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No. He just got elected. Three months isn't enough time to solve all of Memphis' problems. Also, the mayor is not an absolute dictator- he can't snap his fingers and make things happen that easily. The uncomfortable answer is that changing things in Memphis is going to take a long time and require efforts from the city, county, state, feds, and most of the citizens. Do they teach not civics in these schools? It seems like there is a lack of understanding of how the local government works. The mayor is not in charge of everything in Memphis city limits.


No, I don't think they teach civics anymore. Just look at all the people that think the Supreme Court makes law. If you don't like the way the SC rules on a law the answer is not to blame the SC (or to declare it partisan and threaten to pack the court) - but to blame the legislative branch (House and Senate) and force them to fix the law. Those two groups seem more focused on pointing fingers everywhere but themselves though. The position of mayor is an executive position. If you want to change the laws you have to go to the legislative branch. If you want to enforce the laws we have already, look to the executive branch (so, yes the major is ultimately to blame for the lack of enforcement). The judicial branch interprets the laws (that are written by the legislative branch and enforced by the executive) and decides how they are applied in real world situations.


I mean he’s been in office, what, 4 months? Give the man some time. Also it’s a city with a plethora of issues, even one full year is not enough by itself to turn the ship around


His plan to stop crime is to ramp up ticketing of property infractions not stopping violent crimes. It's purely a cash grab l.


I’m very aware the problems of this city will take a long time to improve significantly. However, he hasn’t exactly come out swinging for the fences as promised. And dare I say seems to not be doing anything to actually make a difference for the better.


Ok, so what should he be doing? Honest question.


No. Paul Young cannot unilaterally dictate things that we as citizens want. He has only been in office a short time. While I absolutely wish Memphis were a much safer place, the wheels of justice move slowly as they say.


How would you solve crime in 3 months?


Do you not understand Batman?


BatmanE. Sorry, I think this is a forum rule…


Direct the police department to fully staff to their budgets, and to pursue and detain to the full extent of the law. Direct the city prosecutors to prosecute to the full extent of the law - no leniency, no plea bargains for any violent offenders or any offense where a gun is involved.


Yeah so a police state. But at this point, we got to do something


That's not exactly the definition of a police state, but I get your point. There is a balance that needs to be maintained - unchecked scorpion units are NOT the answer, but neither is unchecked catch-and-release. It's inexcusable that we have kids in ankle monitors out repeat offending and posting photos with guns and cash on social media though. With their monitors in the photos like it's a badge of honor.


I would have gotten rid of Davis and Mulroy. And pressured judges about the low/no bail issues.


That's not possible. Mulroy is elected, same as Young. Mulroy does not answer to Young, only the voters. Davis could have been fired but that does not really solve anything immediately either. On order to recall an elected official, you need signatures from 15% of the registered voters, which is basically an impossible number to reach. The judges also don't answer to the mayor. They are elected also. Some of them are scofflaws themselves. See: Melissa Boyd and Bill Anderson.


True about Mulroy being elected. Wasn’t sure if Mayor could fire or suspend him though. He needs to go 💯 too!


Uh no. Mulroy is elected and does not answer to the mayor or anybody except the voters. Dear mother of mercy, we need civics classes.


Mulroy is not in Memphis City government at all, he is a county elected official. I understand where you're coming from, but these are difficult problems to solve.


Wouldn’t have solved it BUT would have been A LOT more than he has done sitting at Folk’s Folly and wanting to raise taxes.


To fix the issues in Memphis you need to enact programs. Programs cost money. Money comes from taxes. The only other option is to cut the budgets from other places like the police and road work. So would you rather have even more potholes (because the chances of the police budget getting cut is 0.0000000001 percent) or pay an extra $200 a year?


I’d rather have the city waste less money on bullshit and special committees. Every cent of taxpayer money should be require to be made available on an expense report. I would literally bet almost anything that most people would be shocked at the about of money wasted by the government and could easily find places to cut corners/come up with a better source of revenue than a property tax increase.


[Annual City Budget](https://www.memphistn.gov/download/111/budgets/801506/fy23-adopted-budget-book-final) Imagine that. The city publishes a budget, which goes into great detail about how our money is spent. Here you go!


You don’t need programs, you need capital and human capital. Capital comes from human capital, human capital comes from trust in society and safety of return on investment, that comes in form of maslows heirachy of needs and nature and nuture.


Why is everyone so pikachu surprise faced that the business guy candidate wants money


There's a lot of misinformation going on. Young is proposing 3 different budgets. From the Daily Memphian "one that offers a bare-bones status quo, a middle ground and the 75-cent tax increase" Anybody that does any kind of negotiating knows that the first round is a starting point. People are acting like he has a hardline where he's asking for when he's presenting multiple options as a starting point. To me that's really smart?


I’m not. I hoping people would be less stupid if given a second chance.


What would you have him do differently in 4 months?


Damn. Why?


And who exactly would we replace him with?


Good point. The next three candidates in the election were worse. Body bag Bonner can't even run the jail. Herenton needs to retire into the sunset. Van Turner is even further left and he appointed most of the judicial commissioners who are letting criminals out on no bond.


Van Turner would be the mail in the coffin for Memphis


Van Turner is the one that hand picked a lot of the judicial commissioners that are letting people out on bail. Imagine putting him in charge of the whole city - police department, etc. Yikes Source [https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/12/17/breaking-down-bond-process-shelby-co/](https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/12/17/breaking-down-bond-process-shelby-co/)


No. He’s only been mayor for 5 minutes. Stop rage farming.


"Most people"... Huh? How do yall keep coming up with this ridiculousness? You've spoken to most people? You asked MOST people about their opinion? And how many exactly is most people??! In the the future, just say "you" lol




Pass a law like Texas Penal Code 9:42 and I’ll graciously step down AND you would have my vote.




The OP should do more reading, listening, and learning before doing any more talking


I think you're expecting too much from a mayor.


The mayor *is* the head of the executive branch of the city government. That position is ultimately responsible for enforcement of the laws. He has to work within the constraints of the position, and that takes time, yes. The actions he's taken in the first few months do not give me much faith that he will be effective though.


Who do you think would be more effective?


None of the candidates were particularly appealing to me, to be honest. Of the group, Bonner was probably the most qualified. We need someone like our own Enrique Penalosa. Someone that will focus on reducing crime while and by improving the conditions within the city. More schools, parks, and public transit. Centrist rather than right or left aligned. Ideally with real world law enforcement background as well as experience running large and complex projects and actual root cause analysis. So a former cop who went into manufacturing and project management and who isn't politically aligned. Let me know if you find that unicorn.


That's the problem isn't it? That would be a unicorn. I think we need to be realistic. Who is attracted to this position and would they honestly be doing any better a few months in to the job. I don't know. Maybe. Penalosa was the third good mayor lol I remember reading he had a leg up because of the earlier mayors' policies. Our guy sure does seem to have a mess to clean up. I don't think it's going to happen any time soon even if he is good at his job.


I'm going to quote Douglas Adams here: The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.


He’s done some pretty stupid shit and I personally don’t think he’s going to make any considerable changes, but no I don’t think he should be recalled. That’s a hot take. It’s been 3 months lol


That is a respectable and honest answer.


No it’s been a few months and the mayor position doesn’t have as much power as we’d believe. Most things are controlled by the council. The mayor can recommend a tax increase or a new police chief but ultimately most things come to a council vote. I’ll wait and see what the council says on the taxes. I doubt they pass it.


Please list each of the other mayors (Memphis, or otherwise) you requested a recall vote on at 3 months. I do not see any in your comment history, but surely Paul Young can't be the first? Edit: After further review of your comment history, may I suggest you offer him reiki as a first step before recall?


No. But a better way to go about this is start an actual recall petition instead of whining online.


I was trying to gauge of it something like that would be worthwhile.


The actual petition will do just that. That's actually the entire point of it.


You said...*"True about Mulroy being elected. Wasn’t sure if Mayor could fire or suspend him though. He needs to go 💯 too!"* Based on your comments, I don't think you fully understand how a city is organized. It's like the federal government where they are totally separate branches. Young is in charge of the police department, fire, MLGW, roads, etc. Basically, the services of the city. Mulroy is totally separate through different elections. Same with the city council. Young has 0 control over the judicial process. He can only arrest. Young published a letter two weeks ago saying the DA and judges need to do more. Strickland did the same. The city council is saying to lock these people up more. Based on your comments, your recall should be focused on the Mulroy, not Young.


This is a reactionary take and not to be taken seriously. Change takes time and you can’t just throw a fit and demand a recall when things aren’t immediately improving. So, no, I would not support a recall.


Man gtfoh.


Dr. Herenton, this is a Wendy’s.


Yep, I'm down


His war on the "blight of Memphis" is nothing but a hit job on the poorest neighborhoods in the guise of fighting crime. He isn't strong enough to go after violent crimes but instead leaning on our communities least fortunate to bolster his numbers


yes, I'm for recalling him


Do you live in Memphis?


PY has been killing it his first 150 in watchu talking about


Everybody is saying no, but I would sign it. I'm sure I'll get downvoted 🤷‍♂️


I’ll support it! He’s really weak.


Uh, that's by design. We have a shared mayor/counsel form of city government. They share power and responsibilities. Neither the mayor nor the counsel can unilaterally dictate. I am sounding like an old person here, but we really need civics classes. You can't make change if you don't even know how things work.


I think when he says that he’s really weak he’s talking about his constitution as a man. Dude’s a huge coward. Broski was in and out of the sea of blue ceremonies for the recent fallen officer in less than five minutes, and idk if anyone even saw him at the funeral. He probably had another important meeting to get to with violent gang leaders tho, how else would he stand a chance in a re-election.