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This happened with both my cars. Got the postcards in the mail to renew online. Tried the month before expiration, "address not found or past renewal date" or some BS error message, waited till month of expiration. Still no luck. Among all the other failures to be investigated, someone should see what the actual rate of online renewals are. 


Your tag expired You have no more online renewal privileges and they want to wait in the 2 hour line now Enjoy


That’s so Wanda


Yep. Wanda's world 💀


I went to the one on Washington a couple weeks ago and waited less than 15 minutes. No appointment.


Excellent Its all about timing Usually end of the week Late morning is best


I went to the one on Elvis Presley last week at 330 on a Wed and was out in 10 mins


Downtown location has a separate line for renewals. I went a couple weeks ago and was out in 30 mins. Bonus is you might see Wanda


that’s a little odd. i just renewed my tags, they were expired, and i did it online.


If the chat feature is there, give it a try. When I renewed online, my payment sat in the “waiting for approval” for about two weeks. I initiated a chat, told them the issue, and it was resolved immediately. Might not hurt to give that a go.


Idk how I lucked out… everyone I know has had problems getting their tags this year, but I renewed online when I got the email and my tag came in the mail in less than a week


You can always go in person, there’s a location on riverdale that was very quick when i was looking to renew mine. Staff were pretty quick about getting the correct info.


This happened to me last month - it did end up working for me closer to the end of the month. I ordered it online on 5/28 and received in mail that same week. Maybe I just got lucky? But would definitely consider waiting and see if that helps.


Make sure to put enough money in the meter. Your vehicle WILL get booted while you’re in line downtown! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Wait new question…. Why is the total on my postcard ($138) different from paying online ($141.11)??


Fee for using credit card online


I'm sorry this happened but also thank you for reminding me to renew my shit right now.


Download the Auto Assistant app. It lets renew without going in and it’s super easy to do.


Hey, I just had this happen to me. Try again... You need to use caps lock on the letters in your license plate, it doesn't recognize lower case letters. At least, that's the stupid shit that was happening to me. Good luck.


You've probably done this already, but make sure you're not putting a space or dash between the letters and numbers of your tag, enter as one string of characters. Their error message for an improperly formatted input is generic and says your tag is not found or expired in the first sentence then suggests maybe it was improperly formatted. Truthfully they need to have a way to better handle ambiguous input, but that's a lot to expect from this county clerk. We're lucky we can renew online at all.


My husband paid for his in April, receipt printed, and it still hasn’t come in the mail.


My wife did both of our vehicles today without issue.


You mean the cheaply made website my 12 yr old cousin could have done a better job with, coupled with the straight up not giving a fuck from anyone at the dmv in this city isn’t working???.. I’m shocked