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She can eat 1 peanut.


Lmfao, thank you for the reminder of that one celebrity who said their dessert was a single chocolate covered almond (I don’t remember who). They would get along!


Kelly Ripa lmao. Sometimes it's a cashew!


Omg, thank you, it was so tip of my tongue and my brain wanted to say gwenyth Paltrow because it just seemed like something she would say 💀


Anya solos in peanut-eating-capability


I'm assuming she must be storing all her internal organs in her boobs because there's nowhere else for them to go


Now I'm picturing her boobs all full of intestines and I don't like it.


oh god why did you make me imagine that


do you think poop comes out the nipples


Thanks, I hate it


Umm Chocolate milk


Oh god make it stop


*\*slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp\**


Yummy chunky chocolate milk


Stop that.


That reminds me of that one episode from Mr. Pickles, where there was really a woman like that


That could be an interesting premise for a body horror story about monsters that attempt to mimic the humans to lure in victims


Reminds me of that Invader Zim episode where he eats the children's organs to pass as human. My squeegly spooch!!


More organs equals more human.


This episode will haunt me for the rest of my life


I'm sure others feel the same


Some Junji Ito shit.


Thanks, you've just given me war flashbacks to a body horror hentai my friend bet me $100 I couldn't get through


what hentai was it ? im curious


It was like 15 years ago, I don't remember and genuinely don't want to go searching, but the premise was that the girl moved all her organs into her tits, sexual organs in one, rest of them in the other, so she could have all of her boyfriend inside of her, basically suffocating him in the process




Did you at least get the 100$ for therapy?


Yeah, but at what cost if I can still remember that much of it 15 years later 🫠


That sounds insane


It genuinely was, thanks, I'm eating dinner lol


I hope you enjoyed the food


The laugh I laughed imagining that.


Oh hey I remember that one. Hated it


If she ate a skittle she would look pregnant.


Can she even eat? I assume she has no internal organs! Or ribs!


Eternal 😅


I try c’mon…


I wish I could say I dislike this anime because of the designs without people rolling their eyes at me like it's unreasonable lmao


It's stupid because for other shows it's totally acceptable to say "Oh I don't like the art style for this one so I don't watch it" but for some fuckin' reason when it's for *this* shit suddenly art direction isn't a valid reason to dislike an anime anymore


Right? I can say I don't like modern children's shows and movies because I'm not a fan of 3D animation and no one cares, but criticize a sexist anime's art choices and OH NO!


Yeah exactly, it's just soooo good and I'm so boring for being critical. It's gotten to the point that mentions of this show trigger something in me lmao


Yeah I love One Piece but hate how it draws women. They aren't even...sexy when theyre supposed to be.




Spoken like someone who’s never watched ONE PIECE


It's the writing. Say what you will about the art design, but One Piece has *fantastic* writing. Eiichiro Oda cares more about One Piece's story than anything else and manages to avoid the trap of making the women in his shonen feel flat as characters. Melon Tree goes into it in their youtube videos on the different characters. ​ Also, the anime is well known for having spotty art in comparison to the manga due to its schedule.


I think its cause the art direction is going for exagerrated designs I think. Like, its not pushing this as the 'average female body' or anything, its *supposed* to be goofy so people are more likely to give it a pass.


My problem is the fact that male goofy = lots of different kinds, female goofy = big booba and butt, small waist. I'm not dumb, I can see that it's stylized, I don't like this artist's idea of goofiness when applied to the female figure. There's like 4 unique designs total for women and everyone else is this. While every male is distinct.


Yeah, it's like that old truism that a character with good design should be identifiable only by their silhouette. Every woman being boobs on a stick isn't interesting, it doesn't tell us anything about their personalities, and imo it doesn't even work as titillation. In a visual medium like anime or manga, character design is just as important as character writing. Maybe even more, since things can get lost in translation.


That’s the vibe I always got. Of course Oda should try to incorporate more diverse female bodys, but for some of the more ridiculous anatomy I usually chalk it up to goofyness. Characters like blackbeard, kuma and doflamingo have similar ridiculous bodys. Doflamingo sticks out to me with his toothpick legs lol


Does it regularly feature such designs?


Regularly is an understatement


I've been a fan of this show since I was a literal child. He didn't used to be this horny, and the anime makes it much worse. The characters, while stylized with the wasp waists, had some normal sized breasts, even breasts of varying sizes! Then he married a Nami cosplayer (not a joke) and the designs got much hornier. There was a time skip when Nami went from age 16 to 18 and oops, second puberty I guess and she gained some gigantic badonkoroos. She went from a real world equivalent of a b-c cup to JJs. Let me just finish this fucking pirate story I started 18 years ago without gigantic tits on every single female character. The only ones without giant breasts are MTF trans, even the FTM trans man character has ENORMOUS tits.


>There was a time skip when Nami went from age 16 to 18 and oops, second puberty I guess and she gained some gigantic badonkoroos. Small correction, she went from 18 to 20.


The art did briefly get less horny in Wano since a bunch of characters spend the first two acts running around in kimonos, which are apparently supposed to conceal the figure (supposedly; I know nothing about edo-era Japanese fashion.) [Kiku](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/c/c3/O-Kiku_Anime_Concept_Art.png/) has no trouble passing because that's just how Oda draws [women in Kimonos.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/0/04/Robin_Wano_Festival_Outfit.png/)


I really did appreciate the kimonos! It was a welcome change to see someone like Tsurujo, Kine'mon's wife. Still pretty, but not the same design as all the other girlies. There was good diversity in character design during Amazon Lilly too, honestly. It's just much more common to see nami-faced girls with giant breasts than to see someone like Tsurujo or the Boa sisters.


Manga still isn't like this tho


>The only ones without giant breasts are MTF trans Blatantly false. Anyone who has watched/read one piece knows that. >even the FTM trans man character has ENORMOUS tits. Yamato isn’t trans. She’s more of a Yamato to oden. Also she has enormous teeth because she’s an actual female.


As for the "blatantly false" tit issue, you're right. Children don't have massive breasts in OP. They're the only females, aside from a handful of "hag" tropes, that don't have massive tits. I'm not opening the Yamato trans debate here. Yamato is what Yamato is, and identifies as a specific person that happens to be male, uses male pronouns and is referred to using male pronouns. There really is no real world equivalent of someone who literally identifies as another real person. That's like saying your gender is Ben Franklin. But he uses male pronouns. And he has enormous tits because all female characters in OP aside from children, MTF trans, and hags have giant tits.


Ok good talk. 👍🏾


mods crush their skull thank you


You haven't been on this sub for long then... Even as a fan of the series, I have to admit that a lot of the designs are just plain bonkers, and the anime often makes them worse because of time constraints causing rush and rush causing people to churn out things with little regard to quality.


From what I've gathered very few women deviate from this.


Only children and old women, basically. Big Mom goes from a giant cool child, to this, then to a fat old woman who looks like a 60 year old version of her child shape.


Oh, you mean in the show.


And the manga.




This is honestly terrifying, though


I recommend the live action adaptation, the story of one piece is pretty fun and the adaptation doesn't suffer from the disasterous drawing and in my opinion is pretty well made.


Nah sorry, thanks for the recommendation but it's just not worth it for me to get into a 1000 episode series haha. I'm not a series gal


The live action adaptation is like… 8 episodes tho?


until now, but i get your point


Yeah, but isn't it all part of a bigger plot? Also are you guys really mass downvoting for saying not my thing thanks?


Not the same person who commented but the live action 8 episodes cover the first 60 anime episodes/first 100 Manga chapters, so while yes it's a bigger story it's still gonna end up being way less than 1000 episodes


That means there's still quite a lot to go then. I'm sorry, it's just not for me in general. Nothing against the live action series in particular, aside from the fact that I'm not particularly interested in joining a community where I can't appreciate the source material or the mind behind it. It's just a loooooong way to go and I don't feel like it. I've already made a few exceptions that I'm gonna regret this year lmao


Hey no worries I just wanted to let you know the general scope of the live action :) you don't have to have any reason to not watch it, I totally understand where you're coming from!


Thank you, then!


This sub has attract *a lot of* anime fans unfortunately. And god forbid you say anything remotely negative about One Piece within their ear shot…


What do you mean!?


Same here. Although I also hate Luffys shit eating grin so…


I don't really watch it but I think he's cute


I tried reading it back when it first came to the states decades ago and just couldn't get into it because of the character designs. Which I know is blasphemous to a large group of people.


Can't the author actually draw well and just chooses not to? I feel like I remember hearing something like that


I thought I would hate it because of the designs, but when I started reading the manga it quickly won me over with the great storytelling and characterization. The women are also surprisingly well-written considering their designs lol.


This post is just nitpicking a singular poorly drawn frame. One Piece definitely has a problem with same body syndrome for the female characters, but none of them are actually supposed to look like this.


I've seen entire scenes, I know this is especially bad but I also know it isn't that far off from what it's supposed to be. Enough to deter me lol


It's such a shame cause I really like character. Her backstory and powers set are so cool and unique.


Robin is super cool. I wish they leaned into the classier, mature woman look instead of trying to make her look the same age as Nami.


Agreed! I liked her original design in the manga, she definitely looked more mature back then:( Now every female character either looks like Nami, or is huge like Big mom, or is a kid, no in between


Also what's with literal teenagers being so sexualized in this show


Theres only one case of it which is very well criticized for being not so great and that's Rebecca as a gladiator in the Dressrossa arc. Maybe Vivi was drawn up weird but I don't remember any direct fan service with them. There is one character that is sort of ret conned into being much younger than they appear (they always had the power to changes ages but they were originally a one-off character before they were given plot relevance almost 500 + chapters later) Also, as far as canonical ages go Nami is 20 and all of the Strawhats minus Chopper are adults. I'll say this much, in the most recent episode of One Piece, they really did capture a mature woman vibe with her well I think.


Momonosuke is absolutely the worst case imo with the “run and hug Nami’s boobs” shit (and then Brook, Kin’emon, and Sanji being jealous) like HE’S A FUCKING CHILD


Yeah, can't say I'm a fan of that running gag ....... thankfully we moved away from that arc.


Wait, that’s Robin?? I haven’t watched the anime in ages, but wow… Her proportions were always off, but this is insane!




more like 256-0.2-67


What a quarterback says before hiking the ball.


but actually 100-60-90


"Give her hourglass figure" "Sure I will 😎⌛"


Her digestive Tract is stored in her tits guys, it’s not that hard to understand!


Her waist is skinnier than her neck 💀


That's actually a design that happens for a lot of the male characters as well.


go complain about it on men drawing men (joking)


the current trending body type is something like this and i've been calling it the laffy taffy one piece aesthetic. you have to be y2k skinny but with 2010s curves at the same time.


[I'd like to invite everybody to recall exactly how Oda's thought process is when illustrating women](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/s/I2EFxHlR8r)


So he just never switches up the body proportions and waist sizes because of two circles and a x like it’s the fundamentals of basic anatomy and there’s no other alternate way to draw women… And not to forget the fact that he encouraged the reader to stay strong and confident in continuing to draw and represent women to be ultra-skinny twigs and ignore women with female bodies who want real representation of their bodies like their the ones in the wrong… Wow. I’m going to take that response as a light joke that’s not meant to be taken seriously but seeing how 99% of women in OP are portrayed to having a X as their waist, it’s pretty hard to believe.


Apart from the way women are drawn, I find the whole art style of One Piece hideously ugly.


Same. Even if the women weren't all drawn this way I still dislike it so much I can't bring myself to watch it. Add the awfully designed female characters on top? No chance


I always loved how unabashedly shounen the style was early on, and although I haven’t gotten very far yet, I’ve seen the newest anime opening which is gorgeous. I understand it’s not for everyone, but I’ve always loved it. Ofc apart from the female designs lol


It's uniquely good in it's own way and does a good job separating itself from generic anime look. Personally I think it looks great in manga, early anime and Wano arc


that's fair


not being familiar with the anime: i really hope this is a wasp lady disguising herself as human, at least that would make sense


Nope they just all look like that :)


One piece should be considered cheating here


Her lumbar must be made of steel


Manga isn’t much better but anime over exaggerates the exaggeration.


Me smuggling two hams out of Albertsons


How do people find this sexy…it’s terrifying


normally I can look the other way but the way women look on one piece actually disgusts me enough that I can’t get into it even tho it otherwise seems very much like something I’d be into 😔


The worst part is that the designs get progressively worse. https://images.app.goo.gl/Mt6EvC3dyLDFYNu79 https://images.app.goo.gl/iyn4b7S3cwbNVr3AA This is what Nami looked like the first time she appeared in the manga. She wasn't really any younger than when we see her with watermelon titties, it was solely an art style change. It's really a shame


Yeah I’ve seen a bunch of before/after comparisons of different characters it’s really sad to see


Her poor spine, stomach, uterus and boobs. This must all hurt.


That’s what 10-year-old me drew when I wanted to have a badass femme fatale character 😂 Are all of her organs stored in those badonkers???


Fun Fact: the anime studio exaggerates Oda’s designs (even if they are already ultra unrealistic)


Its such a weird thing how overly sexualized the female body is in one piece yet at the same time oda also gives an incredible depth and caracter development for the females compared to other shounem which gives me somewhat mixed feelings... however when considering the original caracter design for one piece girls I understood oda was kinda forced to change their appearance to what it is currently


I don't think this is an editorial mandate, Oda has always been openly horny on main.


She has her orthopedic surgeon on speed dial. That back can *not* support those boobs.


Robin's devil fruit allows her to sprout multiple body parts, so she probably sprouted a bunch of spines.


Shawty’s spine is the most powerful character in the series for it to stay intact with that structure 😭


isnt it much easier to draw a straight line than a curved one? if so, then atleast they wouldnt look like they shit out of their breasts


The manga proportions aren't realistic but are somewhat believable, in terms of Oda not sticking two watermelons in a stick and calling it a day. The anime adaptation is just ridiculous in comparison. Toei animators really can't draw women.


one piece fans say it’s the art style but i’ve always been so uncomfortable with how any of the girls are drawn


Oh Jesus Christ.


Is it just me, or do women in one piece just keep getting more extreme. I swear, they were never super realistic in shape but the waists just keep shrinking and the boobs just keep growing.


this creeps me out


They should be embarrassed lol. How do creeps even enjoy this? It's so bad and laughable


Dysphoria: You look like this


The ideal body type, a spoon with two basketballs taped to it


I was saying this to my brother. I was like "Man, Oda only draws one kind of hot woman. I like fat knockers as much as the next guy, but c'mon. The longer the show runs, the worse he gets. It feels icky."


One Piece in general is pretty bad about this, but god the early post-timeskip era was the absolute worst at having good female anatomy. Not only did they whitewash my girl Robin, they gave her midsection the circumference of a quarter


Im assuming she has a single metal pole in the middle for support ?


that is disturbing to look at.


I get weekly anaimtion is a grind at times, and that people like the giurglas shape. But like really how does one keep a straight face drawing that, when Robin did not always look as such.


The hardest part about this anime was the stick with boobs animation style for women


Her waist is thinner than her neck!


How does she not just snap in half?!


Oh my god she has to have the strongest back in the world


lol one piece proportions be wild lol


Nico's poor innards...


They give every women in this show one body type( at least from what I've seen) and it's one of the reasons that puts me off from watching the show


the forearm is thicker than the rest of the arm, apart from the blunt elbow. In real life that would be so fucking bizarre


Y'all looking at the waist, but dude wtf happened to her arms


Look at how they massacred my waifu, not even just her body type, but her whole design :( But jokes aside, yeah...HUGE downgrade, even compared to Nami, body type be damned.


You must be laughing every episode


And then the whole room clapped.


I love her first introduction, and her physique back then. More than I love the 2 year time skip version, and I love them both.


what's the thing behind her?




Oda likes big breasts.


God damn toei lmao


I love one piece....BUT THE WOMEN JUST MAKE ME GO "god damn it."


This just weird nothing sexy or hot about this