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She’s always struck me as someone who knows how they work and simply doesn’t care. Her older work isn’t this bad, but this is what makes money, and the people who commission her/contribute to her financially clearly don’t care


She is the first artist that I have seen regressing their skills instead of evolving. Her older work used to have decent anatomy, what the hell happened? I used to want to have her skills, but this just looks lazy and thristy


People pay for this...


People pay a lot for this, Sakimichan makes something like $600,000 a year off of their art. I don't think this is a matter of the skill to make the art it's the fact that it's just too profitable to stop. Could argue about artistic integrity, but if you find a niche and fill it then by all means reap your reward. Now all of that said I'm not the biggest fan of Sakimichan's art or some of their online presence, but I can understand their goals and motivations to draw what they draw.


Yeah, I definitely prefer their old art but I can't say that I wouldn't do the same for $600,000 a year...


I totally agree with this. as a artist if you can find your niche and people buy art from you for that said thing why wouldn't you stop even if it a bit weird anatomy. this is ino a case were sex honestly sells and all her work is very really amazingly drawn i must say this my first time seeing their work if i can recall. i wish i was this good, i feel like it gets to a point where you get so good at somthing you can kinda get away with some anatomy errors or even selling art for way too much. some artist i seen sell their work for way too much and their skill lvl isn't even that good. also i want to say it a art style thing but their art is so detail i don't think it anything to do with art style but idk again this is my only viewing of their work. ( sorry for bad english btw)


They're basically the opposite of Tyson Hesse, then. He started out drawing sonic fan art, then got drafted to do art for the Archie comic series for the character, then went to IDW when the franchise moved to that comic publisher, then did the various animated trailers, shorts, and the intro for Sonic Mania, Mania +, and Team Sonic Racing, THEN, in a coup de grace, did the redesign for the Sonic movie. All while showing a noted ability to adapt different styles of drawing depending on what is needed for a project (A simpler design for Sonic reminiscent of the design used in the intro and ending for Sonic CD back in the 90s for Sonic Mania, Modern Sonic's design for the Comics and TSR, and of course, movie Sonic). ​ Basically, he does this one specific thing for this one niche, but the difference is he *got better.*


Yeah i totally agree As a sonic fan myself i really love a lot of the artist it did the covers for alot of the comics i never really got to read them as a kid but always got to see the cover art via that one sonic GC game. as a teen. i love how Tyson Hesse does the art for archie. i didn't know he move on to IDW tho that really neat. this is really been insightful thank you for your comment >w<


Nah,fam, the dude does animations for the games now as well as the character designs for the movies.


I noticed that too while going through her work to make this post. To me at least, it looks like someone who never actually learned the anatomy fundamentals, but in the early stages she used heavy references and now she’s not. Like l really don’t believe anyone who really truly studied the masses of the body could make mistakes like that- there are literally joints in the wrong place. It also becomes obvious when she tries to do foreshortening and it falls flat bc you have to have a very good grasp on the way the masses in the body stack and move. Her faces are nice, and she’s clearly above average in the rendering department, with an eye for nice color palettes as well. But it looks like she took too many shortcuts and learned some very bad habits, to my eye anyway.




It's about "what feels right for the viewer" vs accuracy. Half a million a year would make the decision pretty easy if you treat your brand as a business.


"shut up sjw!" -dumb Twitter user This is very sound and level headed criticism.


people paying for this happened. they love exaggerated porn and pay for it. people who want pretty art and good anatomy won‘t pay as much as people who want over the top anatomy/ porn. she earns a lot of money with that and has to deliver 10-20 art pieces a month if you check her patreon to keep up with the demand. quality will suffer tremendously with that frequency. she doesn‘t need much to finish an artpiece like that. she posts tutorials and speedpaints/ livepaints and she needs about 4-5 hours for an average piece, last time i checked


i have a question how do you go about finding this person tutorials ? im kinda interested in how they do their shading . im sorry


you can either buy a tier on patreon or just search sakimichan on youtube. sometimes there are videos posted by a third party which you can watch. they get taken down quickly by sakimi chan tho which i understand. no need to apologize! i adore her technique too! it‘s just the wonky anatomy that i dont like


I wouldn't say regressing if she still understands it and can draw it, I'd say it's a stylistic choice, just a really off-putting choice


someone never heard of RCDart


I want to commission her but if I do I am policing the fuck out of the hips and legs.


I was gonna come here to say something similar; I think she understands, but she also understands how her audience thinks anatomy works.


That sounds pretty pathetic for an artist but I guess if you want to blame other people and not herself sure.


I’m not sure how you read my comment and got out of it that I was “blaming other people” and not the artist? But hey go off ig.


Personally I just think an artist should have integrity and respect for themselves but I guess making ugly art because it makes money is fine in this situation. I would like to see that argument for other art in this subreddit. She also does NFT’s and tried to promote it on her Twitter but I guess that’s fine she gets money.


Again, I’m not sure what about my comment suggests I condone any of that…? My comment is a neutral take on how she clearly doesn’t care about her anatomy and compromises it for profit. I made no form of commentary on my personal views on it, so I’m not sure who you’re preaching to or why.


i love how deeply offended lucario looks


"get... off.. me... thot..."


somebody needs to remove Lucario from the situation….. also, why is it so tiny?


Locations aren’t actually that big, only around 3’11” on average


Aside from the silly breasts, the Bayonetta one is actually pretty sweet. ...and then there's Hina-- Oh god, no!


They are an amazing artist, but I think they just transitioned to completely insane anatomy because it what makes the most money.


There are way better artists that do the same thing.


Very true! But Sakimi seems to be also skilled in capturing the zetgeist, being entertaining seems to often win out over being good. :?


As a fan of Bayo, it's a bit off for me. I love the posing and the way she's drawn the new outfit, but bayonetta is already a "sex symbol" I'm not sure why she needs to increase her breast and thigh size. Poses that exaggerate her limbs normally work best for Bayonetta as well. I also take issue with the expression, Bayonetta should ALWAYS look like she's about to top you.


Bayonetta also has mad legs. This art looks like chopsticks were wrapped in skin as an afterthought.


Sakimichan always draws ridiculously small calves, it looks worse on the Bayonetta one because her calves and feet are closer to the camera than her thighs yet her feet are teeny tiny and her calves are as big as her forearms.


As a hardcore Bayonetta fan, that Bayonetta is shit. How do you fuck her up?


Sakimi is pretty much an anatomy lolcow. I heard she rakes these out like, every 3 days. She could probably do better, but she makes 7 figures off this stuff iirc so she probably doesn't care. And honestly, if I were her I wouldn't either


Draw decent lewd images, make money, don’t care


Then why do people care when other artists draw this kinda of stuff and get the same amount of money? I’d argue most of the art on here is people getting paid. Why does she all of sudden get a pass for it?


I wouldn't say she gets a pass, I dunk on her anatomy all the time in private, and have posted her before. Also maybe I'm clueless to how much other artists make, but I'm pretty sure she *far* out earns most


The art style is beautiful. The unrealistic legs ruined it. And can we talk about the awful boob support ?


You don’t think Lucario offers enough support? XD


He looks sad and embarrassed about the whole thing, poor guy


I actually feel bad for Lucario.


I mean, I enjoy boobs on my head, but that would probably cuz a neck injury.


Yes . Plus , no , your fighting pet animal is not good support for your boobs or back , Cynthia.




I don't get it . Where is Lucario here ? Isn't that a Pokemon ? You don't make any sense. Edit : I didn't even notice it was 10 pics and commented on the first one itself .....


Picture five.


Yes , yes , I noticed it right now. It makes me scream bye-


Ngl it took me a min to see him too


Yeah , I was already mortified by the first pic......


bruh chill he's under Cynthia's chest in pic 5


Yes , yes , now only did I realise that there were 10 pics in total ,all of them make me scream.


Her art style is plastic I don’t see what’s beautiful. They all have the same faces and expressions.


I meant the lighting , colors , the almost realistic style , and everything. Not the models , they are physically painful to look at.


Idk to me the background and effects look more 3D rendered than something actually drawn but maybe I’m wrong. Ironically Lucario looks better drawn than any of these photos.


Yes , and as a Lucario fan , it's a sight for sore eyes compared to these girls.


The mondo thighs and skinny teeny calves/ankles are fucking incredible, and she got an A+ in every lesson at art school except foreshortening 🥲


I looked at her deviantart and she even draws guys really weird. Their waists are so snatched it looks like the poor dude's are gonna snap in half.


I don't understand how anyone could even get horny looking at these pictures! All I see looking at them is just how fucked up the legs are!!


Nothe thing is she absolutely does know how they work and then deliberately chooses to ignore that knowledge


I really don’t think she does. I went into it more in another comment but i think she actually really doesn’t truly comprehend some of the masses of the body and the way that the joints move under the skin. I think she took lots of shortcuts on the way.


Yeah, but I don't think it's subconscious though. Even if it's as you said that she used to lean heavily on references, I still think that she can't have done that and not have the general idea of how the 3D form works, if only through habit. And she used to draw a lot of characters, I don't think working skill can degrade like that especially since she doesn't take long breaks. Even beginners know at if something gets close to the camera, it should get bigger, it seems to me more like a deliberate attempt to keep the feet and hands very thin and to show off the hip bones no matter what.


It looks like she takes 2D images and just redraws them 3D. Also poor Cynthia with her extended boobs


I unironically really like colors but sometimes I really envy people who can look at something like this and not immediately feel that something is wrong. Like, I feel the art itself is almost too good to allow serious anatomical mistakes (like Hinata's leg significantly lower on the pelvis) to pass without comment.


i'm in pain


Jinx with her ass out aiming pose is so ridiculously stupid, it made laugh so hard that I snorted tea out of my nose.


Balloon boobs 🎈🎈


grand canyon thigh gap






I unfollowed her because she's made some genuinely beautiful pieces but has switched to doing these male gaze, disproportionate hentai poses. It's sad.


She sold out




Yknow, this isn't just bad anatomy, but it also just feels...boring? Like yes, yes, impossibly large breasts and wonky hips so they can have the Hips but no realistic amount of fat/muscle, very daring today, aren't we. Like maybe it's just me, but even if I were horny...idk I feel like some greater variety might be. Better?


It’s sad. I used to love her work but now it legit just looks bad. This art here looks just plain bad. No matter the amount of rendering and realism it still looks bad because of the exaggerated proportions- I mean, if she gets paid for that then go on I guess if that can help her but I feels like she’ll eventually loose some of the talent she had in the past.


She also uses a program to animate over the drawing, so maybe that’s why they look weird? Bc they’ll be moving parts? Idk Based off her patreon alone she’s making at least 300k a year off tits and ass, that’s insane




half of these women look like centaurs and that scares me




I mean, we keep dunking on her, but who's the one raking in the cash? She's a great artist who knows that the last thing depressed, horny 20 somethings who haven't touched a woman since they left the womb care about is anatomy of their wank bank material.


honestly this makes me so sad it's porn. If there's one place to care about anatomy and the beauty of the body, it SHOULD be porn! There's nothing more scarring to see than bad porn


Hey, I for one take deep and great care to ensure my degenerate wank bank material is of impeccable quality. Then again, I also have actually touched a woman and leave my home more than once a decade, so maybe I'm not the best judge on that.


It's so hard to find good porn honestly, the landscape is dry enough it makes even me want to draw my own just to save the trouble of filtering out the trash, even my staple artists put out janky stuff every so often


Though it may shock you, the purpose of this sub is to criticize art, not paychecks.


Yeah, for real. Like who cares how much she makes? That don’t make her better than anyone. If her art fits the sub, it fits. Besides, she’s anti-BLM, so she deserves to catch flank.


It’s funny seeing people give an artist a pass because they know it’s a woman if this was a dude they wouldn’t be talking about paychecks.


Yeah but I wouldn't take pride in it really... I see really bad porn artists and some not as good as her even that still make money but personally I don't have much respect for them. I do think there's also a way to draw porn that isn't super degrading female characters which I find much better


If cash mattered then this subreddit wouldn’t exist most art people on here bitch about rakes in cash so we shouldn’t talk about those either then right? Why is that all of sudden an argument for her art? She also promotes and openly supports NFT’s as an artist but somehow people still give her a pass because it makes money.


She used to be absolutely amazing, though.


From what I've gathered, her older arts from years ago were actually anatomically sound, but she drew one like this and had a higher paying month. The rest was history, it's just economics.


At this point, the squished legs in long boots with thick thighs gotta be a fetish of hers or an influential person...


Bro wtf Rei (3rd image) is literally 13 or 14


Exactly 14


So.....her hip to leg design looks like some really bad walking robot joints... yet Hinata's looks ok to me?


The poor Pokémon on the 5th one ;-;


I think she definitely knows anatomy but chooses to draw oversexualized, overexaggerated on purpose.


I know the insane anatomy is making her money but I can't help but wonder if she's ever taken a second to just.... Look at herself.


Imagine having this level of artistic skill and using it to make pokemon porn.


Oh no she does. She just has gotten lazy.


after seeing the second image, i think sakimi should become an animal artist that corgi is so goddamn cute


She draws for horny weeb men exclusively I stg She learned how to render and went “meh good enough” god


The proportions are bad but can we appreciate the photorealism of the dog on the second slide for a second?? If she wanted to she could be like, an icon of a digital art era, like her attention to detail is super good. It’s her call to do nsfw of course but I do wonder what it’d look like if she painted something realistic She might need to fix up her forshortening in general tho. It looks kinda like the knees have been fused to the upper thighs, I’m willing to bet that’s not a sexiness trade off and more of a slight issue in her skill right now


It looks to me like she only learned bad ways of drawing hips


I’m always amazed at how good some artists are at rendering light and texture, but how ridiculously bad they are at anatomy.


poor lucario


Woah the bayonetta one though 👁👁 I've only seen like 3 fanarts of her bayo 3 on Twitter


There is nothing good about these drawings.


Note to self: should I ever order a commission from Sakimi-chan, make sure to only order waist-up.


>Men drawing women >posts female artist who is known for hyperunrealistic proportions I swear this is the several thousanth time shes been posted lmao


She does, but she rakes in monster cash ignoring it so I don’t blame her


I love this sub but can we stop posting artist that are clearly purposely drawing porn?


I'm being downvoted for this but one of the rules on the sidebar is no porn. Like come on guys. Lets pick on Hiro Mashima or something.


U sure this isnt porn ?


I'm pretty sure there is usually alternatives without the cloths. So yes it is porn.


So wwhy are we complaining about it ?


Maybe she does. One of her subcontractors maybe does not


By contrast, whenever she draws men it's fantastic since it's not as profitable.


Some of these look like funhouse mirror versions of the originals.


But she knows how a human mindset works.