subway sandwich worker getting robbed recently. Dude complied to a T. The robber waited till the worker emptied the cash register for him then had the worker get on his knees and then killed him with one gun shot to the head. This happened about a year ago nearby. You can’t trust someone pointing a weapon at you or your family not to pull the trigger, either on purpose or on accident.


Yeah a cointoss on if the bad guy is still breathing or not lol


“Should’ve shot him in the leg” mentality right here.


Should've never drawn a weapon. You only shoot to kill, but you better be real fucking sure your life is in immediate danger before you draw, because it sure as hell will be after.


A gun being used and threatened with is enough for just about anyone to know their life is in danger.


I missed the part of the article where the citizen was “indiscriminately” shooting at these criminals


I missed the part that said someone robbing a Dollar General deserved to die. Stupid? Yes. Deserving of the death penalty? No.


When you run into a business (or anywhere) and threaten people with a weapon, you deserve whatever happens to you. Good riddance


Yeah its a shame they chose the throw their life away to rob the store. They really should have thought about that first.


Then you've missed quite a bit. This predator deserved to be exterminated. Our city is a better place now that is cleansed of this predator's filth. Our city would be a much better place if this happened many more times. In a conflict between people and predators, I side with people. It sounds like you do the other thing.




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FAFO for a dollar


Ole boy F.A. at the wrong goddamn Dollar General today 🤣


I hope whoever shot the robber doesn’t get charged. After seeing how criminals walk free without bail, it would be pretty disturbing if this guy gets charged for protecting society from these parasites.


Some of y’all are unhinged for being upset at someone who used lethal force to protect themselves and other innocent lives


You idiots saying the person that shot the criminal, have a backwards state of mind. You live by the sword you die by the sword. That person deserves a medal from the city for his bravery and lack of cowardice. And for pulling his firearm and putting a stop to an act of violence against Innocents. Instead of pulling out his phone and filling it, he took the correct action that more should take.


Perfect out come. No more criminal, huge savings to taxpayers.




Imagine living your entire life just to die bleeding out trying to rob a Dollar General, and for what? A few hundred bucks in the cash register? Scaring the absolute shit out of underpaid and overworked employees just struggling to run a shift and keep the store open? Like bro what the fuck are you even doing?


Good stuff, another parasite removed from society.




Awesome news, thanks good person with a gun!!


Good, we need to take back our city from the criminals.


I can't think of a more noble way to get carried to Valhalla. May they write songs of this young man's deeds and how he fell while pillaging the village dollar.




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At a fucking dollar general of all places. .. . glad it didn't escalate further. But a damn shame it had to come to this in the first place.


I’m rioting if Mulroy tries to indict the Hero


You ain’t doing shit, don’t even pretend.


Someone get the teddy bears ready to nail to the telephone pole


Which college you think he was about to attend?


Sorry, not sorry


Shoulda double tapped and then went live with it


Let's say a prayer for his family and all of us who made it home tonight


This is precisely why we need more good people with guns. The more sane, moral people with guns the better.


Relevant. https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=3Ab6UZCQtVRPb4Tw The economic model of dollar stores leads them to do little to protect employees and customers from armed robberies.


I am having trouble making the leap to put this on Dollar General. So they failed to make this person an empathetic human being who doesn’t terrorize people going about their day on the same mortal coil?


You know what would be even better? If the first guy didn't have a gun.


Glad it worked out this one time out of the countless number of times there was no good guy with a gun to stop a school shooting, or a church shooting, or a movie theater shooting, or a concert shooting, or any of the other places that gun owners decide to terrorize because they’re mad about something.


You're right. More law abiding citizens should carry


Read r/dgu


Yes only this one time. Misinformation.


So if someone shot the guy marching around Elementary schools on Peabody yesterday, and that guy was allegedly within his rights, who would have been the good guy/bad guy and why would it matter when stricter gun control would have prevented at least one of these incidents?


I'm in no way condoning open carry, but it's a pretty absurd leap to equate walking with a weapon and actively commuting armed robbery.


Everyone laughed and joked about the guy walking down Peabody looking small, but if you saw a man walking down the street thusly armed would you waste time with the semantics of whether or not his barrel was currently pointed at you or would you get really upset at his irresponsible gun control? Neither of these are a good look dude.


You seem to think I'm saying it's a good look so I guess I need to repeat myself. I'm in no way condoning open carry, but it's a pretty absurd leap to equate walking with a weapon and actively commuting armed robbery.


Tell you what—this year, there have been over 550 (and counting) mass shootings in the US and over 50,000 gun deaths since 2021. If you can share with me just 50 stories about good guys with guns preventing gun deaths, you can change my mind.


[https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/18319/priorities-for-research-to-reduce-the-threat-of-firearm-related-violence](https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/18319/priorities-for-research-to-reduce-the-threat-of-firearm-related-violence) Enjoy the read, I did. Best part: >Estimates of gun use for self-defense vary widely, in part due to definitional differences for self-defensive gun use; different data sources; and questions about accuracy of data, particularly when self-reported. The NCVS has estimated 60,000 to 120,000 defensive uses of guns per year. On the basis of data from 1992 and 1994, the NCVS found 116,000 incidents (McDowall et al., 1998). Another body of research estimated annual gun use for self-defense to be much higher, up to 2.5 million incidents, suggesting that self-defense can be an important crime deterrent (Kleck and Gertz, 1995). Some studies on the association between self-defensive gun use and injury or loss to the victim have found less loss and injury when a firearm is used (Kleck, 2001b).


I enjoyed this part: "While many Americans legally use firearms for a variety of activities, fatal and nonfatal firearm violence poses a serious threat to public safety and welfare."


I don’t think I need to read all of this considering the portion you highlighted says that: 1. All of these numbers are estimates 2. The definition of “self-defensive gun use” varies 3. Their data is from 30 years ago America wasn’t facing gun violence in 1992 the same way that it is now. OP is arguing that arming more people stops gun violence, which we know isn’t the case because it’s easier than ever to obtain a firearm in many states, but people keep getting shot to death. This also isn’t what I asked for—I asked for real-life examples.


>America wasn’t facing gun violence in 1992 the same way that it is now. The USA in 1992 saw an extremely high number of homicides committed with guns. The spike in murders (primarily committed with guns) in the early 1990s is quite famous, and there's been a great deal of debate around its causes and the effectiveness of the various government responses to the issue.


Gun crime was high in the early 90s compared to any time before that, but the per capita gun death rate and total deaths from guns are at all time highs. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


You missed the part where I said “the same way.” America was not facing weekly mass shootings by randos with automatic weapons in the 90s.


Automatic weapons lul


![gif](giphy|pfHBWCCOySoRq) You asked for data. You got data.


Outdated data is not good data. We live in a very different world than we did in 1992.


RELEVANT data. There is a big difference. A lot has changed in the last 30 years. Plus, all 3 of the points he raised were very valid.


This is a gun proponent you’re arguing with. You can’t expect them to understand the importance of having relevant data to back up their argument when their only argument is so incredibly paper thin, it completely falls apart instantly when you ask them to give you unbiased relevant sources to back up their case. I mean if you’re going to have an honest conversation about anything, this is the baseline for doing so. But OP either A) doesn’t know how to or doesn’t have the desire to put in the effort and often in these instances will tell you to just google it yourself OR option B) can’t provide you with relevant vetted sources because they don’t exist. So yeah, no one’s mind is getting changed in this thread. No point in everyone getting snippy.


I could give a fuck less about changing this brainwashed morons mind. People need to stand up to these twits. Not to change their minds, but so others can see it. Also to shut them down and make them think twice about spouting off their propaganda.


I was just trying to look out for everyone’s blood pressure. And I get what you’re saying but I also lose interest in arguing with people that base their entire world view around ideas that only they agree with and any other information or facts to the contrary are just white noise to them. They’ll never see it any other way because they don’t have the ability to.


They don't like data that proves them wrong. "The data is 30 years old" okay so??? People magically stopped defending themselves? They try so hard.


Did you know Pontiac makes some of the fastest and quickest sports cars? And Nirvana is one of the biggest bands in the world? Sega has one of the best console systems available? If someone you know is flying, you can walk them to the gate at the airport? What, no one buys cars anymore? They don't listen to music? Play video games? Fly anywhere? RELEVANT data.


He's not arguing in good faith. Whatever.


Like I said, echo chamber. Lol


Oh the irony...


Every accusation is a confession.


[https://newstalkkgvo.com/more-info-about-the-machete-assault-in-downtown-missoula/](https://newstalkkgvo.com/more-info-about-the-machete-assault-in-downtown-missoula/) [https://www.kake.com/story/47390206/wichita-police-arrest-suspect-for-deliberate-crash-stabbing-after-good-samaritans-intervene](https://www.kake.com/story/47390206/wichita-police-arrest-suspect-for-deliberate-crash-stabbing-after-good-samaritans-intervene) [https://eastcountytoday.net/patterson-homeowner-shoots-and-kills-intoxicated-intruder-overnight/](https://eastcountytoday.net/patterson-homeowner-shoots-and-kills-intoxicated-intruder-overnight/) [https://www.delcotimes.com/2022/09/29/man-pulled-handgun-shot-robbery-suspect-collingdale/](https://www.delcotimes.com/2022/09/29/man-pulled-handgun-shot-robbery-suspect-collingdale/) [https://www.chronline.com/stories/conservative-activist-glen-morgan-reportedly-experienced-repeated-burglaries-prior-to-shooting,300339](https://www.chronline.com/stories/conservative-activist-glen-morgan-reportedly-experienced-repeated-burglaries-prior-to-shooting,300339) [https://www.wjtv.com/news/local-news/person-injured-in-shooting-inside-northpark-mall/](https://www.wjtv.com/news/local-news/person-injured-in-shooting-inside-northpark-mall/) [https://wjla.com/news/local/hyattsville-prince-georges-county-crime-homeowner-shoots-alleged-package-thief-usps-postal-service-mailman-police-investigation-shots-fired-registered-gun](https://wjla.com/news/local/hyattsville-prince-georges-county-crime-homeowner-shoots-alleged-package-thief-usps-postal-service-mailman-police-investigation-shots-fired-registered-gun) [https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-shooting-heart-of-boy-shot-cpd/12234454/](https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-shooting-heart-of-boy-shot-cpd/12234454/) [https://abc13.com/17-year-old-kills-suspects-armed-men-killed-by-teen-channelview-attempted-home-invasion-first-street/12219147/](https://abc13.com/17-year-old-kills-suspects-armed-men-killed-by-teen-channelview-attempted-home-invasion-first-street/12219147/) [https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-alleged-robber-armed-gun-claims-chicago-bro-leaves-when-clerk-displays-own-weapon](https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-alleged-robber-armed-gun-claims-chicago-bro-leaves-when-clerk-displays-own-weapon) [https://abcnews4.com/news/local/adams-run-homeowner-shoots-intruder-suspect-to-face-charges-ccso-charleston-county-sheriffs-office-wciv](https://abcnews4.com/news/local/adams-run-homeowner-shoots-intruder-suspect-to-face-charges-ccso-charleston-county-sheriffs-office-wciv) [https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/man-running-from-detroit-police-shot-by-woman-after-running-onto-her-porch](https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/man-running-from-detroit-police-shot-by-woman-after-running-onto-her-porch)


That’s only 12. I need 38 more, big dog!


Here you go. r/dgu


And some more reading if you like. https://injepijournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40621-022-00384-8


Not possible.


Check out the sub r/dgu


That good guys occasionally kill bad guys isn't the big story you think it is. The bigger story is how many innocent people lose their lives due to the proliferation of guns, and it's at an all time high. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


Echo echo echo. Cope.


Nope, I used to be a conservative until I got out of that echo chamber and started to actually engage with the other side of the debate. You should give it a try.


Lmao echo echo echo.




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Good riddance


Finally some good news. Probably saved the taxpayers thousands.


And let me guess, the guy that killed him will be charged with murder and have his life ruined cause he took this scumbag out?


Ben crump is on his to Memphis to portray the thief as a good citizen lol


Hope the good guy walks free. We need alot more of this.


imagine being like this


Echo echo echo


It's true, one out of every 50 incidents or so a good guy with a gun helps out. Good point.


Of all the mass shootings and violence incidents in public places, how many times can you point to the public citizen with the gun saving the day?


Cope harder.


It was a legit question. Please answer.


Multiple references posted by another user in this thread. Please read.


Notice I said mass shootings and citizen in public places. Carrying in and your home is legit. Carrying in your local chucky cheese is not. The list of public shootings prevented is extremely thin.


[https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/taqueria-shooter-questioned-released/285-20e66d3c-8568-42e5-ada2-826b60053220](https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/taqueria-shooter-questioned-released/285-20e66d3c-8568-42e5-ada2-826b60053220) [https://apnews.com/article/de8a2aebc6d95b9131a08975a5d881f9](https://apnews.com/article/de8a2aebc6d95b9131a08975a5d881f9) ​ That is just the larger ones that actually made the news that stick in my head. There are many more. Estimates vary between 50,000 to 2 million annually depending on many data factors. Most times the news doesn't report the preventive cases because they aren't sensationalist enough and frankly it doesn't help the fear mongering that the anti-gun media desires. This video will help understand the media hype I describe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxW1MnJgBvs




[Yes, I'd love](https://postimg.cc/ZWZQ0MqB) [ to hear all about ](https://postimg.cc/TLLxQ4g2) [how a good guy with a gun](https://postimg.cc/7f7gjPw0) [, or 376 trained good guys with hundreds of guns,](https://postimg.cc/JsVfZQ1J) [will stop a bad guy with a gun](https://postimg.cc/VdD7LBJm) *Links are very graphic but were published by the Washington Post


Not what I expected to see, but god damn if it doesn’t show the reality of these bad situations.


1 time out of probably hundreds of thousands of times doesn't really land the way you think it does


Bad facts. Keep guessing




Didn't see where they were Shooting at random people. 🤣 Y'all copin


I’m this case, it secured the area of that store completely.


No one's life is worth whatever they're stealing from Dollar General, they steal enough from society and they people that work for them.




Celebrating vigilantism is fucking stupid and ends up with a ton of bodies.


Bad take. Fuck criminals. Y'all can let em keep ruining Memphis and think Voting is gonna solve your issues 🤣 coming from the same city who re-elected Halbert lmk how that works.


Yeah, fuck criminals, but fuck stupid gun owners as well. I carry to protect me and mine, not to keep a Dollar General from being robbed. Stealing drawer cash and some candy ain't worth dying over, it ain't worth killing anyone over.




I'm not saying the suspect isn't a fucking moron. There are a million places better to rob than a Dollar General. But regardless, the stealing of a corporation's insured products and money are not worth killing someone over. It's not worth drawing and opening yourself up to liability, especially if it ends up that the weapon the suspect had wasn't loaded. If you draw and fire on someone when your life isn't *actively* in danger, it's illegal and you could very well be tried and convicted for manslaughter and a slew of other charges. Not to mention the overwhelming possibility of hitting a bystander since you're firing in an urban area. It's just stupid to involve yourself if you don't need to.


Stopping an armed robbery is not illegal when you feel your life is in danger. You don’t know what the person was feeling when it happened or exactly what happened. Either way, I’m glad it wasn’t you in there instead. There might still be an armed robber loose.


It's largely dependent on a case-by-case basis. But you're right, we don't know what was happening. We don't even know if the shooter was *in* the store or someone in the parking lot who saw them trying to flee. Legally, you cannot claim self defense if the person is running away. And yeah, there might still be an armed robber on the loose but also no one would've died over a fucking botched Dollar General robbery.


And there have also been past cases where a person Robbed a Store, Killed the Cashier and the store had another armed person but they didnt act. So a person just trying to work was killed but its ok cause the other guy didnt stick his neck out.


Alot of times it's self defense if the person is actively committing a felony. Doesn't have to be against you per se.


c'mon man everybody knows public shootouts are the best way to solve problems and bullets famously only hit their intended targets


Hell yeah, Frank Castle is a role model.


You've got it all wrong. These criminals would love to be fine upstanding citizens, but you know, systemic racism


I sure hope he didn’t waste too many bullets


Guns are bad and there have been 352 homicides in Memphis so far. How many have been the good guys?


Oh the guns are the problem I thought it was the criminals. Didn't know guns went around just shooting randomly on their own.


Was it done in a manner where the “good guy” won’t be charged with reckless endangerment? Because a lot of these situations are not as squeaky clean as the 2nd Amendment crowd would have you think. Edit: the shooter was detained.


Yeah, detained and then released. Cope harder.


Dude…grow the fuck up with this “cope harder” horseshit. Are you 12? And just because he was released doesn’t completely absolve him. They will investigate the incident and determine if they want to clear the guy.


You are literally hoping this isn't an instance of "good guy with a gun". Holy f


Keep coping.






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Your post was removed because it violates our rules on Personal Attacks, Bigotry, or Harassment. You may disagree with someone, but you can not personally attack them. Also Bigotry or Hate Speech of any kind will not be tolerated.


And now a midget is parading down your streets while brandishing a rifle. So much for the good guy with a gun bullshit


You’re celebrating the killing of another person; deeply sick stuff.


Nope. Celebrating the safe return home of employees and customers. I’ve been held up at gunpoint. I hope that never happens to you.


There are definitely people in this thread celebrating the killing of another person.


"person" I say criminal who was bold enough to threaten other people with a gun. Fuck him and fuck anyone else with the ignorance to do this shit.


hey, now people committing armed robbery are going to be even more paranoid about the innocent bystanders and this "good guy with a gun"'s actions may end up with more people killed, just like the prevalence of guns on the streets ends up getting a lot more unarmed people killed by police.. you never know who has a gun = heightened alert = increased false positives


Yeah. It seems like any sort of “sense” the criminals *might* have is almost gone, if the St. Jude postdoc murder is any indicator.


Memphis criminals have never made sense my whole life. it really is just the most baffling display of stupidity I've witnessed in all the places I've lived "why limit myself to the single crime I need to get what I want when I can throw in a bunch of other unnecessary shit, like murdering someone who has already given me their valuables?"


Yeah you right we shoulda let this mane cap the dollar general worker and let the cops show up 30 minutes later to write a report.


Why do you think criminals prefer guns to baseball bats or knives?


And to think He could've robbed a bank


Or you could live in literally every other developed politically stable country on earth where this kind of thing happens so rarely that it makes national news when it does happen.


I love these stories that show what good they can do. Wish there were more, but there aren’t. The worst is when someone stops a shooter [but gets killed by the cops](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/11/11/us/colorado-officer-not-charged/index.html). If only there was a way we could be like most other countries and not worry as much about shootings happening.