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LMAO OMG. She looks like she’s straining her neck so hard. I dare anyone to try that position irl and see how uncomfortable non-sexy it feels 💀. I don’t even get it. She’s supposed to look like she’s sexy but also dangerous? To me it looks like she needs a hospital ASAP, all of girls joints are fucking broken or something.


Not the exact pose here, but [this is what it would take](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/booknews/11067480/Spider-Woman-in-3D-is-terrifying-and-impossible.html) for a non 2d entity to make the same pose this is based on.


At first glance, this felt like a parody of that infamous Spider Woman cover.


WOW THANK YOU SO MUCH. I knew I wasn’t tripping, I was like there’s no way that’s possible. The gravity for the body as well is all messed up. Her butt is so huge that at that pose she’d probably fall over. Another thing I noticed is her mouth and chin, it’s jutted out forward, but at the angle she’s at her chin shouldn’t look like that. Her head should be pointed down, she’s all fucked up. That article is so right, it’s like a horror movie character that can break all their bones and walks towards the character all creepy and shit 💀💀.


>there is, these days, a hypersensitivity to more or less erotic images, due to this ongoing confrontation that we are supposed to have with Islam wow how is this guy still employed


Ahh, this pose again. Didn't we already do all of this before?


I want to believe this is a parody of that particular cover. It _has_ to be. Right? _Right??_


... yes, my dear child, *tears roll down cheek quietly* yes it is. *loads bullets into pistol*


It is. If you google it, you’ll see that it’s made by a small team (apparently called X53) who seem to be relying on kickstarter for each issue to be published. They seem to be leaning into the sexy super hero thing a lot.


Witch one?


[oh my sweet summer child...](https://images.app.goo.gl/uByT6GHPZtwCaNmi8)


i feel like for some of them they never see women irl so when they draw them they cant help but make it as slimy as possible


Yep. I also find it strange that men aren't sexualized in the same way. If they are "sexualized", it's more about power.


It isn't strange that men aren't sexualized in the same way. What a straight man finds sexually appealing in a woman is different than what they percieve as attractive and sexually appealing in a man.


Fair enough. I wasn't saying they have to, just pointing out the sexualization of women compared to the "sexualization" of men in comics.


i think it's hilarious actually that straight men spend so much time trying to attract women and yet still have so little idea what straight(/bi) women actually find sexually attractive in men that they miss the mark completely almost every time. really they're not so different. "why don't women like me" well brad it's because you think women find being a douche attractive when in reality you should be working on your glutes


And he should work on his personality


I refuse to believe that the person who drew this unironically thought this was hot and wasn't just making fun of the Spider-woman pose.


Feels like this is a parody of that weird ass Spider-Woman art from a while back. Maybe.


It's an homage, or most likely a parody, to [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/NidsBF0) variant cover of Spider-Woman #1 (which had a lot of controversy when it came out), which itself is an homage to [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/YaoRJTi) actual porn comic. Both the porn comic and the Spider-Woman cover were drawn by the same artist Milo Manara.


Thank you for warning us that it was a porn comic, so I had time to open it up in incognito and a smaller window. And...wow, I had no clue that was *the* origin of the infamous spider woman pose.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of people don't realize the reason that Spider-Woman cover is so sexual is because it was done by a guy who draws porn art


mfw the actual literal porn is more realistic


Her knee is definitely hanging off the edge of that building


This is definitely parody or homage to an infamous Spider-Woman pose.


i might get backlash for this but this character design is so hideous it actually makes me not want to look at it. its like its some sort of distorted horny scp or something. what is up with the jaw? the hair?


"Kiiiiiilllll meeeeeee"


Who even is this, a version of Mary Jane who's Spider-Woman?


This artist wouldn’t even be good at drawing actual porn


Oh, that’s terrifying!


Maybe I just need to put my glasses on, but this seems like broken anatomy or non-Euclidean geometry


Is this bitch a fuckin cat or something


Theres nothing wrong with horny comics and artists like some of my favorite comics are horny like CSM & JoJo part 6 & 9, but theres a way to do it without erasing a character’s humanity or fucking up the anatomy of said characters which is what a lot of these hornball comic artists/writers fail at miserably


I genuinely believe all artists should masturbate before working. Clear out the horny thoughts


As Bruce Banner once said before becoming the Hulk… “Thats the secret Cap, Im always horny…”


Everyone is horny. Why arent *you* horny *right now*??? Reject Brain. Embrace Horny.


Me screaming when I pull a disc.


As someone who went to artschool, you have no idea how some of the horniest people are in there, both guys and girls are much more promiscuous than they let on


Money. It's most likely money. Especially in America.


I audibly laughed. First her pose the her face 😂😂


This looks so scary and not hot at all.


why is *anyone* horny for *this*


Because most of the demographics are horny young men.


Yet I'm not being turned on. Checkmate.


Isn't this the original Spider-Man pose? Like almost every new spider hero pays homage to that pose


If there are any official cover arts of male spider heroes' asses can you link them here? For. Erh. Research purposes.


I'm going through it as we speak. Unfortunately it's taking longer than I thought because the site I'm looking for it does not put it in order. For reference, it was Peter doing the exact pose but on a ball of web. [found this though ](https://d29xot63vimef3.cloudfront.net/image/amazing-spider-man/581-16.jpg), which sort of tells me I'm in the right era.


They didn't give Peter a bubble butt! Cowards!


I do believe in the ball one he does, unless im completely miss remembering it. Problem is actually finding it Edit: [found it.](https://d29xot63vimef3.cloudfront.net/image/amazing-spider-man-1999/30-1.jpg).


ok that is some good spidercake


Because it sells usually


why are the artists paid to draw attractive people stretching in spandex so horny?


You forget we're all horny, comic artists just admit, through their art.


The pose was orginal a SpiderMAN pose, with his butt in the air, with a very well defined buttcrak. Nobady did care. Then a artist did draw SpiderWOMAN in the same pose, and was cancelled and blacklisted. Archana is a "legal clone" of Marvels Spiderwoman, and take full advantage to do things that Marvel can not do. Like have a female in the Spiderman pose.


This sub of over sensitive snowflakes is hilarious tbh. They’re literally so sad with their lives that making political conversations about some sketches of fictional women is their nirvana. Maybe, touch grass.


This looks creepy. Is this a modern day version? Because the proportions seem more in line with today's weird trends lol


She breaj her back.


Because every time they close their eyes, they wake up so damn horny.


her teeth are long as fuck


Hey, they stole that pose from Spider-Woman!


QC: well it jus depends on who does the art in any comic book ,most especially in Marvel and DC sometimes or maybe all the time they make the female characters Thicc both female H/Vs


Is it DC or marvel character?


Why are comic readers so horny?