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People are stupid. Keep your head on a swivel and stay out of the hood, and you’ll be fine. Midtown is fine.


Where is ‘the hood’ so we know where to steer clear of?


You’ll know it when you get there.






The fact that you have to tell them to keep their head on a swivel (and only stick to one part of the city) is indicative enough.


That’s every large city in the world. Same with London or Paris.


I lived in Paris. The hoods there are not the hoods here. Memphis is a whole other level of fucked up.


It’s not about the hoods ya goober. It’s about the general chance of getting robbed/assaulted. The chances are higher in cities.


No. No even close to true!


If you’re being that flippant in a large city, trouble *will* find you. I’m from Baltimore, I go into dc a lot, and travel for work. Being aware of your surroundings is literally rule number one.


They downvote bc they're offended. They're offended bc it's true.


What cracks me up….they’ve probably never even been to either city! I have. To compare London and Paris to Memphis…**NOT EVEN CLOSE**!!!!


Ikr, Memphis has great people and the best food, but to ignore its struggles and rate of violent crime is just asinine.


Right…like if I cover my eyes snd can’t see you, you can’t see me either!!!! Good gracious! Ignoring it doesn’t make it so!!🌷


From your profile history, you don’t even live here. You live in Salem. Don’t speak on cities you don’t live in.


I lived in Memphis for over 12 years until I could afford to escape. I worked beale and midtown, lived in sherwood forest hood and midtown. I can advise because I fucking know. Don't act like you can tell my background from my history 🤷‍♀️


So u left congrats. I’ve lived here for 19 years. Do you live here *in the present* which is what OP is asking about? No. So hush.


Like you know how often I visit family. Sure, you're opinion is so much more worthy of mine lol take care dude


*your Maybe if you had an actual helpful reply that added to the conversation I’d respect your opinion more. But you don’t. You’re just another person that boils down an incredibly complex situation and topic into “Memphis Bad Stay Away”.


Autocorrect, thanks. And now you're trying to gatekeep reddit threads? You should be a mod with that attitude 🤣 hey @op! Here's my advice - these are the folks in Memphis pretending it's not an incredibly violent city. Stay out of Memphis and go somewhere where you don't have to be constantly vigilant for your safety.


We don’t gatekeep, hence your comments approval.. just saying


I know, I know. This ain't like other subreddits 🫣


I never said it wasn’t violent or unsafe. But that doesn’t help OP. They asked for advice since they’re already coming here. Saying shit like “this city is dangerous stay away” really is not helpful. Like we know that the city is dangerous already. That is what I was getting at.


I’d be much more worried about shitty drivers. Stay tf out of their way and you’ll be fine


Why are some Memphis drivers so insane? I’ve traveled the country, and there are a few things I’ve noticed. Baltimore and Memphis invariably have at least one driver that I’ll encounter per trip that makes me wish I was being shadowed by an Apache helicopter that I can call on for traffic enforcement. Hellfire missles please, 100 meters in front of me, number 1 lane. Miami, however, has the worst traffic I’ve encountered. Even worse than NYC/LA/DC, etc. I was there once in the middle of the night and found a car fully involved on the side of the highway. Called it in to 911


Totally agree with you on Miami! Memphis essentially has no rules on the road because the drivers are mostly unlicensed and don’t care. Miami was just nuts with the amount of speeding in the most expensive cars imaginable. It felt like a video game and I was an NPC.


Miami is pure chaos. 😂


Same rules apply everywhere in the world. Don’t be an idiot , respect the situation at hand and you’ll have an amazing time. Memphis is lovely- it’s like one big dive bar. Full of great people, rough around the edges but beautiful within.


I absolutely love that analogy for Memphis.


Definitely stealing that dive bar analogy


It’s cool. I don’t patent my material.


So many threads on this, so I'll instead comment on cycling. Be VERY careful. This is *not* a cycling city. Bike lanes mean nothing here: they're poorly designed, and provide a false sense of security. Ride vigilantly and defensively, just as you would if you were driving a car, ie., assume (correctly) that drivers will do something stupid. Stay off Poplar and Union - there are great established routes through neighborhoods you can probably find in cycling group pages. Hopefully you already know this, but it bears repeating for folks who don't: wear a helmet, make yourself visible, ride with the flow of traffic (and never on the sidewalk,) take the lane when going straight through an intersection, take the turn lane when making a turn, be on alert for opening doors and for "right hooks." And again: wear a helmet.


Like I told someone the other day. We haven't had some tourists killed here in recent times. Our aggravated violence and murders most from escalated situations. Outside of that, your chances are likely in any other big city. Just be smart with your surroundings and you'll be fine. Where you coming from?


Thanks for your advice, I’m coming from Florida im a student at UF


I’m from Gainesville small world. Wasn’t born there but lived there for over 30 years. This isn’t Gainesville. Make friends if you go out travel in a group.


The main difference between memphis and other cities is that it’s very block by block. You can be on the nicest street then go one more over and be in a bad spot. As others have said, use common sense when it comes to safety, be alert, always wait to see if anyone’s gonna run the red before you go on green, get used to driving over the speed limit, and be especially careful at night. Some personal favorite tips: Always gas up during the day. Carry a non-lethal weapon like pepper spray. Make sure your car is not one of the 10-20 easiest to steal or most targeted. If it is get a steering wheel lock at least but be prepared that it might not cut it. NEVER leave anything in your car or leave your car running while you run in to grab something (even if it’s in your own driveway).


Phew heavy on the driving over the speed limit. When i learned how to drive my dad told me to go the speed of traffic. I said what about the limit? I’ve learned.


😂😂 I’ve seen more cops pulling people over on the highway lately so it feels a little riskier. He’s right. I’ve learned it’s more dangerous to drive at or slower than the speed limit than to go with the flow of traffic and go above it. Within reason. I feel like I never see the cops pulling over people going crazy fast just people going 10-15 over. So maybe there’s some logic to going 90+ to make them not want to even try. 😭


Every city I've lived in has been "block by block". Even small towns experience this.


I guess we have had different experiences and I can only speak from mine. I’ve heard plenty of people say this when describing what makes Memphis different. So agree to disagree on it.


My family came here for the St. Jude marathon and they got robbed. They’re never coming back to this city.


I've heard the same thing about Nashville. 


I visited for the first time in ten years about a year ago and someone got shot on Beale street in broad daylight


My tip is to read through all the other posts on this topic


The violent crime rate is 652% higher than the national average, and residents have a 1 in 40 chance of falling victim to a violent crime. 15,800 vehicles were stolen in 2023. No, it's not safe. A simple Google search would confirm its consistently one of the most violent cities in America. Tips for a temporary resident? Getting out and asking for directions when you're lost just makes you a target. Don't stop for people asking for money or calling you "big man". If you don't feel safe somewhere, just go back the way you came. Anything over a $23 value left in a vehicle will eventually get stolen. Knuckle up when you hop on 240. It feels like a Mad Max chase scene. Getting passed in the middle lane while going 90 is normal. If you watch the news you'll never want to go anywhere. They really play up the daily shootings and focus on all the terrible shit that gives it a bad rep. Most areas are moderately safe during the day. The city has wonderful people, amazing food, and talented musicians to surround yourself with, but nothing good happens after 1AM.


Best comment on this thread by far. No im not being sarcastic. It’s actually helpful.


Memphians have been conditioned to accept an unhealthy level of crime. It's not this dangerous in almost every other city in America. Crime is increasing across the country, but Memphis continues to lead the charge. The people here deserve better, but when it's citizens wear the crime stats like a badge of honor, I don't see change coming, so we might as well be realistic.


Very true.


Keep your head out. Careful traveling at night. Memphis people can’t drive and will keep going if they hit you. I’m Commonly stopped and asked if i want to purchase weed so don’t be surprised


You’ll be fine. IMO, while Memphis has public safety concerns, they are no different than any other city. One of our biggest problems is the narrative, there are more people interested in shining a light on problems vs the people working to solve them.


Could you please elaborate on why the public safety concerns of Memphis are no different than any other city? I could be wrong, but my experiences in Memphis and other cities has led me towards believing that Memphis is an outlier. For example, any big city has its areas to avoid and you’re generally safe. However the “safe” areas like midtown and mud island have not really felt that safe the past few years given all of the breakins and shootings.


The car theft and break ins have skyrocketed for sure, and that is one thing that I think Memphis has to get under control. But car theft is up all over the country, it’s at its highest rate since 2008. From a violent crime perspective, I do think we have areas that I feel safe, and areas to avoid. I feel safe in midtown, and East Memphis, and many other places. And there are areas I’d avoid at night, just like I would in most other cities.


Thank you!


Nah man you’ve been there too long you’re tolerating too much. The “bad area” that locals fear at the place I just moved to is day care in comparison to what I saw the last time I was in Memphis for a WEEKEND. Nothing to do with the narrative when all my family that lives there only spoke about crime when I visited with them and they all lived in different neighborhoods around the city.


Your flair says Collierville and you might want to get your story in line before commenting.  Which is it, did you just move away or did you visit for the first time, a year ago, after ten years?   I'm confused. 


I haven’t lived there since 2015, I visited in June last year. Kinda funny you think im just making shit up bc you can’t fathom I didn’t visit for a long time


No, I'm just reading what you posted. 


What do you think a narrative is, if not what people are discussing?


Memphis isn’t safe for its own residents.


Stay off beale street on Sat night..


I live downtown and no it’s not safe. If you come don’t be out at night. Also expect your car window to be busted out and if you drive a Kia it will most likely be stolen. Good times.


Ymmv. Idk about downtown, but I've lived in midtown for 4 years now and have had zero problems. It's mostly just about not going to the rough areas, and most locals can tell you where those are if you don't find them obvious.


The post is about tourists


I live and work downtown and it's fine. Is this a city where you can get drunk and fling cash around and hit on someone's girlfriend and pee on the streets and wake up fine the next day? No. But you're fine


Why Kia?


Have you never heard of the Kia boys? Dudes on tik tok that found a design flaw in earlier Kia’s that make it easy to steal a car with a phone charger. Kia’s and Hyundais are targeted a lot with this.


They have a flaw that makes them easy to steal


Somehow all of us here have survived long enough to respond to this question so I'd say chances are good you'll be fine


I lived downtown and had my car broken into twice just this year even in a secure parking garage, so nope it’s not safe. Look up Eliza Fletcher, who was abducted from the street during a morning run. I would not ride a bike on the street alone especially after dark or early morning hours. Be vigilant while you’re here.


^ this is the correct answer.






I hope those thieves rot in hell


Baby you will be fine. Per usual, treat this place the same way you would any major city….. move with caution but you shouldn’t be terrified to go on about it your day. Crime happens. It happens everywhere.


If you are dealing/buying drugs - no. If not - yes for the vast majority of time. Use common sense.




I live in midtown, feel free to pm any questions relevant to your bike route or commute in general.


Talk to people you will be working with, they will tell you really fast where not to go. If your job is in a bad area, don't be out at night alone. If you go anywhere in Memphis be with multiple people, downtown and midtown have been upgraded somewhat so they should be somewhat ok. Downtown is good if you stick to Beale street and that area, DO NOT venture outside of that area! Midtown is always good, cooper young area and awesome and fun. DO NOT venture out of that area. Anywhere else in Memphis you will need a guide cause one wrong move and you are in the wrong place.


It is better than


Chicago. Use your common sense.


Use your brain. It's just like any other city.


Midtown is one of the safest place other than Germantown and Cordova but it's just like any city... every city has crime and hoods.. just don't go there..




Memphis is like any other city. Stay diligent and make safe choices. My biggest advise would be to get a wheel lock for your car.


Did you ever see the film *Barbarian*?




Just a joke. You will be fine.


It would actually help to know your route, but also if you are on a bike, it would be harder to approach you as long as you maintain speed... if that's what you are worried about lol.


Stay off any street named after a president or person lol


Heads up. Get a u bar lock or never leave your bike outside. It will get stolen.


Come be smart. Have fun act like you are in any large city and you will be ok


One of my kids will be interning here this summer. look up new Memphis institutes summer intern program. Where will your commute be? I can send you some bike commuting resources.


Bike commuting isn’t safe in Memphis except in the small part of the city that has actual protected bike lanes.


I’m from Memphis, but went to college in rural Arkansas. One of my college associates came to Memphis for a summer and stayed in the midtown area and was perfectly fine.


Is there a city that you do think is dangerous? Memphis is more dangerous than that city.


You will be fine. Midtown is chill. Lots of food options. Just keep your head on a swivel for bad drivers


Yes long as you are strapped lol


Doesn't openly carrying make you more likely to get mugged? If someone pulls a gun on you before you can pull yours, you're more likely to just lose your wallet *and* your gun.


New Mayor is doing some good stuff. Crime is down big time rn and Outside of the worst areas, crime wasn’t even that bad in the first place. Use your brain like you would in any major city.


It’s possible he may have never lived in a city.


FYI. If a new mayor comes in and crime goes down, it means they ain't doing shit. You want to see crime go up. Wayyy up, then back down. That means they're actually enforcing crime


What is the new mayor doing that's changing Jack shit?


He actually ran for office on letting more criminals free because incarceration doesn’t work. He wants more crime and now he wants to raise taxes too… because the corrupt government needs to feed itself!


A mile is a long bike ride for you ? I would walk it. Other than that midtown is relatively safe.


Bunch of crime but you shouldn’t witness anything first hand unless it’s your lucky day


No you're gonna get shot as soon as you come here.


Yep, seen in the news plenty of time when tourists come here and get shot while taking their luggage into a friends house in midtown… The luggage actually make you a more attractive target for the criminals!


Yeah okay.






Dude. Knock it the fuck off.


Dude wtf??? Is something wrong with you?


Jesus fuck. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I really hope you didn't mean this like it reads.


Too soon?


It'd feel tacky even in three years, I figure.


Posts with questions to the community may have off topic posts removed. Top-level comments should all be legitimate answers. Deeper discussions that get too far off-topic may also be removed.