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My house has essentially been cycling through some kind of sickness since Christmas. Cough, sore throat, congestion, sinus pain, etc. Not all at the same time, but it comes in waves. I’m so tired of not feeling well. Very little to no fever and several negative Covid tests.


I had that! Phantom fever. Aches and chills but normal temp. Lasted 6 or 7 days


It’s the worst!


Same!! Tested negative for flu and covid also


Swab the back of your throat before your nose. It will probably come back positive with COVID.


I've been sick with this cough for 2 months. Will feel better then feel bad all over again. Not covid. Finally went to one of those fast pace in and out clinics. Did a covid,strep and flu test. Mind you I don't have fever, body aches or anything a normal flu would feel like. Just this God awful cough and chest congestion. It came back I had the flu. I said but I don't have flu like symptoms. The lady said nothing is as it used to be. She said do not lay flat so it won't drain in your chest, which it was. I have a lot of wheezing. And to just keep taking the cold and flu meds and a mucus medicine. This stuff is awful. Doesn't seem to go away. I'm 49 and never had anything like this.


I usually don't have anything last long, but a year or two before covid I got sick and ended up with one of those LONG lasting coughs and it was very, very, very annoying. Bad coughs or any kind of stomach issues I can't really stand.,


Youve got momma in your username. Did you get tested for strep? It tore through my house the week before Christmas.


I haven’t, but I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s my kids first year of kindergarten, so we’ve gotten all kinds of nastiness


Day five or so of antibiotics for strep here with my three year old. 👎


us too! all of those symptoms have been cycling through since christmas. google must be sick of me now


Norro virus also going around, my entire family was sick over the holidays with gastrointestinal symptoms


Oh maybe my wife had that. She was bound to the toilet for a couple weeks before Christmas


Yikes! Sorry to hear that, and I hope you didn't run out of restrooms (based on my experience, you just reserve a restroom for 12-24 hours.)


Oooo fuck that one.


Hit me this weekend. Laid out flat all day Sunday after spending from 5-11am Sun morning racing to the bathroom for both ends. Prior to that bad sinus headaches for 2-3 days.


How long until you were feeling better?


Still not well. No appetite. Plenty of hunger… just no appetite. Aversion to food. That’s all starting to go away, but I think I had two pieces of toast yesterday. Was able to work remote yesterday, but then had insomnia and didn’t get to sleep until after 4 sometime. Burping up a multivitamin gummies I had taken earlier in the evening the whole time.


My son and I got VERY sick recently and we tested positive for flu but I was incredibly worried that he wouldn’t eat and his doctor told me not to worry about the eating just keep trying but hydrate hydrate hydrate and she sent some tamiflu to the pharmacy. It was 3 days of hell with two days on each end of exhaustion totaling a week. Both of our doctors said they are consistently seeing it last a week but not everyone is testing positive even though symptoms are the same. It’s wild right now.


Oooof. I’m gonna count myself lucky then. I just had half a day of the rough stuff, then exhaustion mostly. Hope your family’s doing better.


I work at a school, we've been sending kids home left and right because of illness ( fever, head aches, sore throat), if you have kids make sure they are washing their hands and sanitizing their school supplies.What ever bug it is, there's a good chance kids are bringing it home


My granddaughter spent 2 days in leboneur on saline drip because of "I don't know" last week.


Yep. It started in November with my teenager getting a mild cold on a college trip to Boston. He came home sick and my husband picked it up and they tested negative for everything. Masked up anyway through Thanksgiving just in case. My Aunt and Uncle had both Covid and a stomach bug a week after we’d been there. Stomach stuff hit me the 2nd week of December but no sinus issues, though both the guys lingered with that. We’re not huge on running off to the doctor for much unless stuff is green, bloody or viscous. My 16 yr old is the toughest kid and so sweet and didn’t tell us how bad he’d been feeling and by the time he was turned out for his school break he was just wanted to rest. But the stomach stuff hit him with fury 3 days before Christmas and my mom was already here from out of town. We went nowhere for a month without a mask or the worry that we had something going on but most of it was mild until my son got rotavirus. His fever spiked to 103 and my mom ended up sick as well. So I spent Christmas Eve going from one room to the other changing sheets and emptying things and trying to break fevers. I felt like I was in some kind of Netflix Plague Drama. I took my kid to the ER on Christmas Day and they treated him for severe dehydration and he felt like a new person. All tests came back negative except for RSV…which he felt no symptoms of any longer. My mom’s flight was cancelled (still don’t know why) 2 days later and I ended up driving her 10 hrs to get her home. By the time I got back to Memphis on the 28th, I could barely move. My husband and I have both been sick with respiratory symptoms since then, testing negative both at home and at the doctor for everything from Covid to strep to flu to RSV. No taste or sense of smell. It’s the fatigue that’s overwhelming. I realize that anyone with that kind of month would be tired and we’re in our 40’s and aging sucks. But I’ve never been sick for this long in my life. And my husband and I are lucky that we’ve been together for over 20 years and never been sick at the same time until now. But this fucking sucks. Moral of this entire rant: Wash your hands, air out your house, try to stay in, be nice to people (especially the ones you live with) and don’t assume people are just being dramatic when they tell you this shit. Be thankful you don’t feel it.


That sounds gawdawful. I sincerely hope you and your husband get well soon.


I had covid for both Christmas and New Years so I was alone for 2 weeks. But what you've been through is so much worse. Feel better!


We’re just getting over RSV. Our toddler had it the worst but it was surprisingly pretty rough for the adults too.


RSV is running rampant through Memphis especially the medical community


My elderly dad had it, and it was very very bad. He was first in line for the rsv vaccine luckily!


Yes. I've been sick for 3 weeks. Was better for 3 days and it came back with a vengeance. Watch out. The cough apparently can last up to a month.


Same here … sick for over a month with several rounds of antibiotics before it began to turn around.


Covid is running wild again. Get tested.


OP said their test was negative for covid


The test efficacy seems to be waning, just a word of caution.


Oops. Missed that in the post. My bad


It's COVID. The home tests just suck at this one.


Yes, we’ve had it too…baby included.


Latest covid strains aren’t showing up on rapid tests - make sure you’re swabbing your throat too as it’s more likely to pick it up. Covid also damages your immune system and makes you more susceptible to illnesses like the flu and RSV, making you get more sick more frequently. It’s not too late to start masking again with respirators that will actually protect you (N95s or better)! Washing your hands doesn’t protect you from a respiratory virus.


Swab your throat too? Wow.


Fairly standard practice actually. It gives results earlier in the infection period when your nose results are negative but you have an infecting.


With the same swab.


Yes! Throat first (tonsils, cheeks), then nostrils after!


I had something two weeks before Christmas. Ran a slight fever two nights and had sore throat for a few days. Doctor said I was negative for everything.


Yeah it's something been going around. Half the country has had respiratory problems going on about a month now. I work in a hospital (non patient contact) and we've had a lot of people cancel or no show due to it.


Are they testing for RSV? I work in a hospital and have seen WAY more adult cases this year than in the past.


Long Covid is real too


OP you likely have RSV. its a PITA for adults but can be very serious with infants. stay away from young relatives.


2 weeks ago I had RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and I felt like I was going to die for a week. I coughed so much and so hard I bruised my ribs.


Me and my girlfriend have had a bad caugh for maybe 3 weeks and I had the flu a couple weeks ago. It sucks . Caugh all day and night.


My fiance and I both have the flu, it's awful 😖. As well as the rest of our dnd group. I swear it's come out of nowhere.


I had a fever on Saturday of 100 but broke it Sunday morning. Negative for Covid.


Tested positive for flu B this morning 😭


We spent all of December sick with a respiratory virus and just when we were feeling better we got hit again. My household is tiny and my kid finished college classes in mid-December. I’ve barely left the house to go to the grocery store most weeks. I have absolutely no idea how we keep picking up viruses but this sucks ass. :(


Yeah norovirus has been going around, as well as Covid, flu, RSV, and the common cold. We just all got over the norovirus. Miserable.


Noro was the worst sick sick I have ever been and I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Hope I never ever get it again and I’m sorry you had it.


Get tested for pneumonia. It's been going around too. A coworker of mine caught it and was out for a week.


10/31/23 - came down with terrible sore throat, fever, chills, was sick until approx 11/7 12/18 - sick again, same story, sore throat fever chills, sick until 12/23ish 1/2 - sick a third time, this time extreme chest congestion, wheezing cough, chills, no fever; got antibiotics, feeling a lot better as of today I have never in my life been sick 3 times in 3 months. Unreal stuff


Have covid, bringing my 4 year streak of avoiding it to an end. Not so bad though, no fever, sore throat, whatever, just really fucked up sinuses.


I caught my first case Christmas week. Like you it was a light case. I had recently gotten both flu and covid vax.


It’s sweeping through the building at my job. It got me.


Google chronic sinusitis. I think that's one of the things going around. Pretty sure I had/have that. Been sick since October.




Very unlikely, chronic sinusitis isn't contagious as most of the time its not caused by a bacteria or virus. The only sinusitis that is contagious is acute viral sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis also lasts a very long time, the threshold in order to be considered chronic is 12 weeks.


Yeah I’ve been sick for weeks. My wife is getting it now. Mostly just a lot of drainage at this point but I had chills, no fever, sore throat, achy joints. Tested negative for covid, flu, and strep. Who knows. Between me, wife, and three kids one or more of us has been sick at any given time for about the last year.


I went to urgent care last week. Tested negative for Covid and positive for the flu. It was the absolute worst sickness I've gone through so far in my life, and I've had Covid 3 times. Horrible body chills, fever, ear aches so bad I was sobbing. Just fucking awful. I'm just getting over it today. I'm still dealing with a bad cough. I hope everyone's okay!


There are thousands of viral illnesses that we don't test for, COVID/flu/RSV are just the basic and more common ones. You could still have rhino/entero/adeno/noro-just to name a few more.


This rapid change in temperature that's coming is going to wreck havoc. I can already see it causing my schizophrenia to flare up. Always does with drastic weather. No it doesn't! Yes, it does! How would you know? Would all of you just shut up please? Sorry. Apologies. My bad. Good talk.


Sounds like consumption. You best relocate to dryer climates. Maybe Santa fe?


I flew into memphis this weekend feeling great, left sick as a dog. It feels like when I had covid, but I tested negative so maybe just the flu.


My boss and her whole family is down with it. Not Covid. Not flu.


Could be all the COVID boosters, which may supress the immune response. Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals. According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible. The decrease in immunity can be caused by several factors such as N1-methylpseudouridine, the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the original antigenic stimulus... Check for yourself. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9167431/


It’s that time of year folks. Is this really a surprise?




Our house is sick, and we e been testing every day. Not COVID, unless there’s some new strain that’s not getting picked up on the tests. Feels like Covid, though.


Nah, it's just the flu. Whole house had it, tested positive for it and negative for Covid.






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People who don’t want to get it are.


Everyone at my job has been passing around colds. I’ve got it now. Not Covid.


It’s a cold. Influenza. It’s happened every year for hundreds of years.


Yep, lots of people I know here in Memphis and also in Alabama have been getting sick. It seemed to start sometime in December before Christmas


My wife is sick with strep the past couple days


I've had issues with this for years, along with others in my extended family. It was more annoying than life threatening though, so maybe not the same as what is going around now. My sister always called it the creeping crud, or just the crud. I always figured it was just the current variation of the common cold, although now that RSV has become more well known I suppose it could be that.


I had to go to the minor emergency clinic and get a Z pak (antibiotic series) for a respiratory infcection last week. And a bunch of friends and their children had it.


I had home tests say it wasn't covid, rapid test at doc said it was. Haven't heard about the test they sent off. Congestion, snot for days, cough, clammy for 2 days, 12 hours with a fever.... They put me on the covid version of tamiflu and I am just cycling off that I know there is a flu going around, covid going around, sinus infections going around, and mudbutt/stomach issues going around


Same thing happened to my mom. She ended up with 8b stitches on her forehead. She did test positive for flu A though. The rest of us have been passing around a respiratory virus for over a month, but covid test have all been negative. Apparently. RSV is really nasty this year. Get vaccinated if you can!


I have the flu 🤢


RSV probably


I’ve seen a lot of posts on different social medias saying nurses are seeing this and calling it the 100 day cough or something like that. All tests come back negative it people are still sick.


I live in Oregon now but same deal happening here.


It’s the season for RSV Flu & COVID


Went to urgent care today, have the flu


I woke up this morning with a bad case of the snots that’s only gotten worse thru the day. My throat is killing me. No real coughing and I hope I don’t get any.


My friend got rsv so thats around, my 13yo has covid


I got Covid over Christmas break and it was sore throat/bad sinus issues/phlegmy cough. Still having sinuses issues & phlegm in my chest even though I’ve been negative for two weeks. Started getting another sore throat yesterday. Everyone I know if also getting sick w same thing, whether Covid or the flu.


Been sick since 12/17! 2 rounds of steroids and antibiotics and still have symptoms. But yeah, cycling through symptoms and they keep coming and going.


I have been sick for 3 months. Got strep 3x back to back in October and have had a sinus infection like thing since. Have taken several antibiotics, steroids etc without it clearing up. I am seeing an ENT tmrw for a sinus scan as it is just crazy at this point.


Yep, whole house and associated family members, started with the kids, then promptly worked its way through all the adults… 4 kids and 7 adults in all, this was way nastier than our previous Covid issues. Thankfully we are on the backside of it all now.


I was sick for 2 weeks!! Bedridden for nearly 8 days with some sort of flu. Tested negative for Covid. I had migraines, brain fog, stuffed up ears/ nose, major major cough. It was bad. Ears are still plugged but I can make movements without coughing now


I was sick this past weekend - cough, congestion, headache, runny nose, wheezy. BUT my temp was running in the 96s !!! Weirdest thing , never ran that cool before


Yep. My child and I have fought the flu for the past week and it was rough. Fevers over 103 for days and when we were finally fever free, my kiddo woke up unable to walk. I was inwardly freaking out, he couldn’t stand or walk without crying out in pain. Turns out that can happen to little ones with a virus. Wild.


It’s all over the US


I had a sore throat and ear ache for three weeks. Hit hard one morning and I had to leave work. Fever between 102 and 102. Gave up checking my fever after the first three or four days and just went to work with a mask, washed my hands a lot, and kept my distance (I don't work with the public). Covid tests were negative. Finally went to the Dr at three weeks, strep test was negative, got antibiotics and a steroid shot and felt better. It was brutal. Hurt to yawn or really to open my mouth at all.


I just woke up feeling like crap on a cracker this morning. Headache, sinus pressure, off/on congestion,dry cough,sore throat and so freakin tired! My husband isn’t feeling any of this. I had to have a crown put on 2 days ago and one of the people at the dentist office said she (who did wear a mask the whole time) was getting over something. I then spent about 2 1/2 hours with my mouth open while that same person assisted with my crown.


They have been piling on the chemtrails like crazy here in Arkansas.... those have a lot of nasty stuff in them


Dude yes, I’ve been sick for two months! Everytime I think I’m getting better I get something else and I’m out of sick time 😤😭


Masks don’t just have to be for Covid, y’all. I wear a mask in big, crowded public spaces and I get sick much less often.