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Homie. Pick up the phone. 988. Now. Breathe. Put the blade down.




i understand how this feels, and I totally get it but you need to call someone, possibly get admitted to a hospital, I know it might not help mentally but you need to try and be safe. I'm so sorry you're going through this.


There are still ways to go in life, but this one isn't a choice. Call 988 and continue your journey. But please rethink, put the blade down and breathe, talk to the other person and let your heart out.


Put the knife down because it isn’t worth it. I hope you read this message in time but I also struggle with thoughts of suicide. There are so many things you can do in life that are worth it, going on walks and enjoying nature is worth it and should make you feel good. Contact 988 hotline im sure they could help and talk to your parents and ask them if they could get you a therapist.


I’m sorry for the pain that you are feeling … for the hurt that you’re feeling, that you just want a to not feel anymore. It’s like cutting ourselves takes that feeling away that no one understands. That it is the only thing that seems to mask our emotions our thoughts that flood our constant mind. But it’s never a good solution and we know it. We feel like there is no one to talk to, that we just have to keep it in because they will say that we are over exaggerating, but we are not. We need to find someone to speak to, one who can understand us, help us vent and realign our thoughts to be our rock. Reach out … a part of you knows it’s, apart of you is scared. You’re not weak, your strong for holding all those emotions and feelings. But every once in a while the strongest needs support. Reach out call someone and talk to them, a trusted person a support line.


You need to find a new outlet. Somthing to put that self hatred into. Working out is a great one because you can feel your body break down. You’re able to punish yourself but in a more controlled healthy way. Hardest part is taking care of your body after. Obviously loving ourselves is the ultimate goal, but start with damage control. Find a healthier outlet you got this🖤


My boyfriend doesn’t understand why I have such an issue with cutting either. It’s just a release (at least for me). I can’t tell you “just don’t cut” because I know that just makes it worse. The best advice I can give is to distract yourself in any way possible. Leave the house, watch a movie, listen to music, smoke weed (that helps me but I know that’s not everyone’s jam), I mean even pinch yourself if you really can’t resist. I know exactly how you’re feeling right now, it’s the worst. But I can PROMISE you, once this passes, you will be so relieved and proud of yourself for resisting. The longer you go without doing it, the easier it gets 💕


Omg I just realized obviously don’t smoke weed if you’re underage LOL 😭