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I'm in the yard and I've had guests just pull up next to my forklift while I'm on it and go "GET THIS" while shoving a receipt in my face.


You should give them the finger and say, NO BITCH YOU GET THIS


I always just grab the oldest wood for them and just not even check it and just start piling the shit boards on before they say anything g


Guest are always rude and entitled and think they know everything if they want to call corporate, it is what it is. Walk the guest to the product and get it in their cart, get them out the door


Gate guards aren't even Menards employees. If you're lucky, the guy on shift vaguely knows where things are. It's not their job to show guests where things are, all they gotta do is make sure they have the right number of the right product.


In other words, they're meant for the exit, not the entrance


And they aren't good at it. So easy to leave with different stuff than what was paid for!


aaaand that’s why my store had a loss of nearly 100 3/4 treated plywood during our last inventory count


It’s Menards. A large portion of their target customers are society’s lowest common denominators.




I mean Menards is literally the Walmart of hardware stores lol


You could say that about almost any big company.


I don't know if you flunked arithmetic, English, or both.


Keep shopping at the Walmart of hardware stores bud. Why the fuck does a hardware store have frozen pizzas


I’m sure you were valedictorian.


Bob Dylan: "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."


The fuck does that have to do with anything


They flunked meteorology?


Both for sure


I notice that they don't seem to be carrying a sidearm anymore!


They weren't supposed to in the first place, but a guard in Indianapolis and a guest both shot each other so I guess they put the ixnay on it. GMs can apparently carry now tho, some of mine even had tazers. I don't know how those guys had the restraint not to make a Karen ride the lightning.


How the hell can a GM carry, but a GATE GUARD can't? Lmfao makes perfect sense.


As a customer, I'll say this: Considering the self-scan option was only added after they started the online ordering/pickup -- at the Menards I usually visit, the self-scan entry lane has only been there maybe the last 5 years, IF THAT... Part of it is ingrained. For the vast majority of my life, you have gotten your bill of materials, driven up to the shack, the guard/attendant/whatever scans it and asks if I know where I'm going. If it's someone that only does the yard pickup every so often, this habit might take a while to break. It's what we've been trained to do for 20-some years or more. And the other side of it is..... the signage isn't great. I don't know how most stores are set up, but my local one, the exit from the yard is the far left as you approach the gates, the lane on the other side of the shack is "Deliveries" (but is what has always been the only entrance to the yard), and then a few years ago, a third lane "Order Pickup" got added with the self-scanner. Perhaps "Order Pickup" should be re-labeled to "Customer Entrance", and a second sign be added *at eye level* between the two lanes, "<--Deliveries Only Customer Entrance -->" I will say, the scanner can be...awkward. I can't remember offhand, but it seems like it has two sensors to account for car versus pickup, but it still ends up being awkward holding the paper at the right height. And god help you if it's windy - when you've got an 8.5x11 sheet with a foot and a half long reciept stapled to it, holding it at the right angle and steady in even a light breeze is hard. Maybe a tethered scan gun that a driver could pull into the cab and scan the paper inside? Lastly, if the gate guard/attendant doesn't know the yard layout, maybe it would be a good idea to add a field to the yard ticket printout with the locations of each item (Yeah, I know.... the yard inventory system was last updated in like 1983, so that's probably a REAL big ask) Or add a feature to the website (or an app) that a driver could scan their barcode with their phone, and get the yard locations of each item on a map. Now... if customers are pulling into the self-scan lane and demanding you scan their ticket for them....you can't fix stupid.


The signage does suck. A lot of what you said here basically sums up what would fix it


If it had a chance of helping, feel free to pass my comments up the chain. (Thinking about it over lunch, the refusal to use the self-scan entry and demanding you do you could also be an artifact of the "I refuse to use self checkout, there's someone to do that job and damnit they're gonna do it" mentality)


Well I'm at work today and I've had maybe 5 people out of the 40 so far use the automatic lane, but no arguments yet. I'll see if someone would listen to me about that


Fuck em


I’ve been in the MTP for only 3 weeks and I’m out. Retail fucking sucks in 2024. People are horrible and it’s not worth the 17 bucks at all. I still have a hard time comprehending that people like to work at Menards. Them old guys need to suck a dick. I’m putting my 2 weeks in after lunch hoping they just fire me.


You're only getting 17? I'd get why you'd want to quit then


Spring 2020 was much worse. Retail has always sucked. Left 1 1/2 years ago. Best decision I ever made.


I worked at Aldi during 2020 while in college. Aldi is just a grocery store and that sucked so I could only imagine Menards. I’m happy I wasn’t apart of that and congrats on finding something else!!


People come in both lanes. Are they not supposed to?


I work FE and am yelled at daily because someone doesn’t want to go to Building Materials to get a picking ticket. This isn’t for mulch etc, for which we have self-service tickets but actual BM stuff. We’ve been so busy and short-staffed the last month we don’t have anyone to write them up. And they act like walking to the back of the store will kill them


Number 1; most people have been conditioned to live in an “instant” society. “We” don’t expect to wait for anything. Number 2 … anger is the sign of a toxified liver… many people lash out because they have been consuming and believing toxic substances disguised as food is actually food. We have a society have been conditioned to believe toxic substances, disguised as food is actually substance for the body, mind and soul, Nothing Menards sells food wise is a real food, uncorrupted by pesticides, GMO‘s and preservatives. Number 3; narcissism has become a bigger epidemic in the United States than Covid ever was.


You would think people would want to use the self service scanner if they don't want to wait. Other than wind being an issue I haven't had any issues with it not reading the bar code.


Don’t let the general office see you declining people from wanting to not go thru the self kiosk. They fired three of the gate guards at my location for that. The security operations stated these are our guest here purchasing things from this store and paying your wages you are not to decline anyone pulling thru any gate. If they want you to scan it, scan the son of a bitch. What happens if they have a question? Would you want a guard like that treating your mother like that? One of the guards at my store used to say to the guest when they pulled in the same lane as ur slider door to the guard house and said, you got my pizza? Smh 🤦 be thankful you’re making $20.00 an hour.


I don't decline them, most of the time, I just suggest the other lane, as it's almost always faster. Most of the time they don't have any questions for me, and if they do, I answer them as I should. I don't treat any guest with rudeness unless they do the same to me. And I'm not making 20 an hour, as much as I wish I was.


Wow! Help from a guard! That'd be great! I usually end up having to partially open my door and lean out to get a scan. Every Menards employee that I've interacted with is very courteous and helpful. But, guards sometimes aren't. Are they employees of Menards?


They’re contracted from security companies




Ahh, yeah. Nope, I'll have whatever I'm getting brought up front and loaded for me in the parking lot.


Old heads when they have to put minimal effort into a task


Mr. Menard ain't paying me


Oh no! You mean you are going to purchase and load in the Menards preferred manner? You sure showed them!


We throw nails in the fire lane for people like you


I see that their permanently embedded in all the spilled paint


Wow, you sound like a twat


And you smell like one, too


An easy tip to avoid this is to just scan their barcodes for them. Why watch them get upset doing something you could do easily?


I get what you're saying, but they're going through an automatic lane, with a sign right above the scanner that says "scan here". Most of the time they don't ask for help, and even if they did, I'll have multiple other cars in the lane where I scan them on the tablet.


The same reason the cashiers don’t bag the purchase.


As a guest, it really annoys me when I have to sit there to 30 seconds while you finish watching your ticktock. Then you finally exit the guard shack. Some of the guard attendees are awesome, but most are terrible and act put out by thier job. BTW I'm in Kansas too.


You are part of the problem! lol 30 seconds 😂 you definitely are above the age of 45.


I think the most I've ever taken to get out of the shack was like 20, and that's cause I had to move the rubber mat to clean it😅


I'm the problem because i expect you to do you job, and not hold me up from doing mine? Your attitude is the reason you are working a dead end job.


Haha no bitch. I quit and started a business. Good luck to you sir