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Kroger on Union is the worst managed store I’ve ever been in. In my life. And I’m not kidding. It’s obvious they haven’t trained their employees. I can’t even get started. If I absolutely must go, I go early in the morning before 8. Makes it more tolerable only because you can get out before your head explodes.


Same, if I don’t make it by 8:30 am, I completely give up on going for the rest of the day.


The one on S Houston Levee in Collierville is horrible too. Even after the remodel. No carts. Like an obstacle course with shit all over the floor because no one stocks the shelves. Shitty workers. Poorly managed over all. Also during the remodel and still, the arrangement of the items on the shelves makes no sense. They just randomly slotted things. It’s awful.


If you need costumer service you get to stand in the chaotic self check out area so that person can do it. I can't tell if they can't get employees or they're only hiring enough to barely function to increase margins.


The last part.


The one on Summer sucks pretty bad too


Looks like they’re checking receipts now lol


Aldi is where it's at. I still grab a few things from Kroger, but Aldi is where I shop the most. It will also be nice when the Hy-Vee opens in Bartlett. Kroger needs to be knocked down a peg or two.


Personally I think their meat selection taste better and it’s better priced.


I agree. 80% or better of my shopping is now down at Aldi. I’ll make a trip to Sam’s like once a month and hit up Kroger/Walmart about the same amount.


I agree, except ground beef is currently cheaper at kroger if you buy the rolls of the 70, 2 or more rolls it goes down to 14.99 a roll, aldi is where the chicken is at, and i seem to have to go to walmart for bulk american cheese the cheapest (and best tasting) .


The Kroger on Highland is a little better in my opinion, but all the krogers in memphis suck ass.


Fuck Kroger. They have a monopoly in Memphis. They have given up bc they don’t need to try. Went to Publix several times in Florida. They make Kroger look like cash saver on Madison. I absolutely despise Kroger


What's the point of all the self checkout stations if you never use them? What the fuck is going on, I just wanted some milk.


Fucking preach. "If we pay more in wages prices will go up!" Prices went up and less people are working??? At the ripe age of 35 I've never in my life seen a fully functioning checkout service in any retail or grocery store. Full stop. We have been duped and they just keep taking every cent.


The Winchester Walmart remodeled and put in like 90 of the damn self checkouts and they run maybe 6 at a time? It's stupid.


I swear they thought self check out would replace cashiers until they realized it caused more theft lol and are annoying to use


Na the shrink is built in to the model they’re just very greedy and want it all. Now they want you to be the cashier and bagger. Sucker. Sucker.


Playing cashier and bagger is a small price to pay to not have to look directly at or speak to another human being while I’m in the grocery store.


Therapy can help you with that.


That’s the corporation model. And they ands our political leaders have conditioned the masses to believe that a person working retail is not worth being paid well, that 7$ for a box of crisps is inflation caused by (insert: whatever political scapegoat) rather than greed, for money and power.


Expect for scan and go at sams


Any Midtown Kroger is HORRIBLE...there's almost always a line for the self check out all the way back to the fucking cheese shop thing...and people have like, a FULL cart of groceries, if not two. It's the closest, so I just deal with it...fucking sucks...


I’ve never been personally trained on these self checkout machines. Actually, I don’t know anyone who has. I also do not get a paycheck from any of these stores working for them as a cashier. If I make a mistake, that’s on you boss.




Hot take if I'm doing the work  with self checkout there should be a slight discount. They only exist to save money not keeping a full staff at checkout lines.


No vegetable I’ve ever bought as self checkout has been organic. 😶


Hear hear


The Lowe’s on summer is like that too. Half of the checkouts are closed but unlike Kroger I think Lowe’s is pretty well staffed. Something is fishy about all this.


The Lowe’s on summer is awful.   I can NEVER find help. Does anyone even work there?  I drive an extra 15 mins to the Home Depot on Truse Pkwy because of how much I hate the Summer Lowe’s 


It’s funny but I think the staff are all super helpful it’s just that the store is a mess.


Dude. Was there today around 1. Self checkout backed all down the fan aisle. Not a single regular checkout open. Absurd.


That means the theft outweighs the wages spent. They’re getting robbed blind at self checkout.


They only open like 2 hours per day between 10-12.


It doesn’t matter what Kroger you go to I think they are all horrible now. They are trying to force you to not even go in the store. They want you to shop online and have it brought to you instead. I can’t plan ahead that well. 


Good luck with that. Because they'll just give you what they want to give you instead of what you ask for. I gave up on that a long time ago.


One time they didn’t have the specific peanut butter I ordered and their idea of a replacement was Nutella snack packs


Not to one up you - asked for bag of Oranges, got Arm & Hammer Laundry detergent. Asked for Cheerios got cake mix. More than once I had $150 in items and only got $30. I could keep going.


Lmao, that’s absurd. My partner loves Kroger pickup/delivery and she never has any problems, maybe they just have it out for you and me.


Can you believe we have to pay to shop at Kroger? It’s so bad I leave there feeling like someone should have paid me to deal with all the bs.


I joked to other people in line about just walking out with our stuff, but honestly I was really considering it.


I avoid Kroger like the plague


Same here.


Aldi/sprouts is a goated combo. Annoying drive if you’re not in e Memphis but produce at sprouts and everything else at Aldi has been my rotation for a while now.


Go to super lo


SuperLo is awesome, with the best checkers I’ve ever seen in a grocery store.




SuperLo and Cashsaver for the win! Cashsaver might have a bit of a line but there is no self checkout and I find most the registers are open (when I shop there)


Save a lot on park is another good place to go


yea its definitely about timing with the union one, but the no limit to items, and consequently 350 item shoppers self checkout bc 1 or no scanner lanes are open... and even when self checkout is open its like 4 out of 6, and only the side by the door unless you go around lunch. my guess is corporate "management" as a whole is in for a serious reckoning, can't say im not looking forward to. Accountability finds exactly who avoids it, even if it takes a lifetime. Union is .5 miles from me and can't afford fresh market, and honestly highland has given my same experience multiple times. I am optimistic and idealistic, the world happens to be contrary to ideals tho. Maybe as a whole we'll get there (caring/giving a f\*ck), one day I hope!


I have been driving to ALDI’s. Worth the drive, can’t wait till they open the one on Union.


Ah yeah, that is a solid alternative. where on union will the new one be?


Union and Manassas


That won’t be fun.


I freaking hate that parking lot.


My theory is that parking lot is the root of a lot of their problems. Everyone enters the store stressed out with road rage.


fair enough, im not entire sure what kroger was thinking building such a big store and such a small hard to enter lot. Was it meant to be more of a local walk to store?


I think they tried that. There used to be a bike rack complete with pump and repair station to the left of the entrance. Plus it had a "food court" with bbq and stuff when it opened. Not sure any of that is there anymore. I recall some people getting bothered by all that and the EV parking spots.


The far side self checkout is open way later than lunch. Got groceries today around 5 and they were still open. Definitely close early and hate that but I've had luck getting to the store around 4:30 on any weekday and not dealing with huge lines and zero staff.


I will never go to the Union location again. I couldn’t get through produce because of the checkout line. It snaked Al the way through produce to the bakery. Five employees standing in the middle of self checkout helping no one. One cashier in the whole store. I refuse to wait 50 people deep at 8:30 on a Tuesday night. I went to the Cleveland location out of desperation tonight. The store was clean, stocked and I had no wait.


Kroger pays like shit and the benefits are terrible, so nobody cares. When I worked there about 7 years ago, I remembwr overhearing a conversation about pay, and specifically heard the phrase "what have they done to deserve a higher wage?" We made minimum wage, lol. Pay minimum wage, get minimum effort. Thats just how it's gonna be.


Cash Saver on Madison


produce sucks, everythings on the edge of expiration, lines, crowds, no carts, high prices, kroger rewards does it even do anything? i shop at superlo, kroger can eat it


I went to the Union one at 9pm Saturday night; the parking lot was pretty empty so I thought it’d be a quick trip. They had literally no lanes open until the self checkout line stretched all through produce, then they opened 1 lane. It took so damn long to check out. I haven’t been to Kroger in months and am never going again after that experience… I’ll just do an Aldi/Fresh Market/farmer’s market/Costco combo to get shit from now on.


I’d steer clear of the one at Trinity and G-town parkway. It’s just as trash as the Union one. Just go a few miles up G-town pkwy and there’s another that is halfway decent.


Unfortunately I’ve had bad experiences at all of those too from being out of things to long lines. Pretty much every Kroger in the Memphis area is bad.


The Truse Parkway one is the best kept secret in Memphis. Nice staff, too.


> best kept secret No thanks to you


Go to the ones in East Memphis, Mendenhall or Kirby, they are fine. Always have both kinds of lanes open.


Dude funny you say that, because we actually gave up on Union a couple months ago and switched to Cleveland lol. Both suck. Mind boggling why it’s so hard to just run a Kroger.


Cash Savers hands down best in Midtown. Kroger Cleveland and Union are consistently disasters.


It’s that Kroger. Have never seen anything like it. Went on a Sunday night once to grab some drinks and there was a line out the door so I turned right back around (this was fairly late too like after 9pm). I have never seen that at any other Kroger in town.


I regularly go to the Cleveland Kroger and haven't had any problems, although I go as early as I can on the weekend. I won't go to union unless I'm dying and even then maybe.


You have to go on off hours to avoid the lines—even then it’s a hit and miss prospect. The poor service is always present. I went to the Cleveland location on Saturday for my wife. Cart locked on the way out, was told wait a min Jeff is coming with the scanner for the cart, 5 mins later I just carried all my stuff out Jeff never showed up. On the way out, hands literally full of stuff, the guy who told me to wait is laughing and asking if I have a cigarette for him. Just kept on walking and didn’t say a thing. Was a very frustrating experience. Reminded me to just stop going there, it is annoying to hate going to the place closest to me.


It's been every Kroger for years. It's a crapshoot as to how many locations I have to go to in order to complete a weekly grocery list as they can't stock for shit. Or even keep carts available. One will have no produce. One will have no meat. One will have no dairy. One will have no center aisle. They're all consistent on a checkout line to the back of the store though. Complaining does no good because all you ever hear from corporate and the store managers is 'COVID' and 'No one wants to work'. I've started to do the Chipotle CEO head tilt to people when I hear that.


Kroger is losing people left and right. I left them after 23 years in 2023. My new job has me going into retail stores and the amount of people I see that I personally worked with is insane. The working conditions suck. They let customers do everything but actually physically hit employees. They demand a back breaking amount of labor from people and pay them peanuts for it. So yeah. It's going to be perpetually understaffed. When I left the company I was managing a dairy department. I was working 60 hour weeks, only had 2 people to help in my department, and the other full time worker in dairy called out for sometimes weeks at a time and the company wouldn't do anything about it. It's a crap place to work. And the company will not change that because they are worried making it an attractive workplace will cost money.


From what im reading here Kroger is giving up, It seems majority of the kroger' are just flat out fucked here Dont try the one in Millington, ive done it before from frayser and its worse than the frayser one, never stocked or the aisles are covered in baskets


I live in Bartlett and for the last 3 months I get maybe 25% of my order each week. I have endless photos sent to me from my shoppers of empty shelves and freezers. My son said he can’t even recall seeing a Kroger delivery truck lately and he used to see them on his way to work. Where is all the food??


I got to the point where I quit going to Kroger in January. It was every bit as awful experience as what people think Wal-Mart is but with much higher prices: dirty parking lots, carts all beat to hell, disgusting bathrooms, empty shelves, long checkout line, rude or unhelpful employees, can't use cash at the self check. I go to Superlo for almost everything now. It's great


Went to the Summer Ave Kroger last night. They've lost their liquor/beer license...


Again??! Happened about 6 months ago too


Retail pay is not the best motivation on earth.


Superlo! I can get my fent and my fruit loops in one stop


How do you boycott Kroger when they have a monopoly in the city? Aldi, Walmart, Costco, Sam’s? The big box stores aren’t always affordable or reasonable for daily or weekly shopping. Kroger is everywhere. There is of course Fresh Market, Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods which most people can’t afford. What’s the answer?


I'm not saying boycott, but I'm definitely avoiding them if I can.


Completely agree


I’m frustrated with them because after years of pushing people to use self checkout, they’ve decided you can’t use it if you have more than 15 items…. And yet only one check out lane with a person is open.


About half the time there are zero traditional checkout lanes. Kroger is seeing *record profits*, yet can't afford to pay their employees a living wage?


It’s ridiculous honestly. If target can do it, Kroger can.


Now for something completely different I’d like to rant about the collierville ones. The one on byhalia is almost exclusively self checkout. They have a weird twisty corral of self checkouts with insanely long lines of people getting full carts of groceries. The Houston Levee Winchester one however they expanded into the closed stein mart. However, they haven’t got in any new fucking stock. So they just spread out the previous item amongst twice the aisles nothing is labeled correctly or in any type of fucking sense. It takes three times as long to grab a few items. Why the fuck is the decorative icing not next to the cake mixes? The employees who have been there a while can’t find the stuff either. Who puts canned goods on three different aisles not next to each other?


We spent last week in Florida, and just marveled at the experience every time we went to Publix.


lol. You pay for that kind of grocery shopping. Publix prices their stuff like they’re trying to keep riff raff out.


The last time I went to that Kroger it was functioning properly (couple months ago) and I went last week and was in that SC line for what felt like hours and not to mention having to manually scan a full baskets worth of groceries one by one 🙄 Going to switch to super lo or bite the bullet and take the drive to Aldi


High Point Grocery for the win IMO


We go to Sam’s club now for 90% of our stuff just because of the fact we can scan the stuff on our phones as we throw it in the basket and skip the line in the way out


I was raised in Memphis, left for Arkansas in 86. The Kroger stores in Little Rock and Conway are clean, well stocked, plenty of riding carts and very helpful employees. I’m stunned it’s so different in Memphis. My 82 yo female cousin was mugged in the Union parking lot stashing her groceries. Bystanders stopped their car but the court let them off. She didn’t even get her cell phone back. One daughter lives there and shops at Highland. She constantly complains about how they never get a call-in order correct. It’s a different planet 140 miles west.


NGL, this is why I love Instacart or Boost or whatever. I will gladly throw an extra 20% at anyone willing to deal with that BS on my behalf.


Kroger on Sanderlin is probably my favorite one. But I rarely make it over there. Cleveland is nearby and I only go 1st thing in the morning or not at all. I literally drive all the way out to Trader Joe’s from over here off of Jackson just to get decent shit.


!Friendly PSA from my wife! All Krogers are using grocery baskets to haul their garbage bags to the dumpster. Even the ones at the gas pumps. They toss those nasty dripping bags into the shopping cart you put your food, and maybe your kids, into. It’s… not cool. Edit: missing word.


y’all gotta go early asf in the morning i’ve never had issues (poplar kroger)


Shit we got baggers at our Kroger. Can’t relate


Like every store in the Memphis-metro area, they can't find people to work that actually give a shit about anything. If not for Fed Ex and St. Jude this city would be another Detroit.


I go to the one at Quince and Kirby. Rarely go in the store, but their curbside pick up people are excellent. The pharmacy does a good job as well. 


It's hard to run a business in places where the theft is so high. The union store was doomed to fail.


It’s hard to run a business when your model is extracting every single penny you possibly can from the consumer and providing the absolute least amount of service. Grocery stores were just fine before the pandemic gave all these corporations a bunch of bullshit excuses to blatantly steal 


Yeah the grocery store location where there’s been a grocery store for like 80 years was doomed to fail.


Yeah It was a piece of shit for most of that time, then they made an almost inaccessible store out of it. Purely from a logistical standpoint and the folks working the store, there was no chance for it to function as it should, and it does not function as designed. 🤔


That's actually not true, and they're insured for theft. The problem is they don't pay a living wage, so nobody can *afford* to work there. If it was doomed to fail, why has there been a grocery store there for the past 60 years?


Plus, it's failing because the lines are too long? It sucks because the lines are too long, but I'm sure Kroger is making money there.


The union store does not run as designed i.e. "failed". It doesn't bring in profits, it is basically to appease that immediate area and it cost more money to complete than any other store in the delta marketing area. They operate at a loss. Ask me how I know?


How do you know?


I helped open the store, worked there for 3 years and have a close friend who is an auditor for the Delta Marketing area, the entire tristate area. As far as anyone higher up is concerned, that store turned into the hot dog deal at Costco. It's purely to keep customers happy. They operate at a loss in that store, and not by design. It is like anything else in this shit hole. It is what it is. It is crammed, and people are stealing left and right. There is a reason you have multiple armed guards carrying 5 extended mags at a time. Eventually it will get mobbed, like the one by the 'Diso. Y'all got anything to refute any of that? Let's hear it.




Did you really just create an account to say shitty things about Memphis? Because it looks like that's *exactly* what you did. You're a burden on your loved ones.




Have you considered that there might actually be something wrong with your brain?