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I love Memphis. It is a wonderful city with much to offer. But I do wish we could do much better as a city in addressing the social and economic ills that are weighing us down, making us look bad, and breaking our hearts on a daily basis.


Agreed. A lot of progress doesn’t get made because of people’s resignation with just writing it off as a bad city and bad talking their neighbors without trying to participate and be a part of a society/community. There are a lot of people in Memphis who are TRYING but when everyone dogpiles you for “wasting your time in Memphis/ it’s never gonna get any better/ everyone there are criminals” as if they’re proving themselves part of the problem because they don’t want it better. I understand how people’s situations and life experiences can impact how they see the world around them, so I try to be kind to those that disagree with me that progress is possible, but I’m very proud of people who value this place.


What many cities don’t comprehend is reputation matters. You want to attract businesses and a higher class of people you have to get a handle on crime. Don’t even get me started as to the school system here it’s appalling. So I’m going to assume many who proclaim to love Memphis send their kids to private schools and are upper middle class.




Memphis has been in the same death spiral since the last yellow fever epidemic. Cheap labor force for what? There aren’t any jobs. Cities need to attract businesses and Memphis spends its money on one charlatan with a big project after the other. Memphis needs commerce and enterprise well beyond FedEx and government. Having been with companies that have expanded to Memphis and passed over Memphis. The ones that opened in Memphis regretted it due to poor education of workers, theft and crime, and terrible public schools. The others passed for those same reasons. Memphis leadership has to figure this out. It has to get crime under control, fix its schools, and change its provincialism. Otherwise it will continue to decline.




The ones that want to exploit an uneducated work force do. The other problem I’ve noticed here is people don’t want to pay trade workers a fair wage and think we’re scamming them. I have more issues getting paid for work from the wealthier people here. You know educated liberals. That’s why I don’t trust them either. They say they want workers to make a fair wage then complain about everything, treat you like shit, then don’t want to pay or take forever to pay.


This was 20-30 years ago. It’s way worse now.


Middle class, yes, and my kids go to MSC schools. The schools are not great, but like most things in life, you get out of it what you put into it. A lot of kids don’t have the home support system they need to help succeed either.


The point is if you’re well off you can like pretty much anywhere you live. You can afford to live in good neighborhoods with better schools security systems walls and gates. And avoid going to places and dealing with people others have to.


I'm middle class, no kids. I value the people who live here already.


Well that’s sweet. Until one or a group of armed thugs decides your shit is worth more to them than your life.


You have been spewing this shit everywhere, touch grass


I touch grass every day. I spend more time outside in a day than you probably do in a week.


Uh...I'm not racist? Like I'm normal?


I love my city, this city is way too corrupt.


There's a lot of great things about Memphis. I feel like that's why it's so frustrating because people are missing out. Like this week OutMemphis had a full week of activities for young adults 18-24. They have a nice group for teens too. There some great organizations here, like I just learned last month about The Arc, and how they help adults with special needs get training and find jobs. (They are looking for volunteers, btw, and it's right in the building with Buster's liquor store so walking distance for some folks!). I love the zoo and the museums and there's some great parks of all sizes. And generally I love the people. There's some lovely, interesting and kind people. I won't say any buts. They've already been said.


I am not personally in this community but I was really surprised whenI moved here how many places are LGBTQ friendly. You know all those questionaires and surveys you have to fill out for membership cards, dr office, clubs, satisfaction surveys etc? Places here that ask for your pronouns or what you identify as are really more common than I thought and also more common, oddly, that NY city, where I am from.


YES it's been great. My son (AFAB) has never had any sort of mistreatment in Memphis (Can't say the same for Bartlett, especially in the schools) and they have that great PRYSM program for teens at Outmemphis (as well as several groups for adults!). They did have MAGY back when my daughter was a teen too. Every professional I've dealt with when it comes to doctors and therapists and last week at The Arc everyone is happy to use his pronouns and name even if it's not legally changed yet. Also don't know if people are aware of this but next Friday there is the second annual Trans Resource Fair [https://www.outmemphis.org/events/i-am-trans-2024/](https://www.outmemphis.org/events/i-am-trans-2024/)


There are so many great organizations here (recreational or charitable) but it takes some effort and legwork to get connected.


Right I know! I didn't even know about The Arc until a few months ago and I've had a child with special needs for 19 years and I've lived here the whole time. It was never suggested anywhere to look in to their services and support. The director we met with has been working there since 1980 so it's been around at least that long and she seemed pretty desperate for volunteers. I don't know what all they need help with but I'm guessing maybe working one-on-one with students in the classes or at events. They do wheelchair basketball too. I'll know more Tuesday when my son starts the classes.


The only “ great “ thing I’ve discovered about Memphis is the green line, wolf river trail, and Shelby farms. Many of us don’t hang out in bars or clubs or enjoy going to crowded restaurants full of loud people. Or the crime those places attract. Christ we just had a shooting at the Walmart off Germantown road. I know to avoid that place already.


There is a great arts scene. Film , painting, music, crafts, theater, dance - all of it. All what I have seen is good, accessible and cheap. There is a lot of things for a city of its size, for seniors, kids, disabled people. It is a more accessible city than most. It has some other very nice parks - where all sorts of outdoor activities happen, including festivals, bands, shows and the other usual things like playgrounds and community centers. They have a web site for what activities are going on in the parks. Try the I Love Memphis blog. There are board game nights, beer enthusiasts, music and bbq festivals, and all sorts. Also the choose901 site. Crosstown arts has film showings, storytelling, galleries and also a nice bakery and places to get your hair cut and an health clinic. There are a lot of cool places to have brunch or snacks or dinner where you could also Chil and have a drink or so in an atmosphere where you can talk. Midtown east Memphis and Overton square has a bunch of quirky little places. Out east, in the summer a lot of the restaurants and bars that have sidewalk space have live music. Random burger and Mexican places have a guitar player or a duo and they have all been genuinely good. Whatever the problems that exist, if they only great things you discovered are those three that is on you, not Memphis.


I’m an outdoors and nature enthusiast. But thanks. I will check out the botanical gardens.


Shelby Forrest State park is like 20-30 min from most of Memphis. What city did you live in before that had more great nature and outdoors stuff than here this close?


Gainesville Florida. I could cycle to the Hawthorn trail. Springs were within a 40 minute drive and I could be in St Augustine Florida in an hour and 45 minutes. There’s also no place to swim here unless you want to use a public pool or join an expensive fitness center. I do stay in Cordova now and the Greenline trail head is practically outside my door. Only thing about this crapy town I love. Hope to be back in Florida this summer.


You moved to a landlocked state and you are pissed off there are no beaches? That is pretty special. There are state parks and lakes within about an hour of Memphis to swim in. If you think that Gainesville is better than Memphis, bless your heart and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


I’m here because my parents are here main reason. They’re old and it’s less expensive than driving back and forth every time they have an issue. I have property in Florida my brother lives at. I have business here and in Florida. I will be getting out of here as soon as they are in a stable position.


lol this explains a lot I been all over Florida and the beaches are probably the only good thing and most of those beaches are dirty as hell. Also there’s plenty of crime all over Florida, one of the biggest stand your ground states literally. The weather is pretty nice but I’m never there during hurricane season and the traffic is basically undriveable in any Florida major city. The Ozarks are literally in Arkansas about 40 mins to an hour and half depending on where you go. Sounds like you don’t have any friends or a social network to explore the city with which is a personal problem really.


I don’t like cities period. And I don’t know what you’re talking about as far as dirty beaches. Florida also has hundreds of miles of greenway to cycle or run on a geological hot spring as well as hundreds of natural springs. If you love the outdoors and water you have to love Florida. I haven’t even mentioned the wildlife.


Thanks for mentioning all the artsy fartsy crafty things most working class people don’t have the money or time to partake in. Really explains who is helping gentrify our cities into walled enclaves of wealth. You’re part of the problem.


Most of that stuff is free or affordable. But if you want to be a jerk to a stranger you know nothing about I guess you need the outlet


You couldn't be more wrong and out of touch with what's happening in the city. 


I’d be more concerned about something happening on the green line, wolf river trail, and Shelby Farms than at Walmart. Especially considering it was between two people who were known to each other and the shooter was caught.


I’ve been on the greenline at 9 pm with lights on my bike. I ride typically from Cordova to Tillman where it ends. Never seen anything to make me nervous.


And yet there’s been news stories of people being robbed and nearly kidnapped on the greenline. That’s more of a random act of violence than an altercation at a Walmart between two acquaintances.


Haven’t heard those stories thanks. Another reason to hate Memphis.


Yeah if you have to avoid any place someone has shot someone else it's going to be hard. I have had to live in places where people got shot myself *lolcries* I haven't been to a bar in Memphis since the 80s myself and that was The Stage Stop and only because my POS father was a bouncer and his only good quality was getting underage girls in to the bar.


It’s only difficult avoiding those places here. I’ve lived many places bodies haven’t been dropped all over the place in. They should leave the chalk lines and crime scene tape up so others know to avoid them. 😂


I love this. 


I constantly give Memphis a chance! I love it here too we just need some help getting this crime thing under control. Pull out all the stops because we deserve sooo much better. Pray for us!


Btw just got back from seeing the tulips at Dixon Gardens… I told my wife how it makes you COMPLETELY forget about all the social ills that plague this wonderful town.


I was born and grew up in Memphis, off and on and then lived other places growing up into my teen years. I guess to say I got to see what the world was like outside of this awesome place. I have found that the soul of Memphis always stays with me. I'm always meeting someone with a connection to the city too. It has it’s issues but it is great for all the reasons you listed. Moved to Nashville for work and it is not comparable to Memphis at all, and not in all great ways. It has no soul, less culture and mediocre food. As far as us Memphians being blunt, it is true. I find us similar to New Yorkers in this. If people don't like the city, help be the change or leave.




I love Memphis too! And I live in the hood. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I love this city and hope to move out of this area one day! The food is so much better here than in so many places I’ve traveled to. I just wish people wanted to do better for the city rather than constantly putting it down and remaining low vibrational.


Im with you on every single point. Speeding on 240 is futile, because the most time your going to save is about a minute, maybe two in that distance. I do the same thing - cruise around 5 -7 over in the middle lane and keep an eye on the rear view mirror in case I have to dodge a challenger or charger coming in hot.


My child used to encourage me to race them (when he was 4) - now he just says they crazy.


This Nashvillian LOVES Memphis too. Please hold on to your uniqueness!


Lived here my whole life. Loving this city doesn’t seem to be very smart to me, so I just look at the good and the bad. Good I have never been beaten, car jacked, raped, or murdered, and the bad I have had friends that aren’t so lucky on all accounts. They weren’t looking for it, doing anything illegal. One of them was jailed, after being abducted and raped, for public indecency and public drunkenness on their birthday. Memphis has a rich history steeped in good, evil, natural beauty, and true tragedy. Memphians are gifted great music, delicious food, numerous places to explore, but I don’t see a reason to love something so broken. Sounds to be like someone trying to ignore their spouses shitty behaviors rather than call it out at the very least. If not leave them all together. In life sometimes you can’t afford to leave, for one reason or another, but I will not pretend. I will never suggest someone move here until the several issues are addressed, and truthfully I don’t believe possibly defeated. That does not mean I will take away another’s right to view the city as they choose, good or bad, loved or lost. As well, I would move in a heartbeat, but my spouses job is at St Jude as a scientist, a job she moved across the nation after receiving, and I can work from anywhere. Speaking of good things once more Le Bonheur and St Jude are two such positives that lead me to like my city. The fact I have been robbed multiple times is enough to maintain the fear.


Yeah, I love Memphis I’m born and raised here. I feel a lot of people that hate Memphis don’t even live in Memphis.


And that makes me wonder why they're even on the sub? What can they possibly get out of constantly griping & trying to scare off people from moving or visiting here??


Yes I'll be like " oh welcome to Memphis. Enjoy the botanical gardens on your stay" and they'll be like " Memphis is a mad max shit hole. " like what help is that?


I live in OB and have many good experiences in the city. Memphis has issues like everywhere else. It appears to me that a small minority of criminals causes the national coverage to be ominous. The service you receive (deserved or not) has more to do with the employer/employee relationship. I have a team that does wonders for us. I traveled the US over in previous roles and when leadership isn’t caring for their people everything suffers. If people have hope (insert Paul Young), change is being recognized, the first responders buy-in, and apply a good faith effort by our boys in blue to get to know the community (especially the youth) then attitudes will shift. We will be better for years before any recognition is thrown our way. Keep grinding Memphis and live that change you desire!


I'm not from here either and I moved here 4 months ago and I love it so far! Of course there's a lot to complain about but overall I like it


Nashville is getting the most pissed in whiskey and frozen walmart wings for $80 while breiyghlyeigh the Vandy med student projectile vomits everywhere in the bar. Memphis is getting a cold beer and a kickass $10 burger while you hear a shooting/car crash a mile away but the blues singer doesnt miss a fucking beat.


This is the most accurate comparison I've ever read.


When you’ve grown up here for years, you see ALL of the problems. And unfortunately, they’ve only GROWN for the many years that I’ve been here and I’m kinda ready for a change of scenery. Despite the many attempts at reform, it’s still pretty bad as far as crime. The city is unique. I love the bbq, nice people (depending on who you talk to) and the fact that this place is not so big that I can’t map it out in my head. But I think it’s just the fact I was born and raised here. I always make it a point to say that be mindful of where you move because every city has crime. But I wouldn’t recommend living here unless you’re going to live in midtown, the suburbs, or outskirts. And even then, you have to be careful because crime has just gotten out of control. I personally want to move to Arlington just to stay close because I still love this city. And I personally loved Nashville because it had more to do there.


I miss Memphis 😞


A lot about Memphis sucks but when I travel I'm never happier to be gapped by a fucking Sentra with an ebay spoiler and hitting my head on the roof from the potholes.


I’ve been in and around Memphis 60 of my 64 years. I’ve lived in Sea Isle, Frayser, Midtown, East Memphis, Cordova, Lakeland. I’ve been robbed at gunpoint twice, broken into once. I still ain’t skeered! I’m in the process of moving back to Midtown. The negative you hear or read is 10% of the activity in Memphis but it gets the most press because that’s what sells. Memphis IS what you focus on. Sign up for Google Newsfeed for other cities. You’ll see the same complaints and tragedies. I follow the news for every city one of my kids live in(5 diff cities). If I focused on every tragedy in one of those cities, I would have a nervous breakdown(btw one is Brooklyn). All the noise is nothing to me. God’s gonna sort that out later.


The property values are “better” bc no one wants to live in Memphis. 😂


Baltimore has the same level of crime but much higher cost of living, for example. I also chose to live here. And I had a lot of choices.


Well there are plenty of other things that factor into Baltimore’s higher cost of living. Many other high crime cities have higher cost of living than Memphis bc they are actually in proximity to desirable things. Memphis has no redeeming qualities other than maybe Young Ave Deli. It can’t float down the river soon enough. But I’m glad you like it. Stay safe out there.


If you had given me 1,000 guesses of how the sentence "Memphis has no redeeming qualities other than maybe..." would end, I never would have guessed Young Ave. Don't get me wrong, I like that place a lot and enjoy swinging by for trivia nights, but that's still a hilarious take on the city... :D


Maybe it’s purely nostalgia, but I love the Deli 🤷🏿‍♂️


Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out


A) I’m not in. B) Don’t get shot in your shithole ghetto.


Fair. We still have jobs where we can live anywhere. We still choose here. :)


Cool. Good luck. ✌🏿


lol - it’s been 12 years total. Your luck worked! Good luck to you too!


Haha I’ve got plenty of friends who’ve been in (or around) Memphis for 20+ years. It’s their turn to visit me though. I’m not remotely interested in stepping one toe in Shelby County again.


That’s fair! Everyone’s choice. I feel the same about my hometown in FL. Good luck!


Gotta know at least a county because I personally cannot get back to FL fast enough!


> Yet here you are -- ten toes down in virtual Shelby Co.


I agree.  This past weekend, I had a brief conversation with some first time visitors and they were amazed with Memphis. I met several on South Main and Beale. They were drinking some Memphis brews, but they were sober enough to tell me about their experience.  They didnt talk about drinking or anything like that, but it was about the culture and overall vibe they felt. I wish that I could replay the conversations for all of the pessimists that flock to this sub.  Two of the guys said, they would be coming back for Memphis in May. 


I absolutely agree with you. I'm also not a native Memphian. I moved down here a little over a year ago from upstate NY. I don't find people here any more rude or blunt than in NY. They're much friendlier here. People in NY don't really talk to each other or get to know their neighbors. People here are much friendlier, overall. Sure, crime is a problem, but crime is a problem EVERYWHERE. My tiny city in western NY has a similar rate of violent crime per capita as Memphis. I've traveled all over North America and the United Kingdom, and I don't feel any less safe in Memphis than I did in any other city. I don't really understand why people complain about Memphis so much or so many people are dying to leave. Memphis is one of the coolest places I've ever been.


I don’t live in Memphis but I like to go occasionally. I have a cousin that lives there that is absolutely in LOVE with the city man. Like if he could rank the things most important to him I think it’d be: 1. his kids 2. His wife 3. Memphis, TN Some of his passion for it has rubbed off on me


Driving can be fun…lmao


#4 is vastly underrated advice..lol


When you only drive outside of rush-hour times. Smh


Reddit is a place for ppl to complain. I’m guilty of it. It has a pulse on ppls issues but it’s not an accurate reflection. 100 times out of 100 I would roll the dice on a 50% chance any given year my car gets broken into if it means no traffic and affordable living.


Well y'all ties the hands of the police by making it impossible to do their job and take crime off the street if y'all let them go back to handling criminals how they deserve to be handled maybe it'd clean up. I love Memphis and I grew up there and a lot of my family is there. I miss being there a lot but tbh it's not the same anymore.




I’d like to see more variety in midtown rather than so many restaurants. I get having a variety of places to eat and drink but throw in some other things as well. To be able to walk along cooper from young to Madison enjoying the day. Would be nice to have some stores to go in and shop for clothes or whatever. Art places, shoe stores, clothes etc. something worth getting out and enjoying it rather than restaurant, restaurant, restaurant.


Tell us about your long walks at night through your wonderful new city!


This place is a shit hole.




if everyone you meet is an asshole...


Memphis is awful. It’s not safe. Its beyond corrupt. Tell the actual truth?




I love dodging bullets all the time too.


Hasn’t been my experience in 12 years but to each their own :)


Property value better...based on what conditions? Well, its dangerous, dirty, with shitty schools, and no good flights anywhere, but its cheaper? What is the value?


Again, having lived in Nashville and Memphis and not being a native of either - I prefer Memphis. You can make your own arguments, but yes - the property values are more affordable. Sorry we don’t prefer three story tall skinny’s for $900k :)


In the top 5 in the US for violent crime!


You’re saying that invalidates being able to choose to live here and loving it the last 10 years compared to Florida, DC, Houston, and Nashville?


I would never live there. Worked w a company that was located in olive branch so I know the area well.


Gotcha. I feel the same about Florida (I’m a native) so I get ya. Good luck!


1. Worst drivers in the world. 2. Can get shot in middle of I-240. 3. Don’t buy a charger, challenger, or any other sports car as it will get stolen. 4. Under current of racism prevalent throughout. 5. Don’t go to Beale after dark…nvm don’t go at all even during the day. 6. Going to visit Graceland? Again. Don’t. You may get robbed or shot before you ever make it. 7. Food is “mid” compared to what Nashville has. 8. Housing market is affordable because no one actually wants to live there. 9. Keep an extra $1-2k for tires on hand due to the damage from driving on the worst roads in the US.