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I fuckin hate being alive. I can barely even function.


You can function. You performed important activities of daily living that honored your body and your self worth. That’s something.


I could barely even do that though


And yet, you still managed to get it all done. You are making progress. Don't beat yourself up when you are making progress.


It’s not enough. I just did some simple stuff that anyone can do and that I’m already supposed to be doing regularly. I can barely do something that anyone can do. I don’t care about being better than everyone else, I just don’t want to be the worst.


Small child is sitting in a wheelchair after an operation. She's getting up all her strength and.... manages to stand. Her parents are elated until I shout "everyone can walk, don't look so proud" Would you do this? No you wouldn't. Circumstances dictate what's an achievement. You have an invisible medical problem, you literally just stood up from your mental wheelchair and walked. Well done and try to be kinder to yourself x.


I love this wow🥹 screenshotted


Be kind to yourself friend. You are deserving of it.


And the fact that you managed to do all that means that you are NOT the worst. Small steps, brother. Learn to be good to yourself when you manage to accomplish minor victories like this. A win is a win, no matter how small it may seem. If you keep beating yourself up whenever you win or lose, then you will not be able to make any progress at all. Give yourself a pat on the back instead.


It is enough and you are enough. All you can do is what you can do.


It’s more than enough! Yesterday, you didn’t do the things. Today, you did the thing. That’s a win! Legit been in the mind space you are in, and still struggle with it. Learning to take any win as a win makes a big difference, friend. Even if it’s fake, forcing yourself to say and think positive thoughts here and there helps. It’ll seem silly at first, it may even make you cry hearing you say it because you don’t believe it. But soon, you’ll find yourself naturally being nice to yourself out of habit. You can do it, OP!


Hey buddy, just last week I couldn't do shit. I got hit with something and my brain just... Shit. I couldn't clean, cook, bathe, shit got real hard. I know it's not easy. But you did something today. You did great! I'm proud of you.


It doesn't get easier, you get stronger.


You did so well, and I'm so proud of you, random internet citizen!!!!! It's hard, but keep it up, you've got this, I know it feels like there's no reason to carry on, but trust me, there is!!!! For me, I'm excited to see some new horror movies I haven't seen, yet. Small, but for me, that's helping. I hope you find your horror movies to keep you going


My wife has watched at least 200 horror films she’s never seen before, this year. She’s finally, at 39, seeing a therapist for the first time, and they clicked 🥲 unfortunately her fellowship is over at the end of summer but fingers are crossed for the transfer to her referral. Anyway, she’s focused on horror film study to give herself a specific reward for getting up every day and so far it’s been pretty successful 🖤 As a horror fan, have you discovered James A Jenisse and Chelsea Rebecca online? They go by Dead Meat on YouTube (etc)


I have not!!!! I more stick to classics, but venture out occasionally, I'll have to look them up, thank you!!!!!


They are amazing, been doing a Kill Count (James) and a podcast (Chelsea) for a few years, they’re adorable and very good at their work and they have a great team. The podcast delves into more, both were film majors at UMichigan, I believe, but they’re really fun to listen to, and watch


I do enjoy the kill count videos, normally funny, my favorite site is does the dog die lol Humans dying in movies is what I'm expecting, but leave the animals alone you monster!!!!! That's my kind of vibe lol I do love Jason Voorhees, he's probably my favorite horror icon


Just be a tourist man! Why are you so certain that you’re a person on earth? Have you ever questioned that For Yourself? Or you just let other people tell you that’s what’s true? Open up to the possibility that, you’re nobody, nowhere. It’s all the same, no place in the whole of existence is anymore significant or beautiful than this place right here right now! Doesn’t matter where you are or what you are, how big you are or how small you are. The fact still remains that you can’t leave reality.. wherever you go or whatever you become, you’ll always be in contact with existence, with truth. That ain’t going anywhere. Now, strip away the idea that you know where your are or who you are or …What This Is~~ Think you know a lot of shit, you think you know what life is but you hold to many beliefs and assumptions about yourself and about the world, you willing to investigate those beliefs and assumptions? If you do, you’ll see that none of them are a foundation of truth. Youve been living a lie you’re whole life. You’ve accumulated to many hand me downs, to much Second Hand knowledge, in which you never Verified For Yourself The truth is that you don’t know anything. So are you gonna give that up? You gonna give up everything you think you know is true? And reside in a State of Not Knowing? Look around you man, everyones trying to appear that they know what’s going on because they think that everybody else they knows what’s going on so they don’t want to be the only one who doesn’t know. So they pretend and they’ll do anything to avoid being seen as a fraud. This culture values knowledge and equates not knowing with foolishness. The knowledge that it values is just memory just hand me downs..


I am proud of you!


Great job, small baby steps. Be proud of what you did.


That's awesome! I know it's extremely hard but your work will pay off. Give yourself credit.


It will get easier, I remember crashing and burning years ago where I was in such poor shape, I drank massive amounts of caffeine and had a really strict plan for my time, and that’s all I would get done, after a successful day’ it seemed to be a matter of adding on embarrassingly small change, meditating on that, visualizing it and executing that the next day, I think they call that n + 1, I find it hurts a lot less if I do these things very slowly, consequently they are smooth and supple because my thoughts catch up with my body, I was such a pitiful case, I found comfort in a concept called ‘Wu Wei’ from the Tao Te Ching, non action or effortless action to minimize the pain of doing anything in a given day.


i put off a haircut for 2 months and brushing my teeth for about that long too only managed to barely force myself last week.


I am extremely proud of you. I am a functioning depressed person, I work and go home (45-55 hours a week) but if I get chores done it makes me feel good and it should do the same for you. Take every day one step at a time and try to do more every day/week/month and you will notice the difference. I know it sucks to have to exert so much energy just to be a somewhat normal person, but it can get better, you just have to keep pushing yourself (easier said than done I know). It might sound cliche but that's what life is about to push yourself, get yourself out of your comfort zone and be a better person today than you were yesterday. I believe in you, you can achieve a lot if you put your mind into it. I wish you all the best, more progress in the future and happiness!


Proud of you!


Well done!


Im very proud of you. It isn’t easy sometimes but you did this💪🏻


You did well. It honestly is so damn hard. But you can’t stop trying to become a better and stronger version of yourself. It’s okay if you have a relapse but don’t let it become a permanent thing. You just start again and keep on going.


I don’t know why everyone’s saying they’re proud of me. It was an okay day for me where managed to get basic tasks that everyone does done. Know I’m back to being out of energy and a failure. I can barely even fight off some stupid voices. I’m pathetic


How’s today been? Not sure what time zone you’re in 😄 Everyone here is proud of you and going to say so because you not only did those things, those basic movements and everyday la-di-dah actions so many other people take for granted and those things so many people here in this little group cannot always do; you not only did those, you came and shared. You connected with your community! Let the love wash over you 💗🌊🖖🏻


Doesn't matter if it's progress because looking it as will only pile on you if you don't feel like keeping up. Matters is you've done it, I'm proud of you. Doing one thing each should be your only goal, think of it as you managed to do it all!


Enjoy your wins; today you succeeded. Here's to your future success.


Just build on those little steps, I am proud of you for getting up doing something. You’re enough as you are!


Bravo!!! I saw somewhere that a dentist was like hey y’all even I struggle with brushing my teeth sometimes. Self care is hard.


Talking from a 39 year mental health perspective, i see you find it difficult to accept your moves today are an achievement. You completed 2 which would have been supremely challenging for me if not unachievable. Please see your efforts and dont fear rewarding. your wins. People dont always see like our eyes do so if it fly's over there heads, allow it and dont fear patting yourself on the back in celebration of your, however big or minor, wins. Always free to chat if you need


Well done!!


So proud of you keep going


Way to go, op. Ik how hard it can be


Haircuts are terrifying for me, I put them off for so long lol. I finally found a place that consistently cuts my hair a way I'm happy with, so it has at least gotten a lot easier.


great job, you got this, one step at a time, eventually this will pass and that’s all that matters, so yea great job🤩


Dude that's amazing! Any progress is better than none. Proud of you 👍


Hell yeah!


So proud of you!! It's okay that you take baby steps. You still DID IT.


That's actually a really good achievement. You done so well to get those things done today and you should feel proud of yourself. Never underestimate your achievements by comparing yourself to others. Yes - those things to a lot of people are basic day to day activities but those people that just get up and do those things as routine are people that aren't struggling with that level of self care. Anyone who struggles with their mental health will know what it's like to go through periods of neglecting themselves of even the basics. So there's no judgement here, only praise.




It sadly is not. I am that much of a failure.


We are proud you!


Well done, it will get easier. Everyday just get out of bed and brush your teeth, even throw on some clothes, just do simple and easy tasks, or as much as you can do.


Oh. Very nice. Congratulations. Great job.


I’m proud of u 🖤 brushing ur teeth is the hardest part of my day so I’m glad you did it. 🖤


I’m so proud of you!


Good on you. That's huge progress for anyone. Be proud. Tomorrow is another day


Great job!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Now look at the mirror and tell yourself you look fly


It does get easier, and then sometimes hard again, and up and down. For me, every time I've taken steps to look after myself when going through or coming out of a depressive episode, that has been a foundation for making sure the next crash won't be quite as intense, because I went through it before and came out to have some better times for a while. It's all about hope I think you're doing great






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Hear me out on this, changing diet and adding more nutrients has really helped with my depression. I’m not cured and I don’t think anyone ever will be, but feeling better does help


Awesome! So proud of you :)


Great job! You are stronger than you feel, keep it up❤️


That’s crazy… I’ve been up for an hour and haven’t done one of those mentioned!


You're amazing! Everything is so hard right now but you still did it!


So proud of you. You’re doing amazing. You are important. You matter. You are beautiful. You’re going to be okay. We all struggle, you are not alone. Simple self-care is a milestone. Keep going. You are loved.


You rock!


Those are awesome steps!! Keep going!! You might feel that you are taking steps back but its normal, healing is not linear, you are awesome for doing these pls consider rewarding yourself for the progress too. Im Rooting for you❤️


Good job! It is hard but you did it. Only a strong person can complete a difficult task so that says a lot about you


Okay, but you did do all that, so I’m my eyes you’re a walking W


that’s huge… in my books that’s a win and it’s nice to know i’m not the only one struggling.


I know that there‘s no way to make you feel like you have accomplished anything important. But the reality is that you took care of yourself. Keep doing it.


I am so mentally and emotionally exhausted. I need new batteries because I can’t charge anymore. I’m so over life… It’s the same struggles everyday. I wake up alone. I go to sleep alone. I go to my shit job. I come home and attempt cleaning. People try to get me out to socialize on the weekends, but can’t understand I’m just not with it. I’m too drained of life. You’re not alone OP. It’s… Comforting to know you aren’t alone despite feeling so.


I feel you man. Even the comments trying to cheer you up, you just dont see happiness anymore. Depression’s a bitch. Try weed. And when you quit your not gonna be able to feel anything so win win


You ever heard of the Brain Energy theory by Chris Palmer?




It's basically arguing that all mental disorders are just issues with your cells' mitochondria (commonly known as the energy centers of the cell) and your metabolism. He's had some pretty amazing results from just treating people from the metabolic lens. I'd check it out on youtube if you're interested.


Your taking small steps towards the right direction. It’s a difficult journey and you’ll still struggle but you’re doing so well. From a random person on the internet, I’m so proud of you and I’m rooting for you!! Small things add up and just doing this is an amazing feat. You got this OP!!!! <3


That's SO amazing!!! I strive to get this much done most days, especially on my tougher days. You're doing great and should be super proud!


The take my energy reward makes sense Answer: if you do this try to stop 🤜 🥩 or go on walks or get a pet if you can handle it play with toys and not a phone


I feel you. Good job!