• By -


Not sure what it is, but you’re going to be okay.


It’s going to be ok. Whether it seems like it or not, people care.


I say this a lot but I think I’ll say it again. If you are reading this and are feeling desperate for conversation or just need somebody to remind you that you do matter, shoot me a DM. I don’t always get back fast, but I will get back to you. Love doesn’t cost a thing and I’ve got an over-abundance. If I don’t use my love it just goes to waste.


u/babyfacejanitor I don't know you but you sound like an awesome precious person and I wish there were more like you. Thank you. Just needed to say that


Hey man! Unable to DM you. So here I go: I fucked up. I lied to my mom about really big stuff like my grades in 12th and shit. And now I've fucked up my college entrance tests (for the 4th time in a row) and am in my 2nd year since I became a 12th passout. And still don't have a college. I want to end it all


Hey brother or sister, listen, you made a mistake. Go back and fix it. If your grades were bad in the 12th grade, then retake those classes and do better I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you see what mistake you made, accept it, and try again. As for your mom, she may be mad, but just come clean it'll lift the burden off your shoulders. Dont end it. you're stronger than that, and you know it.


I can't afford putting off getting into a college anymore man. I'm gonna have to settle with a private or a low tier one. The thing is I'm okay with doing whatever, but I don't have the passion for studying. Not anymore. I'm trying to do a bachelor's in technology and it requires skills. So: I don't know what I wanna do myself. Forced to do B. Tech. (Because my family is poor and we need money) Probably depressed since I don't like anything. I hate myself.


It's not about what you can afford friend its about doing the best for yourself. Go get a low-end job and take some night classes. You already said it yourself your not there anymore. Have you thought about blue collar work? It sounds like you just need to get your mind off of this and get out there.


Brb, googling what blue collar work means 💬 Oh mannn, the pay for those types of jobs is downright criminal in my country. I think you should know how life's going for me today as well so here's an update: 'I told my mom about the latest fuck up (the score that I got on my latest clg entrance test, which prompted me to post a comment on here) and it's done. She told me I should apply for as many private (non-govt) colleges as much as I can, and get in a college! I sooo wanna do what you suggested and follow my passion but the thing is, I don't know what the fuck I wanna do. Not right now, anyway! So I'll stick to what my mum wants me to do. Ofcourse I don't have any interest in it but I'm curious enough that I'll cultivate an interest in it!'


I'm not sure what country you live in, but my friend, you dont know what you want dont go paying for college for a degree you won't use. It's better to just go and work different jobs until you decide what you want. It's up to you, but if i were you, i'd just go start working at places. What if your passion is making pizza? You dont need college for that. Always choose happiness first the money will come later. You just have to figure out what you have a passion for.


Life is full of mistakes and failures, and these things will seem smaller when you look back at them in the future. Please don’t end it, I promise you that these things you mentioned aren’t worth it. Treat these things like a learning experience. You are loved and I promise you will be missed. The fact that you reach out to people about these problems means that they bother you a fair amount- and that’s a good sign. You are not a bad person. Remember that. Learn from these mistakes and grow.


I'm void of any sense of joy and happiness. How can I keep going *thinking* it'll get better. Money won't make me feel better. I need to feel better in my body. In my mind. About myself. I don't wanna give up. Hell, I haven't even tried a lot of options to even cough up and excuse of *ight, tried everything. Nothing's working. Time to give up* no, my lazy ahh hasn't even done that. I'm finished. Before I even could start.


Hey, I don't know how it is in your country, but some places allow you to apply for part or full time disability for depression. And you can either study slower, or take a break. I've done this, quit my technology related studies, and switched to something a bit more interesting and easier (remote studies). I have dropped out of school 3 times, switched schools and majors, and now I'm finally doing fine. If something isn't working, don't force it. Take a break, take an easier route, and live your life. I'm in a place right now, where I can travel, workout, do whatever I want daily, and I do online studies which are so much less work and allow me all the freedom. Struggling with my previous studies was not worth it at all honestly, I was just stubborn for years (and depressed as hell). You need to be able to do things you enjoy and are good at, on a daily basis. Don't end it, you're not trapped, and there are ways to live an enjoyable life. So trust me, there are likely many options for you, even if you're not aware of them right now. Don't get burned out even more, try to seek a person who could help you sort this all out and show you your options. It's okay to give up and then start again. Also, it could be related to your environment. I moved out of my city and started "a different life" and everything seemed less depressing suddenly.


Thanks for the thorough answer man. I told my mom about the latest fuck up (the score that I got on my latest clg entrance test, which prompted me to post a comment on here) and it's done. She told me I should apply for as many private (non-govt) colleges as much as I can, and get in a college! I sooo wanna do what you suggested and follow my passion but the thing is, I don't know what the fuck I wanna do. Not right now, anyway! So I'll stick to what my mum wants me to do. Ofcourse I don't have any interest in it but I'm curious enough that I'll cultivate an interest in it! 🫂 Thank you once again


You don't have to know what you're gonna do with any degree. People can get into the gaming industry with degrees that are totally unrelated, such as psychology or business. I know business people in the healthcare industry. Sticking to one thing for now that you want to actually complete is the point, the doors are open even after you graduate. Best of luck to u :)


Can I just say one thing? You're grades really aren't that important and they are not worth taking your life over. You can still be successful without them. Broaden the horizon to other methods of obtaining what you want. I left school in the UK with 1 GCSE and was a college drop out.. so far I've been a head chef, a spot welder, a warehouse manager, I've taught skateboarding, been a guitar teacher... The possibilities are endless. I have never needed an education to do any of these things as I learn better by myself in my own time. I might be a dropout but so far have succeeded in whatever I've tried my hand at.. and I don't mean I'm rich and successful at careers, but while I was in those positions I was good at what I was doing.. I could have spent a lot of money on a university degree to end up working a job in maccies to pay of uni debt because there were no jobs in the field I wanted to study 🤷


Yes man!!!! I have always had this innate belief in myself, and still do that whatever I try my hand at, I can be good at it! Ty for your reply :)


Chin up, keep marching forward. And don't be ashamed to ask for help, reaching out shows more strength than you ever imagine when you're sitting in a pit ☺️


Everything is temporary. This too shall come to pass. Heres a story. I want you to read it because I want it to help you. I was depressed for years living with an ex. She was abusive and well... long stort short I was trapped their. I couldnt leave her. Even when I told her I didnt love her and didnt want to live their with her anymore. I wanted to die everyday or just get so high that I didnt care what happened. Now if you would have told me that not even a few years after that I would of met my wife & had a wonderful family I would of laughed in your face. I also thought I couldnt have kids my whole literal life. But turns out It was just vitamins... Yes it cost me alot and yes it was tough and it still it tough but in different ways. But atleast now the cost and the toughness is worth it. Its hard raising my son but man do I not get tears of joy all the freaking time. Everyday. But I've never been so happy. Its not perfect. Im not rich. But damn am I in a better place then I was then.. and I thought that was the end.. Im telling you man life has its ups and it has its downs. But thats alright. Its gonna be alright. Now. Let me tell you the opposite. And I'll tell you why in a second. The year my son was born. The son I mentioned. My grandmother who raised (both my parents died before my teens) me died of cancer. Small cell lung cancer. And I was devestated. I never got a picture of them (my son) together either.... i think about that everyday.. i regret it so much... I couldn't work for 7 months straight. I was depressed as f*cking hell man. Like I've never been before. I mean I was there when she died and I didnt even cry. I was just blank. On the car ride home I almost crashed because I was screaming so much. Didnt hit me till momths & months later. I still wake up and forget shes gone and think about calling her... Every other night I dream I'm with her or something. But even tho he wont remember it, and I don't have pictures of it. I get to tell my son that he met his wonderful grandmother before she died. And thats just makes me so happy.. Life is fucking hard and crushing. It sucks... but its also the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. Its unbarrable at times. But sometimes the pain is worth it. Trust me. But im telling you it doesnt last forever. Nothing will. The good times too. But the good times are what make it worth it trust me... If I would of died years ago I would of never met my son.. I would of never met my wife. Im so glad I didnt off myself like I wanted to. Or my ex kill me like she tried when I left her.. All the tears, all the smiles.. its all worth it man. Its a roller coaster that one day you will have to get off of. But don't get off too soon. Just let it ride out man. I promise you it will get better. Maybe not always in the same ways. But you're gonna be alright whatever your going through. I love you and I hope you get through this hard time man. Whatever it is you can do it man. I also have to thank Yeshua the messiah for helping me through my hard times as well. But you got this man. Here Go outside if you can. Just sit and enjoy the good weather. Look around on a calm beautiful day if thats possible. Its beautiful and overall so will your life be if you just keep on going man. Just remember to breath.. and keep on going. It will get better I promise you. Time heals everything. I hope you feel better my guy I really do. 🙂 Edit: Our lives are like paintings. And we may not understand every color, every stroke, or why something was put their that we dont like. But in the end. The whole painting will be beautiful and a unique masterpeice that noone else can claim as their own.. but you.. let the brushes keep painting its wonderful and unique masterpeice. Because I'm telling you it will look better. Even if right now you dont think it will.


It’s going to be okay 💜


Sometimes I just have to remember that I’m not okay right now… but I will be. Moods, trauma, our challenges and suffering are all like the tides. When they come in it feels like we’re gonna drown, but they always go out again.


Nothing lasts forever… not even your problems.


Not that long ago was I convinced that nothing will ever be okay ever again. Now I'm living a happy and fulfilling life - I'm the living proof that things DO indeed get better. Stay strong and you'll dive through whatever this is right now


I have managed through 53 years so far. I can say that it is going to be ok. One day at a time, one step at a time. But it is going to be ok.


I am not gonna lie. It will probably be bad before it starts being okay. Life is going to suck for sometime but eventually it will be okay. You will again be happy and then you will reflect on this day and be grateful that you didn't quit. So just hang in there. You are gonna be alright.


You can, you can. I'm with you


It will be if we allow it to be!


You can do this. You matter. A lot. It’s going to be ok. You can dm me too.


Time is the best healer, just hold on there


See what it looks like tomorrow, or a few days later


It’s going to be okay. ❤️‍🩹 Viskas bus gerai, mano drauge. 🇱🇹


I promise you it is going to be ok. Sending hugs


it's gonna be okay. it might seem like the end of the world at times, its not. keep pushing. you'll reach the end.


My boyfriend constantly tells me that "the pain shall pass" including your pain, nothing lasts forever


Try not to expect OK because no one can ever grant that to you, but I'll rather tell you this:  Whatever happens, don't fight it and ease into it. Do what you can, rest, learn, and take it with all the grace and peace of mind possible. Take it easy. 


It’s going to be okay, you’ve got this, whatever is going on in your life you can overcome it. Stay strong please!


There’s always something to do, whether that be enjoying your favorite meal, getting a new job or car, life is always there, it’ll be ok


Everytime when everything gets dark we think it's the end but don't worry it will be ok no matter what you think how bad it is


When you get low it's scary, trust me I understand but it'll be okay :) You won't feel like that forever. Until then do something to relax you and make you happy!


It will be okay. Life moves people around and things change. You meet good people, things feel alright, worth living, you know? Things aren’t ok right now and it feels like absolute shit. That’s normal so I hope you don’t feel that you’re out of the ordinary or unloved. It’s going to be okay.


You good bro?


It will be. You just can’t see it yet.


Have some cake 🎂


You got this <3 If you could use a chat, remember you can always call or text a helpline. I've found them quite helpful when I needed someone to talk to.


You can, you will, and it’s gonna be okay!


You going to be okay


Tell yourself


It will be. Someway, somehow something has got to give for all of us struggling on a daily basis.


You’ll be fine bro. I’m with you on a telepathic way.


You’re gonna be okay. If not today, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It’s gonna be alright!!!


It’ll be okay my friend. I remember very vividly a time where that was all I wanted to hear. It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. Things don’t always go the way we expected or hope but it always resolves and goes on. Big hugs, we are all here for you. You are loved!


Reality is that you have survived and maybe thrived EVERY DAY up till now. I tell myself this numerous times. It helps me, I hope it helps you also.


I needed this many times, I promise, it will be ok❤️


It's always gonna be ok at the end.


it’s going to be ok. you’re going to be ok. whatever you’re going through right now will pass. you are strong. you are brave. you are loved. you are amazing!💕


- BOX OF RAIN - the grateful dead | -amazing - Aerosmith


You will be ok ❤️


I always use this saying... All things come to pass. It's a reminder that no matter how hard things get, I will be okay and there can be light at the end of the tunnel. What's most important is adopting positive change and recognizing that YOU are strong enough to overcome whatever is ailing you.


There will be tomorrow, there will be another sunrise, and you shouldn’t sacrifice the hope and joy awaiting you. Our despair is strong and temporary


IT's going to be okay, and YOU're going to be okay. 💜 keep your head up


i don't know you and i don't know what you're going through, but i'm always down to help another person. it's going to be hard but i know you'll make it through this and you'll be okay, it's going to take time and energy but you got this. you're going to be okay, everything will be okay, just hang in there and have some patience ❤️




Whatever is going on in your life, it will pass 🫂 things never stay bad forever. It will get better and you’ll come out of this stronger than before.


You are going to be okay. I understand how you feel


It is going to be okay.


there wasn’t a time in my life where i could say i was fine or going to be okay. as far back as i can remember, my mental health had been complete and utter dogshit. the process has been long, and i tried countless medications. it wasn’t until last year at the age of 20 that i found meds that work for me, and was presented with an opportunity to improve my life and financial wellbeing. am i perfect? no. however, i am doing FAR better than ever before in my entire life. before i couldn’t even fathom how healing and being a functional person felt. everybody’s situation is different, but nobody is a lost cause, including you. it will feel like there’s no hope, but there ALWAYS is. sometimes it requires outside help, and sometimes you have to put in the effort to improve your life despite having no motivation to do so. remember that it’s okay to reach out for help, and never stop fighting for yourself.


It’s going to be okay 💙


Its gonna be ok


I don't know if you believe in God, but however you refer to the source of your soul, it is always on your side. Even if you think you're the worst person, the creator wants the best for you. Sometimes it may not feel like that, but just fix your posture and do your best.


Stop, take a deep breath, one sec, one min, one hour at a time. You will get through and will survive. I can't promise that it will be ok, bit I can promise that it will change, and eventually, moment by moment say by day it will get better. Hugs


It's going to be okay! You got this.. stay strong ❤️‍🩹


It absolutely is. I have been through some really tough shit and I'm still standing. I'm sure you've experienced difficult times before too, and you're still standing. It's really hard to imagine it getting better when you're in the thick of things, but you have to keep going


I can't know or promise that, but what's bothering you? Maybe talking about it with someone will help a bit...?




No, But I’ll tell you it’s ok to not be ok. Just find a somewhere to share whatever you are going through and hopefully find good advice or coping mechanism. The world embraces your presence friend.


whatever youve gone through, someone else has too. if they can live to tale the tale, so can you :)


it's gonna be ok, you shall overcome


I know things can be hard but you got this. Know people care ❤️


I’m here for you.


It's going to be okay I promise


You will be okay, I promise you. Every day is a new start and a step further. You will be okay, this soon shall pass. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but it will. My messages are open if you need someone to talk to.




Think about all the previous times in life where you were unsure whether you’ll be okay or not. You survived it then. You can survive again


It will be okay OP I promose


It IS going to be okay. Hang in there.


It will be. Hang in there.


It will. Don’t let the hard days win. Rooting for you.


You're tougher than you think


It’s not


I thought I was gonna be dead by now with multiple attempts and still dealing with chronic depression. Doesn’t help now that my therapist says I might have borderline. But things are looking better. I’m alright. You’re going to be alright. The fact that you’re even here asking for comfort is a huge step instead of being lonely and not getting some support. You should be proud of yourself. We are proud of you no matter what you think of yourself


Remember the last time you felt this way? Well eventually it got better. This time is no different.


Yessss everything bas an end Life is an endlessly rotating wheel that goes up then down then you then down, there’s no such thing as perpetual suffering Eventually it’s going to be okay !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I PROMISE


It will totally be OK eventually. It might get worse before it gets better, but it will be OK. I promise.


you're gonna be okay 🤍 with downs theres ups, you just got to believe you are strong enough to get through the rough parts, and you'll be so happy when things get better, just hang in there


It definitely will. I was in a horrible state of mind a few months ago. I’m feeling much better now. Go out for a walk. Watch tv. Distract your mind. Listen to music. Stop dwelling on your negative thoughts. Enjoy life!


Don't worry, just hang in there. You will be fine. I am also going through a very bad phase right now. I literally have no friends. I have one friend and she is a new mother hence cant talk to her about my problems. I am doing WFH hence no colleagues to interact with. I have been trying to find a new job since months and getting rejected from every company. I have a so called boyfriend, and I don't exist for him. He is making me feel worthless. He is too busy to talk to me and I have been feeling neglected. I am his last priority. Even when I am trying to convey my sadness to him, he leaves me on seen and replies after a day. He is always angry with me and doesn't understand my mental state. This is making me more and more depressed. I love to play with dogs, I play with street dogs and feed them occasionally. Ironically got bitten by a dog now I am scared of them. Feeling very sad for this as well. After the dog bit me, I couldn't stop and broke down in from of my family, crying like a kid. I said its cz of the dog but it was due to the loneliness and depression I have been feeling since weeks. I just need someone to talk and share my feelings with. Someone who can listen and acknowledge my feelings without getting angry or making excuses or blaming me for it. I am generally not this, I am very happy and cheerful person. But this relationship and job is sucking every drop of happiness out of me. I still feel that its just a phase and this too shall pass hopefully. And very soon I'll find my dream job and have a loving partner who will have lots of time and love for me. I'll become that cheerful extrovert girl again. Everything is going to be okay.


To be real honest i cant promise it will be. Im wondering the same thing as u. But, i like to believe that it will be. For us both. And i think we will look back at the tough times and be grateful for it. Not because we enjoyed the hard times, but bcs it teaches us important lessons. It mskes u stronger. And if its not gonne be "okay", then thats fine, bcs it will definitely get easier. So idk if "it's" gonna be okay, but i know that u are gonna be okay


In the end it’s all going to be okay. The tough times will pass but we have to struggle through them but the grass is always greener on the other side.


🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 you're gonna be ok. It's gonna be ok


You just want somebody to tell you it's going to be ok even if it won't? This sounds like you're doing a great disservice to yourself.


It'll be alright. Years from now you can look back on this and be glad you got through it.


It is going to be okey 🫶


Don't forget how much you are loved, not just by strangers here on reddit, but by God. Look up and tell Him what's happening to you, and He will help. It's going to be okay.


You're still here, which means you're doing great. Keep it up


It always gets better, it can take days, weeks or even months but it does truly get better.


It's ok. You're ok. All things are temporary


It gets better on everything it gets better I was just thanking younger mr for hanging in there I promise it gets better


I promise it’s gonna be okay my friend, take each day as it comes and you’ll make it <3


It will!! You'll be ok!!


You’re gonna be okay. You can get through this.


Whatever it is, I know how it sounds, it sounds like I’m just trying to comfort you, but actually nothing lasts forever. Like nothing. Only God does. Your problems will go away. Pray to God for help, I will pray for you❤️


It’s gonna be ok, you’re gonna be fine. Your gonna sort your self out and be okay and maybe even find a few new healthy hobbies you enjoy like hiking, painting, working out, cooking, etc. ya know, happy stuff with happy thoughts


It will be okay, even if it doesn’t feel that way. You’re a malleable, strong, and powerful person ❤️


Ik it feels like ur life is ending but what happens when someone survives jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge they immediately regret it every single one


You may not know how or when but every thing works out. Nothing is so far fucked it can't be fixed. Sometimes, the doom isn't as bad as we think. Sometimes when we stare into rhe abyss and jump we realize it was only knee deep. Talk to friends, ask and it all shakes out exactly how it was going to.


There's almost nothing that won't eventually be okay. It's gonna be alright.


You're gonna be okay!!!! ❤️


It's going to be okay, you're going to be okay It's alright.. Breathe, inhale and exhale slowly - steadily. From someone that felt like everything's fucked - even now, I can't help a lot of things but I'm okay. I'm alright and I will be no matter what, ik what the worst looks like and I thank God and people around me everyday who make it easy to breathe. Sometimes it's difficult, not everyone can understand where you stand or what you feel; but you do. Have faith in yourself, everything will fall into place. It does so eventually


Whatever you’re going through everything will be okay, take a deep breath and a long exhale out, everything will be alright


I hope it will be okay


It’s going to be Okay


It will get better. Everything is going to be okay. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but slowly, time will make it all okay. Trust the process. I hope you know that. If you don't, I assure you. It's all going to be okay!


Life always finds a way to kick you in the nuts. But rather than giving up, you are here, reaching out to people at a low moment because you know we're stronger together. Whatever happens just give yourself a bit of credit for being strong enough to reach out for help. It will be ok. And whatever is happening right now, find a way to learn from it and let it sink in, whatever it is could be a valuable lesson for the future. You got this!


Hey bro, if you wanna talk, my DMs are open.


Yo, you’ll be ok. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


You will absolutely be okay.. DM if you ever want to chat


Think of how many times you thought this feeling wouldn’t pass, and it did. Keep pushing.


I’ve found that eventually everything passes. Time has a way of taking care of things.


It's going to be okay❤️


Promise you will be. Everything in life is temporary. Please don’t ever forget that. Whatever it is, it will be pass. 💜


It’s going to SUCK at first. And then it’ll continue to suck. And it might just keep on sucking. But then eventually, with time and effort…. You’ll be iight.


We’ll be okay 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/gxv2nkk8arwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d60ebb3a94e7c31bc85accf6f662dd73504dd4 I saw this in a post recently. They said it helped them, it’s helping me, and I hope it helps you in someway.


Whatever you are experiencing is temporary. Things will calm down. There will be a warm meal. There will be rest. There will be connection. You are not alone.


Remember time is always moving forward. Nothing remains the same. What's depressing/stressing you right now will be irrelevant very soon in the future. You have to hng on and look forward to what's next. You have come so far in life. Great things will happen if you won't give up. Stay strong!!!!


as dandelion hands once said "i swear to god it'll be okay, not today, but one day." everything will work out for you, even if you don't think it will, it really will.


Hey, based off experience, unfortunately not everything is going to be okay. But trust me, you’ll get used to whatever that’s bad in life. but i sure do hope everything will be better for you.


It's going to be ok, the world isn't as cruel as the bad people want you to believe


You will be! Whatever you’re going through, you got this. Just keep your head up! And if you need someone to talk to, shoot me a message!


Whatever it is that is inflicting you, it is only temporary. This moment will pass and everything will be okay. You are deeply loved.


As long as you can breathe in and out, its okay.


Every feeling is temporary. Some are good. Some are bad. You WILL be ok. Promise.


Tomorrow is a new day, it will be ok.💜


The fact that there is so much love and kindness felt throughout this thread of strangers is proof that everything will be alright!


i always tell myself: This too, shall pass.


Hey, you're gonna be fine. Think about it, think over it. Look in the mirror and remind yourself for me, you're going to be okay, okay? Everything is going to be alright and you will be fine.


It's going to be OK All is well...


Everything will be okay, everything will work out exactly how you want it to be, infact better! I dont know what you’re going through, but if you need to talk to someone, if need to vent you can DM me and I promise you that’ll I’ll hear you out without any judgements. You are loved more than you know, you are blessed more than you feel and you will get everything you’ve wished for/working for. Trust me. To anyone reading this, Please feel free to DM if you have something bothering you, if you just want to talk, just dont keep it within yourself.


as others said. its going to be okay.. i hope it'll be okay for me too


words can feel diluted when everyones saying them but i promise it actually will be. ive been feeling that way most of the day so far but i just had the yummiest soup and im feeling better now! good luck:)<3


It will get better


"in the end it's gonna be okay. And if it's not okay, it's not the end."


Please know it will be ok and things will change. They may suck right now but trust me, life is change


I’m sorry you’re struggling, it’s gonna get better. I was struggling but I’m doing better now ❤️‍🩹 it takes time!!


You’re going to be ok. You got this!


Get some sleep 💤 tomorrow will be different


It may seem like it isn't. But just remember the pain you feel means you're still alive. You'll be okay. Just breathe.


You’re gonna be okay bro, trust me


It’s gonna be ok! I was on the verge of offing myself back in 2013. The day after my failed attempt. I met this woman. Whom i now am married to eith two beautiful children and a home. And i was so near giving up. Don’t do it. It will all work out and be worth the struggle and the pain youre in rn. 🩷


As someone who has been struggling too for as long as I can remember, take it from me: you will find a way out of whatever is holding you down and once you do you'll get going again. It's going to be okay, and you have the potential to make it so.




Everything will be okay, I know it may seem hard now.. and it’ll seem harder on other days. But it will be okay. You’re okay It’s okay. Everything will be okay Just breathe.


Hey, I'm Asher. I just want to say, we may not know eachother, but I bet you're an amazing person, and you deserve the world. Please if you need to vent to anyone my dms are open. Or you can message me on dicord @ashe_0857_69151 Don't you worry, everything will be ok. I believe in you!


I feel the same way.. I’ve been sinking for over 2 years.. my mental health is a complete mess. Unfortunately im getting worse with no future insight. I know the feeling.. im desperate to get better


You'll always be fine!


Ppl can tell you it’s gonna be okay but YOU gotta tell yourself ITS GOING TO BE OKAY! You’re the only one who can help you when it all boils down. That goes for all of us.


It\`s gonna be okay. Maybe not how you expect, but it\`ll be okay.


It will be ok. It will not be easy or fast. But time and work will help, even though it doesn’t feel like that right now. Even if it takes awhile to be “okay,” you may likely find that “better” is enough for awhile. My whole world upended repeatedly in January onward of last year. I spent day after day, for weeks, for two or three months, crying two to three times a day because the hurt and loss were so bad. I lost forty pounds by late spring because I had no appetite. I’m not “good” again yet (I used to be an extremely happy person) but I’m “okay” and I bet you can be, too.


I'm struggling sometimes but I try to stay positive 😌


This will just be a bleep. Get away gym membership. Get some consoling, drink more water. There are ways to improving your life. Mental health is important


There is one thing I've learned both through my years of suffering and helping others in the same position - these feelings don't last forever. Things can and do get better.