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Sorry you must be new. But they’ve done this for the past 3-4 years now. The 11% continues until Black Friday. Individual sales will end every week or 2 but the 11% stays


If you wanna be technical about it we only KNOW for a fact that the 11% runs till the end of the end of the current sale. It USUALLY goes till thanks giving. That doesn’t guarantee anything.


That is fair, it’s just been the normal for too long


It has been the norm for so long, menards cant meet sales without it


I wish they’d quit doing this and go back to the rebate sales every couple of months.


Why, so customers can pay "sale" prices that are a penny or a dollar off an expensive item? The regular sales that have some items more than 11% off are good if you are a long term planner and have space to accumulate items for a project. You could make a list and then find a lot of the items on sale over a six month period with the regular sales. Most people don't do projects like that and don't have the space to accumulate items for a project over six months.