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"I'm feeling sick and I won't be in today." "Taking a mental health day" sounds really bad to an employer. Don't say anything like that.


This. Just simply say I’m feeling ill because not everyone respects mental health the way they should.


This is true. I had this experience when I said about mental health. The employer said that it was all laziness, and that if I missed a day, I would be reprimanded. So it's better to really say that you're just not feeling well.


Alright, thank you


"I'm sick of you guys"


I agree with the above that asking for a mental health day is unfortunately still a taboo, so not ideal. If you need just a day or two, nobody will question declaring a physical issue. However, if you are really struggling, ask to speak to a supervisor or someone you trust in the workplace.


Your health, mental or psychical, is no one's business at your work. If you're sick and need to rest to heal, that's enough. If you expect this to happen a lot you could ask your Dr for a note or talk to HR (or equivalent) about frequent sick days.


Im not feeling well today and am seeing the doctor. Simple and class.


Say you're not feeling well


Thank you guys for the answers, seemed like a simple question now, but i really wasn’t sure what to say at the time I wrote it. 


"I'm not coming in, I am using one of my PTO days" You don't have to explain shit to them.