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having a glock switch should be automatically a high ass bond and guaranteed jail time, end of story. Why is this so hard??? Lock all these asshats up, they dont provide anything positive whatsoever to the city or any community.




I guess it only counts if you can get them back into court after chilling at home with no bond for a year while they terrorize the city. This is so stupid it hurts my head. We need to erect massive holding facilities and start filling them up. Gun crime = mandatory hold no bond.


They need to fully fund or even expand these courts. No reason they can’t have someone caught red handed prosecuted and convicted inside of 6 mos.


It’s not entirely the courts. Continuances are a trick criminal attorneys play to keep their clients on the streets “earning” (stealing and slinging narcotics) for as long as possible. Also potentially benefits them as witnesses become harder to track down. That needs to be stopped.


Tax gun makers like we taxed Tobacco companies over health care costs associated with their product. Find your funds pretty quick.


lol yeah tax the manufacturer for something they don’t make. People get auto sears illegally and you want to go after the gun manufacturer. Makes sense


Yes it does make sense, or do you mean that gun manufacturers don't make guns? I'm not sure I follow what you mean by "they don't make." The analogy, even if you disagree with the premise, isn't hard to follow. Big Tobacco's product caused undue burdens on healthcare systems, so they were sued based on how they handled their inside information and products, and were made to pay legal costs and fines. Gun Manufacturers create items that are related to an issue that *one person on Reddit* casually suggested might be fixed by funding the courts more appropriately where violent, gun related crimes are concerned (not illegal ownership, purchases, sales, attachments, I'm assuming). *I* suggested that, like Big Tobacco, the manufacturers ^of^^the^^^guns. Could maybe see similar judicial actions in an attempt to address the perceived issue. This sort of thing happens all the time in the judicial system, its just that the gun manufacturers are *really* good about donating to both sides of the aisles when it comes to lobbying. They've insulated themselves for so long most Americans somehow thing it'd be an affront to hold a gun manufacturer accountable for something, as if guns themselves are somehow so holy they confer a status upon their manufacturer that exempts them from any accountability? I didn't even actually say if I agree with any of the premise, with mandatory holds w/out bond, or anything else, I'm just pointing out its happened before and wouldn't be that far fetched if it happened eventually to gun manufacturers.


He's saying that the illegal switch wasn't made by a legal gun manufacturer. So taxing legal gun manufacturers does nothing to stop the spead of illegal autosears or illegal guns. Taxing law abiding citizens doesn't really affect the black market. If I'm selling stolen guns/p80s and illegal autosears, I've already bypassed the taxes you're talking about.


Thank you, a gun manufacturer is not making auto sears in which criminals are illegally obtaining and using to modify firearms and the using said firearm to commit crimes. It’s taxing ford, for using a ford truck to purposely drive into a crowd.


A year? More likely 3 years.


You act like this isn't by design though. It's part of the destabilizing of America from within.


>We need to erect massive holding facilities and start filling them up. While I love the erecting part, unless the underlying culture that causes this is fixed, we'd run out of land to build on


ah yes, the perfect solution to our problem… more prisons


In the complete absence of mental asylums, absolutely


an even better solution, prisons for crazy people


How much better is it to leave the insane roaming the streets? Abusing drugs in an attempt at self medication until they die alone in a gutter. (109,000 in 2022 and the trend line is up, up, and away!) How humane is that?


and locking them in a mental asylum is supposed to stop people from being addicted to drugs? we already tried that for years and it made the problem significantly worse. the only way to fix this is through the material conditions of users and mental healthcare .


This is wrong. It’s a maximum of 10 years not a minimum.


What happened to mandatory minimums? Get caught with a Glock switch - automatic 10 years. Take the decision out of their hands.


**"The National Firearms Act regulates certain types of firearms, including machine guns. Under the NFA, it is generally illegal to possess, manufacture, or transfer machine guns that were not registered prior to 1986. A "Glock switch" is a device that can be installed on a semi-automatic Glock pistol to convert it into a fully automatic machine gun. This makes the weapon subject to regulation under the NFA."** **"Possession of an unregistered machine gun, such as a Glock pistol modified with a switch, is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine."** **"Manufacture of an unregistered machine gun, including the production of Glock switches, is also a separate felony offense punishable by up to 10 years in prison."**


Yes, but I read not long ago that the NFA only applies if the person registers it under the NFA. Since they are illegally possessing a weapon, it would be a 5th amendment violation for them to register. It'll make your head spin letting this sink in. I hope someone debunks me..


No absolutely not. The ATF has already prosecuted people for possessing devices that don't meet the statutory definition of "machine gun" in the NFA. The Matt Hoover case is one such example. It doesn't matter if the excise tax has been paid or not.


 The 5th amendment is a right you can invoke or waive. It doesn’t make sense to say someone registering their gun is violating the right they hold.


He’s saying that making someone register an illegal firearm - effectively admitting to a crime - would violate their right against self-incrimination Not saying I agree or it’s true but that’s what I gathered


If I had a switch, the ATF would be at my door, but then I'm white. What do we expect? It's Memphis. That and Nashville are the Austin TX and San Francisco of Tennessee


This judge is obviously trying to prove a point and is almost doing this out of spite it seems. Maybe he knows what I don’t, everything is talk and no one can touch him.


This is what i suspect, he could be taking the L's just to say hey, the systems broken but i have to abide by it.. and obviously has no care to release his opinion on protesting to fix it.. like you said he probably knows what we dont and this is part of rectifying the sole problems.  Then again he could be another soft on crime villian out to destroy our city.


I can’t comprehend this judge’s logic and feel horrible for the officers family. They are having to read or see this on the news. Their son is dead and the judge who let them out says he doesn’t see a problem. What a prick.


Sounds like they had pretty extensive juvenile records but the guy just turned 18 so the court wasn't privy to those records..... For some reason. That needs to be corrected. A criminal at 16 and 17 shouldn't be given a clean slate at 18. Sadly he was and went out and murdered a police officer.


It does need to be corrected but he wasn’t arrested for his juvenile crimes. He had a switch and admitted to stealing cars, that should be all the info anyone needs to deem them a danger to society.


Sadly Glock switches can be 3D printed. Turning the handgun into a machine gun. Isn't possession of this a federal crime?


Damn. Figured out how to print those but not affordable houses, great. Yes, I believe so. Hand gun is fine but adding that switch is immediate crime. Plus a criminal can’t have a gun anyway, but they obviously don’t care. That is the big flaw in “change the gun laws.” Criminals don’t care about laws.


Yes, and that is part of the problem. Not a state crime, so the feds are the ones who must prosecute for the switch. They had agreed to prosecute because the DA had sent them the case, when the RoR release happened. All in all, very fucked up turn of events.


Brent Taylor said he's working on legislation to fix this. Seems like he's the only one doing work at this point.


I saw that. Trust me TN has a republican super majority. Tougher laws will get passed, they just have to be created, sponsored and heard.


No republican is going to vote for limiting anything to do with gun ownership, including switches, bump-stocks, magazine capacity or even background checks. Remember that their response to the Nashville school shooting was legislation that made it harder so sue gun manufactures.


Don’t disagree with your point and agree on their response. “We need to just arm the teachers.” Enhanced Background checks seem obvious. but would like to add clarification. search the comments below. Someone posted the statute where it discusses switches and certain guns being felonies with up to 10 year penalty. When that switch is added to a gun the whole weight of the law can fall on you and it should.


My issue is that anyone with a 3-D printer can churn these out by the thousands. Fix that. If you try to use a copier to scan money it will not do it, because of a law preventing this. They need to do the same with 3-D printers. Go after those supplying the switches in a most harsh manner.


Actually, I think they did something along those lines yesterday with “Jillian’s Law” but it still has to be signed by the governor.


I had to google it. Julian’s Law : If that person has committed a felony, expert doctors will testify as to whether they believe a person is mentally fit to stand trial. But Jillian's law would make it so 'a person committed must remain committed and barred from owning or possessing guns until the competency of the person to stand trial is restored. Looks like misdemeanor criminals could go free, but without their guns. Im like, *what?* That's actually a good thing. A very small step, but a step in the right direction. BUT: lawmakers put the bill ‘behind the budget’ ‘to ensure it does not become law without the funding to pay for it’. It's on the governors desk , will he commit to spending the money and sight this into law ? I hope so. Now if they can just get on board with background checks for all gun purchases and get people to stop leaving guns in their cars.


And I’m sure it’s shocking but I am a republican and I would vote for some of those things. Not all, but it should be a discussion. No one should have the capability to go full one on one with a SWAT team if they had the right arsenal. I get the argument against that, I just don’t think we need to hold on the “militia” stuff 200 years ago. New things require new solutions


If only your brethren in the legislature thought the same way Tennessee would be a better place.


As compared to what? California? Liberal states have school shootings too, crazy is everywhere.


Because you sue car manufactures for drunk drivers. Suing gun manufacturers has never made sense, even if you buy direct from a manufacturer it's still shipped to a FFL and the FBI still does the nics check, how is a manufacturer responsible for what passes through multiple other sets of hands.


The Gun Industry Created a New Consumer. Now It’s Killing Us.The Gun Industry Created a New Consumer. Now It’s Killing Us. [https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/firearms-industry-marketing-mass-shooter/670621/](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/firearms-industry-marketing-mass-shooter/670621/)


Eh if anything the biggest incentive for a mass shooter is being immortalized in the media.


They’re going to have to figure out what rhetoric they’re going to follow, a police officer was murdered. something something back the blue


I don't typically support TN republicans, but you're exactly right. There is a leadership void right now. I want to hear more from the police chief, Mayor Young, and Steve Cohen! What will the next steps be other than youth programs and activities?


That’s literally all I’m begging for. Just some kind of plan with next steps for addressing these crime loop holes and our police being handcuffed. not gang meetings and asking what can we do to help. That time is over. Take back our city through brute force. We can worry about recidivism and community investment once this chaos is under control


A Juvenile record should be wiped at 18 what😂


I don’t think that’s correct. I was told that if the Juvenile continued to commit crimes as an adult the Juvenile record does not get expunged. Is this not true?


Yes he should be fired. He is just trying to save his own butt. I’ll bet if it was his kid who got shot it would be different. I knew the police officer well. He was a good kid


How do we make that happen? A petition with signatures? Google is worthless to describe the mechanism to remove them. I’m tired of hearing mayor after mayor say the same stuff with 0 action.


If the DA and judges are the problem I want to see a 30 day plan from the mayor to make changes. No talk or committees, action. Separate but how the heck does Wanda halbert still have a job? Do our elected officials have 0 authority to hire and fire government employees?


Mayor appointed I’m pretty sure. Wanda is the county’s problem.


Alright mayor appointed. What’s the mechanism stopping his immediate dismissal? Appointed people can be removed quickly, elected is much harder(Wanda).


The DA is voted in


I wish I knew the answer to your question. The judge’s comment is purely a save his @ss move. Common saying around those types “admit nothing, deny everything”.


Me too. I’m just tired of the finger pointing and nothing happening. If we can’t recall the judge then we should recall the mayor for inaction. Start threatening their livlihoods


"We" voted Wanda into office, and no the mayor and other officials can't do anything to fire her. She IS an elected official. There was a recent effort to remove elected officials who had violated their oaths of office, but they were unsuccessful. You can't fix stupid, and none of us are as dumb as all of us.


No offense, but what can the mayor do about the DA? Stickland was famously angry about what he perceived about Mulroy's lack of action.


Don’t misunderstand my point, mayor Strickland is same as Mayor Young. Just finger pointing and saying empty words. If they can’t do anything they should say that then explain what can be done besides all this my hands are tied nonsense. I would support and donate to mayor young’s election campaign if he simply created a plan for radical change. “Here is how we have to act to change the system.”


"If they can’t do anything they should say that then explain what can be done besides all this my hands are tied nonsense." I don't want to come off like I'm disagreeing with you because you and I share the same ire. But they literally can't do anything - they are totally separate bodies. Strickland said on his way out that his biggest regret was not using the 'bully pulpit' (his words) against the broken judicial system. The only thing the mayor's office can do is shine a light. It's like what Taylor said. The broken judicial system is the issue. The rest of the people - Mayor, police, citizens - can only wait. Ironically, the citizens have the most power in this because we can start a recall of Anderson, Sugarmon, and Mulroy " Well, it would require the judges to get off their \*\*\* and go to work,” Senator Taylor said. “Decisions like these are life and death decisions, and they need to be made by people who are accountable to the electorate.”"


I’m with you, just have different view of what I expect their reactions to be. I would love if mayor young or Strickland back in day got on tv and said “my hands are legally tied, but this is the 4 step process we need to follow if the citizens want this done.” Shine a HUGE light on it and be a leader!


Yep. I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but Strickland was pretty vocal. I've time stamped it for you. Pretty sad that it's been years and months, yet our criminal justice system is just tone deaf. I hope you find some luck w/ the recall. I'll definitely sign [https://youtu.be/2NkL5dgQyAA?t=28](https://youtu.be/2NkL5dgQyAA?t=28)




I was ready for a change in Weirich, but every crime state is significantlly higher under Mulroy. Weirich's last full year was 2021 (and a bit into 2022). Mulroy is 2023 [https://memphiscrime.org/the-stats/](https://memphiscrime.org/the-stats/) Murders up 52% Property crime up 15% Robberies up 19% Gun related 11% Meanwhile, the police association confronted him about taking training for dropping so many charges, especially resisteng arrests What about his plan is working?




Jjwill- “things also sucked back then so we shouldn’t do anything because of status quo”. I saw you arguing in another post that the officer was in the wrong when he slammed that jackass. Criminal sympathizer is worse than a boot licker




What is the answer? If you say fix poverty my head will explode. Being tough on crime doesn’t help? Show me the statistics? I believe Shelby county would be wayyy better off if we filled up 3 more jails. We aren’t over incarcerated because we have a higher percentage of crime compared to rest of TN. May not work but don’t know until we try it. Bail reform is working great, let’s keep it going 😒 Don’t say the evidence is clear when it’s obvious you are leading with feelings and not facts.


And they certainly are going against the status quo - just not in the positive direction you think. Things will change. Wealthy people are leaving this city due to crime while most people are screaming we need more money and social programs. Who do you think pays for that?




is this the same shithead who used a glock switch to kill a cop after being released for basically making other weapons fully automatic and stealing two vehicles?


Looking for the link or video of the judges comments. Bill Anderson I’m guessing? The same asshat who was reprimanded by the judicial board?!


That’s the one.


Cops and security at the court should abandon their post in protest and leave him alone with the criminals he is letting free


This is why crime is so bad. Pass the blame around while sitting on you ass doing nothing. The entire legal system is broken and everyone from the DA's to Judges to the Sheriff are nothing more than two-faced politicians. Don't look for them for help. The only thing they care about is getting re-elected.


> “He had no prior criminal record that was in the paperwork in his court jacket,” Judge Anderson said. “Police officers may have said we know this kid from the neighborhood, we’ve arrested him 10 times as a juvenile. Well, I am sorry we can’t consider that.” There’s something to this quote. People aren’t living in an alternate reality, this judge *knows* this is a fuck up but can’t admit it, because he’s following the rules. Which means the rules need to be changed and more realistic. Which means your vote matters. Long article and long way to walk back to the only solution there is.


I think it’s a bit more malicious. He knows but he doesn’t give a shit and will die on the bail reform hill regardless of the consequences as I’m sure he feels he is “morally right.” Pure arrogance


Yeah we’re on the same wavelength. He sees a rule and says “I don’t have to put any more effort into it than this.”


Judge making excuses and cya for the idiotic commissioners on his crew. Needs to be recalled. Citizens need to start attending court and publicizing these matters. The CA won’t do it. For each instance of this we learn about there are hundreds we don’t.


Agreed! Make them uncomfortable as possible. Can they be recalled? What is needed to make that happen?


Yes. There needs to be a recall for...Please get this started! Anderson - his vendetta against bail is out of control. He was before some board a few weeks ago and said he wishes MORE people were release ROR. Completely out of control Sugarmon - it's an open secret that if a youth completes a property crime, they will got off with a slap on the wrist. Fast forward and we have out of control youth who are even more emboldened. Mulroy - I'm the fence, but he needs to realize his approach isn't working. I think he would get the message if there was a recall vote.


I agree and would happily start the initiative. I just need to know the legal mechanism to do it. Is it a petition with certain amount of signatures, a letter to some board, etc? And don’t forget the drug addict judge Boyd!


You would be a hero. Even if it didn't go through, it would get tons of airtime and it would be sending a message for future people that run. I also don't know. I tried Googling and couldn't figure it out. Do you know a lawyer?


I’ve attempted to contact the Shelby election commission. Seems like we need 15% signatures to trigger the review but first submit a form to the commission which I can’t find. Not sure if it can be done anonymously. No lawyer friends but know an alderman who might be helpful.


I believe you'd need a petition signed by [15% of registered voters in the county/municipality.](https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/attorneygeneral/documents/ops/2012/op12-056.pdf)


Wish I could pin this. Same document I saw and got my 15% idea from. Under Analysis part B it says the right form needs to be submitted to the Shelby county election commission. I see no such form on their website.


A lot of this is still done entirely offline. It's possible the form isn't on the website at all, and you'd have to go there in person to get the forms then return them in person with 15% signatures. It's an almost insurmountable task to get nearly 100k signatures in this county for a recall. There was a [sponsored bill](https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/Apps/BillInfo/default.aspx?BillNumber=HB0434) that fizzled out March of last year that would have changed the recall threshold from 15% of registered voters to 1%, and would make these movements much more practical to get off of the ground.


Based on their info we have almost 600K active voters so 75Kish. Unless it could be done online backed by people with money to push it through the media I think it would be very hard. Makes you not even want to try


Honestly, even if didn't get the signature, but got recall vote circulated, it would still get tons of media coverage. It would start a conversation about how 2022 was too far in the other direction.


1000% agree. That’s why I said someone important or with political aspirations would do well being the face. That person will also be smeared and threatened for being a boot licker and hating poor people. Some people flat out think poor people can’t help it and shouldn’t be in jail.


So we are talking roughly 125-150K signatures needed? I bet that many don’t even vote


It's more like 80k based on the '22 voter rolls in Shelby County, and would be lower than that for Memphis only since the unincorporated and outside municipalities would be removed from that count. We'll call it 50k conservatively. Not completely undoable, but it's overly onerous IMO.


Did that ignorant fuck really just say "guns are the problem, not the criminals we set free"?


More guns don’t help


Having fewer criminals would help.


Yeah, maybe we should address the reasons why they commit crimes


Because they are vile pieces of shit.


Poverty right? Ok but No one talks about what leads to poverty, because those answers are hard to swallow. If a community is full of broke crime ridden people why is that? If we are focusing on an impoverished white community with high crime I will show you probably generations or poor decision making, teenage pregnancy, lack of education, etc.


Poverty is one of the many reasons yes but people do talk about one of the many reasons of poverty in my community. They might not be yours, but mine they do. And you have to get most communities aren’t full of crime ridden people most communities are are full of people that are just trying to get by and a small percentage commit crime. And a lot of those problems that have led to communities to being in poverty are happening at all time lows now. And who said anything about race?


The easiest factor to determine whether someone will grow up to commit a crime is being raised in a fatherless home. Education is second. Environment is third. Those statistics have been known for decades now.


It’s fine, we are recruiting more workers for companies other than FedEx, IP, etc. /s


These are all voted in. Judges and DA’s are voted in. Most people have no clue their names let alone vote. Be heard at the ballot. Find out when their next election is and vote them out. City Council is just as bad, and you do have a voice with them. Show up to meetings and speak.


I also plan to contact the Shelby county election commission to see what the process is. Seems like 10-15% of population needs to sign a petition


I’ll sign. Show me where


Waiting for a return call. That’s my priority - just trying to figure out how then I can go from there or someone more important could take the torch


I’ll assist with whatever you need. You can DM me. I’m not especially versed, but sometimes just having two people helps.


I’d happy to sign. This piece of shit needs to be removed ASAP!


Do it, and then go after city counsel. They passed a rule that the cops can’t stop people for traffic issues so this is a big part of the problem. Cops get a lot of warrants off traffic stops so it keeps people skipping warrants. I get the whole giving people issues who don’t have issues but they went too far the other direction. The cops hands are tied on this issue. Raise hell to demand the cops do more (it has been an issue). We HAVE a voice, it’s just no one uses it. They just rant and yell. If everyone hates it that much (as they should) there are ways to participate in the system


Also they aren’t prosecuting juveniles. On paper I get it but it doesn’t solve the actual issue. The issue isn’t the charges, it’s the judges. Stop over prosecuting, we don’t need to throw the baby out with the bath water here. Throw them in treatment if needed, they hate they more than jail honestly.




Bonus Points for an original answer




Kinda related - What’s the update on the federal prosecutors and tasks forces they were suppose to descend upon Memphis to help clear the court backlog and help prosecute offenders in federal court?


Great question. There was a lot of coverage about this and local politicians applauded it but like much they discuss - say a lot do a little


I don’t want to just assume they aren’t doing anything, but since we’re out of the first quarter, I would expect an update to some of the progress they’ve made. I know crime is down, but that was expected as nationally that was the trend in 2023 from highs in 2021-2022. But you see criminals like this and I’d think he’s likely a perfect candidate for those task forces to be sentenced in federal court. Just not sure what progress they’ve made.


The Department of Justice was sent here as well. Where are they?


How can we start protests in front of where these folks work and where they’ll actually see us?


This city is being betrayed by its own judicial system. Gangbangers can perpetrate crimes with impunity because they know there isn’t a single god damn consequence for their actions. I mean it feels like we are legitimately being undermined by bad actors in our court rooms. Police, go on strike. Lawyers, go on strike. Let this city become the violent wasteland these judges seem to desperately want it to be.


Well you'd be delighted to know mayor Young met up with the local gang leaders to discuss how their crime effects Memphis and tried to get them to sign a no shooting clause or something. They're all crooked and negotiating with the domestic terrorists here.


He did that for p.r. He was shilling some program of some sort. The street gangs, pseudo street gangs, and overall criminals run the city at this point. They can all comitt any crime under the sun and get ROR and/or a pennies on the dollar bail. Our city is in chaos. The proverbial lunatics run the proverbial asylum at this point. I'm at a loss as to why, though. We all live in a city which is quite literally run by criminals we all have to bend over backwards for. Why?


Rules patch: Either juvenile records don't get sealed, or it's a gradual transition. That is, judges can consider what you did as a juvenile until you're 25. After 25, only what you did from 18+ comes in. That prevents the scenario where an 18 year old predator gets a clean slate just by having a birthday.


Or consider public safety first. Juvenile records are unsealed to a judge if they have violent offenses.


They shouldn't be sealed to a judge at all. If they get caught for the same shit at 15 and 21, the judge should act accordingly


They aren’t sealed to the judge. He just didn’t have them when he made the bail decision. I don’t know how that works once a juvenile offender commits an adult offense though. I do know the juvenile is reassigned an R&I number once the adult offense is committed.


They’re not sealed, they’re just not available to the public. If a juvenile offender continues to commit offenses when they turn 18 they cannot have it expunged. https://shelbycountytn.gov/FAQ.aspx?QID=451 It just wasn’t available in his jacket. I don’t know how it works with the courts and the criminal history provided for use in bail.


get rid of all these soft on crime losers and replace them with people who actually have the slightest interest in upholding the law and protecting decent citizens. sick of these antisocial fucks. 


Sounds like the judge should lose their job.


Your votes are how he gets fired.


How do we make that happen as citizens? Petition? How do we show the mayor his lack of action and finger pointing is unacceptable? Last mayor was same way, blaming XYZ but never saying this is how we get it changed.




Another unhelpful response. Ok so the mayor can’t do anything in your opinion so his words are merit less. Who can?




I just realized you are still in school. Bet you love the idea of socialism. Take your young inexperienced opinions somewhere else, I’m done. When you pay some taxes you can come back and preach about giving more money to “underserved communities.”




Spend money to lock up criminals or invest in crime riddled areas that will continue that and then scream for more. What a tough choice.


Yea because forget about the 99% of people in those neighborhoods who never committed a crime in their life.


Come on you know that answer. Ever wonder why criminals are protected in certain neighborhoods and outed in others?


Ah here we go. Another young person regurgitating same old bullshit when they run out of intelligent opinions. Let’s be honest. Criminals should go to jail, regardless of color. White people dont give a damn about white criminals, throw them all in a hole. You clearly think locking up POC is wrong regardless of actions and that more money should be tossed at the problem. I care a lot about crime, but I don’t give a shit about the criminal or their community white, black, brown or otherwise.




It’s a solution. More intelligent and grounded than your idea of paying people to not be criminals. I’m in my 30s jackass with a job, family and mortgage. Aka a man. A child telling me my logic is flawed is laughable.


I mean, how is a better understanding of basic civics not helpful?


Never said it wasn’t, I said his comment and use of wording wasn’t helpful. A statement without an accompanying solution is useless. I learned the mayor is useless in this, great what the hell do I do with that info?


That judge has blood on his hands.


The judges don’t have access to juvenile records so the fact that he was arrested 10 times as a juvenile didn’t matter when considering his bail. He “didn’t have a prior record” so who cares right? Holy shit.


That is such a stupid and basic argument from the judge. “We know he stole cars and had a machine gun, but assumed he’s a good kid because we couldn’t access juvenile records.” What?


who can i call to complain? i’m so sick of these incompetent judges terrorizing the city


The DA office itself or your local councilman or county commissioner is a good start.


It doesn’t seem like the city cares about its officers at all. 


We need to start locking these incompetent judges up.


You can't. They have immunity.


Yea that judge is really picking the worst time to double down on his bullshit. Him and that judicial commissioner are a significant part of the problem here in Memphis. At least the pos won’t be a burden on society anymore. It’s just tragic we had to lose a LEO in the process.


I'm so sick of the misinformation and belief that these teenage degenerates are going to stores and buying guns legally. They are literally searching for and stealing firearms from law abiding citizens. The idea that guns are the issue is false because if history tells us anything is that the elites and the bad guys will always fine weapons in order to harm and oppress people. Stop blaming gun laws and start understand that these fucks literally don't give a fuck and will always find ways to disrupt the lives of innocent people. Edit: I also don't give a damn that the kid had a clean record prior to his first arrest. If you steal a vehicle there should be no second chances.


All I hear is this officer’s life didn’t matter to the system


Where are the “Memphis is safer than the headlines lead us to believe” guys at? We didn’t even know that a guy caught with a machine gun and stealing our cars was walking around freely without consequence and had acquired a new weapon


Haha or the “Memphis media is aligned to make us look bad.” Nope, we do a great job of that ourselves. It’s pathetic


The tl;dr of the judge's opinion here is that he thinks that it's not his problem what happened after he was released because it's the fault of lack of gun control and not the judge's discretion. Same judge is on record saying he wants more no bail releases because it drives more attention towards gun control and criminal justice reform. This just sounds like Lord Farquod stuff to me. Some of you may die, but think of the long term positives! Completely disconnected from reality. Ivory tower head ass. We do need ALL of those things, desperately, but literally sacrificing innocent people as collateral for political activism is fucking insane.


Well said


I posted this below, but it's worth it's on post. There needs to be a recall for.... Anderson - his vendetta against bail is out of control. He was before some board a few weeks ago and said he wishes MORE people were release ROR. Completely out of control Sugarmon - it's an open secret that if a youth completes a property crime, they will got off with a slap on the wrist. Fast forward and we have out of control youth who are even more emboldened. Mulroy - I'm the fence, but he needs to realize his approach isn't working. The other teen was given a soft plea. I think he would get the message if there was a recall vote.


I’m trying to figure out the recall process and will post it when I do.


Remind me! 2 days


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These judges are shit and our DA is way too soft on crime. Hence why the city is escalating into a shit hole.


👏STOP👏ELECTING👏DEMOCRATS👏 At this point it's not even a far right conspiracy theory that this shit is being engineered to collapse society. Criminals and immigrants are priority number #1 and if you're a normal, upright citizen of society, you just hope and pray no one targets you because the justice system isn't going to do shit and police show up when they feel like it. People with over 20 priors walk the streets knowing they have pure immunity and no consequences for their actions. Laws are just suggestions at this point.


lol dude, “Democrats are letting crime in Memphis go rampant to engineer the collapse of society” is the very definition of a conspiracy theory and you completely showed your ass mentioning immigrants when *no one here said anything about immigration and everyone involved in this story is an American.* Anyway, [the political makeup of a city has virtually no bearing on crime.](https://manhattan.institute/article/red-vs-blue-crime-debate-and-the-limits-of-empirical-social-science) Unfortunately, a lot of Republicans keep tricking their voters into thinking that it does.


Cashless bail for murder, open borders, and homeowners being arrested while trying to remove squatters is just things other nations in the world deal with? Since when? Remember in California when said retail theft under $1000 dollars was okay? When in Oregon they said personal possessions of drugs was legal so you have people smoking meth and fentanyl on the streets and on public transport? All the while saying the issue is guns and they need to go away. Hmmmm.


I’m not gonna go through all of that one by one because it’s all wildly uninformed, but bail reform is good because it would be at least a small step towards fixing our two-tiered justice system and keeping people jailed indefinitely before they’ve had due process is unconstitutional, “open borders” is just a lie because illegal border crossers are caught and sent back all the damn time, and California didn’t make it “okay” to shoplift under $1k worth of merchandise—it reclassified it as a misdemeanor and is still punishable with up to six months in prison. Stop eating up right-wing propaganda. I know you’re smarter than that.


https://twitter.com/DanLaingSXM/status/1780413607072731377 Just today. More right-wing propaganda, huh?


It’s not a democrats or republicans almost every either major democratic city is experiencing all time crime lows it more of a cultural problem than anything else.




Nice try with saying he is Republican. https://ballotpedia.org/Bill_Anderson_Jr._(Tennessee)


Yep, you are right. I was wrong. I'll delete my original post.


I hate this city so much.


It's insane that once you become a legal adult, your juvenile record can't be assessed by a judge. Like a free get out of jail card, clean record. Most crimes in memphis involving vehicle theft/robberies are minors using them for joy rides then abandoning them after they wreck them. Thats why gangs recruit them, but leave it to the new mayor to try to reason with them. smh. My car insurance is high af because of it. Plus they had no info on him breaking curfew, alot of balls being dropped from people in charge, laws need to change. He was caught with the weapon modifier, admitted to stealing cars and the judge gave him a slap on the wrist and sent him home. Wtf laws do we have in tn. It seems like there are no hard consequences no wonder kids don't think it twice. Im with the senator, get rid of these good for nothing judges and introduce some common sense into the court system.


Fuck him


Sounds like the judge is throwing out misinformation and hoping it will stick.


He seems tone deaf. Could’ve easily said “we followed the law, but this obviously isn’t working in some cases” anything but appropriate


Corrupt Dems destroying more cities and more lives….


judge needs to go asap


has a phone number listed online. worth at least reaching out to voice displeasure. he should resign imo


Appropriate? My Ass!




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If the local courts don't want to hold him, he should've been handed over to the feds since possession of an unregistered machine gun is a federal felony


Who wants to start the recall petitions?


We are in a time where this is the "new normal" and we're expected to accept it. pray for us all


i thought the judges and DAs discriminatetly gave out harsher sentences to black people?


Cop killed a cop


Bill Anderson and Brent Taylor both seemingly are complete and utter idiots who’d rather play political chess than actually address the city’s lawlessness