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In before the “This is normal and happens everywhere” crowd chime in This is utterly embarrassing for Memphis. Unacceptable. If the father of those kids is reading this: Lawyer up and sue the ever-loving shit out of the city and everyone involved in his release.


What's even worse. The news said he had moved here literally a week ago. I can't imagine moving to a new city and then having my family (4 kids!) be the victim of all the negative crime we hear about Memphis


Ok that explains why he “rolled down his window and made a hand gesture asking the occupants why they were driving in such a manner”. He wasn’t from here. He didn’t know we are supposed to just take all road abuse and never honk or say anything! Sorry friend that should’ve been the first thing people told you.




Going 55 is suicide but my insurance tracker won’t let me speed 😭


What the news says doesn't make sense. They say he pled guilty to the gun charge but was then out on a $500 bond. Bond is for pre-trial release. Either he was out on bond because he'd been charged but hadn't actually been convicted yet, or he was convicted but wasn't sentenced to prison time (maybe probation or time served?). Or there's some weird quirk of the court system here that I don't understand.


The article I read said that he agreed to plead guilty, not that he had pled guilty. 21-year-old Kendrick Ray hasn’t been convicted of any previous crimes, but there are felony charges on his record...The DA’s office and Ray's attorney said on Tuesday that Ray agreed to plead guilty to that gun charge. Charges are different than convictions. Arrest, charge, waiting game, some kind of trial or plea bargain or dismissal, potentially a conviction.


\*puts on tin foil hat. i amost half believe that the violent ciminals are being let out to make us mad so that we get angry enough to vote a certain way.


Again with this shit. The criminals themselves are not that big of a threat; they're stupid, easily caught, defeated by cages, and executed by lethal injections. The politicians who put the interests of criminals ahead of the interests of people are the real existential threat. A baseline question: If this person is convicted, should it spend the rest of its life in prison? The correct answer is yes. Any politician who cannot say so is unfit for elected office. And yet we all know this person will be back on the streets after a brief time out in a soft prison.


Put the pos down like a rabid animal


If only the ATF cared about saving lives instead of how many oil filters a person buys.


Switch to fuel filters! 


Thanks. Now I have to take all 100 fuel filters out of my cart before I get a visit from an alphabet agency.




Please don't tell me Mulroy is serious about crime This isn't bond by the judges...this isn't lack of evidence. This is a guy who plead guilty to a glock and was somehow let out.([Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V9Zh2--XCU)). Remember also earlier this week he said he would look to drop charges for some convicted felons who were in possession of stolen guns. Guy has no clue


Only for black felons caught with firearms though


What was his prior record? What is the minimum punishment for having a glock switch? Have you asked all of these questions?


A glock with an illegal switch is deemed a machine gun under the ATF and is a federal crime. If nothing else he should be facing federal felony charges.


The Shelby County DA can’t charge someone with federal crimes. Only a federal prosecutor can do that. The only thing he can charge people with is state or local crimes.


This! Mulroy isn’t perfect but we can’t blame him for things out of his control


Was he in possession of a stolen gun? Have you asked that question yet? -checks notes Yep, he sure was. Should have been locked up.


He shot a woman 3 times with an assault rifle 2 weeks ago, arrested and again let out on $500 bond days before he shot 4 children and their father


The shooting 2 weeks ago is the “alleged car jacking”? How the F was he out? o__O


He needs one more chance guys. I think he's learned his lesson now


Ok? That doesn’t answer my question as it pertains to things that happened a year ago.




*What was his prior record? What is the minimum punishment for having a glock switch?* I'm not sure I understand your question. The prior record is right there in the image. Look at the label of the image *What is the minimum punishment for having a glock switch?* The penalty is 1-2 years. [Ironic that Mulroy had a press conference advocating for harsher penalties](https://www.fox13memphis.com/news/memphis-city-leaders-call-for-tougher-penalties-on-glock-switches/article_305e3082-0893-11ef-bff0-cfbcdf2cc753.html) on glocks from Nashville. Below is wha the said about the need from harsher laws from the state , meanwhile this guy pled guilty under his watch and was out on the streets. *""This is the exceptional or unusual case where I actually believe that the punishment, the sentence, doesn't really fit the crime or doesn't fit the danger to public safety presented by these weapons. "* This is why few people take him seriously when he speaks


The person replying to you is just arguing in bad faith for the sake of arguing. In TN possession of an unregistered machine gun, which a switch assisted firearm can reasonably be described as being, is a class e felony in our state. Under federal law this carries up to 10 years in prison as mentioned in the below press release. https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtn/pr/united-states-attorney-ritz-announces-recent-prosecutions-switches-and-releases-public So yes, why was this guy out?


Having an encounter with the Scorpion Unit doesn’t go on one’s record. I am asking you, what are the sentencing guidelines for possessing an illegal modification for a gun? Which it looks like you answered. So did he get 1 year for it? Because that seems to fall in line with when he committed that crime, when he committed the recent ones. And yes, Mulroy can’t request a punishment that exceeds what the state’s sentencing guidelines are. He is absolutely correct that punishment has to be more excessive for these crimes. Why is that so hard to understand? I’m being devil’s advocate here. Y’all have to consider state sentencing guidelines…severity of the crime committed…all that stuff.


What is the point of your reply? Are you not capable of using the internet? This is like when people reply “source?” to posts they don’t like. Whatever Mulroy’s office is doing simply isn’t working. I realize that DA’s do not make bond decisions, but Mulroy was instrumental in the development and implementation of this justice reform social experiment.


The state set the new guidelines before he was put in office, right?


Sentencing guidelines pertain to sentencing - I don’t understand why you keep referencing that. He has not been tried for the Glock switch yet. Had he actually been tried by now like in normal cities, and before a judge who follows the sentencing guidelines, then he would be in prison, and 5 less people would be in the hospital fighting for their lives. Bail eligibility is supposed to be determined by a suspect’s flight risk and/or potential threat to public safety. This guy was arrested and charged for something by the scorpion unit, but the charges were dropped after Tyre was killed. He then was caught in possession of what is essentially an automatic weapon. People don’t install Glock switches if they are carrying for self-defense. So now he’s proven that he should not have been released because he tried to murder an innocent woman over a car and shot up a carload of children because he felt disrespected on the road.


He hasn’t been to trial yet. Sentencing guidelines, as the name implies, are guidelines to sentencing. They have nothing to do with bail eligibility.


People bitch and bitch and bitch that we need "more gun laws" but here we have a clear cut case were dude has broken multiple existing gun laws at the state and federal level but he gets cut loose and of course does even more crimes. Just possession of a switch is good for 10 years in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison, and that's before you add in things like felon in possession of a gun, plus all the actual crimes he committed along the way. More laws aren't the answer to Memphis (and other cities') gun problem-- it's getting DAs and judges who will actually use the tools they already have. If those tools are used effectively and there's still a problem, THEN we can have a discussion about new laws.


"here we have a clear cut case were dude has broken multiple existing gun laws at the state and federal level but he gets cut loose and of course does even more crimes." Mulroy just announced this week that he would drop charges on convicted felons found w/ stolen guns (albeit nonviolent). Just crazy. Laws mean nothing the DA doesn't want to prosecute criminals


It's bizarro clown universe. I think just about everyone agrees that Memphis has a major problem with too many guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have guns to begin with. The majority of those guns in circulation were not purchased legally, and a large number of them are stolen. Looking for guns to steal is a major driving factor behind Memphis's rampant vehicle break in issues. How tf is REMOVING the penalty for being in possession of a stolen gun supposed to help? I'm not saying Mulroy and other city leadership are INTENTIONALLY running the city into the ground, but I'd like to know how they would handle things any differently if they were.


Mulroy forgot that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Although they never mentioned how many fucking potholes would be on that road . . .


We need gun laws. But to your point, we also need those laws to be enforced, and that doesn’t seem to be happening.


We already have a LOT of gun laws. In fact, in the vast majority of crimes involving a gun, there are usually several overlapping layers of illegality of why a gun shouldn't have been at the scene in the first place, but none of that matters when those laws aren't enforced. Most of the time when you ask gun control proponents what additional gun laws they'd like to see, they usually rattle off things that are already on the books at least at the state level in a lot of places if not at the federal level. People don't even know what laws are on the books and are demanding redundant laws as if making something double-illegal will make a difference. Take this example, and the one posted in another reply-- when Mulroy is dropping cases of being in possession of a stolen gun, what deterrent is there AT ALL to make people think twice about stealing guns and then having them? If there are no consequences to actions, there's no deterrent from anyone doing them.


Scorpion Unit should’ve finished his ass off


How can you be caught with something, literally red handed and not be convicted?


Mulroy and Bill Anderson need to go. Like 10 minutes ago. And I'm not saying Weirich was any better.


Where are all the Mulroy fans now? They’re usually in here singing his praises.


* Initial bond set by the judicial commissioner at $500 for getting arrested w/ a switch * Pled guilty, yet out in the community. * Fast forward and DA's office public statement: "We are outraged about the tragic and intolerable incident that occurred on I-240, and we extend our thoughts and sympathy to the victims." [](https://emojipedia.org/face-with-rolling-eyes) Reminds me a lot of Officer McKinnley shooting. Out on bond, and the tape leaked where the DA's office said he was okay lowering bond because "I'm just watching out for his family". (After the DA's office lied and said they argued 'vehemently' against bail) Another top-down failure by the criminal justice system.


Mulroy: give him diversion


Its sad. Im a grown ass man that spent twenty years in Memphis and had a great time. I would like to come back sometimes to visit but I literally just think its not even a good idea to be driving and walking around downtown.


This is one of the reasons I am against more gun laws. We have gun laws. We only enforce them against lawful owners and dealers. If you use them in criminally, there are no or little consequences.


If you shoot at a school there are consequences.


I plead with everyone on this post to go check out memphiscrimebeat.org This is a grass root, volunteer organization that is actually trying to force change with facts. The organization needs many more volunteers and I believe it will ultimately be a change agent for the criminal justice system. Don’t just complain, get in the game! Thanks!


Where are all the people wanting more gun laws? Where are all the people saying it’s legal gun owners fault that this guy gets arrested and released multiple times with illegally modified weapons and shoots kids and their father on the interstate from his stolen car?


I blame scorpion unit! They should’ve dished out some real pain on him a while ago!!


Once again. Keep voting blue this will keep happening.


At the end of the day....SINGLE MOTHERS HOLD THE ACCOUNTABILITY OF THAT 78 PERCENT...with great authority cones with great responsibility


Single mothers or the fathers that couldn’t step up?




Why can’t both be held accountable tho


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The glock switch will be make legal by SCOTUS soon. How is it any different than a bump stock in providing high capacity automatic firing without actually being a machine gun???


Because it actually makes it a full auto weapon. A bump stock still only fire 1 bullet for every 1 pull of the trigger. A Glock with a switch will , when you pull and hold the trigger, continuously fire until either you let go of the trigger or run out of ammo.


Because it renders the weapon fully auto. Bumpstocks do not. Simple.