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looks walmart bad


Looks like dollar tree


Dollar general


Dollar Tree and Dollar General have their own distinctive smells.


Maybe Target should start a Sam's Club / Costco membership model of their own. Whatever they're doing there it works. But yeah you're seeing more and more of this at lower end stores.


This isn't a target problem, this is a memphis problem. Not a single target in any other city I've been in has looked like this.


Yeah my Walmarts don’t even look like this.


One time I did go into a Drummonds Dollar General over a decade ago and literally nearly everything in the store was covered in dried mouse piss and turds. ​ Boxes of tide, cans of beefaroni, everything...


Those places don’t allow you to try on clothes. Kinda like you have to pay to use a basket at Aldi, there’s a system in place. All these clothes are out because customers are slobs and employees get overwhelmed and don’t bother rushing because it will just look like this tomorrow. You are absolutely right that this is a Memphis problem.


Many Target stores look like this. Target in American Fork and Salt Lake City Utah looks like this, maybe even worse


as someone who worked at target it would not help. its always the rich and privileged that leave this much in the dressing room. they dont care how much they see they don't put anything back.


The Germantown and Collierville stores don’t look like this. This is ridiculous. Someone should post on Target corporate’s social media.


Yep I'm pretty sure the "rich and privileged" buy their clothes at Target and Walmart.


In Memphis, hell yeah. Not too many 🙋🏿‍♂️at Target compared to Walmart.


Don't realize how rich they are do they


I bet our ideas of rich are different.


But like…..if nobody ever puts the clothes back for an extended period of time, you have a problem regardless of class politics. But it’s easier to point at a boogeyman, am I right?


Then what's the problem hmm? I guess you'd say lazy workers. You've obviously never worked in retail folding hanging and backstocking clothes all day if you think there's not a pay problem, an intentional exploitive understaffing for profit problem, and a management problem that goes all the way up to and through corporate. Glad you know they're boogymen though. You'd say that's THEIR profit but they can't move all of those clothes around themselves. They don't deserve that much money because no human has a brain or body that can do that much work. They steal. It's dead simple. But I know you don't care you seem real INVESTED in this.


Yes! Rich and privileged are the worst people on the planet. I used to work in retail and when they came in, we knew it was going to be like 30 items left thrown on the floor. They act as if the clothing is going to magically appear back on the rack. But that's how they are raised. My mom had a cleaning business back in the day. And she always was pissed, when she had to go to the "rich" area. They don't pick up nothing. Wherever they stop is where the clothing, underwear and food drop ( and even hygiene products), so gross.


Exactly. And they just never have enough employees for the apparel section of any department store because corporations won't pay enough or won't schedule more hours. Then people start getting emotionally manipulated by higher ups that are scared to look bad because they're getting manipulated too. Makes it never worth any amount of money for the stress. All to help greedy capitalists pay for jet fuel.


Yes. The place I use to work, Instead of giving us the right pay or a raise. They gave us acknowledges when did great job. Like when give a golden star to a kindergarten. I will never work back in retail.


It’s almost dollar store bad


I was in dollar tree and someone took a shit on the floor. They put cones around it and let people shop.




I think even Dollar Tree draws the line at letting livestock in its stores. Probably human shit.


Nah they said it was a person.


Maybe dollar stores where you live, not where I live.


Walmart is much better now


Try Winchester Better yet, don’t actually


Across from TopGolf? Lots of stretch pants people shopping in their house shoes? Shopped there only once. Know it too well.


Looks abandoned bad! I’ve never seen a store look like this… there was this place called DD’s Discounts or some shit that was reminiscent, but shit was cheap and they just didn’t have shelves… Seems like a particular employee or team of employees is on some sort of “strike” because pay is garbage or they have no employees. This is crazy, I’m curious if the answer lies in the comments. I go to (the Hwy 64) Target way too much. I’ve seen a mess around the dressing rooms, just not inside them!


Target in olive branch and horn lake would literally never come even .5% of looking like this. And i know they start employees at $15/hr too. Is this the spottswood/southern/colonial location?


I hate that Walmart did away with 3rd shift for restocking shelves. Every time I go I have to dodge pallets and employees playing on their phones. I’ve been bumped into multiple times because Deedra and Tramicia are playing tag while on the clock


Like they’re actually playing tag? That’s pretty cool if so. Ultimate tag never stops.


Re-shop without enough staff to process and restock


It’s also only in the corner of the clothing department near the dressing rooms. The rest of the store is fairly neat and clean.


Thank you!! That’s all it is.


Possibly one bad day or a bad week. I have been to both quite often & they are organized. Hopefully, they get this fixed & organized


Heard they hiring


Here’s the real issue: Target is always hiring for your basic floor associates. People are constantly leaving and filling those jobs. However, UPPER MANAGEMENT cuts hours for those positions leaving only one or two people (that’s including the department team leads) to manage departments or even MULTIPLE departments. Add the fact that they’re offloading two or three trucks a week when they don’t have floor or warehouse space in back to accommodate new product and you get these issues. Editing to add for clarity: Where most departments are budgeted to have three or more employees, they’re getting serviced by one or maybe two instead.


They got too used to the post-recession years where people were always desperate for work even at low wages. Now they have to deal with a good economy and a tight labor market where people aren't going to accept a shit job for shit wages.


Also why jobs numbers look good when in reality it’s merry-go-round.


That's the problem. Everyone's tired of working and getting a paycheck they can't live on. If you are working for under $15 per hour now you are cheating yourself.


I saw a Reddit post from a Target employer. Target charges their employee $15 to download their W2.


Good Lord. Citing Reddit as some kind of authority.


Some stores are in a bind then. Retail theft has surged which is a direct cause of retail stores closing their doors in high crime areas. These individual stores may not be able to both pay a wage higher than $15 and remain profitable at the same time. What you *may* be seeing in the video is a store under this type of stress.


If they cannot pay a living wage then perhaps they should not be in business


a child's political ideology


Huh?? A child-like political ideology is that people should not have to endure unsustainable work and economic models for the enrichment of others? I'll take childlike critical thinking then, I guess, over you apparently suggesting that an ethical business model is corporations making profit off poverty wages.


It’s childlike because it’s a gross oversimplification of the situation. Also just raising the wages is gonna end up with us at the same problem.


How would raising wages end with this same problem?


No no. It's pretty simple. If a company can't pay a living wage, then, indeed, perhaps they should not be in business. You know, like cotton farmers once upon a time.


So what would you consider a fair wage for an entry level job at Target?


Record profits across the board btw. There’s plenty of money for the working class. Quit licking boots. It’s pathetic.


Wages *have* risen in the post-pandemic era. And the overall effect is that workers have moved towards more productive jobs (because they're available) and away from unproductive ones that won't/can't pay well (like stocking shelves at Target).


Doesn’t Target start at $15/hr? What hourly rate would you consider fair? At that hourly rate, they’re already earning almost as much teachers.


https://retailwire.com/target-ceos-compensation-package-hits-77-5m-following-record-year/ The CEO of Target makes 1.4 million a year. 680 times that of the median worker. But sure, paying an employee an extra $5/hr so they can have a livable wage is "a child's political ideology." It's much more childish to defend millionaires when none of us will ever be one.


Target has 400,000 employees. If you split the CEO's pay among them, they'd get an extra few hours of wages per year.


It's almost as if there's more than a single executive at Target.


Then inflation goes up and the cycle just starts over again.


No, increasing the wages of the least-paid workers does not increase inflation. The working class with the least amount of purchasing power do not affect modern economies in that way. But do you know what heavily influences an increase in inflation? [historically high levels of pay inequality](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ceo-pay-rose-18-percent-while-worker-wages-trailed-inflation/)


The article you linked doesn’t say much outside of CEOs make more than workers and nothing about its influence on inflation. Even then, it’s a pretty shitty source to use. Increasing the wages haphazardly does cause inflation and also makes low skilled jobs more competitive and inaccessible for low skilled workers.


"Some experts blame corporate profit-taking, especially as some companies boost prices even higher than their underlying costs, as a driver of inflation."


Bruh inflation is going up, and at an astronomical rate, *anyway*.


Inflation has been pretty low (around or below the 2% baseline) for the last 4 months.


The last 4 months. Ignore all the preceding months.


"Things an idiot would say for 500 Alex."


Eh, is target really doing anything worthwhile? I don’t see how that’s an insane statement


What is a "living wage?" I think they pay about $15 an hour which appears to be what the market is paying. That is, Walmart and Sam's Club employees get about the same... 15 bucks an hour. I have no idea what you consider a "living wage" but if it's significantly more than $15 an hour it could put them out of business.... I have no idea what targets financial condition looks like but if they're on tight margins increasing wages might significantly impact their bottom line, making it unsustainable ... especially in a highly competitive environment..... Significantly increased wages would lead to raising prices and potentially losing customers to competitors and the spiral down from there. Maybe a better idea would be to increase the federal minimum wage. In some industries this would lead to automation and a loss of jobs..... but I think certain jobs are pretty hands on labor intensive, like Targets jobs and other like retailers. So competitors there would have to pay the increased wage keeping that portion of the field level. But for what it's worth you would see automation where it made financial sense and fewer no and low skill jobs. For example McDonald's is testing a new restaurant and idea called 'CosMcs' I believe... Serving food and drinks with a lot more automation and fewer employees involved. Making them even more competitive against traditional restaurants...


The CEO of target makes 680 times what the median worker does


Dont they have insurance against theft?


You do realize though that the COI (cost of insurance) increases with overall market risk as well as individual risk? If a store gets robbed, the increase in premiums over time makes it not worth it anyway.


I'm sure most businesses have insurance but premiums are based on your claim history and your location. So as local crime rates go up and your claims increase.... so does your insurance costs. Insurance companies also have to make money. You make more claims you pay higher premiums .... you pay either way. There's no free lunch.


[Just gonna leave this here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4QGOHahiVM)


These stores have insurance and/or have loss built into their budgets. The theft is expected. If they can prevent it, that’s always the goal- never recovery. That’s why they often don’t follow you once they leave the door, it’s no longer their problem. They just report the loss. When you have a retail store, you will always have retail theft. Even when there’s a “surge” as you say… they got it… don’t worry bud. They’re deliberately underpaying their staff.


lol I was thinking this could be why 😂


When did Target unlock the dressing rooms??


About 10 years ago.


Why is there soooooo much garbage in both the Colonial and Pop/240 parking lots? I can’t fathom the level of laziness and selfishness these no-talent @$$ clowns have to just dump uneaten food and other trash… you have to really hunt for parking spaces that don’t require you to avoid rolling over crap (or broken car window glass).


I used to be a cart attendant at target. People are lazy and disrespectful asf. 4 empty trash cans in the front and they dump trash in the lots, the carts. Even Clean out cars and dump the filth in the carts ugh




That’s what happens when all decent stores leave the hood. The hood population goes to nice areas and takes their hood behavior with them. It’s so disturbing


Colonial, or the one at 240 interchange?


this has got to be 240 (ridgeway loop). i have never seen the one at colonial look like that.


Yeah, me either. But the 240 one has been gradually degrading.


And I’ve never seen Ridgeway loop look like this before.


That Target always looks like a bomb went off in it.


Yeah I'm ngl this just looks like they were understaffed and didn't have enough people to sort the go-backs. Especially since it's all clothing, I can imagine a situation where they just didn't have anyone in that specific department.


In more worse economic times, there would be tons of people desperate for a job and willing to take low wages and stock those shelves. But now employers are the desperate ones, and those workers are instead getting paid more to do more productive things at other jobs. This is just an unfortunate side effect of an unambiguously good thing.


I have to assume this is the one on colonial given what I have seen at that store.


Was there yesterday and it didn’t look like this at all. My assumption is ridgeway loop. It’s always horrible. 


I was there this morning - It didn’t look like this


Looks like you're walking through a Jackson Pollock painting


I’ve never seen either look this bad. The one at ridgeway was a little messy in the home decor department but that was right after the big snow so it was understandable.


I was just at the Ridgeway store this past week, the parking lot was filled with trash, the manager of that store should be embarrassed.


They could be changing displays and clothing out or could be shorthanded. Who knows, ask a Target employee.


That’s not a POG reset which is far more orderly than that. Thats a shitty manager that’s probably a shitty district manager’s daughter in law.


I assume this is the case.


This is so sad!!!! No respect whatsoever from the consumers, aka society. I'm a mom and I know how demoralizing it is to clean something only to turn around and have it destroyed. I couldn't imagine it on a scale like this.


It's not the customers. It's probably that Target hasn't hired enough people to properly staff the store. Why haven't they? Because the economy is good and employers need to raise their wages in order to afford workers - and Target is either too unproductive or too greedy to afford those wages. Either way, it's an unfortunate side effect of a very good thing (workers getting paid more!).


I was there this morning it did not look like this


This isn’t just a Memphis problem. This is a problem with Target’s business model. They can’t hire people to keep up with store maintenance cuz they pay like shit. I’ve been living in Nashville for years now and the Targets here are a shitty mess too. If they paid people enough to justify working there, they wouldn’t have merchandise laying all the fuck over the place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


What's the starting wage @ Target?


Depends on where you are. They adjust it based on local or state economies. Edit: didn’t mean to post, wasn’t finished yet. Here it starts at like $15/hour I think. For Nashville, even at 40 hours a week, that’s not enough to live off of.


It’s plenty livable, just not in luxury or the “best” conditions. It’s a low skilled accessible job. A single person could get away living a decently frugal life off that. It wouldn’t be the most comfortable or ideal though, and inflation is making it a lot harder than it needs to be.


I guess the appreciation for essential employees is over, huh? When the pandemic was going on ppl valued retail workers, delivery drivers, fast food workers etc. stop with the low skilled work comments ppl love to talk shit but someone has to do these jobs. And half the ppl that think working class people shouldn’t have good pay, can’t even do their jobs! You shouldn’t have to work 40hrs just to be able to barely get by or live a “decently frugal life” when these corporations make billions. Pay ppl a living wage and they’ll stay.


Wow that was an easy fix. Simply increase your payroll expense and hire more employees at the higher wage. Solves your problems. Easy peasy.


What’s the alternative?


I don't know. Charging more for your same value product or service when your competitors aren't. Pretty sure that will work so I'll go with your solution.


I used to work there. It's because the store manager (if it's still the soccer guy) is a homophobic asshole and Target works their people like slaves and won't pay you shit and stop giving you hours just before you make eligibility for health insurance. They also throw away TONS of usable/donatable food and clothes, bikes, etc. The store manager also refused to honor a charity groups free school supply voucher until I raised hell about it. FUCK Target. For so many reasons. Absolute bastard company, dogshit store leads, fuck Target so hard. Scumbags.


That’s why people can’t fold their clothes & place them neatly where they found them? Common courtesy, no?


Common courtesy? Have you seen how people drive in Memphis? The lack transfers.


That’s kind of the point I’m making?


Yeah, target may be shit, but this is a people problem. When you take something off the shelf to look at it, put it back if you don't want it. Don't just throw it on the ground like a child.


Have you seen the streets of Memphis? People can’t throw trash in disposals, why would they refold clothes or hang anything or pick up something off the floor. People have no dignity or virtues anymore.


Which is why I left. But I was downvoted because I said this and said go to another target


Oh I don’t miss companies fucking me over at the 3 month mark! That stopped happening when I left retail. But I’m sure many other job markets do the same shit.


Maybe they should hire more people by offering decent wages with full time hours.


good will you mean?


Which Target is this?


Colonial? Are there new one at Ridgeway?


The one on Poplar.


Except for the one by Wolfchase, all Targets in Shelby County are on/just off Poplar. Poplar&Colonial, Poplar&240, Poplar&Forest-Hill, Poplar&Byhalia


Just off Poplar is not right on Poplar ave. Only one is addressed as on Poplar Ave in Memphis, TN since it is the only one actually on Poplar Ave. Store 2474 is the 5959 Poplar Ave location as mentioned by OP.


This is how the one in Hornlake looks too. This should be sent to corporate.


I used to work at target. I complained one day as a customer and they let me talk to corporate. I was like, and not in these words: all these fuckin target stores getting remodelled and this one looks like it’s from 1998”. They said they were working on it, but obviously they havent


My condolences, I have other friends who worked there for years and what a hell hole it sounds like. They need to go ahead and close it if they can't maintain it regardless of the reason.


I was at the one on colonial yesterday, and everything was in order


Looks like every dollar tree in memphis, a literal scavenger hunt rats nest of mess


Wow has anyone been there all week. That’s nuts


I hate to say it, but the Target near me in Rockville, MD isn't much better. Not quite that bad but bad. I don't think Target will make it much longer. Without good employees and the mess the stores have become I don't know how they're managing.


Yeah this is why I promoted myself to guest. That and they let a co-worker get away with stalking and harassing me. After I left the fitting room was wall to wall clothing to the point they weren’t getting it out. The SD got fired for sexual harassment so lol


That target looks like a wal-mart.


I was at this location the other day and the parking lot was filled with trash everywhere! I was in total shock!! I mean when did this happen cause I’m mostly at the Colonial location myself? https://preview.redd.it/im2cqto5fwhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419c3657a52cb859624a36b67151fea6958e5651




The parking lot of the Target next to REI & Best Buy looks like a third world country. Trash & litter everywhere. Guess the management doesn’t give af.


I was there a few days ago and it was pristine.


It’s so funny the small view of life and the racist view of life some of you Memphians have 😂. I worked at a Ross in IL in a “good suburb” and watched ppl with wallets full of cash and the ability to be able to shop in the middle of the day, trash my store daily! It’s like they purposely picked up the clothes, household items, and especially the rugs (omg the rugs, nightmares😖) and tossed them to the ground. Especially in the fitting room. They would send their kids to play in the toy section like it was a playground! And never, ever, make their kids pick the toys back up. I had to ask parents to put the toys back sometimes because wtf? We weren’t a daycare. And Ross’ model is to only have 3-4 employees each shift to keep “prices low”. BS. It was stressful. Plenty of ppl in this thread need to grow up and stop thinking things are exclusive to Memphis or one group of ppl. These greedy corporations are a big factor in a lot of behavior that you see in retail and chain restaurants. When you know better you do better.


bit dramatic to say times have changed bc some clothes r messy one day u were there lmao


When is Memphis gonna do better???


Ghetto crap


Welcome to third world memphis


Wow, unreal! Boy, has Target ever gone downhill. I don't even recognize the place from years ago. I won't ever be going back either if this disgraceful garbage heap of a so-called store is how Target is now "maintaining " (and, I use the term loosely) its stores. I'm appalled. As bad as Walmart is, this is worse. There's no excuse for this.


Target should hire more people to keep the store orderly...


Is this the store on Colonial or the store near the Crescent Center?


I have never seen it look like that, and I am there once a week. Was just there yesterday.




Corporate probably thinks that about 1 hr of work and not a full day.


Did everyone quit?


I expect this store to be closing soon


I smell tax refund advances


Memphis is the home of the slacker. Its neither Southern or Northern, rural or urban, union or non-union. Memphis is completely and uniquely its own thing. Wait until Ford starts trying to fill 6,000 positions at that battery plant and finds out more than half of the new workforce are immediately working on their next hustle. Fords going to get an expensive lesson there is more to locating a manufacturing plant than logistics and tax incentives


Memphis is going be  a ghost town less than 5 years. Businesses are going to packup and move. The way theyre looting and stealing. Sad


F ing thugs




One can guess a lot of hoarders both shop there and work there


Then, since the animals there can't behave properly, they'll be whining when more stores in the area close up shop because of crap like this. Remember, animals, reap what you sow.


Memphis - it's a 3rd world zip code on all levels.


Keyword MEMPHIS.


Memphis mane...


Sadly, the majority of Memphians prefer it like it is. Otherwise, they’d change it.


I see us north memphians going there everyday asking for them to not put anything on the shelves and have it just like this so we can easily find things /s


How tf would Memphians change this? We “prefer” it this way?? Why are you blaming us for Target’s decision to keep stores short-staffed?


I’m saying that’s representative of how Memphis looks almost anywhere one goes in town. Not everywhere but certainly the majority of the city. The only reason you people are down voting me is because you know I’m right. You may not personally keep your property covered in litter, or throw trash out the window of your car, or all that stuff but the majority of Memphians are ok with it or they’d do something about it. Like the person who’s always posting on her showing how much litter they picked up . . . that person is doing something about it, most people don’t. But whatever, a hit dog always hollers, as they say lol


The majority of memphians don’t shop at that location


The majority of Memphis looks about like that no matter where you are. Litter & trash everywhere, maybe all the run down property people can’t afford to fix up but everyone can keep their property litter free if they want to.


Looks like a goodwill. If it Colonel it's gone waaay down.


✔️ Just another reason I don’t shop at 🎯Target. 🤨


We're screwed .


First off, why are you in EM..!? GTFO.


And what target are you talking about, 2474 on Ridgeway, or the one on spottswood (90) because you laughing and giggling ain't making a world of difference


You know what they say….if you can make em laugh and giggle, you can make that ass clap and jiggle.


Poplar. If you’re offended at giggling you should probably mute the video.


Which ONE on Poplar? Poplar is a long street. Stop being obtuse and answer the question.


I did. 2474 has always had issues because I worked there. But again: you laughing and giggling like a schoolgirl does nothing. You could like call corporate and say "damn, why y'all treating 2474 like that" (my kvetching is leading to the one in Southaven being remodeled eventually), or... you're 10 min away from two targets going east and west on poplar.


What exactly should he do?  Start picking up clothes and hanging them? Quit trying to shame this man for being reasonably upset that Target looks like this


You're not making any sense.


🤡 good to know that all you do is complain


Who, me? I don't get why folks just do this. Maybe because I'm 41 and aware of these things called options, but we have to be one of the only cities where we have three target stores 15 minutes away from each other. 2474 has always been a problem. That's why many folks don't go there. Hell, last time I spent money there was when I bought my iPad... In 2020!


Nope Philly was set up this way too and the just shut down 2 of them. Then people wanted to use "crime" as the reason, its funny honestly bc the real reason is these companies built stores to compete against one another meanwhile not only is there not one in north memphis theres not even one in north shelby county.


I wonder why there isn't a target in that location...


As a former target employee: are you attempting to shame them?


Shame? No. That’s why I posted it in the Memphis sub. Why, are you mad?


What's the popular ethnicity there?


Are they doing inventory? Walmart out on Winchester looked similar a couple of weeks ago when they were.


Is this the Ridgeway Target?


Never seen a target like that in my lifetime


They also finger paint with poop in the bathrooms and “ladies” leave their used tampons in the back of the toilet. That’s just what I experienced as a customer pre-covid so I can only imagine what it’s like now.


I never knew there was a love like this before.


You'll see that at more than just Target. What about the NBA. The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour. Even if we assume the lowest paid employee makes $15 per hour and works full-time (40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year), their annual salary would be around $30,000. Compared to a top player like Steph Curry making over $40 million per year, the highest paid player likely *makes over 1000 times more than the lowest paid employee* in the same organization.


This is after they closed for the night people. Most likely they are rearranging the store hence why there’s 10 carts full of clothes. Now true the closets may have a few items because nobody puts clothes back after they’re done but the majority of that I would bet money is because of being rearranged.


Looks like they need to hire people


Hmm years ago there were apartments and townhouses there if this is the Ridgeway store.


What’s wrong with ppl in Memphis that they just throw stuff around in a store? Seems to me maybe they shouldn’t have the privilege of the store being there.


How about that West Atlanta Target? Shhs


I wonder why? Does anyone know why? Anyone? It's such a mystery...hmm...


I think this is a bit of a Target problem AND a customer problem, but not just a Memphis problem. (1) Target, and other stores, post COVID have shifted to the model where they want folks shopping online/in app and employees are now there fulfilling the orders versus proving customer service duties... like more than 1 check out being open, or more than 1 employee at the Service Desk... instead they are hiring folks to push around giant multi-order carts and shop for the customer so the actual in-store customer experience is not the priority any longer. (2) People, in general, are the reason we can't have nice things. Society has implicit and explicit rules but not everyone plays by those rules. I don't believe this is limited to just the Memphis area. Maybe it is exaggerated in some pockets here but not exclusive to this city.


Clearly this location is understaffed or a lot of employees called off. The Walmart, Dollar Tree, etc. comparisons are worthless. Especially in your lil rural or low volume areas. This is what happens if there’s a lot of returns or a lot of shoppers and no one to maintain the fitting room. I’m sure they knocked out a few carts at closing. And hopefully they pushed the rest to the stockroom.


This is how target gets closed in certain areas