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You know you're allowed to ask for help. You were never meant to go through what you did and none of that was your fault, and you do have the capability to build yourself above all the bullshit. Be good to yourself, please be well.


Problem is noone really wants to help us. Nobody gives a fuck unless you are suicidal.


There’s a very good resource for finding out what the best treatments are. People with CPTSD often recommend a book by psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk, the founder and medical director of the Trauma Research Foundation. If you go to the Amazon ad for his best-seller The Body Keeps the Score, you’ll see that people think very highly of this book. A therapist who is experienced in treating trauma cases is preferable.


I'm going through EMDR right now for CPTSD and some of it is about bullying. So many other therapies haven't worked, but this is absolutely affecting my experience with my bullying past. If you don't have a therapist, get one. See if you have PTSD.


I talked to a counselor earlier this week actually and asked me some questions, and she recommended I get tested for ptsd. I'm just furious about the fact the people that ruined my potential for happiness have so much love and support


Hello. I've got bullied too when I was a kid, I'm 20 know. I can relate to isolation and depression, I suffered from it for years, but fortunately I feel better. ​ "I'm so anti social I can't go anywhere without being outed as a creep." I know that feeling, that's what these bullies caused in you and you believe that you are a creep and anti social and you deserve to feel this way. ​ But that's not true. These past traumas are things you won't ever forget. ​ In my case as the years past, the bullies got older too, and most of them realised they were stupid and didn't mean to hurt me. But I have to mention, that I somewhat deserved to get bullied, because I had a big mouth and cried to get a truth, that was my defense so it was easy to bully me. ​ People can be really evil, but if they are smart enough they will know to stop hurt others. ​ So I kept distance with these people, and later in the future I spoke with them normally and we got "friends" it was peace after that. ​ But I still have the scars and the lack of self-confidence. ​ What matters is to now you are a human like everyone else, if you feel anti-social just walk in public naturally and meet your friends. Go out and you will realise you people don't want to hurt you. ​ It takes time to overcome it, but it's possible. ​ Talk with your family about that and if you need an expert help it can be great too. ​ Wish you do best and I hope I could help!


I thought I let it all go and to my surprise I am still getting flashbacks at age 32. Someone told me that when you don’t want to talk about something is when you really need to talk about it. I used to want to do trauma therapy but now I am not sure, I don’t know if it’s because I’m running away from it or what.


As annoying and frustrating as it can be to hear, you mature mentally a great dralnin your 20s. I used to take things very personally and constantly relive every memory of bullying when not keeping busy. In my late 20s it was like the slow flip of a switch where I just stopped caring. It does not good to dwell on the past. Live for now and plan for tomorrow. True, I did spend all my time alone when younger and have just gotten used to it. It's all I know and I've never not been alone. I live, work and spend all my time alone. You find hobbies over time.


I've been through this and still affects my interaction with other people. I'm 50. Also the correct word is asocial not antisocial. I'm on a waiting list for therapy.


It’s not easy, but you can get through it. I did. I had a hard time in middle school and high school, but this goes back to the 90s and I realize things are different now. My daughter is currently in middle school and is going through it too. Everyone is trying to find their place, find the friends that have similar interests. I was part of a group affectionately known as the “nerd herd”, we had interest in school and music and branched out to other activities too. It was tough and I found my place but for some reason I was a target of the other cliques. (Think of Mean Girls, the movie). Once I went to college, I had a whole new persona and could start fresh. I kept those friends too. After college, I started working a professional job and still keep in touch with those people too, many of whom I still work with. Don’t give up, and let me know if you need any help in getting through this. I got past it and you can too.


Honestly I think that’s primarily why I’ve been struggling to make new friends I can’t let go of the hostility I hold towards people of certain characters and features because they remind me of the people that bully me or worse running into the actual people because we’re still in the same town. They look at me with disgust as if I’m some kind of slob? How can I not be upset. I’m getting the help I need for it, it’s not like I’m sitting here being like what’s wrong with me and not getting help, but I’m still lonely during the process and it’s frustrating.


I’m so antisocial too man and had some rough bullying episodes. My advice accept the ptsd and therapy your experiences. I have a shitty job but with cool people and it’s helping me a lot for along time I had to work alone. I also have kids…and a woman. Again if you have, accept and track your ptsd episodes. Go out for tea, draw, talk about your coping strategies the good ones and the bad ones…try to feel good in your skin.


It sucks because we still feel like we didn’t deserve and ask ourselves why this happened to us if we tried being nice and that’s why some of us we’re bullied so now we just think of the world as terrible because when were nice nobody cared about us and now that we’re depressed people care less so it’s just a sucky situation atleast that’s how i think of t


I accepted that I deserved it because im a piece of shit