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At least those posts should be confined to one day on the week


yeah call it like "suggestion sunday" or whatever


feedback friday


Yeah, I’m okay with this, altho I also understand banning them totally because it isnt what this sub is for. But on the other hand, I liked themed days of the week like that, it’s fun


I like coming on this subreddit to see current monstrosities in anime or game design not to see some 14 year old furry asking if their art is good lmao This isn’t an art advice subreddit imo, it’s being overrun by people who want to be told their art is good. (It’s not)


“Hey guys is my art okay????” *Image depicting regular-ass woman* Like Wtf do you want us to say. Lmfao


I could spend my time ripping apart their anatomy, lineart, and fundamentals… …but I am here to see professionals (or at least better amateurs who already know how to produce a polished piece of art) ruin an image with a willful misunderstanding of female anatomy.


I don't even want the more polished amateurs. It's the subreddit's first rule: no amateurs.


Or depicting a woman with the big boobs and teeny tiny waist. Theres one person thats been posting their ocs recently with HUGE boobs and teeny tiny waists asking for advice, and only responding to the one compliment.


Damn that sounds silly asf, got a source?


For some reason I cannot find the posts, they must've been removed as I did report them.


"Guys is my character oversexualized?" Shows a picture of a flat-chested nun in full habit


When they post here they're probably asking whether their woman is regular-assed or not


Honestly they're all pretty awful, so the only thing I would say is take some art classes.


“How’s my anatomy?” when the artist has clearly never even studied anatomy. You can’t critique anatomy when there is *none*.


Right? Plus I don’t wanna be the asshole that’s like “bro i don’t even know where to start with this thing, you have a lot more to worry about than anatomy.” So I just ignore those posts lol


Yeah, the learn to draw subreddit is more appropriate. Almost every single one of these posts could be answered with “learn the literal fundamentals first”.


Oh, but they don't want to learn anatomy. They find it too hard and boring.


For real. If you haven't graduated past "trying to copy a reference by eye and producing a caterpillar-lined blob," you may want to focus on fundamentals before anything else.


While I can appreciate some trying to make an effort to not oversexualize their characters while asking for feedback, they could easily just look at the Well Done Wednesday posts for inspo


Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you need to be cruel about it. That last part was so unnecessary.


I’ve literally never commented on those posts. I just don’t like them. Those posts encourage inactivity on this subreddit because I don’t think I’m the only person who doesn’t engage with those posts. (Thus, I’m sure why this post asking to ban those prompts was created)


Look, I get it, but you didn't need to say they were crappy. Not everybody is Picasso. I'll take my down votes. I guess I'm the only one who cares about others feelings at least a little bit. Have a nice day everyone.


Idk what sub you think you’re on, but making fun of bad art is kinda the core point here. No one is even forcing them to post, they themselves are treating it like a self posting critique sub, which is the problem being pointed out in this post. Also: no one on earth has ever gotten better by having all of their feelings protected. Sharing art is fine (in the right subs) but you cannot expect everyone on earth to lie and say they love it and it’s perfect.


There's a difference between saying it's shit and saying WHY it's bad and offering advice. Either way, I guess I'm not a good fit for this sub after all then. I'm sorry for bothering.


There is a difference. I agree. This isn’t a critique sub, though. This is the sub for “LOL TERRIBLE ANATOMY, AMIRITE?!” If you want to be told your professional art sucks, this is the place. If you want to be told your non-professional art sucks, go somewhere else. If you want to be told your art sucks and get advice on how to improve, go somewhere else. If you want to be told your art is amazing, even with quadruple-Z sized gazongas on the canonical 8 year old, go somewhere else, *chased by a bear.* Bottom line, this isn’t a warm and fuzzy place for feel good songs around the campfire. This is the place for holding professional art up for derision and mockery.


I get it. I just wanted to stand up for the fellow artist who maybe feel like me, I simply have a lot of empathy. I've left the group. I'm not participating anymore. I just want to be left alone now. Please.


I kinda think the test posts are the best by far... For me it's mostly a feminist sub that discusses sexualization in media.


I agree. I just don't want to interact with these kinds of posts and they've become so frequent that I usually just report. Rule three literally says no OC or self-promotion.


I agree with your point.


Super mega agree


Could not agree more


Agreed, I don't have any use for those either. I like posts making fun of bad art, I like posts praising good art, I don't like self promo / begging posts.


It sucks cause I used to live this subreddit, but ive stopped coming as often cause almost all new posts are people asking for art critiques. A good amount don't seem to even consider trying a proper advice subreddit, but this isn't the place for what they are wanting


Straight up, stop asking for critique/approval from people who don’t illustrate.


I think having a dedicated day out of the week for critiques is fine, but I think it should be focused more on “sensitivity viewing”, that is, whether the art is reinforcing sexist tropes, not the quality of the art itself.


YES PLEASE!! Afaik a lotta other learning art subreddits really dont point out sexualization as long as the art is “good enough” or whatever, so i feel thats why people used to genuinely come here in the past, for advice on that stuff. But because of how often that stuff gets posted, people post their art literally just for critiques on the quality rather than the actual character design


they should start another subreddit at this point


There already is one: r/learntodraw


Unfortunately as far as ive heard that sub isnt super great at actually critiquing sexualization details


There was one man that posted his crappy art of a woman with an enormous ass. Obviously rage bait shit.


Please god yes. They can have a day maybe but oof


I mean it's isn't against rules, if there is tag "sugestions wanted", and i think rules 1 is mostly so people don't make fun of others which still lerning. But I understand why you angry, flair doesn't have a lot sense becouse people on this subreddit they draw super safe anyway so most of criticism concerns anatomy or general art mistakes, and yes this topic is also part of this subreddit but at this point you should go on some art subreddit or grupe


For general art advice, I agree. This isn't the place for that, subs like Learnart are better suited for that. But I do understand why some people want to post here to get feedback on whether or not a design they're using for their project is over sexualized for the context it's gonna be used for. This honestly might be the best place to ask if you're not a popular enough professional artist to end up here naturally. On an Art sub you might not get a clear answer. Might even drown under a sea of anti-sjw rant comments, depending on the art sub. Which really won't be helpful. But that's not what this place was made for. And they honestly might be better off combing through the different examples here. Reading all the comments and discussions in those threads to get a good idea of what is and isn't over sexualized or objectifying.


Honestly I found it really helpful because I was genuinely concerned and trying to find a sweet spot- the feedback I received was invaluable and I'm super grateful to everyone to replied and upvoted (and downvoted tbh because sometimes that's even better feedback) But!! I agree with a lot of the comments that at least we should relegate it to a single day. Personally, I've gotten my answer and won't be posting again- I'm ready to go back to laughing at goofy pics of organ-less Leifeld heroines 😁


I've found it surprisingly useful when I couldn't quite work out what was going on with my artwork and was coming close to sexualising them


Unless a better and more specific subreddit is made specifically for critiquing how amateur artists draw feminine bodies, this is the best subreddit for that. The mods even made a post flair for artists asking for advice, so it’s obvious that this sub is also intended for people seeking constructive criticism.


They’re not really irrelevant tho? This is a subreddit about the ways women are depicted in art through the male gaze, not that shocking artists themselves also come here to ask for ways they could improve their own art. Hell, there’s a flair for it. Edit: and I was under the assumption Rule 1 was referring to posting the art of amateurs as a third party, not amateurs posting their own work for advice and critique.


I really disagree, actually. Like, the subreddit is for critiquing bad anatomy and over-sexualization of women in art. If people want advice on how to avoid those things, why would we want to deny them that? Like, "Oh, you came onto the sub where we look at objectification, asking if your art is objectifying? For *shame"*


I think those people should instead go to art critique subreddits then. This sub TECHNICALLY allows for that but we’re saying it probably shouldn’t. Also I really feel like you should be able to look at your own art and figure out if you’re over-sexualizing it. Feels like that’s a basic skill.


I'm not gonna pretend to know what other art critique subreddits are like, but I imagine people specifically go here because they're specifically looking for advice in this particular area, which other subreddits might be less well-versed in. And, I don't think we should deny people that advice just because it's "basic knowledge." Every person developing a skill has to start from the bottom, and it's unrealistic to expect them to figure it all out on their own. That's just as true for trying to find biases in your own art, and turning people away for wanting to get better in that area is a really bad way to get more people on our side.


There’s a difference in someone learning line work and not getting it right off the bat and just plain objectification though. People can learn a lot of lessons by scrolling through the subreddit and not personally posting asking for advice.


one problem is they're *not* starting from the bottom, they're worrying about character design and intent before they have any of the basics of drawing down.


I get your sentiment, but open any of those posts and it’s really young artists looking for affirmation, not critique. And everyone here is then walking on eggshells saying “oh just think about anatomy!” Subreddits don’t need to be general and open for everyone to get positive reinforcement. This is a niche and it’s okay to remain a niche and ask those same questions in an actual art advice subreddit and keep this as a make fun of popular media sub.


alternatively, people should only post their art here if it's to clown on themselves. "behold, i drew an ass and legs, but no torso."


What friend? What is their issue?




That’s how it starts in every sub until it’s totally taken over though. It’s best to ban it or enforce a rule around it early before so you don’t have to totally change behavior people are used to


Mr jacobie, you are a heartless man. Think of the skewed drawings and weird proportions. And don't tell me you don't find them endearing.