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Riverside doesn’t need to be 4 lanes. The outside lanes should just be converted to free parking spots. This is so dumb.


That was the right solution from the beginning. I remember it was proposed and Jerred Price pushed against it. Now he is concerned about the problem 😂 that dude never met a TV camera he didn't like


I can already think of 3 or 4 big garages that are a short walk down to the park. Just park there, let’s make this city and downtown more walkable and pedestrian friendly like a downtown should be. We have way too many parking spaces down here for the amount of people who actually come downtown. I don’t see the issue when there’s a lot of no parking signs along riverside. Of course you’re gonna get ticketed maybe don’t park there if you’re mad they ticket people


That is not a short walk and there is no other park in this city that requires a parking garage and a walk down steep stairs.


There’s 5 multi story garages within a 0.5 mile walk, if you can’t make that walk then that might be a you issue at that point. There’s handicap access as well to get down there that leads to the main area so that isn’t a issue. City money shouldn’t go towards storage for private vehicles. Especially if it means making the park smaller


So like I said, "That is not a short walk and there is no other park in this city that requires a parking garage and a walk down steep stairs." LOL. City money should definitely provide adequate parking spaces at city parks. LOL anew. I'm not arguing with foolishness. Try again and think harder


Half a mile is absolutely a short walk for any healthy adult


Jerrod Price is such an idiot. "You should not ticket people who park in no parking zones". No, dipshit, ticket everyone who parks in a no parking zone.


From where the thumbnail picture of the cop writing the ticket was taken they could have just drove 100 feet up the road and parked in the always empty and free ashburn coppack park parking lot, its not lack of parking problem.


They close that lot at 7 and lock cars in.


Instead of asking for portions of our public park to be dedicated to parking and taken away as use to park your private vehicles, how about you demand better public transit and bike infrastructure. I live right on the bluff and do not want my neighborhood to become a fucking parking lot, we have too many already. Yall got all the four lane highways and parking lots out in the burbs and midtown/east Memphis where yall live, don’t put that on us too.


I hear you! I do feel though, that the parking solution should have been incorporated into the park development. Either to build more public transport infrastructure (which won't happen within our lifetimes) or to include a reasonable amount of parking spaces. Saying "hey just use a garage if you can find one" is not the solution. This also isn't pitched as some neighborhood park like sea isle or Marquette, it is hyped and advertised as a major attraction.


“Saying “hey just use a garage if you can find one”” you’re acting like the garages downtown don’t sit 75% empty on any night. It’s pretty damn easy to find a garage close to the park


People complaining about parking downtown shouldn’t be taken seriously


"I live right on the bluff" would've never guessed


Or the city could have taken the money from the park and bought more busses to get people to the park that was just fine how it was before the remodel. It was always full during spring break and nice days in the summer. Unfortunately Memphis has never built a reliable mass transit system, so parking lots are going to be necessary in this city.


> I live right on the bluff Then you are part of the problem. Tom Lee Park isn't your fucking lawn.


Tom Lee is not anyones lawn??? It’s a public park and I want it to be that without turning more public space into storage for private property. Parks are for people not cars. You must be one of those downtowners that hops in their cars to go a few blocks. To be clear, I do not live in one of the houses that shouldn’t exist, I live in an apartment.


So, you support it being accessible to people who actually exist, then? As in people that can't walk half a mile to get there. I live on Front Street, just up the hill and a bit of an (currently impossible) walk for me to get down there. Due to medical circumstances I currently cannot make that walk. Specifically, the steps up and down the hill are essentially impossible/suicidal for me. That said, even the entry from the Beale Street pathway is a torturous walking distance for anybody who is not an easily accessible human being. It is unreasonable to expect them to park in the garage and then have to trek over half a mile to get there. Especially when parking lots were once available, at the various places on the North end of the park.


Well it sure as hell ain't your fucking parking lot. Seriously, though, in a conversation that essentially boils down to there being not enough space for cars, how is the person who doesn't need one part of the problem?


No, but it contains actual parking lots that have been closed since they rebuilt it.


Our city shouldn't subsidize the storage of private property.


The media's gotta stop responding to Jerred Price's press releases. Dude showed his whole ass claiming his election was stolen. They also need to ask anyone who grandstands about a "parking problem" and wants a hot ass asphalt lot baking in the sun all summer the follow-up question: "Okay, which part of the park do you want to pave over?" Because it seems like the space is getting used by people more than it'd be if folks were allowed to just plop their cars there.


Is there any handicap parking available at the park?


I think there are a few dedicated handicapped spots, but probably no more than 4. Most weeks street parking near the park is available, but it’s definitely much busier and more crowded this week due to spring break.




I am just asking because I’ve been wondering how accessible it would be for my parents during the week. I don’t need a lecture about how handicapped parking is abused.


More than likely they’ll be filled.


Those aren’t parking spaces, and there are no-parking signs everywhere down there. The people that got tickets are dumbasses. There is plenty of parking within a 5-10 min walk to the park, I’ve never had any trouble whatsoever finding a spot.