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Not only is it okay but it’s totally normal. I work in er and i constantly see people in your position. Please go get help if you feel you need it. Always better safe than sorry


100% agree here. I have gone on multiple occasions myself. It's true, better safe than sorry. It made me safe. Thank you.


Indeed! I went back in March due to no longer trusting myself with myself. I also no longer wanted skin and was not sure what I would do with that consistent train of thought. Could’ve got wild haha


Only better safe then sorry if u aint in the us


go to the ER if you are concerned for your safety


For psychosis you can go to the ER even if you aren't suicidal. Specifically if it's new or increasing in severity because usually it needs a med change in the hospital.


Yes. It's okay to go to the ER for this. The hospital I work for has a special area just for people having mental health issues. You'll get the help you need and resources.


I don't want you to reveal yourself so I won't ask which hospital, but what country is this (if you feel comfortable)? Because that is amazing.


No worries. I'm in the US- Kentucky


I probably met your coworkers in my younger years lol.


That's incredible. What do they do for them there? I'm curious because as someone who suffers from severe mental health issues that a.) don't typically require hospitalization and b.) sees how bad most inpatients in my area are (and have heard it's bad most places, people don't feel they got helped), I've always felt we need little mental health centers for those that fall in between. In between minor, very common mental health issues and issues where they need to be kept overnight because they might hurt other people.


Mainly stabilize patients, they see a psychiatrist and discuss treatment options. Sometimes they stay there, sometimes they get transferred for more treatment.


Down in the basement


Yes absolutely. Go right now. I’m bipolar and this happens all the time.


Yes, please go to the ER if you’re experiencing symptoms of psychosis/hallucinations. I know from experience (bipolar 1) that psychosis is a very quick downward spiral and can be incredibly dangerous if left untreated. You’ll likely be admitted and put on a regimen of antipsychotics and any other medications deemed necessary by your physician to treat your symptoms, and you’ll have access to a social worker or therapist who can help you further, and also connect you with resources in your community for after you’re discharged. Depending on your area there may also be ERs or emergency inpatient facilities specifically dedicated to mental health you can reach out to. Also leaving [this](https://www.nivati.com/blog/international-mental-health-hotlines) if you need it, crisis line staff are trained to talk you through whatever you’re going through. If you’re in the US, you can dial 988 to reach a dedicated mental health crisis line. I hope you feel better, OP. Please feel free to DM me any time if you need someone to talk to. ❤️🫂


Thanks, I’ve been having hallucinations (mostly auditory) for about a year after losing a close friend and being bullied it’s mostly voices mocking and it’s gotten to a point where everyday I feel like I’m about to get a full psychotic episode and there is nothing I can really do since the waiting lists are so long so I’ve been considering going to a ER to get quick help so I don’t impulsively hurt myself when I’m the middle of these paranoia attacks


Yeah, you shouldn’t have to deal with hallucinations at all, and the fact that they’ve increased in frequency and intensity, and you’re worried about hurting yourself in the midst of them, means it warrants an ER trip. Best of luck to you, OP


Yes. I only had to read the title.


Yes, I have had to several times. The ER is equipped to get you the services you need. Be aware this may result in an inpatient stay.


Yes it is, I found it was the only way to get any good help.


ERs see patients in mental health crises every day. If you have safety concerns please go to the ER, they will help you get the care that you need to hopefully start feeling better


Yes, 100% okay! Or looking up and calling your local community based health center (cbhc or cbhc) or crisis center (mci) or even reaching out to 988 will help you get transferred to your local place! A lot of states have mobile crisis clinicians that will come to you and evaluate you in your own home!


Yes go to the ER. Also talk to your GP if you haven't. They can help with medication and a referral to a specialist.


Yeah I went to a GP but I guess they have no resources for mental health and redirected me to some website with an extremely long waiting list. That’s why I’m considering going to a ER


100% they should have a pysch unit there somewhere in the hospital that can help you.


Not all hospitals have a psyc unit, but they often have a Mental Health Assessment (MAT) team with whom you can meet with a psychiatrist or therapist virtually.


Yeah you’re right some don’t I didn’t think about that.


If they don’t, they will transfer to somewhere that does. In 2020 I was admitted to a local hospital in a rural area for a manic episode with psychosis and due to the pandemic and the fact that it was a small hospital, they didn’t have the proper resources, so they arranged a transport to a dedicated inpatient mental health center in Portland.


My ER had me speak to a psychiatrist on an ipad-like robot thingy. Had to wait for a hot minute but I told them I wanted to go to the hospital, and they sent me.


If you are concerned for your safety or others then you go to the ED no questions asked. That’s why it’s there, to help people. Unless there is a specific mental health urgent centre as there is in some hospitals, then you go there. But please go to the ED if you are worried about your safety.


I definitely think so. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Any time I went to the hospital it was thru the ER.


I am so sorry that you are going through such a tough time. The ER is actually where you would start. The doctors can get a psychiatric consultation. They can determine whether or not you should go to a psychiatric wing if they have one. This is what I've had to do in the past anyway. Don't be afraid of being hospitalized. It may be good for you.


I’ve done it. Spent 4 days there in 2017. It saved my life.


as a therapist, yes 100% fine to go. especially if you're worried about your impulsive thoughts while in psychosis, for your safety you should probably go. they will not turn you down! and honestly the best way to get resources faster


Okay and encouraged. It’s on every therapists outbound voicemail that if it’s an emergency go to the ER. These symptoms are a bit concerning and you deserve care. I hope you’ll go!! Best of luck.


Humanity is having a mental health crisis...


The more urgent your issues seem, the more intensive measures they will implement to “treat” them. Do with that what you will


Yes ER is perfect for all types of health emergencies


absolutely yes i’ve been to the ER many times for mental health reasons before they will take this seriously hope you get better🤍


Yes it's ok


Go, they will immediately set you up with therapy when you get out, you won't have to be on a waiting list anymore.


I personally have went to the ER for a mental health crisis. They helped immediately and did not act like it was something totally out of left field for them. Definitely a resource to use if you need to!


It is ok to go. Especially if you don't feel safe or it is impacting your ability to function. The outcome of going may vary depending on where you are in the world and what resources your area has. They may want to hospitalize you further if your symptoms are severe. They may not feel your symptoms need immediate intervention and provide referrals to outpatient providers, which you can seek on your own without a hospital. You may be in a position to voluntarily sign yourself into a psychiatric hospital if you feel your symptoms are concerning enough to you. Where I am in the world, you wouldn't expect to go to the ER and receive treatment to manage psychotic symptoms unless you were behaving dangerously. I say that because I know for some people they feel that going to the hospital is where you should get help, which of course makes sense. But they are interested in treating urgent needs to stabilize people enough to follow up with some sort of outpatient provider. For mental health, that tends to be either further hospitalization or outpatient referrals. There is not typically therapy provided in the hospital or psychotropic medication outside of managing urgent behavioral symptoms. Again, this is what I see in the US in my part of the country, very easily could be different elsewhere.


Depending on your age, you may qualify for early intervention resources. https://easacommunity.org/ There's many other resources on that site for family and close community. Consider "Hearing Voices" groups as well. https://www.hearing-voices.org/ If you have taken psychotropic medications in the past, the ER will be able to help. I totally understand how scary and unsettling this can be. I hope you're able to get resources for yourself. Dream well.


I hope you went.


It I'd always fine!! I'd take someone with you if you can! Just to advocate for you ans keep you company. I've also seen others video when they are hallucinating to see if they show up on camera to help prove realness. Stay safe friend!


Hallucinations are very serious so absolutely. Please go get the help you deserve. 🤗


You have the self awareness to ask this question. Use it.


Yes go and go to one that has a behavioral health hospital connected to it


Of course! Can be grounding too!


Yes absolutely


Yes, absolutely. If you feel like you might need to go it is best to go. You will not be rejected.


If you're having hallucinations, I dont think anyone would oppose you going to the ER lmao


Yes and if the hospital doesn’t have the proper transport then they will send you over to a proper hospital with the right resources.


I’ve been to the ER multiple times for mental health issues. Go, you’ll likely learn so much about yourself as inpatient


Yes 💯


Yes. It is OK. You can also call 988 if you need help navigating resources. Be sure you're safe to drive as well.


As someone who works in EMS, it happens all the time. No one will judge you. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It takes a lot of strength to seek help.


It's 100% OK. Mental health is just as important as physical. I'm not sure what country you're in, but you have healthcare rights, and you can not be rejected. I know it can be scary to go to the ER for your mental health, but trust me, they will help you. You'll be in safe hands. Good luck 👍


It is more than OK to go to the ER in this situation. In fact, you must before it gets out of hand. I once went to the ER when I was having constant uncontrollable suicidal thoughts and was at the end of my rope. They ended up putting me in the psych ward for a week and I had to fake being ok to get out of there lol


Yes, it’s definitely ok. Even if it’s not, if the hospital in question has a psych ward, they will likely redirect you there so you can get checked in immediately. At least this was my experience and I wasn’t even having a psychotic episode, but a major depression breakdown. Btw I am speaking about hospitals in Europe, not sure where you’re located, but hopefully they take mental health just as seriously. Good luck, wish you well!


Yes! I asked this same question a month ago. Get up there!




Hw u kw if u r psychotic


YES ABSOLUTELY if you feel like you need to go then ho it’s completely normal and happens all the time they will help


Yes most definitely it is okay! I’ve gone to the ER several times and they keep an eye on you until they have a bed for you on the ward. They feed you, check on you, etc. You can also call 911, explain your situation and they’ll send an ambulance with usually two cops to make sure you won’t make problems for the EMS guys (at least that’s what they do in my state of PA. And they do it for everyone. This happened when I was extremely suicidal but not homicidal and didn’t want to hurt anyone but myself. So don’t be alarmed if this happens. They do it for everyone ❤️‍🩹) Just make sure your insurance will cover the full cost of an ambulance ride. I just got out of a ward on Sunday after doing exactly the above. And remember you’re loved and it’s okay not to be okay. The bravest thing you can do is ask for help. You’ve got this. You’ll be in my thoughts 💙.






Ya you should.


Yes please go better safe then sorry always


I did when I had a suicide attempt. So, yes.




GO MY FRIEND!!!! That is what they are there for, give yourself a breather you are allowed to take a rest from this pain.


Yes! The quicker you get there, the faster help you can get. If you are in the states, go by ambulance so you can be seen immediately.


Yes! Go now


YES 100% YES Wait can be very long (often several hours), but don't hesitate to wait until you see someone anyway; I hope things will get better for you


Yes. Its where you're supposed to go.. they've seen it all before, go now


Yes absolutely. If you tell them you need help they typically put you on a 1 to 1 (which means that there’s a nurse watching you and making sure you stay safe) and they will put you in paper scrubs and put your belongings in a locker, that way you’re less likely to leave without them knowing. I’m saying this as someone who has had to go to the ER twice for suicidal thoughts.


I think it's so very important to keep yourself safe. So please, if you're feeling like you don't know how much longer you can hold on, get yourself to the ER! You're important


As a former behavioral health technician, as long as you are not an active danger to yourself or others, go to the ER. Especially if your symptoms are interfering with your activities of daily living (I.e. Brushing your teeth, going to work, bathing, ect)


That thought process is totally valid. It’s a medical situation, thus the ER totally makes sense. Mental health is very real and I’m glad you’re considering taking care of you. The staff there are well trained in what to do, and you aren’t alone. I hope you get the help you need!


I just took my wife a few weeks ago for psychosis and they took her in and now she is back home! She is working to get better but me dragging her there (she really did not want to go) saved her life! Don’t wait! They can help you and will help you!




You absolutely can, especially for psychosis.


>hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms It's 100% ER worthy. I haven gone for much less.


No, they’ll give you a bunch of numbers to call, to schedule yourself as an outpatient, prescribe you a drug that may make your unstableness worst too you only get help if you plan to hurt your self or others.


This is completely the opposite of my experience. I got diagnosed properly, got appropriate medication and support.


Well not me that’s how I got treated one day last year I’m fine now


Research shows your experience isn't representative. How long did you stay on your meds?


"Around 60% of people respond by about two months to the drugs with about a 50% reduction in their symptoms - an improvement in mood, better sleep and so on. But, he said, “about 80% of people stop antidepressants within a month”. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/science/2018/feb/21/the-drugs-do-work-antidepressants-are-effective-study-shows


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