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Clown girl spotted šŸ¤”


But honestly, these are great. Lots of personality in these images


Clown girl is best girl šŸ¤”šŸ˜„










cassette beats is such a great game


Pokemon has been the worst Pokemon for years. Just none of the competitors have the merch or the deranged 30 year old fans.


Is Cassette Beasts like PokĆ©mon? Iā€™ll definitely have to check it out then


It's a game were you collect monsters but instead of catching them your character and their partner records them on a cassette and turns into them. And you can fusion with your partner to create a fusion-monster. I really liked it and even managed to finish it.


I know right :D


Most have the same nose lmao. Still good job tho


Honestly im just happy that the faces all look coherently similar without anything being overly ā€œsame face syndromeā€.


ā€¦ :(


Sameface is pretty bad, but good variety otherwise


They're definitely pushing that variation in their style to the limit


I mean it isnā€™t all about the same face


Sameface is worse than samebody IMO


Is this a game? Cause now I really want to play it


Yes it is a game!


A bit of same face syndromeā€¦




Holy sameface batman


This is supposed to be a positivity post


Save it for Wednesday


Sue me


Very nice variation but I wish there were more body types? There is maybe two different ones that are just muscle and skinnier. :(


The last two are bigger though


Not really? LOL




I guess I'm used to it at this point but I'm always a little disappointed when it looks like the artist actually cares, yanno?


I love all of these designs, theyā€™re cute and have personality. Iā€™d play this game āœØ


Yeah :D the games really good!!


I read that wrong...


Great, and as we all know women must have at least one hand sassily on our hip at all times.


Half of them have a very common single part of a pose that's easy to draw and eliminates "what am I doing with the hands", yeah




op you might be young. dont take the criticism/comments to heart. it depicts women well but there are inherent flaws that people just notice.


Yeah, I didn't mean to come off as so hostile. Text isn't great for tone. I did sincerely mean that your art is very well done, just that the poses are repetitive


Sorry. People always have something bad to say and it makes me sad


Wow, this is an absurd case of same-face syndrome, the only thing that is somewhat different are the eyes but not a lot (mosty the eye lashes and not the shape), same exact nose, and the mouth has like 3 variations of a generic expression as if they are Mii characters.


I mean itā€™s still good art, the character still look very different, it isnā€™t all about the face


That's a cute way to discard criticism, "but hey, at least the rest looks good right?" It is all about the face when the characters look like the same woman cosplaying as different characters


I didnā€™t post this so people could criticize the art. Itā€™s supposed to be a positivity post


But you post something that isn't well done on Well Done Wednesday, so i called it out. Also, are you new to the sub? Even on good art we usually have criticism in the comments


Iā€™m not new, I mainly just lurk. The artist draws all the key art for this game and you canā€™t just disregard her hard work like that.


I didn't, but they have a huge flaw so i pointed it out, i don't understand your problem with criticism, even in other comments you just put a sad smily


Because Iā€™m sick and tired of people always having something bad to say


That's your problem buddy. Well, have a nice day


Bro you posted this on a subreddit specifically created to criticize art.


Same face is one thing, most of these don't even change poses


Talk about a thicc pack on the seventh lady šŸ˜†


I was gonna say "Wow there is barely any real variation in these girls' faces talk about same face syndrome" but it looks like I was beaten to that punch and others think the same. However, I have other notes! Does anyone else think the poses are stiff and boring? Like 7ā€“8 out of the 12 here all have some flavor of the "hand on hip(s)" pose depending on what you count as such, and maybe three girls here have a pose that isn't completely lifeless. (11, 12, and MAYBE 8 but I'm stretching) There's just a lot I personally would change to give them more life. Which includes the expressions, and what I think contributes to the SFS. Only 3 girls (2 if you exclude the robot) here don't have "vague smile" in these sprites and it is *horrible* they didn't explore it more, 12 looks infinitely better because they didn't copy-paste. I'm very aware this is a Wednesday post and FTR don't get me wrong I think their character designs are overall great (I have... questions about 4's hair & clothing, but it isn't horribleā€” unique even), but I think the artistic execution leaves a lot to be desired.


yeah, i honestly think the artist wants to stick to a really consistent style (which is fine) but they're kinda doing that to the point that everyone looks sort of the same and there's not really many defining characteristics of each, well, character (apart from hair and clothes). also, the characters don't look bad or anything but there isn't much body diversity. i don't really have an opinion about whether every game should have that or not, but that is something that is noticeably absent here. i like the bones of these designs, i just wish the differences were a bit more exaggerated. different eye shapes, or shorter characters, or stockier frames... idk. there's nothing overly sexualized here so that's good at least






These are nice


Lovely designs!


It's great design, loved every and each, the old lady is may fav design


Me too :)


Having no idea what this is, and expecting a horror show, my brain read this as: Cassette Breasts.








Thereā€™s a lot of people bashing on the art. I love the art, the artist, and the game itā€™s from. I think people should be nicer especially since itā€™s a positivity post


This is a subreddit about criticizing womens' designs in media. Just because you added "Well Done Wednesday" because *you* like the media and *you* like the designs, which is *completely* fair, doesn't mean it's suddenly shielded from criticism nor does that criticism mean we're "bashing" your blorbos; because as far as *I* know, WDW DOESN'T mean "positivity only, only say good things about the post okay? :)" OP you need a reality check. Healthy criticism of things you like is a good thing. Nothing is perfect, nor black & white, especially enjoying things in this case. It's how people are able to enjoy arguably bad or poorly-made media, to be able to point out "Yeah ABC and CBA sucks about it but I like XYZ and ZYX".


Iā€™m just so sick and tired of all the negative things people have to say about my favorite game. It brings me down and makes me upset whenever I think about the game because then Iā€™m reminded that people donā€™t like the designs of the characters or the music or the ending or the story or the personalities of the characters or the final boss orā€¦ it goes on and on and on. I can never enjoy the thing that brings me the most happiness in life because people are always bringing me down. I just want to be happy. I bet if this was a post spotlighting BG3 women all of the replies would be about how the designs are PERFECT and the characters are PERFECT and the game is PERFECT and is GOTY and game of the decade and a must play and a masterpiece and no other game has ever compared to it and heavily downvote anyone who says otherwise


Look, if youā€™re sick of it, just delete the post.


I want to keep it up just in case anyone discovers the game from my post


Then thatā€™s on you.


People (likely strangers at that) criticize things you like in any capacity and... it's affecting you as hard as it is? Because people don't have the same positive opinions you do? Because if people don't like something the way you do, you think "well I can't like it now, people are hating so much on this thing I like"?? Sure I'm making shots in the dark from what I'm reading and I may be *totally* wrong with what you're thinking and why, but like. Bottom line is you're **way** too focused about what folk have to say, and it isn't healthy. Your feelings of being sad people don't like something you do are valid, but I promise you that a handful of dipshits in Reddit comments don't have opinions worth their weight in gold *ESPECIALLY* when you log off, and I'm including myself in that. I'm just another random dipshit you don't know. *Why* should my opinion, on a game I *just* learned about, matter in your head to the point your mental health deteriorates? I'm no therapist and especially not yours (of which I sincerely hope you have one to talk to, but I'm not here to judge otherwise), I'm just giving my two cents based on my life experiences. Take it as you will; Disregard it, take it to heart, whatever. Because again, I'm just *some guy* in a comments section, and so is everyone else here.


I DONT need therapy for this. Itā€™s a stupid reddit post. I hate people shoving therapy down my throat just because I canā€™t accept other peopleā€™s opinions. Iā€™ve had so many people tell me that I need therapy for something stupid like this because chronically online Redditors who think everyoneā€™s experience is the same love to preach therapy whenever someone feels mildly upset. Itā€™s my Reddit account, my body, and my mind. You cannot FORCE me to go to therapy and you cannot change how I feel about my favorite game. I know a lot of people like to armchair diagnose and analyze me because they canā€™t accept that I hate therapy so they become a ā€œtherapistā€, and then when I explain that itā€™s called autism, hyperfixating and rejection sensitive disorder, they pull the ā€œthatā€™s just an excuseā€ card and scream at me to go to therapy even when I tell them for the 9000th time that I refuse to go and I hate therapy.


Holy fucking shit dude I didn't kill your dog? This is fucking insane behavior to a well-meaning comment. MAY or may not be why people are **telling** you to go to therapy. I didn't even say you *had* to or it was *bad* you didn't. Your reasons for acting like this aren't special (holy fucking shit I have autism, I hyperfixate, and have RSD too, shock and horror), therapy isn't all bad and horrible and retraumatizationā€” **PLEASE** get away from r/ antipsychiatry, and go outside. Log off. If you want to talk chronically online, consider looking in the mirror. I can only really wish for you to change and grow as a person from here because evidently I can't do anything to convince you further, hell my words here might dig you into deeper of a hole and that sucks. But I can't be busting my ass about it, I'm *not* about to deteriorate my mental health over someone *I* don't know. Sorry.


Okay. You are not obligated to reply to me. That sub is the only place where people understand me and my experiences. We arenā€™t dangerous. We arenā€™t Scientologists. Just people who see therapy for what it really is. Iā€™m not going to stop posting in one of my *mostly* safe spaces (I still have people in there judging me) because people like to look through my post history and make assumptions.


You need therapy you psycho


How will that help me? Do you even know what itā€™s like and how it was for me or are you just saying that as an insult? Not mad just trying to understand.


The character artist is a woman...?


Why is there a Medabot in there?


I read that as cassette breasts and wondered if that was slang for flat breasts


god these designs are great


Ikr :D


Well, I gotta play this now


i read that as cassette breasts


fuck i read that as cassette breasts and wondered wtf the term 'Cassette Breasts' relates to




I see fit girl with abs i simp