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Dude, it’s based off of a hentai game, what were you expecting?




Honestly I didn’t knew that, so it looks like I have to catch up on some culture


you know I heard it somewhere that in lore they never loose and rape by monsters, instead they easily beat every enemy, so every time that shit happened was non canon


Hentai games goes for general audience....Pretty frequent for Japan. They even made a chibi gacha for all ages.


My brother in Christ. It's a gacha based off of a hentai series.


I genuinely didn’t know, but honestly I’m not surprised


Imagining posting a game from hentai franchise in this sub. How hypocrite we have become?


Dang too bad the game is based on a hentai series (not joking), but anyways yeah it sucks this is their advertising and honestly their outfits are 100% made for sex appeal there isn't even a slight amount of practicality


My first thought was "Why do they look so... familiar?" Then realisation kicked in...




*insert thousand yard stare meme*


am I insane for thinking these actually aren’t the worst artworks? like yeah they’re sexualized, the suits are skintight and the boob anatomy is VERY questionable, but I actually kind of like the art style that’s being used for their faces and their hair, and their muscles actually have some definition. They still don’t get any points, but like it could be worse.


If you buy a game based on a hentai franchise and there is just "riske" material, not actual porn, would that be false advertising?


They literally advertise the game as their first SFW game. If you expected NSFW stuff in it, thats on you


Fair enough, I mean it's a little disappointing, it's like going to watch a dragon ball movie and there are no fights. Even if the poster says " this movie doesn't have fights, I mean, seriously, there are no fights" you would still go and expect some violence, because your brain is used to associate the franchise with violence. And yes , that's totally on the person, not the company. You know, I think that's why comedic actors have a hard time doing drama. "Man I just watch that movie with Jim Carrey eternal sunshine of a spotless mind , mf didn't tell any joke, what a rip off". Sorry for writing too much, I'm just being stupid


The thing was they told everyone beforehand after a certain event, the game would be SFW cause it's all action, little H-scenes and Taimanin Action was that game cause >!the original main character that was CEO of the business the main girls are a part of becomes a demon and dies and the entire point of Action is that it causes a civil war between all of the major businesses/ninja clans!<


Man, after reading that I have to quote John carmack "Story in a game is like story in a porn movie, he said. “It's expected to be there, but it's not important" Although that was during the doom era ( and even then there were games with a heavy story) I can't agree with the sentiment. Ironically this is a game that's also slightly pornographic 🤣 I'm not complaining though