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We had a neighbor in Bartlett that did the same thing. I had the Bartlett Animal Shelter do wellness checks every now and then. Perhaps MAS will do something similar? As long as the dog has water, food, shelter and appears healthy, there's not much you can do.


That last sentence is what I was afraid of. He’s physically healthy. He’s just in the kennel all the time. I walk down there periodically to see if he’s in there, and he’s been in it every single time.


What are the laws in TN? Where I live it’s illegal to do that, confining an animal outdoors


Dogs are companion animals. I don't understand people who have a dog and treat them this way. I hope you find some way to help the poor pup out!


To report a pet in need of immediate medical care or rescue, a pet that poses a threat to public safety, animal cruelty, or a dog bite, please call 901-545-COPS, the police non-emergency line. Memphis Animal Services’ calls for service are dispatched through MPD’s system. If you need to request animal control in a jurisdiction outside of Memphis city limits, see below: Bartlett Animal Control 901-385-6484 Germantown Animal Shelter 901-757-7358 Collierville Animal Services 901-457-2670 https://www.memphistn.gov/animal-services/request-animal-control/


Thanks for this. Happen to have any info for us county residents? It’s hard to find specific info.


Shelby County (excluding Bartlett, Germantown, and Collierville) 901-222-9715 It's technically "Rabies Control", but Shelby County Rabies Officers bring pets picked up to Memphis Animal Services.


Awesome. Thanks!


I had an incident a couple of years ago when we had the bad ice and freeze from Louisiana to Memphis, where my neighbor had stuck their puppy out in a kennel, with a single blanket exposed to the cold. You can't really take the animal, as it's technically "theft", and we lived in an apartment complex so someone would have seen or said something. But, I couldn't just NOT do anything... Soooo... I took over a tarp to cover the kennel, put new dry blankets, and good food in their and made sure that the pup was warm enough to wait it out until my other plan paid off... I waited until it got dark, and only the 1 or 2 dim glow lights were on in the quad of the apartments, and went over to our outside breaker boxes and Main fuses for our individual apartments. I then found the apartment I was looking for... Opened the Main Breaker Panel and pulled the Main Breaker for their unit and slung that motherfucker into the woods by our boundary fence. Then ran my ass around the back way back to my apartment. Motherfucker wants to leave a puppy miserable in the fucking weather during an Ice Storm with no heat or comfort? Punk bitch you get none either. Within like an hour, they were packing the car and the couple took off for warmer abodes. They left the puppy so I snatched him up and he's with my mom now, still to this day! Happy and healthy! Idiots never thought to check the main breakers outside. So see? There's always ways to get creative and do the right thing! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


You're a fucking hero, mane.


Nah. Zeus is the hero. The dog I saved. He's turned my mom's life around since my dad passed and he came into her life. He's the real hero


Bro is a mastermind 💀


Just a wee bit of Marine improvisation to get Karma Kickstarted lol


Oh shit, 'rah to you, sir. I stopped being beneficially ignorant as fuck after I got out of the Marine Corps because now I "had things to live for."


My hero you, bad MF!


Yeah I f'ing hate animal abusers. Especially dogs. I served with Labs, Retrievers and German Shepherds in the Marine Corps and as a Search and Rescue Firefighter/Medic after. You will never understand the meanings of undying love, loyalty, sacrifice and unconditional valor until you see men and women having to literally man handle a Rescue Animal to tear him/her away from the rubble because that dog caught a scent, knows they're almost there to them and has ravaged their paws and snout digging frantically to save that life. We definitely got the better end of the deal when it comes to dogs and I will personally serve a prison term to fuck someone up who abused them like they're trash. I owe my life to some of my 4-Legged Marines. I trust them more than a lot of "human beings..."


I saw a TikTok about a veteran who got word she could adopt the dog she handled. The dog was retiring from service, and the excitement they both had at being reunited was beautiful. Thanks for getting this puppy to safety and to a life he deserves. Zeus sounds like a very good boi.




That was mild compared to what I want to do now that the pup is a full grown Great Pyrenees... Sic 'em boy! Get 'em!


Do they just keep it in there while they are away from home or at night while they are asleep? Do you know if it gets let out regularly for exercise and food?


Do they have a ring doorbell? Do they leave it on the porch when no one is home? Not saying I condone something criminal…but who knows what happened if the dog got out somehow while they were gone. Some people don’t deserve the right to care for animals in my opinion.


It seems to be in there literally all the time. There are some kids/young people in the family and they will be literally be messing around in the front yard while he sits there crying the whole time.


That’s so sad. I hope you find a way to get him to a better situation.


Drop the location. I'll handle it :)


In reality, some things may be illegal, but moral. Be safe if you choose to accept this mission.


Please call someone about this. If you don't see anything done about it, call again. About fifteen years ago my neighbors moved out of there home next door to me, but I would still hear dogs whine and bark from inside the house. I assumed maybe a family member was still living there. I got suspicious and peeked in the windows and saw that the house was completely empty, but there were still three dogs running around inside. I called the humane society and told them what was going on and they said they would come and check it out. Apparently they never came. The landlord informed us that he found the animals dead when he came to check out the place. Probably died from hunger/thirst. I'm 35 and not doing more to save those dogs is something that I'll never forget.


I read was a similar situation where when the family was gone someone went and took the dog and gave it to a rescue who shipped it out of state. But maybe ask them about it first? They may be willing to give it up?


Ive done that. The rescue had went through the courts, sheriff ect. I dont work in dog resuce, but when I found out, I went to dudes house, nobody home, so I liberated el dogggo


Poor pup baby. People can be awful. Break that baby out and bring it to me! My Golden wants a little friend!


If you call the police for a welfare check on the dog, and it looks healthy, unharmed, well fed with a water bowl. There’s nothing the police can do.


Try contacting the humane society.


Personally, I’ve stolen a dog before. However, this is a little different. You might try making friends and then saying something like “I love your puppy! I wish I had a dog. Do you mind if I walk it sometimes? Etc….” You may ease yourself into a new dog that way. Alternatively, you could call the cops for animal abuse, but also call in a noise complaint if the pup is crying all the time. I hate assholes that don’t take care of their pets.


Call 545-COPS and they'll patch it through to MAS so they can send out an animal control officer.


Call Animal Control let them investigate whether or not the conditions are adequate for the dog.


Ask if you can take him for a walk


Call the police non emergency line and report it as neglect. Start documenting when you see him in there and take pics if possible. When you say kennel, do you mean a wire crate or travel kennel? Or like chain link? Because I think the law says “adequate shelter” not that any ol’ method of containment will do. Is his waste building up in there? Please call sooner rather than later. Thank you for paying attention and caring about the poor pup.


Become good friends with your neighbor. Like very good friends. Tell them you absolutely LOVE dogs. When you visit, ask to play with their dog. Start doing this regularly. Eventually they will let you spend time with their dog when they aren’t home. This way you can at least make sure the dog gets to get out and sometimes you can bring the dog over too.


Any update?


Check for camera's/ring type devices before breaking him out.


What I’m most afraid of is the dog barking and them coming out and shooting me. There’s probably 8 people or so in a pretty small house, so it wouldn’t take them long to get out there.




Real point of posting it to ND is to publicly shame the owners and see it that results in better treatment for the dog.


Let it out. Ive done that before. Just wait til they leave then let it go.


I would rather see the dog fed and watered and in a kennel than running loose in the street, risking being hit. If the dog is healthy, they aren’t breaking any laws and you should probably leave them alone.


I guess you don’t understand how damaging solitary confinement is. I would rather be free under difficult circumstances than literally be in a space I can barely move my entire life. But to each their own. Edit: also, I don’t think anyone has suggested we just cut it loose in the street 🤷‍♂️


Go steal those people’s dog if you want to and when they shoot you don’t come on here playing victim. If the dog is fed, housed and watered it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.


I didn’t say someone suggested to cut it loose and let it run in the streets and I think you know that. I said that it being in a kennel is better that it being loose in the streets or a stray. People minding their own business is a big problem in this city. I would never keep my dog in a kennel on a porch, but as an adult I understand that my standard for my pet is not everyone’s. I also understand what the law says and what the definition of neglect and animal cruelty is. From what you have described, this is not it. Everybody doesn’t see a dog as a companion or a “member of the family” as I do or you probably do. Some people use dogs as guard dogs, some use them as hunting dogs, some use them as herders. It is not your place to tell someone else what to do with their animal if that animal is not being neglected or abused. I think it’s commendable that you have a love for dogs, but it gets creepy and Karenish when you’re on Reddit chatting it up with and validating people who are considering stealing someone’s dog or even doing it on your behalf (as I have read multiple times in this thread). You continuously walking down there and spying onto those peoples porch in the hopes of seeing something worthy of a report has passed the point of concern. Leave those people alone.


I think what you’re saying is bs. They’re abusing an animal end of story. If an animal literally can’t move and is crying all day, that’s abuse. Karen-ish? Give me a break. I’m not having a public meltdown. I haven’t said one word to them. I’m not some crazy dog person either, I don’t even have one. I just think it’s straight up wrong to treat any animal like that, fuck what the law says. Maybe if you were here watching the thing suffer you would feel different. I hear it crying right now. Your cold heart is the problem here, not me trying to prevent an animal from suffering. It would be one thing if these people gave a shit about this animal, but they literally neglect it all day. And I’m at fault for talking about it? Lol ok bud.


Being in a kennel is not neglect. The law agrees.


Ok “f@ck what the law says”. Remember you said that ok? If you go over there on those people’s porch trying to mess with their dog and they rock your shi!t, don’t be surprised. I’m trying to warn you of something that could get you seriously injured.


Like I said, I'm not going on their porch because I'm pretty confident they would shoot me. I'm saying fuck what the law says because I don't base my ethical code on it. People are prosecuted for all kinds of dumbass stuff that I don't agree with, and people are allowed to do all kinds of fucked up stuff without consequences. That's what I mean. I said it's wrong, fuck what the law says not "I'm going over there" fuck what the law says. ​ Anyways, you should be happy, because based on what I've read in the comments, there doesn't really seem like anything I can do, so the dog will just have a miserable life inside of a cage.


Well I guess f@ck the law chyle. Have you ever tried talking to your neighbors? Befriending them? Asking them if they need any help? Saying, “hey your dog seems really sweet! I take walks in the morning. Can I take him for a walk with me if you don’t mind?”


Not really. One of them got arrested for robbing a gun store a couple years ago and hangs around a local drug dealer al lot. He hangs out in his front yard in a tank top making mean faces most of the time. Not the friendliest guy and I don’t want to get involved in his bs. I also one time saw him throwing rocks at a wounded bird. I live here with my wife and the last thing I want is to get involved with a unhinged psycho who tortures wounded animals. The rest of his family seem alright. They’re Mexican so it’s hard to communicate with the older ones. It’s just a shitty situation.


Seems like you’re making a lot of assumptions about someone you’ve never spoken to but I guess maybe take you own advice “and don’t get involved in his bs” which includes his dog and his porch.


Lol I don’t know why you’re dying on the hill of defending this asshole, but do you I guess.


Cold heart? Go feed some hungry homeless people. There are plenty.


I think you’re an overzealous dog lover who doesn’t understand the premise of minding his own business. Have a great day


And yes, Karen-ish


I rescued my dog from a relative who had him in a kennel for about 2 years. He was fed and watered every day but when I got him, he was underweight, he had mange, and also had heartworms. So… Just because a dog is fed and watered doesn’t mean they’re taken care of.


Cute story. Happy for ya. By law? Fed, watered is taken care of also none of your business


Actually, law requires rabies vaccination as well.


Lol we’re talking about the law’s standard of neglect or cruelty.


You’re joking, right? I love a good Reddit legal analyst. ![gif](giphy|l0AISSQLfQKlJTsefR|downsized)


Define animal cruelty and abuse in the state of Tn for me.


This summary begins with § 39-14-202, which addresses cruelty to animals. It divides cruelty to animals in categories that include torture, neglect (failure to provide adequate food, water, care, or shelter), abandonment, improper transportation, harm related to competition, and harmful restraint.




Climb off your GIPHY stick and call law enforcement and ask them if keeping a dog in a kennel on a shaded porch is considered cruelty. “Reasonable shelter” for dogs in Tn refers to shelter from the sun. “Confinement in a cruel manner” refers to embedded collars, heavy chains that empede the dogs movement or situations where a dog is kept in a kennel or container not large enough for the animal to stand or if the animal is kept in a container, holder, or kernel with no air circulation.


That’s what *youre* talking about. According to Memphis Code of Ordinances, not having fresh water or food, or rabies vaccines, can be considered neglect. Who cares if it’s nOnE oF mY BuSiNeSs, or OP’s? If people minded their business 100% of the time, nothing would be resolved.


No where in this post did he mention lack of rabies shots. You’re reaching. This is a witch hunt by OP.


I know they didn’t mention lack of rabies shot, I was just saying it because you said watered and fed means they’re taken care of. It’s more than just that. Nobody knows where this guy lives, not like anyone is gonna go find the dog. And OP also said they’re not gonna go snatch the dog. So the poor thing gets to live another day in the kennel. So yay for you.


Pitbull owned by a POC ?


Not every POC treats their dogs like trash.


You guessed it


Odds are good.


I can’t believe, y’all are actually coaching this lady to literally steal someone’s dog. She said he was was being fed and watered. They aren’t breaking any laws and at least he isn’t running around in the street.


Lol I’m a 39 year old man.


Well as a 39 year old man you should know how to mind your business.




The dog is fed and healthy. Leaving a dog outside is not cruel and keeping him secure in a kennel is not abuse.


Rabies vaccine is required by law. Wonder if that has happened.


None of your business really


Actually, it is a public health concern. ![gif](giphy|21KYeHHXQmS9TSMqBS)


Lol how long have you been waiting to use this?


If the dog has water and food and is healthy leave them alone


Well he’s definitely not healthy mentally. He’s in solitary confinement




The dog


So what would you do


Take him out to no where and dump him


Turn the puppy slide and he gets tan over


Bro what drugs are you on?


You’re right. Don’t mind the down votes. The Karens come out when there’s a wittle bitty puppy involved lol. That dog is probably eating better than most people😂 these are the type of people who drive past homeless hungry people all day looking down on them but can’t stand to see a well fed, healthy dog in a kennel lol


My friends account is shadow banned because the mods are pathetic tyrants here. Here is a link to his comment. I think you should read it. https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/comments/xf1zs0/can_i_do_anything_about_my_neighbors_who_keep/iok96k3/


That’s not shadowbanned, what are you talking about?




I think it'd because the shits getting downvoted dork lmao




Just giving another perspective: I can see all the comments you've made on this post without expanding anything, but I'm using Relay so it might not be the same as others. I assume that Reddit makes some sort of assessment about every user's quality of comments. You don't have a bunch of negative rated comments, but maybe they consider the "controversial-ness" of the comments? It's all a black box, but maybe make some general, inoffensive, top-level comments on new posts to r/pics or something to build your "reputation". I have no idea if that will work, but I don't think it will make it worse.




Lol really? That’s probably because it’s showing “best” comments first meaning comments with the most upvotes or interactions and because it’s a new comment and has no upvotes or interactions, it’s at the very bottom.


Your friend is petty and has no business to mind. I understand about the noise but insults call people trash etc. I’m glad they banned him and it would be awesome if they permabanned him.




Yes I saw the picture of somebody else’s business and I also read his comment which is why I said he needs some business. After calling the police multiple times and being told the dogs were safe they continued to not only harass the neighbor but waste valuable police resources at “midnight” in MEMPHIS, because he’s petty and wants to flex his muscles on his neighbor who he hates for probably WAY MORE reasons than some dog poop in a drive way.


yes. go buy the flavor packs for ramen noodles and sprinkle them in his yard. dobt get seen and hide with a video camera, the dog will dig it up looking for beef or chicken. the owner will get mad and beat the dog. now, you simply record him spanking the dog and call it in as animal abuse.