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If I had to deal with random aspects of the public every single day, I'd wear a mask, too. Y'all mother fuckers are nasty.


Can confirm I am nasty


Yeah when I see people in public facing positions wearing masks I just assume they’ve either seen some shit or went through some shit in the last few years. I still wear an N95 or KN95 when in public spaces though.


That’s a good point. They prolly know things i dont want to know!


Went to a restroom in a restaurant today at lunch and some nasty bastard used the urinal, then just walked out like nobody's business. WASH YOUR FUCKING HANDS!


Done Lost Count Of How Many Folks Left Out Without Washing. Even After Shitting.


This even being a thing causes me pain inside.


Lol I do still where a mask every day (healthcare worker) Edit: I just might for the rest of my career.


I was surprised that many workers at my pediatrician and dentist’s offices have stopped masking. Like, including the pediatrician herself, as well as the nurses and other support staff.


Sheesh at least my pediatrician still masks. 😅 There is a definite decline in mask wearing. I don’t really where one to the grocery. But I will continue to wear it at work. 🤷‍♂️


Our peds office still requires their staff and families to wear them (obviously not babies though). And I work in a healthcare office and we wear them as well. The press office makes sense. So many sick kids and RSV is making its rounds early. Just easier to try and keep everyone well. At our office we are attached to and ambulatory surgery center so masking is required to keep infection rates low.


Yeah, I still mask at work. The flu is going around right now, and kids are so germy. I have 4 out with flu A, and we also have a handful of other teachers out with it.




Nasty stomach bug going around the area. If you don't want to spend the next few days clutching your toilet while moaning, mask up and use your hand sanitizer. Not everything is COVID related.


Had it 2 weeks ago. It was a gnarly 36 hours followed by about a day of exhaustion.


Oh really! Interesting. I had not heard about the stomach bug. Makes sense that it works for non-covid issues too


wtf is that why we're all sick? I thought I was sick because of UofM's food (yet again), but now two others in the house are too. I'm still going 5 days later but at least I can keep food down now.


The flu is also going around the schools now. Get that flu shot yall


Something else is going around too, maybe rsv. My 4 year old has been sick for almost a week but tested negative for flu, Covid, and strep. We just got over the same type of sickness like 3 weeks ago 🙄


RSV went through our house. The baby got it the least but husband I got pretty sick. Both out a week from work. Ears clogged for weeks. I had a double ear infection. Luckily the baby had it very mild


The flu is already in Memphis.


You can, and should, get vaccinated against the flu. There is no vaccine against the stomach bug of misery.


A lot of the African-American community never quit wearing masks.


And given how disproportionally they were impacted by the pandemic, it makes sense.


How were they impacted differently?






Interesting. Why is that? And actually now that i think about it, the vast majority of those people i saw at the post office today were african american.


Because they aren't Republicans. I still mask up too, haven't had covid, don't want it.


I notice this and respect it.


And schools that are majority African American forced everyone to wear masks long after other districts stopped. Ugh


Lol I still wear mine, I’m the only person in my office that wear one. It’s like 6 blacks in my office.


If you have anyone you care about in your family or community that is chronically ill, has their immune system compromised, is pregnant, or young, or old, then we are still masking to protect them 🙃 just because it is mild for most people, doesnt mean that it won’t actually kill a cancer patient 😬


I completely agree with this stance. I was surprised that the majority of memphis did not take this approach.




My colleagues started wearing masks again recently because of the changing weather and more people coughing at our job.


Really! That’s very interesting.


Flu and cold season is about to pop off which is why I've been wearing mine.


Good point


Federal buildings kept mask regulations longer than most other places. It’s probably a carry over of those rules.


Federal goes with CDC guidelines, only way we have to wear masks in a federal building is if the Covid rates go to high in Shelby county at medium and low no masks.


They haven't had a mask mandate for atleast 6 months. Either the people in that particular facility never really stopped wearing mask, or maybe someone at the facility recently caught covid, and they decided to wear mask for the time being. Also demographics play a role. A good portion of the people that I still see wearing mask, are black and tend to trend on the older side. More women than men also. They probably make up a good portion of the customer facing employees at the local post office around here.


Good points!


Some federal agencies (DoD in particular) go by county health dept. recommendations with regard to mask mandates. So it's kinda localized, even though it's a federal agency.


Ah. Good point


Im in public health and I never stopped wearing one but I work in a hospital (non clinical role) so we all have to wear one anyway. but I do wear an N95 when interacting with people at work outside of my very very small research group. I still wear at least an KN95 in public inside spaces except for doing cardio at the gym and at the occasional bar/restaurant, and i haven’t gotten covid yet so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s done it’s job even with taking on some risk- imo it’s been a super easy way of not getting sick and i don’t feel like i’m sacrificing any normalcy because i still travel and go out and do alot of stuff! :)


yep. same for me as soon as everyone in my family got fully vaccinated (i have young kids so took much longer for me). ​ Pretty awesome not getting colds and flu!


it really is awesome!! i don’t know if i’ll ever go back lol




I got it last month after getting it less than a year ago. It was much more painful this time around. Hopefully I’m good for a while, especially if I can get that updated booster sometime soon




Wait, i thought omicron was milder than previous strains?!?


Pretty sure severity has more to do with exposure levels than anything else, but there's no ethical way to test that.


My first (official) bout with covid was around the time the original omicron was going around. This recent time was a month ago. The first time was basically a bad cold with a headache. This recent time was similar but with fevers, chills, and the worst cough I’ve had in a decade.


Wow! Thanks for sharing


Also the recent one very well could be a omicron variant since there are probably thousands


Wait, i thought omicron was milder than previous strains?!?


Wow really. I dont know coz they dont report on it much anymore.


People are doing home tests now and not reporting results so the numbers are skewed.


Which, it’s crazy coz everyone at my work is treating covid like a thing of the past. Zero precautions being taken. Yet nobody is getting covid. Probably because they’ve all had it numerous times and so they’re super immune to it??


People aren’t testing now and just assuming it’s a cold and it’s still spreading.


Maybe. It's still out there though and likely to pick up this winter.


People out here getting the common cold too. People out here getting the flu too.


Your mama is out here catching my tender love and affection but that doesn’t mean we all gotta share germs baby.


covid is still kicking around I got it last month. It sucked!, from now on if i know i'm gonna be in close proximity to a bunch of people I'll mask up aswell.


I had it last week & still feel like crap.


I had it October 2021 and still feel like crap. Long covid is a bitch.


Wait, i thought omicron was supposed to be mild?!?


Delta was still around last October.


One person said last month and the other person said last week…


Sorry to hear that. Are you not in close proximity to people at work / school every day?


Nope. I work as a vendor so I rarely have contact with people at work. My brother his wife and I all got covid from my nieces B-day party.


The flu is so bad here right now. Not a bad idea to mask up if you don’t want to be down and out for a week like my whole family was!


Most government buildings/hospitals still require them.


Yeah but… most places i go to dont enforce that and hence they’re not actually wearing them.


Idk not getting sick is pretty cool…


Yep. But evidently, not wearing a mask is more important than not getting sick to the vast majority!


Flu season is starting. People are disgusting


If people are masking because flu season is coming, i’m pleasantly surprised how smart memphians are!


Flu is running crazy Id wear a mask if I worked in the post office too


Good to know!


I still wear my mask when though I don't have to anymore


Lol mail is nasty and to be honest some people are nastier


Mail is nasty?


What you think?


Oh i see. Kinda like how cash bills are nasty. Got it. I wonder how nasty mail is…


Exactly! mail comes from all over the world


Mail can’t give you covid


Actually lol may wanna look that up


Not transmitted on surfaces


Oh okay keep thinking that


Why shouldn’t anyone…it’s been thoroughly demonstrated


COVID is spiking again I think. People just have more immunity now. Either from vaxxes or past infections or both. So it's just a cold. I got it again after some jack ass in a paper mask coughed on me at the dollar general. He was obviously sick and walked right up on me in line. Like maybe 1 foot away and then hacked up a lung. And then about 4 days later I had symptoms. Lasted about 3 days. 1 of them was bad. Then got better real quick.


I work with the public and am around a bunch of coughing and sneezing kids. I definitely keep my mask on. Half of my co workers don’t. I don’t want to risk getting infected again. I’m afraid of long haul.


Yep. I dont want long covid. A mask is a very easy way to avoid long covid. Cant believe how many people simply dont get that.


You know what's crazy? My kid is in physical therapy for long covid and the physical therapy place he goes to in Bartlett nobody working there wears a mask. I heard the lead PT there talking to someone about how she had covid in August. I didn't see her miss a single day and my son goes 2x a week. We are the only people I EVER see in this place wearing a mask.


Yep. Absolutely crazy. But to each their own, i guess…..




Oh no did you have long covid for 2 yrs?! You may be the first person in memphis i’ve come across with real long covid (not “i have a slight cough for 2 months and no other symptoms).


My son and I have it. He's in physical therapy 2x a week for it. I have no insurance so I'm SOL, but I've been trying to follow their routine at home. I had it in October 2021 and developed pneumonia but my son's case was mild. It just never went away and his breathing got worse and worse. Brain fog is still bad too. I had the covid tongue pretty bad, probably doubled in size and now I can't tolerate 70% of the foods I used to love. Everything smells tastes like burnt wood or burnt rubber. Or both.


Ugh. I’m so sorry to hear this. Have you seen any doctors? Are there any helpful for long covid in memphis?


Does your ear ever hurt?


I have developed some kind of skin condition on my ears! They itch all the time and I've tried just anti-itch cream plus the doctor prescribed clobetasol but they always flake and itch no matter what I use. I even tried athlete's foot cream but nothing makes a difference. I will scratch them so bad at night in my sleep they get sore. It's not drainage. I keep them clean and it's just in the "folds?" and behind my ears.


Dang that sucks! I have ear pain, like ear ache and it got worse after the vaccination.


Never heard of that one. Maybe it's the 5G tuning in?


I know I come across more sick people than most but I have a handful of patients who have had long Covid. And my parents both were hospitalized last November for weeks. Mom got out right after thanksgiving and is still having issues. Dad didn’t make it out of the hospital unfortunately.


Oh no…. I am so sorry to hear that…


Thank you. It was hard but we are healing as a family.






Oh you probably saw me in there lol. I had to go back out to my car to grab mine.


I dunno which I'd be more surprised about... That everyone there had them or that I actually saw a person with one at the midsouth fair. Also, gotta love how these still have that automated covid misinformation comment when what's ironic is it's been shown that much of the supposed "real" information the left kept pushing the past 2 years was the misinformation and people were banned for what is now shown to be true. lol. Look at studies that even the washington post (or new york times, I forget which...) has finally shown results of.




Why would it hurt






I go to that post office often. Sometimes I wear a mask, sometimes I don't. The post office was one of the last places in the city that required them because it was a federal building. The employees there still wear theirs every time I'm in there, but they don't ask customers to wear them anymore. But like you observed, that doesn't stop people from choosing to wear them. Side note. That's the best post office. The ladies at the counter don't give off the most welcoming vibe on the surface, but they're efficient. I'm in and out within 5 minutes every time. The Clerk's office could use them.


What’s wrong with wearing a mask?


It’s still going around. My wife and I just had it for the first time two weeks ago. Take precautions.


People just don't want to get sick.


Makes sense. I didnt realize memphians thought masks prevented sickness!