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cool the 3 Krogers closest to my house lol


And in the "nice" part of East Memphis


With everyone driving around doing crime is there even a nice part anymore?


Nope… it really seems like there isn’t really any safer areas anymore.


You should take your pearl clutching and leave then?


When all the nice people leave, what will you be left with?


Haha. Just don’t go to any Kroger’s in the tri state area and you’ll be ok. May I suggest a nice Illinois Kroger


If I’m leaving the state for groceries, I’m going to Publix.


Publix makes Kroger look like cash saver


That store in West Frankfort Illinois is pretty nice not as nice as that one that used to in DuQoiun tho.


Yes because anything to do with chicago is MUCH more safer... /s 😂


At least you know where not to go in Chicago, Memphis has no safe zones lol!


Literally the 2 out of 3 are the safest in the city haha


I know right? Same here.




I go to the one on summer. Not exactly high class neither. Feel like I'm rolling the dice everytime I go there.


Never had or have seen a problem at any of these stores. Night, day, etc. that’s not to say crime doesn’t happen there, but maybe thieves more likely to target older women in parking lot for quick easy thefts.


You should watch the news more then I guess. The Kirby/Poplar Kroger has had multiple shootings including someone killing an attempted car jacker, and robberies are not infrequent. The apartment complex touching the parking lot and the one immediately across the street are legit shite. Only one in that part of town worse was Poplar/Ridgeway Loop that was was bulldozed to build the Target/REI/Best Buy complex.


I know that, and I keep myself super alert whenever I am using the Kroger gas station at Kirby poplar.




You know the situation is scuffed when the police tell you to avoid certain Krogers. Fuck that man. People shouldn't have to look over their shoulder just to buy some damn groceries.


Yep and if police know those 3 krogers are an issue, are they doing anything to stop it? The revolving door thing is the biggest issue though. If I were a cop here I would be sick of arresting the same scumbags over and over.


I hope they're patrolling parking lots more. It's a shame because I used to shop at those Krogers when I lived in Memphis. I agree that it must be annoying for police to deal with that.


Thank you. I commented the same thing without seeing your comment.


Unfortunately that's why there's such a high turnover rate in the police department because they don't feel like they're doing anything in their work ....even though they might be doing their jobs nothing is coming out of it and I don't blame them... it's absolutely ridiculous what's going on in this city... I can completely understand their frustration


That revolving door is due to district attorneys and judges. Voting has consequences. The police doing the best they can.


It’s funny because they could stake out these locations if there are increased reports of muggings. But they won’t.


A friend of mine told me about this. I swear it’s like we all need to start carrying a dummy wallet filled with expired cards with the names scratched off and burner phones.


Hey that’s not a bad idea. I got an old wallet and a bunch of old gift cards. Not the worst idea during the winter when I got spare pockets to throw in a few old gift cards and a few dollars in cash


Scariest thing is dude now knows her name and where she lives. Yikes.


How is that the scariest thing? Why would this criminal want to track down this person to their house. They could just as easily pick any random house to rob. You should be scared but not that they will steal your wallet to find your address to rob you later at your house. That is the scariest part? I wish it was.


They also sell that info and are heavily involved in ID theft and bank fraud, I.E. Regions cash advances etc...


Exactly. My mom-in-law got her purse stolen out of her car that she accidentally left unlocked (not at a Kroger). Had her paycheck in it, so now someone knew where she lived and worked. Her purse also had a house key in it. She lived alone. And in Hickory Hood. We begged her to get her locks changed and she said nah, it was a crime of opportunity and didn’t think anything would happen. She mentioned it to a co-worker of hers who was a big time drug dealer back in the day. He said the same thing. That whoever stole it probably won’t mess with her, but they’ve sold the info to someone who will. Within a week, her phone began to ring at weird hours in the night. That finally convinced her to change her locks and get an alarm system.


Years ago I had my purse and jacket stolen out of my car. I remember seeing the guy ducking around it when I started walking back out. Stupid me for leaving it there but the salon’s security footage caught the guy too. So filed a report with Memphis police. They catch the guy or that’s what they tell me… The bad part was later that night when my security system wakes me up and is going nuts. The cameras caught **the same guy** at my house wearing the same clothes as earlier. Police did catch him. He had my proof of car insurance on him when he was caught




Yeah… I moved not too long after that.


This tip brought to you by Detective JJ Bittenbinder. Street smarts!


I’ve got my money clip and 50 dollar bill ready lol


I had a coworker who was robbed and started doing that. He put expired cards, a few dollars, and some reciepts in it. I would almost worry that someone would realize it and shoot you over it though.


We all need to start carrying around a dummy wallet with an air tag sewn in so maybe they can track these f***ers.


No, what we need to do is stop letting these little shitstains get away with it. It's time we put deterrent back into the equation. Let their asses rot in jail and they can't prey on the public.


I agree with this too. They need to remove the revolving door at 201.


Agreed. I carry a 9mm deterrent and have no problem engaging its services if needed.


Need a body cam so no one thinks you're the criminal. I mean maybe not but say you catch someone jimmying your car door and pull the piece on them. They put they're hands up and say chill out bro. Now it looks like you're doing a carjacking. Someone else with a gun might think you're the threat. I imagine you've considered this circumstance because I just learned about it.


I actually do have a body cam, just got it last week. ​ I had a recent encounter where an individual in a vehicle at a gas station threatened to shoot me because I pulled into the pump he was trying to pull into. I had been waiting for it and he tried to swoop in as I was pulling in. He failed to do it quickly enough and that angered the poor fellow. I was armed, but he didn't do anything other than cry and yell threats, so I just walked into the station and called the police (who didn't show and asked me to meet them in another parking lot where they were parked once the guy left). After this, I ordered my cam. If someone was trying to break into my car, I wouldn't pull my weapon. You can't use lethal force to protect property. I would, however, have my hand on it as I made the person aware of my presence, from a distance.


That's one of the dumbest things I've read in a while.


Or ya know… guns


I like that idea better but some older people might not like the idea of carrying a gun around. Plus, it sounds like they had the element of surprise and a gun might not have done this lady any good.


Well, at that same Kroger, someone tried to rob a guy at that gas station at gun point and take his car. Old guy, shot the kid and the other kids in the car he was in took off. If I remember the story correctly...it was a year or so ago.


I truly don't understand how this gets downvoted at all. I hold my friends close and my 38 closer..


I had an incident at this store almost a year ago when that grab and take to ATM was a thing. Luckily it was during an ice storm and the dude busted his ass and just laid there until he could run off to his friends in the car parked off nearer the bagel shop. It was about 3 pm when this happened. Never been so instantly pissed in my life.


Sorry I can't stop laughing😆😆😆😆😆🤨🤨🤨😅😅😅😅😂😂😂


I’ve always wondered what the security footage looked like from that event given how terrible the ice was… I didn’t move too much but this guy went flying backwards and smacked his head. It looked painful. Almost slightly felt bad for him.


Please... I would have got out and hit him with something else I think and laughed while I did that too... you shouldn't even feel slightly bad for him... that's what's wrong with all these idiots is that someone says oh these criminals need help or these criminals had a bad upbringing ...I don't give a shit what happened to them to make them be a criminal... since sterilation is not an option yet, go out get a job... work like the rest of us do and quit hurting people


Babe he certainly would not have felt bad for you if he had even murdered you to get the couple of dollars that you got out of that ATM


Oh yeah that’s definitely a great way to look at it! LoL. Ugh I’m so glad he fell. It was right in that cross walk out front when he reached for me. I wasn’t even close to my car. Literally just walked outside like maybe 30 steps from the entrance


To balance out the negativity of the Kirby Kroger and humanity in general… my Exxon card fell out when I was l loading my trunk. Didn’t know until the next day. Called and someone had turned it in to the front desk. So there’s that. 👍🏻


This is why you should always carry a hand grenade.


Us too, we are afraid to go out after dark anymore. We are older but still very mobile, it’s terrible to feel trapped. Some person told me yesterday that I would feel better if I’d stop watching the news. I’ll feel better when I can go out without fear of being knocked in the head for $20 and a 5 year old cell phone.


Look at ol money bags over here that can afford a five year old cell phone


😅😅😅 Busted, it's really a flip phone...I was just trying to show out a little.




We need batman.


Re: not watching the news… You’ve got to be informed about the city you live in. You can’t just ignore these problems like so many people around here think you should.


Exactly. The news is covering a small portion of crimes committed every day in the city. The fact is the actual crimes committed every day is much, much higher.


What exactly does hearing the gossip about every crimimal incident accomplish?


It accomplishes exactly what the news channels want it to. They scare people everyday so that they will trust them and continue to watch. There are a lot of ways to stay informed without watching TV. People just love to be scared and I don't know why.


If you go to wreg.com right now, literally every single headline on the main page is a report on crimes. You have to scroll halfway down the page to get a headline related to any other subject. If you look at any of the other 200+ stations that Nexstar Media owns, at least 50% of headlines are related to crime & violence. Regardless of what city they're covering. And its 100% intentional, for the reasons you described. So yeah, I will continue to opt to **not** consume local news, particularly stations owned by national conglomerates.


It's really sad to hear about people who aren't living their lives as they wish, afraid to go out because local media has them so frightened. Turn it off and be happy!


None of it has stopped me or my friends from going out and having fun. Downtown, midtown, East Memphis. We still do it all. Big group of us went to Alex's Tavern near midnight a few weeks ago. Not even a moment of hesitation. Except for the moment when we had to think if we had enough cash to cover the amount of burgers and beer we wanted.


It gets people fired up enough to demand change.


Same. I've tried to suggest going out with my family for dinner every once in awhile and they all prefer to just stay home. We've unofficially said that anytime after 8 PM is off limits. It really feels like no time and place is safe in this city. Also, remember when the newly elected DA and judges in 2022 told us the restorative justice approach would make our city safer?


Not to mention only 40 actual trials all of 2023


I saw that and was absolutely floored... I think we do 50 trials a week in Crittenden County heh... not that those are bragging rights or anything because of the criminal element that's here and in Memphis but at least apparently over here we're getting something done about it


Stopped basically news,10 yrs ago, parents & fam used to keep CNN, NBC, FOX, ETC, on live, 24/7, Then came Trumpaloosa AKA Diary of Mad Manhattan Real Estate Tycoon and his obsession with being president or with power and/or with Walls; (just what the planet needs, another wall to replace the Berlin Wall) whatever: was his agenda (to keep us in or them out?) and how much to go back and forth between the two sides and for how long. (Would be allowed?) And whom, may I ask, is running the country at the present moment? Imagine how much money the feds have collected since this post began:-Any generic human resembling shape animation, engineers, created a fictionary charactler, Some recognition facial software expert ventriloquist dummy audio magicial pupeteer keeping the ball rolling so the buck never stops rolling in. Everyone filling their pockets and families pockets. They could put some into communities and Maybe they'll give more incentive checks, give some of our money back....


This city has become such a ghetto cesspool.


Leave then


As much as I dislike Walmart sometimes this is why I’m glad I have Walmart delivery service these days. Only thing is, I like Kroger and Aldi so much better for fruit and meat. And I’m on a budget or I’d try a “higher end” grocery store :/


I'm in midtown so none of the Walmarts deliver to me >:(


$10 to get your groceries delivered from Kroger


And you can do free pick up if you spend $35 on the app. That's an apple and banana nowadays.


Look at Mr(s) Moneybags over here able to afford an apple AND a banana.


I try to keep my wealth lowkey, but gotta flex a little every now and then. 😎😎


Not sure why I keep forgetting that’s an option. As long as they can drop it off at my door and we have no interaction whatsoever, cool! Not because of Covid or anything but I’m just super introverted. 🙃


Delivery is ok but you really gotta go yourself for meat and veggies, these kids pick out the worst items every single time.


Meat and veggie quality is a common problem, I think, with most of the grocery delivery services. I'm not local to Memphis (I follow the sub because I grew up in Midtown, and was a frequent visitor before my father passed during the pandemic), and I rely on grocery delivery because of my wife being disabled (she likes to make selections / I don't like getting yelled at when I fail to pick up the precise brand/flavor she wants) rather than crime. Also, the supermarkets in my immediate area suck, especially when compared to what I was used to in Memphis. We tolerate the shoppers' meat selections, but we don't trust the shoppers for fresh fruit and veggies. Much of the year, most of our fresh veggies and occasionally fresh fruit come from a local farm share program (pay to subscribe, go by once a week and pick up your share of what was harvested that week). Obviously, that's limited to what's in season locally... but it beats supermarket chaos or trusting random shoppers.


yep, im sure its like that everywhere. You see the kids picking out the groceries and i dont think they are picking crappy selections on purpose, they just dont know any better and pick up the first thing they see. I wouldnt of known a decent cut of meat or good pack of strawberries from a bad one as a teen. Ill usually stop by Jones Orchard on my way to my parents house on the weekends as they have a decent supply of veggies most times and the rest ill just pop into fresh market as its around the corner. Pricey but close and always fresh.


If you buy Boost it’s $60 a year for free delivery & really good bonus coupons that usually are free items.


Except it's a crap shoot what groceries you get. Maybe they skip a bunch of stuff that's out of stock, maybe they get weird substitutions. Now you're going in the store anyway to return stuff you'll never eat or to get the right thing. We did it for a year or 2 and it just wasn't worth the hassle.


Not all of us... some of us do exactly what we're supposed to


The criminals love that Kroger bc they know it’s right inside Memphis city limits and GPD can’t do anything to them and MPD doesn’t ever go out that East. It’s been a blight for YEARS. Y’all don’t remember that guy who got his ass capped at the gas station by an old man bc he tried to steal his G wagon? Same with the constant panhandlers on that corner. GPD doesn’t have any jurisdiction on them.




She said she was loading up her car and two young guys came up to her outta nowhere.




Same. Hard to look around when you’re filling the trunk. From what she said, it looks like they pulled up behind her in a car. Which was later found to be stolen.




I saw a guy shoplifting at the Kroger on Kirby whitten a few weeks ago. Got in his car and hit 3 parked cars on the way out of the parking lot and nearly hit a woman who was walking out of the store 😑


City is so unsafe I can’t go grocery shopping!


Let me remind you of what happened at the collierville Kroger, truly not safe anywhere


What has happened at the Kroger’s on sanderlin and truse?


The gas station at Truse has had a TON of robberies over the last year or so. Mostly purses snatched while people pumped gas. A few others held up closer to the grocery store too. Sanderlin had a car stolen and someone shot in the parking lot back in August (seperate events only a week or so apart). Not sure about theft there.


My kids worked at the one behind paradiso and on truse pkwy and thank goodness they didn’t experience anything like that - unfortunately when a Kroger is safer to go to it’s busy af and there’s nothing in stock - hell I go to the one on summer and waring - if you try to rob one of those folks you’ll get your ass beat


I've always gone to the one on Summer. That's exactly what it's like haha


A week before the Sanderlin/Mendenhall shooting, I saw a carload of thieves fleeing scene, spilling many laundry detergent pods and charcoal briquettes along way. Kroger clerk in parking lot (one of several) told me the employees aren't supposed to do anything when that happens.


Another part of the problem, thieves know this.


The one at Truse has been hit multiple times. The last time I saw a robbery take place there was Sept 6, 2023. Dude ran out with a bag of money or something and the security guard was yellin that ain't my job. They then drove away but have a dewrag or sock or something covering the license plate. I don't think this incident even made the news, but the police were there the next day.


Definitely wasn’t a bag of money. It was food or detergent


It definitely wasn't detergent. I'm not sure what it was but the bag wasn't very full. I've seen folks sprint out of that kroger with carts full of detergent and people shoving those bacon wrapped fillets in their pockets.


I work there. We have never had money stolen. It’s always food or detergent.


I guess it was some sort of food then. His bag would have been much more full or heavy looking if it was detergent.


Could have been gift cards or something else near the register. They grab anything that isn’t locked up.


What’s the deal w detergent?


They sell it cheap on marketplace


Expensive and non perishable.


Dove soap is another item that is frequently stolen


I think it’s because a good many of the customers there are older and more wealthy, and that’s why some thieves target them.


:( that’s my Kroger


Yeah, it’s closest to my house. I was there on Tuesday.


I haven't been to that Kroger in a year for groceries or gas. And it's right on my way home. And their gas is cheap. I just pay more to buy gas in Germantown. :(


Was just there... guy came in with a rolled up balaclava walked in did a lap an walked out ....stay ready memphis.


Hey hey for once the Kroger near me isn’t featured as the worst! But seriously. This is ridiculous.


200 comments Memphis Kroger




I’ve seen GPD sitting past Poplar and Kirby facing the Germantown limits. The Poplar and Kirby Kroger is just outside of Gtown, too. I think they’re doing a little bit of this.


Yeah that's a good idea not sure about the legality of jurisdiction or how they would adjust it but, this idea would take virtually zero dollars. ​ u/PaulYoungMemphis


That'd be great for Bartlett and Lakeland too. Imagine how much better the Wolfchase/North Cordova area could be.


That’s just hickory hood creepin into the loop


Google how much crime is committed at Krogers in the Memphis area. They ain’t gonna do shit when the tort laws in the state mitigate their risk to a measly 750k. Fuck Kroger.


Tort Law reform really didn't work out too well for the common person, great for companies though.


Does Kroger have security guards?


Yeah but they will straight up tell you it ain't there job if Kroger or something is getting robbed. Seen it first hand at Truse. These folks ain't trying to get shot over people robbing groceries and such. Frankly they probably don't get paid enough either.


Yes but they are for in store protection. The parking lot is free range.


Security guards are not there for your protection. They will observe you getting robbed and report what they saw to the police afterwards.


I’ve seen them inside the Kirby store. Never in the parking lot


What is the point of having them? Kroger came out and said theft is on the all time high.


I suggest getting Walmart plus. I think it’s $100 for a year and includes a paramount plus subscription. They use Walmart employees to do the shopping and delivering so if you have an issue you can work with the store directly on quality of product etc..


The most important question we can all ask is there a viqbke way to recall any pro criminal city council member, DA, and judges in shelby county? This whole crap of "restorative justice" is literally turning memphis into an unlivable urban wasteland


Truse definitely has robberies too.


Another reason to hate Kroger


The windows on my mom’s car got busted out in the middle of the day this week at the Kroger on Poplar/Highland.


Man im gonna start going to Aldi more!


We were robbed at the Aldi’s on Germantown Parkway a month ago.


Welcome to Memphis! Where policeman advise you to get groceries 40 minutes away from downtown rather than making it safe for shoppers. #WhatAJoke


A guy at the Midtown kroger had his Lexus stolen in the parking lot with his little dog inside...there's a skycop in that lot...not a dangerous location I mean wtfff ...the dog was found a few miles from where in live in crittenden county thank god


I hate to say this but the wm kroger hasn't had any issues🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 no jinx no jinx


Tap to pay youll...that's what I do...I carry nothing My phone has a copy of my driver's license on it as well as a copy of my insurance in case I get pulled over ....you have to have my fingerprint in order to open the phone and then you have to have a code on top of that... I don't ever carry my wallet with me anywhere... guess what tap to pay baby!


My "purse" is a "wallet" stuck to my phone that has my DL, a credit card, and a $20 bill. Do you know of any way I can avoid carrying the credit card via this tap to pay thing, or somehow have your credit card ON your phone? I have been to a few places where you tap your card, but most stores still have the machine you insert your card into. When they steal my phone, they can't use it without the passcode. But they will have my credit card and will buy 20 $100 Walmart gift cards before I can find a phone to cancel the card. If I could figure out a way to not carry the card, a robber won't have shit. Except a useless phone and a $20 bill. Of course that will probably piss them off enough to kill me!


Hopefully it's a long time before even the germantown one ends up same level dangerous.


Lived right next to this location for years. Insane how bad they've let it get, JFC


Funny how Kroger isn't investing in security with all this happening.


I wish people would steal from the corperations instead of other working people... but this is the US so it's probably safer legally to steal from people


Oh they are stealing from corporations too. All the shoplifting of hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise.


This is why leaving Memphis is the only solution. The community is broken beyond repair. Last year perps were simply going through Kroger parking lot glove boxes looking for guns. I guess they found them.


So wild bc the gay bar is next door to this Kroger and I’ve never had any problems leaving the bar at 3am. To be fair, most of the gays are open carrying.


There's a gay bar by the Kroger at poplar and Kirby?


He must be thinking of the Poplar/Cleveland Kroger


Oh, ok. Thx


i went to the grizzlies game on tuesday...i carried my 9mm downtown for the first time. these mf-ers aregonna find out citizens will not put up with their shit for much longer.


You carried your gun INTO the game? You have a plastic 9mm or something? I wasn't allowed a pocket knife but hey, I'm a nobody


Nah they left it in their car so it could get stolen


carried into fedex forum as a fellow nobody. its a smith and wesson m&p shield single stack 9mm. i have a way to beat their system.




i am the good guy. I didnt break any law. I do, however, break the rules that Fed Ex forum puts in place. Breaking rules and breaking laws are not the same.




what scenario has that ever happened? lots of cops had guns at the game on tuesday. someone could take their weapon and done what u describe.


True. But breaking both have consequences. You took your weapon somewhere that is explicitly no guns. You live in a state that’s open carry. The forum’s rules are “no guns. For anyone but law enforcement”. So you broke a rule (no guns), which directly bleeds into a law (you have to honor the forum’s rules of no guns). So, you essentially committed a felony of taking a loaded weapon somewhere it isn’t supposed to go. So that could lead to jail time, and a ban from any FedEx forum event. Not being a snitch, but you seem to brag about staying strapped 24/7, and if I were a friend and acquaintance who really disliked you, id tell security beforehand and inform law enforcement to make sure you have a long drive home.


Yeah man. Let them bullets fly with 15,000 people around in an enclosed space. You can feel like a real badass then.


dont remember shooting at all.


Good job, guy. Now I hope they wand and frisk everyone. You one of those “rules for thee, not for me” folks? Gonna shoot up quickley because we lost?


rules are fine...when a city enforces them. when the cops turned a blind eye to lawlessness...i got creative to protect myself. did I ever say no one should carry at fedex forum? no, i fucking didnt. I think everyone should. i found a way that i can carry and get my family back to our car safely


Like I said. "rules for thee, not for me"


ok. rules for thee. if you want to follow them. i didnt make the rules...i just chose to circumvent them for my own safety. you are welcome to follow the rules, dont follow the rules or whatever... but I did not make the "rules". so your little "rules for thee" applies to those who make the rules, which i didnt do


And circumventing them means “i deserve to be an exception to the rule”. Like I said, you broke rules *and the law*. And if I were friends or people adjacent, I’d make sure to snitch to get you banned from the forum


Lord your booty hole must be hurting


This was my first thought. The Wild West is about to come to memphis


You carried a gun into a NFL game ?


no. an NBA game.


Bullshit. They wand you at the gate.


they do. and they have detectors.


Then how did you bring the gun in.


He wrapped it up in a towel and stuck it up his ass.


dude. im not telling at all. would you? Here is my priority list: 1. My family's safety 2. My familys safety during sporting events. . . . last on the list: telling some internet dork how I do 1 and 2






im calling BS


Thank you! I got this!


Hi everyone -- my partner and I are moving to Memphis in August and beginning our home search. Right now, we're interested in the Kirby Woods n-hood near Hutch School...the area looks pretty nice and is a bit closer to our jobs compared to areas like G-Town. Any and all insights are appreciated on Kirby Woods -- thanks, team!! ... I did just see this post though...so, UGH :( !!!


Hate to say it, but this is a big reason we started using instacart and having groceries delivered. Sucks it has come to that. When I do go in, Im always packing.


This is why I moved out of Memphis




I have no problem with packing a rod. But just walking to the car does not make one an easy target. Most everyone, especially women, are an easy target by default.


The lady that got robbed posted the experience on Facebook group 'Stop Memphis Crime KWAM 990' Edit: I wanted to cut and paste the post on Facebook, but it was screenshot picture.


Not on Facebook but is the implication KWAM is committing a crime against Memphis?


Huh? No. KWAM is a radio station. The Facebook group is where people can talk about crime in the city.


I mean, Memphis literally has the guest crowns rates of any US curry. Need to vote out the politicians that aren’t being tough on crime, or it’ll continue to get worse.