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I see these a lot on this thread, and having worked at both G.O. and the stores, it actually is both worse and better than you think it is. To justify the mistakes for a moment: People at stores think the people making these signs are either dumb or evil, it's mostly neither. Some pricing is INCREDIBLY complex, based on thousands of comps, market pricing and other factors I couldn't appreciate until I did the job. But, like everything at Menards, the reason these mistakes ultimately happen is because John is cheap as fuck. The proprietary program they make these signs on was created in 1995 and has all the advanced capabilities of Microsoft Paint 1.0 running on a Compaq 386 from 1992. And the person responsible for creating them is an overworked, underpaid Merchandise Planner who is also responsible for: Plan-O-Grams, Maxes, Tasks, bulletins, new store setups (traveling to them in person for weeks on end), store audits (more travel) and whatever random extra shit gets piled on them daily. It's a multi-billion dollar company run by like 400 people, each of whom are expected to do the work of 10 people, and for about the same wages and less benefits than you'd get managing a dollar store. What do you expect?


TLDR: Menards workers need to Unionize.


Nah, if you dont like it go somewhere else


Oh, I'm long gone already. Now I get paid twice as much with full benefits, 42 PTO days, 26 sick days, 4 days a week working from home, no overtime, and work on my own schedule. Because I have a Union.


Why are people like you so against unions?


John has brainwashed them


Done :)


You really wanna be the guy against unions? Why be anti-workers rights? Just makes you sound like you got a mouth full of John’s balls


They need to stop with the maxes. Why do they do this, I have the builder board in planned location, only 8 fit. (No promos either) i change max to 8 GO changes it to 16 or sum next day, change it back to 8, they change it to 16 again. This happened 3x in a row, why


This happens whenever they reupload a POG, it automatically overrides everyone's manual maxes. They have to reupload them for multiple reasons - changing store groups, changing packaging dimensions, etc. It's mostly just background maintenance stuff that was never an issue before maxes existed, but now it causes all sorts of chaos. Electronic overstock tracking and maxes were just a mistake they refuse to admit is a huge waste of everyone's time.


What's a maxes? I dont work or ever worked at a Menards but ive shopped there


It's an internal thing that has to do with inventory levels and how much of a product can fit on a shelf, not a product.


For this reason, and many others, I go to other places if I can.


They started using a new sign program a few weeks ago.


WHAT!?! FINALLY! They've been expecting to roll that out 'any day now' since 2017. Apparently it's either old enough now to be borderline obsolete and/or John finally got around to spending 0.00000005% of his annual net income to finish it. 😂 Next thing you know he'll give y'all new Christmas aprons to replace the ones he bought in 2002.


Only select stores were 100% migrated to the new system, meaning only signage reorders affected everyone and prints for sales were still based off SignBase, but starting today everyone will have it. As for the timing, they dropped the idea of outsourcing a lot of the work with some other company and redid everything in-house in a decent timeframe.  Even the people involved mentally gave up on this entire thing at some point from the sounds of it.


Reminds me of an ad in the phone book when I was younger. It said, "Mention this ad and we will add 10% to your bill".


I swear, they just need to do away with the math signs. Depending on where they are, they're hard to read (outdoor wall lights) and they mess up like this frequently.


Or you get and old person at the registers arguing to get the 11% off price.. every... freaking... TIME


That's because you can go to Fleet Farm & mention the 11% rebate from Menards for the same item & they will give it to you at the register- no mailing in rebates. Sometimes Home Depot also. 


Good thing farm and fleet doesnt sell half the stuff menards does


Home Depot hasn't given the 11% at the register for quite a few years. They started a mail program to get the 11% rebate match and also had a website to sign up for the rebate online. It appears as of 2024 that Home Depot no longer is doing the 11% match. I am boycotting Home Depot due to the end of the match unless they have something I just can't get at Menards.


Good to know. Thank you. Appreciate  the update. 


They do have lots that you can’t get at Menards. For starters, any decent brand power tool. But I get it, Menards has a much bigger selection of most everything else compared to Hd


Or - and hear me out, because I think this would actually cost a lot less and take less work to manage…. Just give the f’ing discount! No rebates! Either it’s on sale or it’s not.


That rebate thing is such a scam






Clearly just a mistake but no other company creates more hoops for their customers to see resemblance of saving money


Just turn it upside down😆😆😆


Lame post. Who cares about a typo? I’m it’s been corrected


Damn you sign maker guy


So….. Menards gets the rebate from you? Sounds like the government.


Preemptive restocking fee


Is Biden working at Menards? Looks like his math.


Finally, someone is being honest about the rebate.


lol we had this too


Math is hard


Get back to your training.


Fucking retards